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File: 151 KB, 1024x512, vaccines-are-not-toxic_crop_rev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6017930 No.6017930 [Reply] [Original]

I got sucked into a your-blog-sucks flamewar with anti-vaxxer morons in a comments forum. I tried to use science and numbers to explain how vaccines work, and how we can understand the difference btw causation and correlation.

I felt like I was kicking myself in the balls because it felt so good when I stopped.

There was just too much crazy. People were coming out of the woodwork screaming about how vaccines are made of dead babies and will cause autism in 105% of the population. Herd immunity was considered a myth. Numerous communicable diseases that used to kill people a century ago were considered nothing to worry about. Anything that had an association with a medical doctor or the government was immediately suspect, so no hope providing counterpoint data.

WTF do you do with these people?

>> No.6017937

It is easier to believe you hold special knowledge against "authoritarian dogma", than to accept you are buying into self-serving irrationality. Same thing goes to crystal healers, chriopracters, chakras, chem trails, etc etc

>> No.6017938

In the dc area there was just an outbreak of mumps 23 people so far.

Vaccinations are available but it is optional

>> No.6017942

Am I wrong for believing high fat diets are healthier? It goes against dogma but the majority of diet research supports it

>> No.6017952


Depends on the kinds of fats and whether you eat so much you get fat, or just enough to maintain. Also you need exercise, vitamins, minerals, fiber, etc.

If all you do is lay on the sofa eating deep fried whale blubber, you reap what you sow.

>> No.6017960


You don't.

If you must, don't go for long winded, detailed counter-arguments. They will look for the smallest issue and ignore everything else, regardless of how relevant it is. Your best bet is short counter points that are essentially their own point, summarized and reversed. They say vaccines cause autism, you say a lack of them causes death. They say doctors are in on a conspiracy, you say their sources are in on a conspiracy.

>> No.6017959

I really want to try deep fried whale blubber

>> No.6017963

Socratic Method?

"Why do you believe that vaccines will hurt you?"
"What do you believe vaccines will do to you?"
"Why do you think we started making vaccines?"
"What do you think vaccines are suppose to be used for?"

Focus on one argument at a time,
argue with one person and try to convince just that one person
people lurking should follow the conversation

>> No.6017977

> focus on one argument at a time
Sadly impossible. I learned that from fluorine arguments

>> No.6017979


"Why do you believe that vaccines will hurt you?"
>Gubmint wants to keep me down, look at this unsourced study
"What do you believe vaccines will do to you?"
>loadsa bad shit you don't even know man
"Why do you think we started making vaccines?"
>government control programme
"What do you think vaccines are suppose to be used for?"
>goverment control programme

There's no arguing with these people

>> No.6017986

you make the classic mistake of thinking that they will listen to reason and logic. If they could, they wouldn't have this opinion. You have to figure out why they hold this opinion and then find a way to turn it against them. It is not always possible and probably not worth the trouble either.

>> No.6017992

I'm anti vaccination, for some things. Flu shots? Nigga I'd rather buy two albums or a video game. I suppose I have a really good immune system, but I just don't get vaccinations outside of tetnus. Correlation =\= causation, but our population is hugely on the rise as well as vaccination rates.

>> No.6017993

well then they are just anti-government drones.
you need to fix that first.
but you'll probably just be called a government drone

>> No.6017997

Flu shots should only be used on certain at risk members of the population.
Also they are free here...

>> No.6018005


>living somewhere where vaccinations cost money

>> No.6018071

it's not about how vaccines work, but the real problem (proven) is that some vaccines, made mainly by large companies for market worldwide contain mercury and polymer additives being there unintentionally and all because no company cares for quality, but only for profit. vaccines were much safer 20-30 years ago

>> No.6018077

except not...
vaccines have to be approved by the fda

>> No.6018083

You go to some site on the internet where you know people will agree with you and shittalk them

>> No.6018088 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 338x640, cdc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair the earlier vaccines used a surprising amount of dangerous stabilizers to prolong the shelf life, as vaccines are expensive to make so money wise it a good idea to make them last as long as you can. Most still do have dangerous stabilizers although the amount and type used is a lot safer then it use to be.
But the stabilizers argument is silly because now you can order stabilizer free versions for around the same cost if you call ahead and ask for them thanks to faster shipping and logistics, but you need to show up on time as it can expire in as little as 24 hours depending on which one it is.

