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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6003971 No.6003971 [Reply] [Original]

A magical being comes to you with the choice of chosing three people who you wish to have the intelligence of. Your brain will be as intelligent as these three combined, you will be able to think uniquely like each one of them did, and combine their methods of solving problems. Who do you chose?

1. Albert Einstein
2. Richard Feynman
3. Gauss

>> No.6003972

1. Richard Dawkins
2. Neil deGrasse Tyson
3. Michio Kaku

>> No.6003974

Albert Einstein. Without any doubt.

>> No.6003975


>> No.6003976

you get to chose three people. These three intelligences will combine to form your intelligence.

>> No.6003978

lol. troll.

but in reality, those people are actually pretty smart, and being as smart as them combined would make you smarter than anyone on this board, and smarter than most people

>> No.6003979

Isaac Newton
Albert Einstein
Nikola Tesla

>> No.6003981

1. Chris Langan
2. Jacob Barnett
3. Evan O'Dorney

>> No.6003980

not bad

>> No.6003983

are you trying to form the ultimate autist?

>> No.6003985

Sam Harris
Christopher Hitchens
The Amazing Atheist

>> No.6003992

so you want to be the most obnoxious and loudest person? All of these people claim to be intelligent, but don't really do anything with their intelligence, like scientists do (building computers, medicine, etc). they just kinda complain

>> No.6003995

>implying atheists aren't the smartest people

christfag detected

>> No.6003997

Im an atheist. Im just saying a scientist like Richard Feynman (who was an atheist) is smarter than just a regular person who is an atheist.

>> No.6004001

When did Feynman ever debate creationists? He didn't. Feynman was just an aspie in a physics lab. The Amazing Atheist knows science AND helps improving our society.

>> No.6004003

1) Rosie O'Donnel
2)Rush Limbaugh
3)Kim Kardashian

IQ-wise that's gotta come to at least 120, right?

>> No.6004005

I think feynman developing QED is more important than a fat neckbeard cussing and screaming about christians on youtube for add money, but hey that is just like my rational non retarded opinion. Im pretty sure we can all agree that Feynman was smarter and more important than the amazing add whore

>> No.6004006

>this thread
>no von Neumann

>> No.6004008


"hey guys my favorite scientist is von Neumann, but you probably havent heard of him anyway"

>> No.6004017

>delicious christfag tears

When does anyone who isn't autistic ever need QED? Fucking nowhere. Religiontards on the other hand are everywhere and making them shut up is important. The Amazing Atheist has done more for humanity than Feynman ever did.

>> No.6004019

hahah, your idiocy doesnt even warrant a syrias response

stay in le school

>> No.6004021

1. Sheldon Cooper
2. Howard Wolowitz
3. Raj Koothrappali

>> No.6004023

dam. you are gonna be a fucking genius AND super fucking funny

>> No.6004045

Gauss, Beethoven, and Da Vinci.

Alright, now that I'm a man, where is my fucking medal?

>> No.6004047

Gauss, without being arrogant, perfectionist and having a bad personality. That German snownigger had the brain of a God

>> No.6004050

Its in the toilet. dip your head in there and you will see it

>> No.6004059

Oh, three people.
-Da Vinci

>> No.6004060

1. Einstein
2. Euler
3. Archimedes (just to know what he was like)

Runner ups include:
Socrates, Bobby Fischer, Isaac Newton

>> No.6004073

wasnt archimedes some bullshit philosopher who said shit like " a ball in motion stops because it gets tired"

>> No.6004343


>> No.6004354


>> No.6004379

I wouldn't want to accept this choice. To be honest, I'm perfectly alright with my intelligence level right now. I'm not saying that I'm a genius or anything, because I don't think that I am, but I just don't want to be even more lonely than I am now. Intelligence only brings sorrow in my experience.

>> No.6004387

stop reading books.

>> No.6004394

1. Alan Watts
2. Terrence Mckenna
3. Lao Tzu
>tfw enlightened

>> No.6004410

I wonder why Nikola Tesla is in only 1 post, probably the most important man in modern electronics and yet people pick Einstein over him.

