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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6021519 No.6021519 [Reply] [Original]

>What you should be doing
Doing homework for a boring statistics course without a trace of mathematical rigour
>What you are doing
Browsing /sci/ and getting my jimmies rustled by the fact that this board is officially shit tier. Starting an unoriginal thread that somehow still makes the first page less cringeworthy.

>> No.6021528

>this board is officially shit tier
well thanks for helping, faggot.

>> No.6021536

>What you should be doing
Looking for a job.
>What you are doing

>> No.6021566

>What you should be doing
calc 3 hw
>What you are doing
watching somebody speedrun pokemon blue

>> No.6021586

>What you should be doing
working out
>What you are doing
waking up

so am I

>> No.6021587

u almost me

>> No.6021680

>What you should be doing
Looking for a job.
>What you are doing
Reading Nietzsche.

>> No.6021722

>What you should be doing
>What you are doing
being lethargic

>> No.6021727

>What you should be doing
Reading over a 60000000 page long grant proposal to get up to speed on a microgravity accretion research project.

>What you are doing
Pretty much anything but what I'm supposed to be doing.

>> No.6021772

If you do not like the board, then leave.
You should be doing your work anyway, rather than wasting time.

>> No.6021770

>What you should be doing
Math research
>What you are doing
Playing N64.

>> No.6021777

>watching somebody speedrun pokemon blue
Can you post a link to the video please?

>> No.6021850

>What you should be doing
Numerical analysis homework that is due in an hour and I need to pirate matlab first
>What you are doing
4chan, also I am stoned

>> No.6021860

>and I need to pirate matlab first
You do not 'need' to pirate anything.

People work hard to create products like Matlab. You using their product without paying for it deprives them of revenue that they should be entitled to.

It is not ethical.

>> No.6021998


Are you serious?

>> No.6022009

What makes you believe that poster isn't serious? Piracy is a crime.

>> No.6022016

I don't think he is.

>> No.6022022

It's a victimless crime

>> No.6022040

No it is not. The fact is that they do lose money.
If you run a bakery and sell cakes, and half the people come in, take what you have made, and walk out without paying, would you consider that to be 'victimless'? Or would you consider them to be thieves?

>> No.6022038

No, it isn't. The people holding the copyright are the victims.

>> No.6022084


Copying is not stealing.

>> No.6022088

Yes, it is. Copying without permission is theft.

>> No.6022092

Is your whole morality based on what is legal?
(Not asking in this context, generally)

Why do people actually think like this?

>> No.6022096

There is no such thing as "morality". Morality is a religious construct. In a rational and scientific society we don't need morality because we have objective measurments.

>> No.6022103


No it isn't. It's copying without permission, it's not stealing which implies removal of property.

>> No.6022104

Well yes, excuse the term.
What I meant is that someone will actually go and report a victimless crime to the police, just because it's illegal. And without any personal benefit from reporting it.

>> No.6022105

It means financial damage for the copyright holder.

As pointed out earlier ITT, it isn't victimless. Please read the thread before spouting mindless drivel which has been addressed already.

>> No.6022109

Go to bed, Sam.

>> No.6022110

No, I'm not talking about piracy. I meant a general victimless crime in real life that can have a witness.

>> No.6022112

Do you guys use Adblock?

>> No.6022119

>There is no such thing as "morality"
Why aren't you robbing a bank right now?

>> No.6022123

I'll get stopped.
>Would you download a car?
Fuck you, I would if I could.

>> No.6022125

Why would you get stopped?

>> No.6022126 [DELETED] 

Copying without permission is copying without permission. Piracy is a crime in and of itself that involves copying a product and selling it. Here's your handy moral power ranking by order of offense.

1. Fencing physical goods: Offender takes the product from the owner and customer, takes the profit for themselves
2. Theft: Offender takes the product from the owner and customer, destroys the profit
3. Fencing of digital goods: Offender takes potential profit from many customers for themselves
4. Piracy (distribution): Offender destroys the potential profit from many customers
5. Piracy (client): Offender destroys the potential profit from one customer

>> No.6022130
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your bakery analogy is flawed because the bakery thieves literally take a product from you. your deprived not just off the sale to the person just taking without paying, but it a product.

piracy makes copies. It would be like if I walked past your car, decided I liked it, and built an exact duplicate next to it and drive the duplicate away. you haven't actually lost anything. True you haven't gained anything either, but theft is hardly the word.