As for the idea of herd immunity it is real, but does not work as well as many think as most models are based on a "well mixed" populations. But in the real world our population is the worst setup. Too connected to stop it from spreading (thank you very much airports) and to poorly mixed for good herd immunity to happen (thank you very much social and wealth class system).
But even the typical 2% reduction from devastating diseases thanks to our poorly structured system is 2% more then if we didn't have it at all.

There is also some truth to how about more then half of the survivors of many of these diseases became stronger and better of over all.
But that assumes you are not only one of the survivors but also don't gain a disability from it, and lets say the odds are not very favorable you will be part of the lucky few.

Not trusting authority on such matters also has some bases in fact as there have been a few cases of fraud.
But these are very very rare and have been decreasing in both amount and frequency over the years to the point none have been recorded in the last decade for most first world countries.

Both sides should talk more rather then totally dismissing them and calling them names.

My opinion is that simple steps like getting stabilizer free ones and not taking them all at once is a sensible compromise, but you should still get them.

>> No.6018090
File: 61 KB, 338x640, cdc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair the earlier vaccines used a surprising amount of dangerous stabilizers to prolong the shelf life, as vaccines are expensive to make so money wise it a good idea to make them last as long as you can. Most still do have dangerous stabilizers although the amount and type used is a lot safer then it use to be.
But the stabilizers argument is silly because now you can order stabilizer free versions for around the same cost if you call ahead and ask for them thanks to faster shipping and logistics, but you need to show up on time as it can expire in as little as 24 hours depending on which one it is.

As for the idea of herd immunity it is real, but does not work as well as many think as most models are based on a "well mixed" populations. But in the real world our population is the worst setup. Too connected to stop it from spreading (thank you very much airports) and to poorly mixed for good herd immunity to happen (thank you very much social and wealth class system).
But even the typical small reduction from devastating diseases thanks to our poorly structured system is better then if we didn't have it at all.

There is also some truth to how about more then half of the survivors of many of these diseases became stronger and better of over all.
But that assumes you are not only one of the survivors but also don't gain a disability from it, and lets say the odds are not very favorable you will be part of the lucky few.

Not trusting authority on such matters also has some bases in fact as there have been a few cases of fraud.
But these are very very rare and have been decreasing in both amount and frequency over the years to the point none have been recorded in the last decade for most first world countries.

Both sides should talk more rather then totally dismissing them and calling them names.

My opinion is that simple steps like getting stabilizer free ones and not taking them all at once is a sensible compromise, but you should still get them.

>> No.6018094
File: 165 KB, 396x562, 1231455565632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2030: Breaking news, last whale killed.
>People wanted to try deep fried whale blubber

Man i would like some whale blubber right now, fuck you both.

>> No.6018098

It should be filled with vitamins.

>> No.6018104

I think they will become extinct in the near future because of infectuous diseases so you don't have to worry about it much longer

>> No.6018117

With people who don't listen to reason all you can do is repeatedly tell them its fine and accuse people who disbelieve of being insane.

Its the only option and the only thing that works.

>> No.6018125

>board certified infectious disease specialist
>get called by on for consult
>mother who didn't believe in vaccines delivered stillborn
>positive for mumps

Darwin for the win
As lenox Lewis said when he first beat mike Tyson

>> No.6018135

>Saying an innocent child deserved to have a disease due to their mothers unintentional ignorance.

PLEASE re-evaluate the shit you say.

>> No.6018153

Morally it sucks.
But this example if highly spread like the shit they spread would really help the cause that vaccines are good for people.

