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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6010286 No.6010286 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/, whats your favorite science fiction movie?

>> No.6010288

2001: A Space Odyssey

>> No.6010289

2001 I suppose.

>> No.6010294

Transformers, I especially like the ending with the Linkin Park song.

>> No.6010295

Total Recall (1990)

>> No.6010296



>> No.6010297


>> No.6010318


>> No.6010365
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Elysium & Pacific Rim

>> No.6010372

Probably Dispicable Me

The sequel is comin out soon and looks pre rad

>> No.6010408

I'm gonna have to go with Prometheus. Many people didn't like it but it was a very dark and unrated sci-fi movie. Very well done.

>> No.6010411

Starship Troopers
Would you like to know more?

>> No.6010418


>> No.6010419

> Prometheus
It just wasn't that good. We all wanted it to be. The trailers were so much better than the movie.
You should check out Alien, it's a much better movie by the same guy.

>> No.6010423

District 9 and Moon were pretty good

>> No.6010429


>> No.6010431

Titan A.E.
Treasure Planet

sci-fi movies are usually lacking imo

>> No.6010443
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>Favorite science fiction movie
>Not mentioning Blade Runner
It's like you guys don't even into film

>> No.6010449
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Now that I think about it, the movie asked many philosophical questions so it's no surprise you guys haven't mentioned it.

>> No.6010458


Great film.

One of my all time favorites.

>> No.6010464

Just becuause I did not watch it. Book was great though.

>> No.6010466

Just because I did not watch it. Book was great though.

>> No.6010475

Just because I did not watch it. Book was great though.

>> No.6010480

Just because I did not watch it. Book was great though.

>> No.6010489

Blade Runner (Final Cut version is superior) probably my top.
2001 was excellent as well. Close second.
I like The Fountain as well, though it's not necessarily straight up sci-fi. Has sci-fi elements though, as well as historical fiction.
Ghost in the Shell is way up there for me too.

A lot of people seem to like Moon. I thought it was okay, I just never got into it that much. Might try watching it again. I would have preferred if it was more psychological, similar to Solaris, but instead they pulled the lame clone twist.

My nigga! New version was so-so by comparison. They never got their asses to Mars...

Pacific Rim was outstanding. Elysium was okay, but you're probably better off just watching District 9. Practically the same movie anyways.

Prometheus was mediocre, I agree. It had some cool themes, but they just weren't actualized very well (i.e. You have found your creator, and he hates you).
>it's a much better movie by the same guy.
>movie by the same guy.
... You mean Ridley Scott?

>sci-fi movies are usually lacking imo
Probably because your favorites are Titan A.E. and Treasure Planet

Polite sage though. Not science, but appreciate a good sci-fi thread regardless.

>> No.6010490
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wat the hell

>> No.6010503

Damn Android.

>> No.6010506
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wat the hell

>> No.6010513

>no Primer
Dammit people what are you doing? That was a simple question.

>> No.6010514

because that movie sucks

>> No.6010515

Damn Android

>> No.6010517
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>> No.6010518

minority report.

best thomas k. cruise film evar

>> No.6010528

I wouldn't really consider it sci-fi film. The content was 100% science, but the style and tone of the film was more modern. Slightly depressive, stream of conscious style, something reminiscent of recent films like Upstream Color (also by Shane Carruth) and Detachment

>> No.6010531

Cube and hypercube were bretty cool

>> No.6010530
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>> No.6010533

Also, forgot to mention:
The Matrix (first movie) was solid. Keanu can't act but he was at least bearable in this movie. Plus the world building, the setting, they were all great.

Sunshine was alright. Had its problems though, especially how it turned into a slasher at the end, which was stupid. Worth a watch.

The Fifth Element is great, especially if you're looking for a good sci-fi movie that doesn't take itself all too seriously. Plus, dat Milla Jovovich.

Dredd was great. Some might not consider it sci-fi but it certainly had elements. Simple story that they don't fuck up, ass kicking main character with all the personality of a charging rhino. Fun to watch and plenty gory.

>> No.6010536

>implying style and tone define what sci-fi is

>> No.6010545

>implying subject matter is all that defines genre

>> No.6010553
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>Dredd was great. Some might not consider it sci-fi but it certainly had elements.
It was completely sci-fi. It's cyber-punk and Dredd was fucking awesome.

Just because it paints humanity in a darker light where some technology (weapons and architecture) advanced while everything else goes to shit (space travel) doesn't mean it's invalid as science fiction.

Not every bit of science fiction needs to be some utopian spacey future with people completely up their own ass alla "Star Trek". The Dredd future is far more likely.

>> No.6010556
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gattaca, one of my all time favourite movies

>> No.6010559

Yeah it does.

"Melancholia" is a sci-fi movie, but a dipshit like you wouldn't get over your assburgers to understand why it's scifi.

>> No.6010561

it pretty much does for several genres, sci-fi among them.

that's why sc-fi is so great, it can be done in so many ways

>> No.6010572

I only said some might not consider it sci-fi because I know it was a comic book franchise or something beforehand.

>Just because it paints humanity in a darker light where some technology (weapons and architecture) advanced while everything else goes to shit (space travel) doesn't mean it's invalid as science fiction.
I'm perfectly well aware of that. I did say Blade Runner was my favorite after all.