>> No.6022129

Because those with more wealth have a better means of defending it

>> No.6022132

Why do they want to defend it?

>> No.6022136

Because people enjoy wealth and power

>> No.6022134

Copying without permission is copying without permission. Piracy is a crime in and of itself that involves copying a product and selling it. Here's your handy moral power ranking by order of offense.

1. Selling of stolen goods (fence): Offender takes the product from the owner and customer, takes the profit for themselves
2. Theft: Offender takes the product from the owner and customer, destroys the profit
3. Selling of copied goods (piracy): Offender takes potential profit from many customers for themselves
4. Copyright infringement (distribution): Offender destroys the potential profit from many customers
5. Copyright infringement (client): Offender destroys the potential profit from one customer

>> No.6022138

Why do they?

>> No.6022140

Why do people like anything? Why is there anything at all?

>> No.6022146

Because the big bang created all life on earth.

>> No.6022151

Why did it do that?

>> No.6022165

>It would be like if I walked past your car, decided I liked it, and built an exact duplicate next to it and drive the duplicate away. you haven't actually lost anything.

Wrong. It's like if you're a car salesman and I go on your lot making exact duplicates of your cars rather than buying them.

>> No.6022178
File: 339 KB, 540x3872, why_kek1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6022180

>Wrong. It's like if you're a car salesman and I go on your lot making exact duplicates of your cars rather than buying them.
What if one guy buys a car and then lets the rest of us copy his car? Is that okay?

>> No.6022192


As long as you don't sell your duplicate cars your actions resulted in no financial damages to the car salesman.

>> No.6022212

The guy who bought the car (as well as the guy who did the majority of the copying/distribution) should get punished ranging from a little prison time to community service. Flagrant client offenders should get a slap on the wrist at best, and everyone else should be generally ignored.

And that's usually what happens in the real world.

>> No.6022217

It resulted in financial damage for him because he didn't sell the car.

>> No.6022229

>What you should be doing
Calling insurance company,
applying to schools,
applying to jobs
>What you are doing

>> No.6022243

Why do you fell the need to point this out?

>> No.6022247

Why do you want her to lie about her gender? Why does it upset you?

>> No.6022252

That's not the copier's fault at all, and it has nothing to do with why copyright infringement is morally wrong. If you bring intent and potential sales into it, you could charge people who buy a competitor's car for piracy since the salesman's copyright involved a vehicle. Conversely, the pirate could just as easily argue that it has his intent to pirate the car in order to test drive it before deciding whether or not to buy it.

>> No.6022260

It's better to use "he" as a default rather than adding extra characters by using "he/she/ze/zi/zo/zum" or risking grammatical confusion by using "they".

>> No.6022264

There are exactly two genders. Is 2 a too big number for you or why do you want to reduce it to 1?

>> No.6022267

>There are exactly two genders
Typical CIS mindset.

>> No.6022268


That's not your fault.

>> No.6022269

I was being sarcastic. "He/She" is still too many characters.

>> No.6022272

Of course it isn't my fault. I am not the one who copied/pirated anything. I am a law abiding citizen.

>> No.6022274

Three characters are not too long. Are you illterate?

>> No.6022281

That's six characters. Are you innumerate?

>> No.6022285

You would have to use "he/she", "him/her", "his/her", etc. until corrected, if you're corrected during the conversation at all.

>> No.6022287

You only use one of the pronouns. A person cannot have both genders.

>> No.6022292


Unless the person is a hermaphrodite

>> No.6022299

You don't know ahead of time on the internet what gender the person is.

>> No.6022301

>killing myself
>wasting away

>> No.6022305

That's why you guessed wrong. You've been corrected; now accept it and stop being buttmad.

>> No.6022308

Why would that person want to correct anyone in either case? We don't even know nor care what posts they made anymore. Unless they're a tripfag on a 12 step plan.

>> No.6022366

SRS please go

>> No.6022381

>What you should be doing
Studying for that upcoming exam in cognitive neuroscience
>What you are doing
Browsing /sci/ and programming really simple shit