>> No.6004427

>lao tzu
>implying he ever existed

>> No.6004444

>not picking Euler

>> No.6004463

1. Albert Einstein
2. Terence McKenna
3. Friedrich Nietzsche

>> No.6004464

You got baited hard there mate.

>> No.6004465

3. Einstein
Only to force a scientific utopia with his l33t persuasion skills.

>> No.6004466

Anyone who doesn't have Euler is a fucking retard.

>> No.6004468

2. Christ
3. Holy-spirit

>> No.6004488

1. Planck
2. Mozart
3. Bohr

>> No.6004491


>> No.6004492


>> No.6004493

1. an amazing politician/charismatic leader (maybe someone like Hitler)
2. some great philosopher and thinker (someone like Leibniz)
3. a comedian or someone with the gift of the gab who is a master of social situations (like Russel Brand)

>> No.6004501

von Neumann

Why the hate on von N, he was an autist but his brain was just, damn. I'm still not sure Euler is a better choice than Gauss.

>mfw I'm a double, possibly triple autist

>> No.6004503

1. Gauss
2. Feynman or Fermat (they both weren't too smart but were successful because they had fun in their stuff)
3. Euler

I'm a math dude with interests in physics if you haven't noticed.

>> No.6004504

Prince of Math vs the King of Math. Your choice, really.

Those weren't their actual "titles" but it was something along those lines. Those were the days.

>> No.6004515

I often wonder what would they be like if born today. Many things they invented are now considered elementary; there is so much more to learn if you wanted to contribute. I guess what I wonder the most is would they still make groundbreaking discoveries at young age today.

I'm sure Einstein would, physics hasn't changed considerably in the past 100 years, since the idea of quantum mech.

>> No.6004533

Stephen Hawking
Napoleon Bonaparte
Kim Peak

>> No.6004566

>Lao tzu
this is why/lit/ doesnt like us
>lao tzu
>not buddha
>not boddidarma
>not rumi
>not hindu or christian mystics

>> No.6004568

>terrence Mckenna
doing hallucinogenic drugs and talking to magical elves doesnt count as intelligence

>> No.6004569

>nikola tesla
why dont you go make an infographic and post it on reddit

>> No.6004580

1) Carl Sagan
2) Albert Einstein
3) Richard Feynman

>> No.6004584

Hawking is overrated.

>> No.6004589

Ronny "The Dick" Descartes
Smoke "The Grass' Tyson
Carl Semen

>> No.6004602
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1. myself
2. myself

get on my level.

>> No.6004650
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1. C.F. Gauss
2. A. Grothendieck
3. J. Von Neumann

>> No.6004653

1. Albert Einstein
2. Sigmund Freud
3. Leonardo Da Vinci

>> No.6004656

1) Nikola Tesla
2) Michio Kaku
3) Richard Feynman

>> No.6004663

1.Karl Marx
2.Ludwig Wittgenstein
3.Alber Einstein

>> No.6004675


>> No.6004679

My nigga

>> No.6004690
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Justin Biber
Barak Obama
50 cent

>> No.6004692

lord keynes
alexander the great
augustus caesar

>> No.6004710


>> No.6004738


>> No.6004744

1. myself (don't want to lose access to my own brain)
2. Jon Von Neumann for pure intelligence
3. Bill Clinton for social intelligence

>> No.6004760

da vinci

>> No.6004787

>Richard Feynman

>> No.6004822

I might go with Archimedes, Newton, and Einstein.

>> No.6004830

Da Vinci

>> No.6004831

This is cancer. OP can't write. Choices are full pleb.


>> No.6004834


I think that covers all my bases.

>> No.6004843

1. John Von Neumann
2. Paul Erdos
3. Alexander Grothendieck

>> No.6004872

Newton, Leibniz, Einstein

>> No.6004883
File: 8 KB, 318x500, 3109NK7THCL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



This is the true story of the greatest Chinese espionage successes against the USA. Deception takes the reader through a documented tale of spies, secrets, money sex and power that dominates the US government.
Get the full story from the journalist that broke the China-Gate scandal along with the documented evidence that turned China-Gate into a full blown investigation. Author Charles R. Smith names the Chinese generals the greedy corporate bosses that sold America out to China.