>> No.6010575

>I only said some might not consider it sci-fi because I know it was a comic book franchise or something beforehan
Well, people need not to be so fucking sensitive over the definition of "scifi". It's a big tent.

Dredd is a science fiction, dystopian cyber punk epic. Who gives a shit if it's a comic book? It's awesome.

>> No.6010578

cube zero was...idk kinda weird
I want to say funny because all I can remember is the first death scene

>> No.6010580


Yes m8, Gattaca is brilliant

>> No.6010582

what's brilliant about it?
Why should I watch it?

>> No.6010584

it has men walking down cylindrical corridors

what's not to like??

>> No.6010585

unsettling and yet the premise was oddly funny to me.

>First half of the movie: rich white people, with problems.
>Second half: Scientists observe a rogue planet entering our solar system on a collision course with Earth, no hope of survival and no Bruce Willis shit to save the day either. The rich white people have to observe their petty problems in contrast to the apocalypse.

>> No.6010589

Avant-guard photography, and a nice and humane way to talk about the issues of genetic engineering.

>> No.6010591

Wow....retards everywhere.

best sci-fi movie ever?


>> No.6010592

Also, Jude Law being the classiest guy in the room, as usual for Jude Law.

>> No.6010593

Gattaca was silly and its handling of the questions raised by societal eugenic manipulation was hamfisted at best.
Not that it didn't have a point or overall good message, but it was a clumsy as fuck movie that was genuinely cringe-worthy at times.

>> No.6010594


The acting, music, direction and setting are really good, the plot is great too and revolves around eugenics if you are interested in that

>> No.6010596

The premise of a datable Uma Thurman was completely ridiculous. No amount of science magic can make up for that. The illusion for me was broken the whole time. Unwatchable.

>> No.6010598

I heard Jude Law was a major dickhead.

Oddly, Alan Cumming told me that at a movie festival.

>> No.6010599

Toeing the party line, eh? It's an interesting movie, but please it ain't that great. The last half hour or so is just stupid. There I said it. Somebody had to.

>> No.6010601

Great movie... more action film than sci fi though?

>> No.6010602

The message was "Eugenics works and if you're not genetically perfect, you're trash and you better have money and be able to lie.

>> No.6010607

And then Bill Murray punched you in the face and stole your wallet?

>> No.6010613

Something like that.

>> No.6010646

Difficult! King Kong, Twelve Monkeys. Blade Runner. Metropolis. Day the earth stood still. Carpenter's The Thing, also original. Westworld. Empire Strikes Back. Planet of those apes. Aliens. 5 million years to earth. Close encounters. War of those worlds.

>> No.6010655

The Forbidden Planet, wonderful classic.

>> No.6010672

Avengers (fight me, I had a comic book nerdgasm)
Starship Troopers

>> No.6010681

SW 4,5
20,000 Leagues
Forbidden Planet
Silent Running

>> No.6010692

>Silent Running
god i hate that shit

i like Dark Star

>> No.6010695

I thought it was neat

also how could i forget




>> No.6010706

you got aliens twice

did anyone say
Cabin in the Woods
Eternal Sunshine
Iron Giant
Real Steel
Robot and Frank <- you guys should really
check this out

people are missing all those second-rate scifi
Back to the Future I, III
Space Balls
AI - I liked it so sue me
Small Soldiers :)))
Weird Science

>> No.6010725
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>Iron Giant

>> No.6010729

all the "documentaries" about the moon landing

>> No.6010730

>Cabin in the Woods

Does that really count as sci-fi?

>> No.6010738
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You just have to believe

>> No.6010741

The last star fighter. Proof that video games will save the galaxy.
Plus its the first movie with computer graphics, so the special effect are awesomely bad.

>> No.6010753

has anyone watched Oblivion ? was that any good ?

Im literally torn between downloading Oblivion or Pacific Rim to watch tonight

>> No.6010756

did you watch it?
it's pretty scifi

>> No.6010765

>The last star fighter
Omg I completely forgot about this.

Mom and Dad save the World

>> No.6010775

It's more satire than anything. It starts of as a generic slasher film, then goes to a mystery/conspiracy, before ending at cosmic horror.

>> No.6010780

i'd say that mystery/conspiracy part counts as science fiction

>> No.6010783
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>> No.6010784

I really like the day after tomorrow.

>> No.6010785

I liked Oblivion even though I don't care for Tom Cruise.
I haven't seen Pacific rim yet but I have always got excited about giant robot combat especially against monsters.

I forgot about Robojocks.

>> No.6010786
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I have no idea how that happened, I was trying to put this pic up

>> No.6010795
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>> No.6010796

Moon isn't really about the clone thing. It's not even really about the corporation screwing Sam over. It's about two things: incredible, soul-crushing loneliness, and discovering your memories and perception of the world aren't real. The most powerful scene in the movie for me is where the first Sam finally meets his clone. He's just discovered that he's basically a replaceable machine, his daughter/wife probably aren't even his (though he's still in denial at this point), and that he has a clone that he never gave permission for--and he's so lonely and starved for human contact that his first reaction is to ask if he can shake the guy's hand.