>> No.6018154

Assuming dead fetus = innocent child
Get back to /pol/

>> No.6018162

And my choice of still born was more layman friendly. Proper term would be missed abortion. Last time I did anything ob was in medical school

>> No.6018201

>(proven) is that some vaccines, made mainly by large companies for market worldwide contain mercury and polymer additives
You do know that the mercury issue was debunked and that you'd take in several times more mercury from a tuna sandwich than a vaccine? And even after all that, they took out the mercury compounds just to silence the tinfoils.

>> No.6018237

I don't inject tuna into my veins

>> No.6018247

> heavy metal
yeah you did
also why would that matter?

>> No.6018256

>took vaccine when i was a baby
>paralysed, lost consciousness
>recovered, nothing happened, still scary
>still taking vaccines, later then everyone else for safety reasons

>> No.6018265

No, you ingest it and it is absorbed into your veins.
Mercury compounds have mercury in the same way glucose has wet charcoal.

>> No.6018282

In Brazil we had the Vaccine Revolt in Rio de Janeiro, because a doctor called Oswaldo Cruz became director of public health and started to vaccinate people against their will, slamming the doors and putting the needle on the poor residents.


>> No.6018319

>Mercury compounds have mercury in the same way glucose has carbon

ftfy, what are you even talking about

>> No.6018441

Rationality won't work. Nothing will work actually. You are wasting your time. Conspiracy theorists derive purpose from the theories they believe in. Possesing this knowledge gives them the idea that they are unique and special, that have a knowledge that most don't have. Because they have this knowledge, bringing others into the fold becomes their mission. This gives their life meaning. By trying to convince them otherwise, you are trying to take a substantial part of their purpose in life away. Without that belief they are just another person with no real unique talents and no hope of making any impact on the world.

Here's another way of looking at it: If you've ever read any kind of book relating to success, innovation, business or whatever, you might have seen this list of 4 kinds of people.

Smart and lazy
Smart and ambitious
Dumb and ambitious (this one is dangerous)
Dumb and lazy

These books don't take about number 3 on this list. Ever wonder what these people are like? Well, you just had an argument with some. Now you know why these authors call them dangerous.

>> No.6018442

oops, *take = talk

>> No.6018443

It's more than conspiracy theorists is the problem.
They are the general public that wants to know better, but is given alarmist misinformation.

>> No.6018457

He was trying to save you dumbfucks from perfectly avoidable diseases, that your poor are still dying from. I'm actually glad he failed,we don't need more poor dumbfucks in the world.

>> No.6018458

it's the same thing with these esoteric idiots.

you can't argue with them. if you have a point, it will be ignored. they're just like /b/ - full of shit.

>> No.6018464

enjoy your autism

>> No.6018586

He actually succeeded: smallpox is gone in the world.

>> No.6018627
File: 663 KB, 800x532, allthisscience.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mercury compounds literally have mercury in them. Elemental mercury also isn't absorbed very well at all through skin or your digestive tract, and is far less toxic. Dimethyl mercury is notoriously toxic. Larger organics aren't good for you. Salts aren't good for you. What's your point, guy?

>> No.6018632

Sources or >>>/x/

>> No.6018636

Vaccines aren't completely necessary. I still have my thought about vaccines being everywhere for everything that one day nobody will have an immune system anymore because they don't get any practice to fend off illnesses and just stay weak and eventually whither away. It sounds unlikely but it could possibly happen.

I'm not trying to sound like those anti-vaccine fags. Obviously vaccines are good for a lot of illnesses but the rate of people freaking out and getting shots for every little thing seems to be rising from what I've seen. Unfortunately I have no numbers to back this up.

>> No.6018637

Why can't you look them up yourself if you think anything about that isn't true? You're on the internet.

>> No.6018642

>Make statement
>Someone asks you to provide sources

Because when you do that it sounds like you're just spewing shit and then no one will believe you.

>> No.6018683

>someone articulates a stance on a topic
>you are interested
>become mad because you can't into typing vaccine and stabilizer into a search engine

Information is so available, take responsibility for educating yourself. I'm also not who you replied to originally.

>> No.6018688

No I'm not him, I was just saying that.