Deception details the Clinton Administration and it's trade in weapons, US defense secrets and money using documented evidence obtained from nearly 50,000 of official and classified US Government documents. For the past decade, investigative journalist Charles R. Smith used the freedom of information act to get these documents and bring home the truth.

Find out about General Ding Heng Gao, commander of the Chinese espionage unit, COSTIND, or the Commission on Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense. The documented evidence includes letters from General Ding to Ron Brown and Clinton Secretary of Defense William Perry.

General Ding is the most successful Chinese military commander since Mao. Mao took Mainland China in 1949 after fighting a twenty-year war against both the warlords and the Imperial Japanese Army. General Ding, armed only with a checkbook, took the U.S. White House.

The Chinese Army turned its Second Artillery Corps - the PRC's strategic missile force - into a feared world power and defeated America without firing a shot in the short span of six years.

The spectacular success of General Ding and COSTIND turned China into a regional power that dominates Asia and a world power capable of flexing military force anywhere on earth. It is no surprise that General Ding and COSTIND recently won the honors of the Chinese communist party.

>> No.6004884

The Chinese Generals who engineered the espionage success against America have all retired with the highest rewards from the communist party. Their operations against the United States were carefully planned and executed. Their meetings were quietly withheld from public view by a U.S. administration seeking to reap the benefits from "military" sales to the People's Liberation Army.

President Clinton personally approved of the penetration of the U.S. aerospace industry by the Chinese Army. Documentation shows that Chinese General Shen Rougjun of COSTIND played a game of financial brinkmanship with Hughes and Loral while getting his son a classified position inside the U.S. space industry.

According to U.S. Commerce Department documents, Gen. Shen met with Ron Brown and Loral CEO Bernard Schwartz. President Clinton personally approved the meeting. The resulting espionage success of General Shen led directly to improved ICBM missile guidance and reliability for the Chinese Army.

Get the real story behind the Chinese "Tiger Song" air defense system. Read how the Chinese Army penetrated the U.S. Defense Department and obtained an advanced air defense system that was re-exported to Iraq. The story includes detailed letters and meetings between Chinese General Ding Henggao and U.S. Defense Secretary William Perry.

>> No.6004889

The penetration of General Ding included hiring Perry's personal paid consultant, Dr. John Lewis, to help the Chinese Army obtain a secure communications computer network and getting his wife, Madam General Nie Li to erect a false front company. The book also includes details of suspected Chinese spy Hua Di who worked closely with Secretary Perry and then fled back to China in 1996.

The Bush administration is painfully aware that the original Tiger Song fiber-optic air defense network was shipped directly the Chinese Army in 1994 after being approved by then Clinton Defense Secretary William Perry.

U.S. officials are convinced that the Afghan Taliban's fiber-optic air defense system was constructed using U.S. parts exported to China. Ironically, Saddam Hussein also purchased the same air defense system of U.S. made fiber-optic parts purchased under commercial contracts by the Chinese Army.


>> No.6004893


Deception: How Clinton Sold America Out to the Chinese Military Paperback

by Charles R. Smith(Author)

>> No.6004895

Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Friedrich Nietzsche
Isaac Newton

>> No.6004897 [DELETED] 

what just happened here?

>> No.6004974

Moe (not THAT Moe, the other Moe.. you wizeguy you)

>> No.6005116

only acceptable answer in this thread

>> No.6005160

>2. Jon Von Neumann for pure intelligence
lol. that man was a calculator and nothing more

>> No.6005192



>> No.6005200


>> No.6005204

1. Isaac Newton
3.Myself after the wish is fulfilled.

>> No.6005210

> Simon Peyton-Jones
> RMS (back when he hacked the GCC)(and was a Math major)
> Linus Torvalds

I like to program.

>> No.6005221

R. A Fisher (this guy is considered a genius by both statisticians and geneticists)

I want to put Edison in there somewhere.... but I don't know who to replace.

>> No.6005224

Isnt he just an inferior Von Neumann?