>> No.6010798

pitch black, resident evil

>> No.6010808
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>> No.6010814

mah nigga

>> No.6010818

Same here

>> No.6010831

>0 results
Damn, really? I know the book was vastly superior, but the movie wasn't bad on its own.

At least nobody said Avatar...

>> No.6010834

This is a worksafe board. Though I'm a dyed in the wool racist, I don't want people here in the library seeing me browse a page with the N word in it

>> No.6010840

Melancholia was an art film with some sci-fi elements that the director didn't even bother to get the plausibity physics right. Hell, the director even said he didn't care about the facts, he just wanted the space stuff in there.

>> No.6010849

yeah, so

>not enough to discount it as sci-fi

>> No.6010860

>he director didn't even bother to get the plausibity physics right.
yeah because science fiction films are exactly like factual scientific documentaries, not fictional, allegorical stories that uses science as a plot device. Just like you're not a shithead.

>> No.6010864


>> No.6010865

>ever going on 4chan, even a worksafe board, in the library

>> No.6010866

>deal with it

>> No.6010870

Just sayin'. I like the movie quite a bit, but even though it has space stuff in it, it just never felt to me like a sci-fi film. Another Earth is the same way to me, even though I know nobody brought it up ITT.

For those who have no idea what I'm talking about:

>> No.6010872

>soylent green

>> No.6010877

>it just never felt to me like a sci-fi film
this is a science board, your subjective feelings are irrelevant to how we classify films by genre

>> No.6010882

>Another Earth
classic sci-fi. how a large scale sci-fi type events effects the small scale lives of the protagonists.

>> No.6010883 [DELETED] 

I'm glad you don't like niggers and kikes anon. Good for you.

I'm sure everyone in the library will also forgive you for visiting 4chan. Also,

NIGGERS. Have a wonderful day.

>> No.6010893

>implying classifications in movies that overlap genres aren't at least a little subjective

>> No.6010899

every movie overlaps genres. there are no pure forms.

>> No.6010911

>Another Earth is the same way to me, even though I know nobody brought it up ITT.
We were discussing good scifi, that's why no one brought up "another earth". It sucked asshole, scifi or not.

Also, you don't need a bunch of futurist techno garbage to be scifi, anon. That's really bringing the genre down to shit.

I think of scifi this way. Science has opened up our minds to more possibilities. In antiquity, the universe was understood as a mystical place with magic and gods. The universe was also "small".

Science has given us a larger understanding of our universe. A magic mud Golem is rethought of as a humanoid robot with AI where we can explain its existence with more than "magic". A chariot with winged horses that can reach the heavens becomes a chemical rocket and shuttle. The universe is a gigantic place with many stars with planets instead of a giant dome with lamps and the world is a giant magic turtle.

Science fiction takes a story and applies an element of "realism" we can relate to today while giving us the same amount of magic we need to tell incredible stories.

Take a mundane story but put it on another planet in a deep space colony and you have scifi.

>> No.6010921

implying taking a stupid drama about rich people and (SUDDENLY SCIENCE FICTION!) a planet is on a collision course with earth isn't awesome.

>> No.6010927


another world was great.

>> No.6010945
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My favourites are:
> Alien movies (the first three at least, the first one is legendary, my favourite).
> Blade Runner
> 2001
> Enemy Mine (fucking boss, pic related)

Decent sci-fi that hasn't been yet mentioned in the thread:
> Pandorum (2009) with Quaid and Foster.
> Dark City (1998) with Sewell, Hurt and Sutherland.

I also liked Prometheus, so sue me.

And a question: I haven't seen none of the following:
> Oblivion
> Pacific Rim
> Elysium
> the second Star Trek
> Dredd

But I've heard very bad opinions regarding every single one of them. Is any of them worth watching?

>> No.6010993
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>wrath of khan

>> No.6010998

Dredd. The old 90's shit that had nothing to do with Dredd had me cringing, then it was an awesome cyberpunk movie and I was quite satisfied.

I don't know what to do with that one. I have absolutely no interest in seeing it ever again if that tells you anything. Very nice special effects but the premise and plot were a shit sandwich. The story was Prometheus bad but not nearly as confusing and pointless.

>> No.6011000

>But I've heard very bad opinions regarding every single one of them. Is any of them worth watching?
Idk where you hear these opinions but they're all shit...
Oblivion was decent. At least worth a watch.
Pacific Rim was fantastic.
Elysium was good. District 9 was better though.
Star Trek Into Darkness was pretty much a repeat of the first movie. Plot got progressively silly but it's worth a watch.
Dredd was brilliant.

Funnily enough I think they actually reviewed all of those movies except Elysium on Half In The Bag... If you want an actual well thought out review of sci-fi movies then they're a pretty safe bet.

>> No.6011005

>Dark City
I couldn't get further than maybe 15 mins into that movie...
The shot pacing was so bad... just jarring and disorienting, I couldn't tell what the hell was going on half the time.

>> No.6011014

Links related:

>> No.6011013

>Star Trek Into Darkness
That is not STII, pleb to end all plebs

Go watch the hunger games

>> No.6011020

Anon said "second star trek". Neither Wrath of Khan, nor Into Darkness.