>> No.6018699
File: 16 KB, 291x300, rage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am tired of going through a lot of work only for people to tell me that source X is not good source on the matter, thus I must be stupid. I get this response no matter what source I use. (For example in this case I used things like the WHO and the CDC, to some random sketchy blog and everything in between.)
Nor will people take simple reasoning based arguments which is a very reliable way to solve thing (although admittedly it not 100% flawless they work very well) . As for matters in (namely advanced material properties as that what I specialize in, not so much in biology) which I have actually done a good deal of lab work myself, turns out that is not permissible as well.
I am sick and tired of getting responses like yours (thought this could be the first time we met there are others like this) then carefully going back and citing everything only to get a similar very rude reply. Maybe you should take a little effort and point out specific parts that you disagree with (inb4 everything) and give examples of what type of reference material you would accept. Flatly implying the other person is completely wrong is not very scientific or scholarly of you.

So to save a lot of energy and frustration what problem do you have with what I am saying and what types of sources do you accept?

>> No.6018702

be like "yo, i'm allergic to lidacaine"

>> No.6018707

people that don't vaccinate their children are liable for damages if it results in harm to others.

>> No.6018708

That's not how vaccines work. They don't replace the immune system they just teach it something.

>> No.6018712

wtf that picture isn't true...
> earlier vaccines used a surprising amount of dangerous stabilizers
no they didn't
> Most still do have dangerous stabilizers although the amount and type used is a lot safer then it use to be.
No they don't
> But the stabilizers argument is silly because now you can order stabilizer free versions for around the same cost if you call ahead and ask for them thanks to faster shipping and logistics, but you need to show up on time as it can expire in as little as 24 hours depending on which one it is.

> Too connected to stop it from spreading (thank you very much airports) and to poorly mixed for good herd immunity to happen (thank you very much social and wealth class system).
ah yeah I remember sars, h1-n1, blah blah

what can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence

>> No.6018713

Most readers of /sci don't distinguish between things like antibiotics and vaccines because they don't really know anything about science.

>> No.6018717
File: 90 KB, 327x314, 1373806574201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now both sides aren't giving any sources. His post actually had more information in it, though, so I'm going to side with him for now.

Oh, you guys

>> No.6018743

my evidence is that he hasn't presented any evidence.
I have not committed to a side.

>> No.6018749 [DELETED] 
File: 231 KB, 480x500, DFS_LOGO_Glaze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different dude
True, but if you immune system dose not learn of get challenged it will atrophy.
The human body has a habit of not doing things it doesn't need to do. This makes a lot of sense most of the time, this is not one of them.
(Also interesting note is if you put a new born baby in a perfectly dark room and raise them there for awhile they will not properly develop their eyes and be permanently blind the rest of there life. Don't try it though or else the DFS ninjas will get you.)

>> No.6018757

Yeah you did. You claimed there are no harmful stabilizers, yet you present no evidence to what the composition of a vaccine is.

If you want to throw around quotes like an asshole and contribute nothing feel free, I guess.

>> No.6018761
File: 231 KB, 480x500, DFS_LOGO_Glaze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different dude
True, but if your immune system does not learn or get challenged it will atrophy.
The human body has a habit of not doing things it doesn't need to do. This makes a lot of sense most of the time, this is not one of them. Also antibiotics are a much worse offenders in this as they baby the immune system and make tougher bacteria, which is what I think that last person was thinking of.
(Also interesting note is if you put a new born baby in a perfectly dark room and raise them there for awhile they will not properly develop their eyes and become permanently blind the rest of their life. Don't try it though or else the DFS ninjas will get you.)

>> No.6018763

there are no harmful stabilizers because the FDA approves fucking vaccines.

>> No.6018864
File: 35 KB, 450x249, Thimerosal1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't even bother reading down to the reply >>6018699 I gave on a very similar matter, which was linked after the only other comment at the time, though I do thank you for actually pick specifics rather then some of the other things I have seen.