>> No.6005227

A calculator who roleld on up mastered then improved any field of mathematics he touched.

But yeah he was a calculator too.

>> No.6005238

Gr8 b8 m8 ill r8 8/8

>> No.6005241

1. Alan Turing
2. Edsger W. Dijkstra
3. I'll pass.

>> No.6005243

he was pretty smart, but not on the par of these other names. Groethendieck and Hilbert worked during the 20th century as well and they were both obviously ahead of him.

>> No.6005244

I'll add Nikola Tesla.

>> No.6005245

>Myself after the wish is fulfilled.
Are you intending this to be recursive, or merely a double of your intelligence?


>inb4 namedropping

>> No.6005246

Fun fact: Goethe, Kant, Beethoven, and Gauss were all alive at the same time. They could have sat down for dinner and talked about how fucking smart they were.

>> No.6005252

>all this einstein
no thanks, I'll take Poincare or Lorentz, who actually did the work

>> No.6005253
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>> No.6005254

why von Neumann and Euler?

>> No.6005255


no, with all their powers combined, they are nearly functioning human being

>> No.6005256

well, he was the greatest physicist of his era. He came up with the law of the lever and did work on hydrostatics. He also computed the centers of gravity of a whole bunch of shit before calculus was invented.

>> No.6005257

I like Tesla but his fans are fucking twats. And picking Einstein is perfectly understandable if you prefer physics to engineering.

>> No.6005260

As far as mathematicians go, Newton, Gauss and Archimedes are all above him. And Lagrange is on his plane.

>> No.6005261

right, but Hitler wasn't exactly the brightest strategist.

>> No.6005264

no, you're a fucking retard. If you want a mathematician, pick Newton or Gauss.

>> No.6005262

>Einstein is perfectly understandable if you prefer physics to engineering.
Einstein has also had some works on engineering...

>> No.6005266

von N wasn't autistic at all, he was popular. And there are many, many better mathematicians.

>> No.6005267

Chris chan
Pol pot
Patrick bateman

>> No.6005270

I would argue that Feynman was actually quite smart. His IQ of 130 was only that low because he wasn't as skilled at things nonmathematical.

>> No.6005273

Euler was not "King of Math." There are several theorems that Gauss got that Euler couldn't touch.

>> No.6005280

I would guess so. There's a lot to know, but you don't have to know it all by any means. Galois was quite mature for his age. Pauli wrote a textbook on relativity at 19. Hermite was also active in his own research early in his education.

>> No.6005284

Why Freud? Do you want to see dicks everywhere?

>> No.6005286

>Lord Kelvin

I'd cruise through my Fluid Dynamics course next year.

>> No.6005287

I sort of want to have Wittgenstein's brain just to know whether he was on to anything.

>> No.6005292

why Hamilton?

>> No.6005296

why so 20th century?

>> No.6005300

Hamiltonian Mechanics?

>> No.6005302

well, he was more, but I agree that his work lacked philosophical perspective.

>> No.6005305

no, he is a superior von Neumann.

>> No.6005307

technically, what you did would count as namedropping.

>> No.6005314

Yeah, but I'd pick Tesla or Vitruvius or Applolodorus over him if I wanted to be an engineer.

>> No.6005317

ultimate human

>> No.6005319

honestly, if you wanted to understand fluid dynamics, you'd need the mind of someone not yet born.

>> No.6005320

I agree. That would be an awesome mix!

>> No.6005321

yeah I guess. I just think there are superior algebraists and mathematical physicists.

>> No.6005324

True. Maybe George Boole wouldn't be a bad choice either.

>> No.6005326

1. Ramanujan
2. Warren Buffet
3. Tesla

>> No.6005330


Autistic murdering manchild with an obsession for repeating digits

>> No.6005331

Im surprised more people arent picking Edison.
Lightbulb, phonograph, motion camera, etc.
This guy had a scorching brain.

>> No.6005335

they're brainwashed by reddit to think that he only stole from Tesla

>> No.6005336

Ignore what tesla did or didn't do for the while, it's nigh on impossible to suggest that at the time, and even possibly today, anyone had or has a more intuitive understanding of electricity.