>Durr he assumed anon was asking about a newer movie than one that is at least 30 years old.
>Go watch the hunger games
Thanks for shitposting.

>> No.6011022


It was mediocre, the concept was good but the execution was far from good.

>> No.6011027

>talking about sci fi
>not shitting themselves and throwing the feces around like monkeys

what the fuck is this? it feels strange... pleasant even.

>> No.6011028

It was good for the first 20-30 mins at least. Beyond that it was pretty much beating a dead horse.

>> No.6011044
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Classic off-topic discussion syndrome.

>> No.6011061

not just because it's offtopic, the times that I occasionally lurk /sci/, and the topics

>science fiction
>psychology and consciousness

comes up they flip the fuck out. like seriously. try mentioning the IDEA of alien life


>> No.6011068

the second star trek movie is wrath of khan you idiot

Notice the title of the film: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

>> No.6011072

Movies belong on >>>/tv/.
Fiction is not science.

>> No.6011076

Star Trek Into Darkness is the second of the new Star Trek movies you idiot. It also came out only a matter of months ago, similar to almost all of the movies the anon was inquiring about.

Direct quote from anon's post >>6010945 :
>> the second Star Trek

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.6011077

> Jules Verne
> Star Trek
ok keep telling yourself that

>> No.6011075
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It's a spambot and trolls to top it off, it's the autims that is bad.

>> No.6011084

that direct quote does not contain the word "new"

>> No.6011085

it doesn't contain the word "old" either.

>> No.6011089

or "original"
or "TOS", or even "NG" for that matter.

>> No.6011090

no, it contains the word second

and wrath of khan is the second ST movie

>> No.6011091

oh there it is

>> No.6011093

We've got >>6011013
to thank for that though.

>> No.6011095

Correct, and as it is unqualified by either we use numbering from the beginning.

>> No.6011101

who cares?

has anyone else checked out Robot and Frank?
I loved it.

>> No.6011107

>and as it is unqualified by either we use numbering from the beginning.
Or you could, you know, look at the actual trend of release dates for all the movies that anon was asking about...

Which of these is not like the others?:
Released 2013
Released 2013
Released 2013
Released 1982
Released 2012

Don't get me wrong though. Wrath of Khan was by far superior to Into Darkness.

>> No.6011114

the question isn't over what anon meant, it is over which movie he specified in his text

authorial intention is unicorn sky magic, afaic

>> No.6011116

>the question isn't over what anon meant, it is over which movie he specified in his text
That's the exact same thing in this context...

>> No.6011122

no it isn't

he meant into darkness but specified WoK

in short: he made a mistake

>> No.6011125

>he meant into darkness but specified WoK
He "probably" meant into darkness. He specified neither.

>> No.6011132

>He specified neither.

clearly false. the second star trek is WoK, but you won't let go will you. because you are a faggot.

>> No.6011134

Just leave please.

>> No.6011135

>i know i'm wrong, but have ego problems

>> No.6011136

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.6011138

oh, you are that guy!

>lose argument
>"whatever helps you sleep at night"

you're a funny guy

keep posting

>> No.6011143

I have no fucking idea what you're talking about but okay.

Thanks for contributing nothing to the conversation I guess.

>> No.6011144
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>this whole argument

>> No.6011145

>Thanks for contributing nothing to the conversation I guess.
I successfully identified a faggot who cannot count, and recommended a few good movies.

I'm proud of what I do.

>> No.6011149

>I successfully identified a faggot who cannot count
Sorry for making a logical assumption based on trends outlined in that anons question? It's not my problem that you have some seething autismal compunction to start with the TOS movies when such an assumption makes no contextual sense.

>and recommended a few good movies.
Good for you, so have I.
>I'm proud of what I do.
You're proud of posting on 4chan? Shitposting no less?

>> No.6011157

>i won't countenance being wrong
nice foot stampage, a bit tl;dr perhaps

>> No.6011160


omg shut up
you're both 4

>> No.6011163

Continue your rationalizations child. They amuse me.

Stay out of this faggot.

>> No.6011166

2ppl madd noaw

>> No.6011170

>attempted mature superiority shtick


>> No.6011171
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This thread is cancer

>> No.6011173

says the person who initiated with immature name calling based on faulty assumptions.

>> No.6011176

>implying i've ever made claims to maturity

you basically can't read without adding shit of your own

>> No.6011183

Please see:

>That is not STII, pleb to end all plebs
>Go watch the hunger games
>the second star trek movie is wrath of khan you idiot
>but you won't let go will you. because you are a faggot.

I could go on.
Thanks for being wrong. Again.

>> No.6011191

how are those claims of maturity? (i only posted one of those by the way)

>> No.6011195

They look pretty immature to me, so not sure of your point.

>> No.6011199

He's doing his "interpreting things" again. People who filter what they read according to their own prejudices are very hard to convince that they are doing this. He "thinks" you were being mature, probably because he felt outsmarted or what-have-you. When obviously you were being pretty childish while being fairly smart.

>> No.6011201
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>Robot and Frank

>> No.6011209

> He "thinks" you were being mature, probably because he felt outsmarted or what-have-you. When obviously you were being pretty childish while being fairly smart.