Look up Thiomersal. That is a really nasty stabilizer, and often the one people panic over as it is a organomercury which is nasty stuff, it use to be used in significant quantities. Thiomersal can account for around 50% of mercury during infancy (that phase when people are most vulnerable to it)(note that doesn't mean it does account for around 50% in all cases, just that it CAN account around 50%.) and less then 1% during an expected lifetime. They began officially phasing it out at some point (I think around 2000 but the dates are not very specific).
I regret to inform you I was wrong about them removing it as it wasn't explicitly banned, I assumed it was removed given the phase out initiatives by several major organizations. It turns out that the phase out is voluntary and few manufactures are doing so it is still common even in the USA (ask the CDC about it, although they are very quick to point out there is no link to any negative side effects from Thiomersal. Which I find very hard to believe given it material properties of it).

As for ones without Thiomersal and other nasty things you will want to read up in bacteriostatic agents which is an interesting solution which I think more should use. Also many stabilizers are not need for single dose as a one time use disposable setup dramatically reduces odds of bacteria and fungal contamination. I was wrong about the price as the ones without cost much more, however in my defense there was a rebate program that was done for awhile to make the prices roughly the same, it has since been canceled.

You should stop and think about the fact that H1-N1 was officially labeled a pandemic before mocking it, thankfully it was not very lethal despite all that it did.

>> No.6018884

I don't understand how it's even up for debate.

before vaccines polio was everywhere even the president was crippled by it

after vaccines polio is fucking eradicated. and thats just one example.

>> No.6018923


plenty of whales in america

man you are optimistic

>> No.6019445
File: 100 KB, 750x600, piles-o-bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is not not so much if they work or not. It is more to do with if they are safer then the alternative of not getting them. This stance comes from the idea that the additives in the vaccines are more dangerous then the risk of getting the disease. The problem with the debate is both side look stupid to me. I can boil down most of the stupidity to claims like the ones below both of which are nonsense.

"Vaccine will kill you instantly!"
"Anyone without a vaccine will die!" >Well I suppose this is true as every single person has died historically speaking but that not what it means and the semantic bastard that argues about this knows it.

chiropractors are on your list?

It not whether it is high fat or low fat, it the whole diet including macro and micro nutation and many other complex things, plus it varies person to person. People key looking for a single simple aspect that will save them that doesn't involve much effort.
After all the work I done to get healthy my mix has 40 major variables to track and 100 more minor variables (the time based ones are the hardest give they keep changing, also I love automated excel sheets) that still matter a good deal. And while my system worked wonders for me I know it is still an oversimplification as the human body is very complex and it is tailored for my body over the course of months so just handing it to others may not be safe for everyone. Though is was worth it to have the doctor call for two more blood tests as I show up too healthy for him to believe the results the first two times. (his reaction was hilarious) (and for those who are wonder the last test was done at a different lab)

>> No.6019456

nope somehow I missed that.
oh wait you didn't say shit in that.
Thank you for pointing it out.

I'll look into these specific stabilizers
thanks for the real information

> H1-N1 was officially labeled a pandemic
that was my point...it didn't get out and kill everybody.

efficacy is a thing. We make the best decision we can.
> chiropractors are on your list
he sounds like a penn & teller watcher.
there's some parts of chiropactry that are bullshit.

>> No.6019511

But chinese diabetes levels

>> No.6019628
File: 17 KB, 384x384, image003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell if you are mocking me or legitimating thanking me for pointing out my other post. As for information it was not meant to inform about the relevant topic, it was meant to show my rage over people saying my input was worthless no matter what I do.

Pandemics are not labeled by the number they kill but by the area and number infected. In fact the regular flu is technically a pandemic but is often excluded for pandemic listings because it infects so many yearly in a predictable fashion. The problem is they had at the time a relatively unknown virus infecting lots of people all around the globe with unknown lethality potential, (Here are the US numbers by the CDC for 2009 http://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/estimates_2009_h1n1.htm , remember the US population in 2010 was around 308,745,538 people which helps puts the numbers in perspective.) not to mention it had many characteristics of other deadly diseases from history (namely the Spanish Flu of 1918 which killed around 2% of the population). So assuming it was very bad was a sensible thing to do, even thought it turned out to relatively harmless.

