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6002110 No.6002110 [Reply] [Original]

So I've noticed that most people I know who are above average intelligence or even highly intelligent would rather listen to overly simplistic melodies and rhythms (radio pop) as opposed to complex ones(Bach, Brahms).

Are they simply used to it after growing up in a society or household which only plays such music? Are they maybe simply following the modern social norm and in reality don't care for the music? Is it something else and these are just a few isolated instances that aren't indicitive of anything grand?

>> No.6002116

>So I've noticed that most people I know who are above average intelligence or even highly intelligent would rather listen to overly simplistic melodies and rhythms (radio pop) as opposed to complex ones(Bach, Brahms).
You just noticed wrong.

>> No.6002131

I would consider myself to be above average intelligence and I listen to classical almost exclusively (with a few exceptions). I know several smart people that also enjoy classical and/or songs with "complex" melodies so maybe it's just you.

>> No.6002133

Genius with IQ of 220 here, can confirm my favourite artist is Dr. Dre and Stravinsky a shit.

>> No.6002138

Musical taste is pretty much unrelated to intelligence, it's influenced by what you grew up with. A flat 170 IQ here, and I listen to metal, orchestral, and even some songs that are played on the radio (I know.)

>> No.6002148

>I listen to metal
>Musical taste is pretty much unrelated to intelligence

>> No.6002149

>Stravinsky a shit
You got one part right, at least.

>> No.6002150

Your sample size sucks.
Type I error motherfucker.

>> No.6002155

IQ 163 here. I listen only to watusi.

>> No.6002164

250 IQ here. Listen to Sublime only

>> No.6002166

731 IQ here. Listen only to Barenaked Ladies.

>> No.6002170

IQ 178 here. I love the incessant cry of potatoes.

>> No.6002183

IQ over 900

I listun to Rebecca Black and Mealy Cyrus

>> No.6002189


I only listen to Mozart & Beethoven.

>> No.6002193

IQ of 63 here. I listen to Schoenberg and other Second Viennese School composers, except that clumsy imposter Webern who I despise.

>> No.6002196

You are now aware that melody and harmony are not the only "content-conveying" elements of music, and that timbre has become an extremely important form of expression since the mid 20th century.

>> No.6002198


timber is wood

>> No.6002201


wood is tree

>> No.6002203

Rhythm also.

>> No.6002206

My IQ is 430. I listen to Linkin Park xDDDD #YOLO

>> No.6002210

tree is less than for

>> No.6002209


tree is plant

>> No.6002215

Hasn't been an important form of expression long before then?

>> No.6002230

I think it's bullshit. However, I think it's safe to say that intelligent people who have and are investing energy into analysing the sounds of the world around them are drawn to more complex sounds (I am). But that goes without saying.

People listen to music for very different reasons and in different contexts and I think it's stupid to draw any conclusions based on musical taste since it differs not only based on personality/intelligence but also on culture, personal habits, line of work/hobbies, enviroment etc.

>> No.6002244

IQ 80 (yes i now its not very alot) but i listen to Mozart & bach mostly.

>> No.6002254

No, not really. Bach can mostly be played on any instrument without sounding bad. Orchestral arrangements became increasingly important through the Romantic era, but modern electronics and recording opened up so many possibilities that it isn't comparable at all.

>> No.6002257

You can listen to and analyze complex sounds without listening to music at all. Train yourself to notice spatial cues, for instance.

>> No.6002259


liek Skrillrex?

>> No.6002283


>> No.6002330

I actually have an attribution for this.
For any purpose, the amount of data that really qualifies as information has an upper limit, and past that it's all noise. The sound progressions that give music emotional content are really short (four three note chords), so it can be a very low limit.
I think that some genre of music (dubstep, orchestral) have so many different lines that can all change independently, that for many people it's too much data, and they feel overwhelmed by static.

>> No.6002368

Plant is life

>> No.6002501

IQ 144 here. I hate all music.

>> No.6002974

Maybe that is the case on social occassions.

Music can be nice for many applications. My favourite music musically wise is not the same as "meeting girls-music" or "soft background chat music" or "oh God I'm so fucking angry" and so on.

>> No.6003076


Hahaha... no, you guys don't have those IQ scores. Either you two are lying, or you don't have any clue what IQ actually means.



>> No.6003108


IQ 160 here
only listen to merzbow
get on my level

>> No.6003113

How would you know who is more intelligent than you if you were stupid?

>> No.6003115

244 IQ here.

I will destroy you all.

>> No.6003117
File: 32 KB, 716x374, highest iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The highest IQ ever to be scored in the advanced IQ test was by Abdesselam Jelloul. Who scored an adult IQ of 198 in a 2012 test which included 13 dimensions of intelligence (analytical, spatial, logical, memory, musical, linguistic, philosophical, moral, spiritual, interpersonal, intra-personal, bodily and naturalist).

maximum b8

>> No.6003574
File: 67 KB, 750x600, jiFfM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6003605

No, I have an IQ of 213
I only listen to dubstep

>> No.6003658

Music taste is function of intelligence and interest in music (that is, time spent listening to an analyzing music), with the latter being more important.

Smart people can have "bad" music taste, if they don't really get into music.

>> No.6003664

Math whiz here. I listen to bland music for the same reason I watch A Shot At Love With Tila Tequila and I Love New York and other dumbshit shows: after spending all day everyday thinking, I like to just absorb myself in something that doesn't require any thought. Simple sounds are a good means.

>> No.6003677

Merzbow is a cool guy and doesnt afraid of anything

>> No.6003690

Almost everyone who says they only listen to classical is just doing it for the signalling. Some of them just have shitty limited tastes though.

>> No.6003713

>Musical taste is influenced by what you grew up with
>I listen to metal
Wow, your parents were cool. I listen to metal too but I definitely didn't grow up with it so I guess your theory doesn't hold. I'd even say it cannot be true, otherwise there would never be innovation in music.

>> No.6003722

One's intelligence has a very low correlation to whether one has either 'high-brow' or 'low brow' taste.

>> No.6003731

279 IQ genious here. I hate complexe music because it is shit. Totally love the MTV charts, i'm listening it everyday.