No actually I think he was being childish and dumb.
Thanks for "interpreting things".

>> No.6011233

if you think (correctly) i was being childish, then why did you say
>says the person who initiated with immature name calling...
as if i was claiming to be mature?

>> No.6011238

>as if i was claiming to be mature?
Because it was implied in the previous post: >>6011170

>> No.6011246

Lel at these two total faggots.

For the record, Star Trek 2 only means one thing (wok). It's possible that guy meant Into Darkness, but he wrote "the second star trek", which is wok.

>> No.6011255

>"the second star trek", which is wok.
Prove it.

>> No.6011258

you are pretty dumb.

i was castigating your clumsy attempt at sounding mature from the point of view of someone who revels in immaturity.

again, you read all kinds of shit into things that aren't actually there.

>> No.6011262


>> No.6011263

>arguing about Star Trek on /sci/
There's a reason stereotypes exist.

>> No.6011265

So pointing out someone trying to play the "attempted mature superiority shtick" doesn't say something about the person pointing it out in the first place?

You're pretty dumb yourself.

>> No.6011266
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>> No.6011268

sure it does, it means they don't like affectation.

>no u
heh heh

>> No.6011271

Robot and Frank was actually pretty good.

I'd have to go with Lost In Space, the 1998 version, for Lacey Chabert making me feel totally pedo despite her being at least 15 when I was under 20.

>> No.6011275
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So convincing.

>> No.6011282
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>> No.6011283

The second Star Trek is clearly "The Next Generation".

>> No.6011285
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>> No.6011291
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>search engine with algorithms designed to prioritise newer entries

you really are dumb.

what now?

>> No.6011293

Did you even read the original post?

Or is reading comprehension a cut above your pay grade?

>> No.6011295

Agree, but we are specifically talking about sci-fi movies.

If this thread had just been "what is your favourite sci if" then it would be ambiguous. Though he said he had heard bad things about it, so it can't be TNG

>> No.6011299

Hey /sci/, whats your favorite science fiction movie?

>the second star trek

>> No.6011309

>And a question: I haven't seen none of the following:
>> Oblivion
>> Pacific Rim
>> Elysium
>> the second Star Trek
>> Dredd

>But I've heard very bad opinions regarding every single one of them. Is any of them worth watching?

>> No.6011312

the second star trek is "Charlie X",

>> No.6011311

Maybe you should bother to read the thread before making stupid posts.

>> No.6011314

Oh fuck, I hated Charlie... I was so glad when he fucked off.

>> No.6011362

Wesley X?

>> No.6011415

Apparently most of /sci/ forgot Terminator existed.

I really remember the 70's classics, Andromeda Strain, Silent Running, Soylent Green, etc.

>> No.6011450

Anyone ever see Splice? Amazing movie, great music and the actors really made an effort to influence the way you think about everyday life

>> No.6011473

I haven't seen the movie, but I can't get over the silly concept of the movie, or the ridiculous monster for that matter. It seems rather amateurish and juvenile from just looking at it...

Might watch it for shits n giggles; I've been pleasantly surprised before. Not expecting much. Adrian Brody is pretty alright though.

>> No.6011474

It was okay. The daughter-fucking was the best part.

>> No.6011484

Andromeda Strain is def in my favorites.

>> No.6011493

Jurassic Park

Despite all the ridiculousness.

>> No.6011496

I rather enjoyed Dune

>> No.6011498

Which one?

>> No.6011505

The one with Patrick Stewart is the only one I've seen...I don't know enough about the setting or actors...thought there was only one movie actually

>> No.6011512
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I love David Lynch and all, but his version of Dune was atrocious. He did not do the book justice.

Not that the sci-fi channel movies were amazing either, but they were at least watchable.

>mfw there will never be a good film adaptation of Dune

>> No.6011513

I was being sarcastic about Splice, 0/5 stars, shittiest movie ever made. If you want to watch a shitty movie, you've now found the correct one

>> No.6011515

If we're talking about shitty sci-fi movies, you should watch Event Horizon.

>> No.6011544

I actually didn't mind Event Horizon. Granted, I last saw it 10 or so years ago, so my memory is a little hazy. Definitely not a favorite or anything.

>> No.6011550

Just about any movie is great when you're 10... Try watching it now though. It's so cringe-worthy. On the scale of "bad" it would rank under "funny-bad".

>> No.6011556

I was mid 20s 10 years ago (oldfag here). But yeah, the whole portal to hell thing was pretty hokey even back then.

And I'm surprised nobody mentioned their opinion on Contact yet? Or are there any fans of the original Stargate movie?

>> No.6011565
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>> No.6011576
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>Ghost in the Shell

fucking this

>> No.6011599


Is this movie good?

>> No.6011607

every once in a while I think there are some talented people on 4chan.

>> No.6011620
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>> No.6011621
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and i fail to quote, ment to reply to this

>a bonus double up round.

>> No.6011624

Some classics not mentioned so far, unless I missed them:
Fantastic Voyage
The Andromeda Strain
This Island Earth (I want my interoscitor)
The Terranauts (Worth watching once, not twice)
Life Force (more terror then sci-fi but I liked the nude vampire)

>> No.6011627

>Life Force
>nude alien vampire
I fapped to her many times when I was younger. Damn, I need to find that movie again as a reminder. The movie itself was meh-tier though.