>> No.6005346
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1. Kim Kardashian
2. Paris Hilton
3. Lexi Belle

>> No.6005376

>ctrl + f
> no abel
/sci/ why are you such retards?

>> No.6005382

Sup Nordmann

>> No.6005387

IQ total: 10

>> No.6005421

He could see the world in a way no one else could.
Feynman diagrams made quantum electromechanics something that could be studied.
He also fucked bitches and played bongos.
Also state diagrams for hexaflexagon and breaking into all the safes at los alamos
yeah pretty much what he said >>6005302
I like Hamiltonian Mechanics and he basically started vector analysis (and quaternions )

Newton because calculus and his law of motion (and law of inertia stolen from Galileo).

Euler for rigid bodies and complex analysis. Apparently he also played with flexible bodies
but I only see inviscid flow, no real flows...

Anyone know who started the control volume magic?

>> No.6005441
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1) Newton
2) Maxwell
3) Dirac - for the added powers of autism

>Being OP
>Not picking Newton
>Not picking the single greatest physicist who ever lived


>> No.6005447

>and yet people pick Einstein over him.

Einstein did more than just relativity you know, he published a shit load.

His is pretty much responsible for the founding of Quantum Mechanics.

>> No.6005452

I'd combine the impersonal Dirac with the engaging Sagan, and throw in some Feynman for the occasional showboatery.

>> No.6005458

1. Max Planck
2. Richard Feynman
3. Nicola Tesla
(Was on the fence between Micheal Faraday and Tesla, chose Tesla simply because the dude was more of an engineer than a scientist and could build his own shit.)

Think about these choices. Electromagnetism will be my bitch.

>> No.6005472


muh ostehovel

>> No.6005474

>Feynman for the occasional showboatery.
>occasional showboatery

Top kek


What's with everyone's Faraday boner. The guy was an idiot. Any one of us could have discovered the things he did given time and money. He was just sitting around in a lab playing with wires and magnets. He needed Maxwell to do all the maths for him because he was incapable.

Give anyone with average intelligence money and a lab to play with and they'd discover the things he did.

>> No.6005478

I knew he started the other modern physics disciplines: GR and SR. Also he played with Brownian motion.
What did he do for QM? Was is the photon stuff?
No Tesla is not the most important man in modern physics. Alternating current is awesome and radio is awesome. You know what's more important than anything he did? Semiconductors. This is modern electronics.

>> No.6005481

> superior mathematical physicists
like whom?
not a huge fan of "modern physics".
Lagrange I really like, but...Euler-Lagrange equation, and Hamiltonian instead of Lagrangian mechanics?
Idk it's a tough one

>> No.6005482

Pretty much because Maxwell said that Faraday was said "to have been in reality a mathematician of a very high order – one from whom the mathematicians of the future may derive valuable and fertile methods."

Maxwell and Faraday were like two peas in a pod. Neither could have done as well as they did without the other. Kind of why I put Tesla in there instead of Faraday.

Besides, if you had the intelligence of the other two minds, you'd have yourself an electromagnetic orgy.

>> No.6005508

>not the most important man in modern physics

We're not looking for the "most important men", we're looking for what amalgam of scientists would work well to achieve something beyond fucking awesome.

As long as Tesla is combined with some fuckwit associated with modern electromagnetism, then you got yourself a recipe for great things.

This dudes choice of Feynman and Tesla is pretty much merging Babe Ruth with Willie Mays. Not sure why he chose Planck though...

>> No.6005515

did you see what I linked?
he claimed Tesla was the most important man in modern electronics.
I disagree.

>> No.6005525

Then I agree with you, that dude is fucking retarded.

But I think we agree that he'd be a fantastic addition.

