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File: 5 KB, 286x192, prove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6003892 No.6003892 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6003895


>> No.6003900


I get one human and I get another human.

I have to fuck each human once.

Since I will fuck twice,

-> Two humans.

Q.E.D. Ipso facto, ergo.

>> No.6003919

What's a '1'?

>> No.6003924

>Le xD face

>> No.6003931

What is 1? What is 2? What is +? What is =?

You could rename 2 as 3 and 3 as 2.
Then it would be 1+1=3.

I would say:
The (fields of) real numbers, rational numbers, ... as well as the natural numbers, the integers, ... are just definded the way that 1+1=2 using the decimal notation.

>> No.6003934


What is what is? I don't know what you're asking.

>> No.6003939

>life without axioms

>> No.6005258

1 + 1 = 0.999... + 0.999... = 1.999...8 = 1.999...7 = 1.999... = 2

qed <--- that's means proof, you plebs

>> No.6005369

a lot of these "clever" word problems floating around here. Well if 1 is understood to have a value of 1, then I can assume that 1+1=2.

>> No.6005391

B-But muh Peano axioms

>> No.6005403


Hey John, how about we call this stick here a 1.
Sounds good Dave.
What are we gonna do when we have more than 1 stick?
I don't know Dave, maybe we can say we have 19,000 sticks?
Sounds like a good idea to me John.

>There's still a stick with another stick, regardless the language being used. It's the idea that matters, not the medium used to transfer that idea to another person.

>> No.6005404

I laughed more at that than i should.

>> No.6005432

25-old virgin

>> No.6005446

>Nice projection

Care to make an actual rebuttal?

>> No.6005459
File: 22 KB, 212x270, Kurt_gödel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

=> "They Don't Think It Be Like It Is But It Do"
=> 1 + 1 = 2

>> No.6005461

define "="

>> No.6006657

What else do you think it equals?

>> No.6008430

What if the answer is 3?

>> No.6008555
File: 71 KB, 640x640, 1341388428366539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6010119

It's another notation for 2.

>> No.6010135

It's 10, obviously.

>> No.6010136

an equivalence relation on Z in this case

>> No.6011150

Why on Z?

>> No.6011249

Well, I've got new for ya.

A stick is always different from another stick, so neither is 1.

Basically the same applies to any object. There is no 1 anywhere.

>> No.6011281

because 1 and 2 are in Z

>> No.6011387



>> No.6011420

You can't prove things without axioms.

>> No.6011429


>> No.6011431

No, you create your own axioms for the time being.

>> No.6011440

I don't like to call people stupid, but I don't know how to put this softly. Axioms are axioms.

>> No.6011453

>logically prove a preposition in a system that is neither complete nor sound

>> No.6011469

1+1=2, just using the definition of 2

>> No.6011482

>Logically prove a preposition in a system which does not allow for logic
>Logicimwam the log lam

>> No.6011528

>fuck axioms, just use definitions instead

>> No.6011609

one plus one equals two

>> No.6011650

Checkm8 athetits

>> No.6011666

gr8 b8 op
>everyone else here's do reading. I'd start with Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem

>> No.6011684

Cue philosophy of mathematics, intuitionism, principia mathematica, linguistics etc Christ this is over my head m8

>> No.6013516

1 apple + 1 banana = 2 fruits