>The Andromeda Strain
...was mentioned.

>> No.6011644

Primer, or Aliens

>> No.6011693

The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension

>> No.6011751

Europa Report
Cargo (German)
Cronocrimines (Spanish)
Sunshine (first half of the movie is good, second half is clichéd hollywood shit with all the overdone tropes)
Aliens (Prometheus failed hard after all its buildup... again, too many tropes and too many different writers trying to pack their shit into one movie... fucking zombies, convenient character inconsistencies and stupidity... so disappointing. you have to have a hardon for scott to maintain that level of suspension of disbelief)

>> No.6011798
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I lucked out. I only caught the slasher ending the first time I saw it on TV, so when I watched the entire movie for the first time I knew exactly what was coming and now Sunshine is one of my favorite movies.

I can't think of another film with the same themes as Sunshine.

>> No.6011801

I saw the anti-progress themes in the trailers and thus refused to see the film.

>> No.6011804
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No one has mentioned Artificial Intelligence yet?

Such an underrated film. Made me cry the manliest of tears. Emotionally gripping and philosophically intriguing on top of the sci-fi fun.

>> No.6011807

No, I really actually do think so. Everybody has differing tastes I guess.

>> No.6011809

Maybe if he had been younger. He looks like he is twelve or thirteen in the movie and yet his character acts infantile. I find it annoying. I believe Bicentennial Man is a much better movie and it shares the same themes.

>> No.6011815

Red Planet is the best Mars movie.

>> No.6011816

>excellent first half
>that laughter scene
>turns into random action/adventure nonsensical movie halfway through
The name of the film is "Wasted Opportunity"

>> No.6011828

Contact was okay as a movie but it's rather lackluster compared to the book.
They left out most of the decryption of the message stuff and replaced it with a 15s thing about Hitler, they also left out the whole "God's message in Pi thing", "superior civilisations making universes" and replaced it with a silly romance
>cock makes me doubt my atheism

Also, the parts where she meets the alien civilisation were obviously much better in the book because cgi is a bad substitute for imagination.

>> No.6011831

> Pacific Rim

Are you 12? For fucks sake...

>> No.6011832

>cock makes me doubt my atheism
You need to watch movie Contact again. She never even slightly starts believing in God or the supernatural.

>> No.6011837

Hmm, could be that I remember it incorrectly, I've watched the movie bout 8 years ago.

Oh also, the whole sending her alone part was weird, compared to the book's 5 (4-6?) man mission. Just so they could have the scenes where she's alone in her conviction against everyone else and then she talks about faith... eh

>> No.6011864

I don't really like any sci-fi movies, but in terms of futuristic, I like Dead End Drive In and the Warriors. The 80s always pictures the 90s to be the end of the world but frankly it was a great period.

>> No.6011868

I haven't read the book and though I don't like anything that explicitly or implicitly defends religious faith, I am a humanist and I have to respect the subjectivity of the human condition. I therefore appreciate Ellie coming to terms with the fact that a logical person can be utterly convinced of something due to subjective experience and yet lack objective evidence to convince others and that therefore one must treat people with seemingly absurd beliefs with respect (assuming said beliefs are based on subjective experience and not outright illogical).

>> No.6011904

Kin dza dza
Stalker (1979)
Time crimes

>> No.6011936

>"God's message in Pi thing"
Threw the book at the wall at this point.

There's a limit to the idiocy I'm willing to put up with in sci-fi. Pi would be the same goddamn thing in every possible universe, because it's not derived from physical measurement. Nothing could "write a message" in pi, regardless of whether it could create universes or created this one, any more than it could decide that 1+1 would equal something other than 2.

>> No.6011939
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>> No.6012259

I'm sorry you don't like fun movies.

>> No.6012273


>> No.6012387

this me also, its sorta a retelling of Pinocchio though

>> No.6012417

Minority Report, Artificial Intelligence, I, Robot, A boy and his dog, bladerunner

>> No.6012425

>I, Robot
>muh vintage converse
Product Placement: The Movie.
Asimov probably rolled over in his grave from that travesty.

>> No.6012445

Altered States
The Quiet Earth

>> No.6012446

Driving Miss Daisy.

>> No.6012447


>> No.6012448

Nearly all movies have some sort of product placement. Get over it.

>> No.6012462
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>> No.6012472

There's a difference between appropriate, tolerable product placement, and disgusting, whorish product placement. Guess which kind was in "I, Robot".

>> No.6012480

No product placement is appropriate. If you believe in this, you are a rightwing moralist. I can't even imagine what you think it would be the appropriate racism, the tolerable homossexual behavior, and so forth.

>> No.6012495

>No product placement is appropriate. If you believe in this, you are a rightwing moralist.
Wow, okay.
So a shot of a Coca Cola billboard amidst a sea of neon in Blade Runner is equivalent to the main character of I, Robot vocally advertizing for Converse? Or that same billboard is equal to the outright whorish commercials as seen in a movie like "Jack and Jill"?
Do I wish there was advertising in movies? No. But there are certain contexts in which advertisements are appropriate, and there are those where it isn't.