>> No.6005550


>> No.6005736

Kim Ung-yong
William James Sidis
Jennifer rose Ocasio

>> No.6005779



>> No.6005781


>> No.6005803


>> No.6005808

I took the labor of creating a list of every 'relevant' person in this thread, heres the key; []=not sure of relevance, [-]=troll, [x;y]=what theyre known for, but important. here is the list:

1 albert einstein
2 richard feynman
3 gauss
4 richard dawkins []
5 neil degrasse tyson []
6 michio kaku []
7 isaac newton
8 nikola tesla
9 Chris Langan []
10 Jacob Barnett []
11 Evan O'Dorney []
12 Sam Harris []
13 Christopher Hitchens []
14 The Amazing Atheist []
15 Rosie O'Donnel [-]
16 Rush Limbaugh [-]
17 von neumann
18 beethoven
19 da vinci
20 euler
21 gödel
22 cantor
23 fermat
24 weierstrass
25 archimedes

>> No.6005812


26 socrates
27 bobby fischer
28 turing
29 escher
30 bach
31 alan watts
32 terrence mckenna
33 lao tzu
34 lagrange
35 friedrich nietzsche
36 hitler
37 planck
38 mozart
39 bohr
40 bertrand russell
41 leibniz
42 russell brand []
43 stephen hawking
44 napoleon bonaparte
45 kim peek [rain man]
46 carl sagan
47 descartes
48 A. Grothendieck
49 sigmund freud
50 karl marx

>> No.6005816


51 ludwig wittgenstein
52 lord keynes
53 alexander the great
54 augustus caesar
55 hamilton
56 pascal
57 plato
58 cassanova
59 kontsevich
60 drinfeld
61 goethe
62 chopin
63 paul erdos
64 bill clinton [deception;book]
65 fyodor dostoyevsky
66 oppenheimer
67 enrico fermi
68 simon peyton-jones
69 linus torvalds
70 rms
71 r a fisher
72 Edsger W. Dijkstra
73 hilbert
74 goethe
75 kant
76 poincare
77 lorentz
78 galois
79 pauli
80 hermite
81 William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin
82 Sir George Stokes, 1st Baronet
83 marcus vitruvius
84 applolodorus
85 george boole
86 Srinivasa Ramanujan
87 Niels Henrik Abel
88 james Clerk Maxwell
89 Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
90 Michael Faraday

id just like to thank you for this variety, i plan on researching each individual and their findings

>> No.6005827

Are you sure you want to choose individuals with inflated and statistically inaccurate IQ scores rather than the heaps of other individuals with lesser IQs but vastly more achievement and relevance?

>> No.6005837

Ramanujan is the obvious choice, the boy had more mathematical intuition than Gauss and Euler combined, he just died too young for it to be explored.

I'll leave the other 2 as an exercise for the reader

>> No.6005851

Are the other two Gauss and Euler?

If so, too obvious but great try. If not, you didn't even imply a criteria by which to find the other two.

>> No.6005856

Oh wait yes you did, mathematical intuition.

And by that rubric, how would I know Gauss & Euler are the second/third best at mathematical intuition, by your use of them to compare how great Ramanujan was?

Hm. My only question is how would I ascerta- oh nevermind.

>> No.6005861

> Your brain will be as intelligent as these three combined
I have a problem with reading the ends of sentences

>> No.6005866

Phil Elverum
Leonardo Da Vinci

>> No.6006014

More info on #41


I see no one has mentioned Stephen Wolfram
he is worth a mention here

>> No.6006048


Between the ideology of thinking the amazing atheist is on the same of level of genius as Einstein and Dawkins and the spelling of syrias, this thread has gone from an interesting topic to absolutely, fucking, autist.

>> No.6006055

Why are we forgeting Larry Curly and Moe?
Comic genious.. has to count for something.
Humanity will not know enough to satisfy my hunger for knowledge anytime during my lifetime.. but i could at least hope to die laughing.. and in good spirits.

>> No.6006060

1. Nikola Tesla (for innovation)
2. Bruce Lee (for near total physical mastery)
3. Hannibal (brilliant politician and general)

>> No.6006086

This is a difficult question to answer, because different scientists lived at different ages of human understanding , meaning that thier intelligence level per se is not really applicable to today's mind's level of ability.
However, the ones whom I admire the most would be George Gamow, Alan Guth, and Newton, due to thier contributions to the fields of physics. For Newton, I would choose him because he was greatly ahead of his time in terms of his understanding and ability to piece together pieces of physics the way he did back then.