If it looks like a virus that could be capable of killing 0.1% of the population (which it did at the time) then I see that as good grounds to take it it very seriously, even if we look like fools later.

>> No.6019639

mocking the first time.
legitimate the second time.
I thought there was actually going to be information in that post you linked but there wasn't any.
then you actually gave real names to the things you were worried about.

>> No.6019658 [DELETED] 

Depends on the chiropractor, some are real medical doctors that have an amazing scientific knowledge bases supporting them, others are quacks that should be avoided.
Then there is the older and far less scientific version of glorified back massages that have well documented results in a positive manner, even if many explanation of how it works are very inaccurate and use silly names.

Please clearly state your massage. Are you implying china has a high or low level of diabetes?

>> No.6019678

It starts with a fundamental lack of understanding of how the immune system works coupled with hysteria and a lifetimes supply of tinfoil. You will not get through to these people, you'd have more chance convincing 'Crazy' Bob the Hobo from 4th Street that aliens aren't trying to siphon off his brainwaves to power the mothership.

>> No.6019866

The FDA also approve known carcinogenic and toxic chemicals in our foods at an "approved" level

>> No.6019878


>msg, aluminum, ect in vaccines




>> No.6019887

nanobio-fag here. you do realize that fundamentally, there is a major lack of knowledge of how the immune system actually works, right?

go read some of the nature journals on it, educate yourself before you start blaming others for ignorance.

>> No.6019893

They also ban substances with a known low toxicity.
poisonous? wat...

>> No.6019907

It is because you are being lied to and you've bought it hook line and sinker. There's never been proof of any vaccine working.

>> No.6019930

>aluminum toxic,

>accumulates in bone and brain




>> No.6019934

yeah I checked the wikipedia page.
I'm just surprised because it's used for cooking utensils.
It basically said the same thing bone and brain.
I don't quite get the brain thing, but wiki said it was something to do with alzheimers.
For the bones bioaccumulation something prefers the Aluminum instead of calcium and that leads to weaker bones.

>> No.6019950

just like the nonstick pans that use teflon that emit toxic fumes at high tempertures


And since it accumulates in the brain, and is absorbed easily when injected intravenous, it affects the nervous system causing brain diseases and is thought to be linked with autism and alzheimers

>> No.6019954

to be fair we didn't know this about teflon for a very long time.

>> No.6019976

and mercury.

>> No.6020631
File: 28 KB, 500x375, 78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't accept things like that very much anymore given all that I have learned about materials. Maybe a few decades ago before we learned more but now we don't really have excuses given the advancements in our understanding we have gotten really good at spotting them earlier and earlier along with finding ones we never knew of before.
The real problem is safety testing cost a lot of money and companies are not inclined to pay to prove their product is unsafe, nor does the government want to foot the bill.
It is like things are safe until proven beyond all doubt to be dangerous, only then action may be taken and that not even assured.
This is a very bad way to do things. One because it endangers lots of people. And two once people find out (and the public will find out eventually) it breeds distrust, fear, panic and over reactions which can prevent any good from coming from the event.
I mean this is why people fear vaccines is because they put bad stuff in them, people found out and over reacted. This split us apart and now we are wasting resource arguing and covering it up rather then just working to fix the problems on what is a very good tool for public health.
Remember asbestos, beryllium alloy and lead solder? Sure they are dangerous but if used correctly they have a huge benefits to society and we could have worked on making them safer and finding replacements. But what happened? People found out about the lies, panicked and worked hard to banned it.
My fear is newer nano materials like carbon nano tubes will follow the same path as very similar older nano materials like asbestos, hurting millions and ultimately getting banned by some sacred politician and closing a door of possibilities.
The only reason vaccines weren't banned in 1999 when this hit congress was despite how dangerous they are, not having them is much more dangerous. Why not just make them safe, then both sides get what they want?