>I can't even imagine what you think it would be the appropriate racism, the tolerable homossexual behavior, and so forth.
>homossexual behavior
You need to calm down there son.

>> No.6012501
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Andromeda Strain
The Day The Earth Stood Still the original
Total Recall
Close Encounters of The Third Kind
The Forbidden Planet
Jurassic Park
A Clockwork Orange
Terminator 1 and 2
Starship Troopers
They Live
Men in Black
Invasion of the body snatchers
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
The Man Who Fell to Earth
Donnie Darko (somewhat sci-fi has to do with time travel)
Planet of the Apes

>> No.6012685

The message was the training is nothing, the will is everything!

>> No.6012694

Despite their Scientific errors: Sunshine and Jurassic Park.

>> No.6012698

Me again. I've managed to get through Dredd but barely, I was cringing the whole time on the shit storyline and borderline retarded acting. So I thought, "fuck, apparently I've picked up the wrong one from my list" - so I started watching Pacific Rim. The first sci-fi movie since Immortel Ad Vitam that I stopped watching halfway through, cause it was so bad.

Are you people fucking serious?

>> No.6012703

Shit I thought it said favorite science movies. Never mind the .

>> No.6012719

Agreed. Also D.A.R.Y.L. > AI

>> No.6012761

>shit storyline
How is it shit?
>borderline retarded acting.
What was retarded about it?

>Pacific Rim
Are you serious? It has it's problems but it's certainly not bad.

>> No.6012781


that's where the thread ended.

also, fuck that Damon Lindelof idiot who fucked up Prometheus. I hear it was a pretty good movie before he took a giant dump on its script.

>> No.6012793
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<=== Loved, LOVED, this movie. Direction, story and MUSIC was all awesome. Plus Olga was great to look at.

>> No.6012811

The aesthetic and music were good. It definitely has the same sort of visual style as Tron Legacy (same director). Direction and story were both pretty solid but nothing amazing. Tom Cruise was just Tom Cruise, as always. None of the performances really stood out IMO.

>> No.6012813
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>> No.6012816

Fifth Element.

>> No.6012826

Moon was mentioned too few times in this thread.
It's not just my favorite sci-fi movie, it's my favorite movie of all time.

>> No.6013196
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Forbidden Planet was not too bad.

>> No.6013305

The story was an unholy amalgamation of other sci-fi films.
This post is going to spoil the shit out of this movie, if you haven't seen it and are planning on it, please don't read past this line
"Mothership up in space is ruining our day, we'd better go up there pretending to be one of its ships and nuke the shit out of it to destroy its influence on Earth" AKA INDEPENDENCE DAY.
"I'm really a clone designed to perform a specific function for a tour of duty, after which I am replaced by another clone" AKA MOON.
In order for Tom Cruise to finally wake up to the reality he's living in he needs an older black mentor figure: AKA Lawrence Morgan "Morpheus" Fishburn Freeman from the Matrix.

And those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head, I'm sure there are many more.
Overall the special effects and acting were pretty good, but as soon as the plot started to unfold I lost my interest.

>> No.6013328

>The last half hour or so is just stupid.

I agree that the adaptation to film was a little lacking. For instance, they left out a lot of awesome Sci-Fi moments, such as space ships made entirely of gold, ancient abandoned space cities and all other kinds of cool stuff. It's probably one of the coolest parts of the book, but they completely left it out. I mean, they could have easily cut the space walking scene where all you hear is breathing for 10 minutes straight, if reel time was an issue.

>> No.6013332


That film is actually one of the few kids film to actually hit me right in the gut.

>> No.6013338
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I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but they're both "The second Star Trek movie", when compared to their respective universes.

"Star Trek" and "Into Darkness" will never be in the same chronology or universe as "The Motion Picture" and "The Wrath of Khan".

>> No.6013339


>> No.6013340


>> No.6013347
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>The math guy: "I forgot to carry the one"

made me a little mad

>> No.6013351

2001 - So realistic, not filled with fluff.
Gattaca - Not all that sci-fi, I like it more for the script quality.
Pi - Just a really interesting little film.
Primer - Mind bender. Seriously this is one of the best movies I've ever seen and probably my favorite sci fi.
Sunshine - This is a fun little movie, with very nice visuals.

>> No.6013397

I fucking love the theme song in that movie.

>> No.6013622

1. Oblivion
2. Elysium
3. Star Trek
4. Dredd
99999999999. Pacific Rim

>> No.6013624

Is the new Total Recall any good? The one with Colin Farrell I mean.

>> No.6013640

It's Kubrick. I'm pretty sure anything left out from the book isn't the result of time limit but conscious artistic choice.

>> No.6014042

No watch the original it's better by a lot.

>> No.6014049

It's mediocre.
1990 version is superior. Doesn't take itself seriously, has more over the top violence, silly one liners, arnold, and they actually go to Mars.

>> No.6014055

He's just being a raging autist. Pay him no mind.

>> No.6014058


>> No.6014153

what species of animal is it then? A possum?

>> No.6014155

i got 5 kids to feed
welcome to johnny cab
consider it a divorce
see you at the party, victor

>> No.6014185
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Nope, it's Allison from the America's Next Top Model.

>> No.6014193


Is it a science fiction movie?

>> No.6014212
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>> No.6014211


Fuck anime.

>> No.6015028
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Guys, I'm building a list of movies here, so post more if you have them.
Stuff like 'must see' sci-fi movies.
>also bump

>> No.6015044

fuck you! some anime is ok......what about Akira?

>> No.6015043

>watching america's next top model
why is this thread full of so much cancer?

>> No.6015070

Oh Sci-Fi anime now?

Ghost in the Shell - didn't really like the rehashed movies. I believe one of the movies was original
Akira - there is a couple of epic scenes...doesn't make up for the dialogue dumps
NGE - one of the best anime ever, each series, each rehashing I really enjoyed. End of Evangelion was the best.
Planetes - One of those "real" sci-fi shows. the show is about space junk, space terrorism, "drowning", smoking in space, and the first manned mission to jupiter. Overall a great show. I wish I still enjoyed anime hijinks and could stand watching it again
Casshern Sins - ??? really gritty. still haven't seen all the way through
Code Geass - Probably my favorite show ever. I've seen it at least three times. Evil genius takes control of the world with mechas. has been said to be Death Note with Mechs
Gundam Wing - I really enjoyed it when I got down to just watching it. It definitely takes itself wayyyy too seriously. Five mechs (good guys) are built better than all the other mechs (bad guys). that sounds...really bad. The bad guys get better mechs, lots of side switching, etc.
Eureka 7 - a nicer version of NGE. Nice drama, i didn't like the ending, colors were pretty, music was awesome (ost is my car)
Gantz - Do you like having your main characters stay your main characters? well tough luck. Gantz cycles through cast as fast as GRR Martin, maybe faster. Manga is better, but show is definitely good. Good theme song too.
FLCL - It's about becoming a man and rejecting everything and realizing doing that is becoming mainstream or something.
Now and Then Here and There - Holy shit I completely forgot about this show. Definitely an older anime. I'm not really sure why I liked it as much as I did, but I'm thinking it might have been like a more grown up version of a Miyazaki film. I really can't remember and I will go rewatch this soon.
Castle in the Sky - speaking of Miyazaki
welcome to 4chan bitch

>> No.6015071

Gantz is such a letdown, and does nothing of its interesting premise, especially the show.

>> No.6015081

does the manga end?
It kept ramping up as I was reading it.
I really enjoyed that about it.
the constant character killing kept me interested

>> No.6015084

Yeah the manga is over.
Goes pretty wild at the end.

>> No.6015096

Code Geass is Death Note with a protagonist that isn't a self-righteous douche bag. I couldn't stand Light, at least Lelouche knew he was the bad guy.

>> No.6015112
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>> No.6015115
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>> No.6015119
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Call it inspiration

>> No.6016067

>>shit storyline
>How is it shit?
It doesn't have a storyline at all. It's a shootout stretched to the length of a whole movie. If people consider this entertaining then they probably also love watching paint dry.

>> No.6016082
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Seriously, has someone got like a long list of decent sci fi movies I could watch?
All I see here is Pacific Rim and similar stuff.

>> No.6016087

What's "similar stuff"?
What science fiction movies have you already watched? There's been a lot of great Sci-fi movies suggested in this thread, like Moon, 2001, Primer and Gattaca.

>> No.6016106
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Would you consider Pacific Rim a decent movie?
I thought it was laughable and I noticed it was mentioned a lot here.
Having said that, people make the mistake of grouping all new movies together and completely dismissing them.
Elysium was mentioned a lot, too; I watched at the cinema, really enjoyed it, but it had such weak plot armour.
Also, pic related, Chronicle is one of my favourite movies.
I know some decent one's have been posted, but I am not trawling this thread, copying and pasting short sections.
I want classics.

>> No.6016133

It does have a story line though. In fact, it starts branching into 2 when it starts following Charlie around. It's a simple story, but it doesn't mean "it doesn't have a storyline at all".

> It's a shootout stretched to the length of a whole movie
Did you even watch the movie? There was a pretty hefty segment smack dab in the middle of the film where nobody was even piloting a Jaeger.

>> No.6016135

There have been numerous classics posted many times throughout this thread...

>> No.6016150

He's talking about Dredd, not Pathetic Rim.

>> No.6016288

He's still wrong then.

>> No.6016390

Believe it or not, Troll Hunter was a pretty cool fictional documentary about the swedish government trying to hide the fact that trolls exist to the public. I liked it because it kinda mind fucked me about that shit being real (even though they aren't).

>> No.6016420
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>swedish government

>> No.6016469

Do you also count Star Wars, the new Star Trek, Terminator as science fiction?

Science fantasy != science fiction

>> No.6016482
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>> No.6016493

How's the new Riddick? I remember Pitch Black was decent.

>> No.6016607


It's like a Pitch Black's bad copy. Seriously, it's not worth watching.

>> No.6016641

This this this this this

>> No.6017100
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I liked The Terrornauts. It's old. The special effects suck. But the story is good. If it was remade, it could be great.