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6001690 No.6001690 [Reply] [Original]

Does testosterone promote intelligence somehow?

I don't understand why Chess competitions are divided by gender.

What biochemical or genetic advantages do males have over a females in terms of intelligence and concentration?

>> No.6001729

>I don't understand why Chess competitions are divided by gender.
Men are on average better in mathematics and technical stuff.

It's instinctual.

I can't believe these facts are even controversial in 2013.

Blame feminists and cultural marxists infesting our universities.

>> No.6001733

I simply don't have an answer for you but this is the best question I've seen posed here in a while. Being a completely cerebral competition, I would imagine that it would've been desegregated by now, much like poker.

>> No.6001734

This is more psych based... /sci/ doesn't talk about psych subjects.

I will say that men use and have more gray matter than females (females having and using more white matter), but if a female is capable of performing better than her peers she is bumped up into male competitions.


>> No.6001741

I am not sure that "intelligence" is a thing that can be measured. As an analogy, how would you measure someone's athletic quotient? Some athletes are power lifters, some run races, some wrestle, some excel in skiing and archery. The idea of an athletic quotient is absurd unless you have a particular skill or skill set you want to measure. So too, I think, is the idea of an intelligence quotient.

>> No.6001744


I like this comparison of intelligence to athleticism. Good point.

>> No.6001746
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>I am not sure that "intelligence" is a thing that can be measured.
This is what retards actually believe.

>> No.6001749
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i think a more intricate strategy comes with controlling one's emotions. advantage.

>> No.6001757

then let them lose.
I'm going to go with culture norms.
We always split up all the other teams we might as well split up chess.
Also they can't all go to the same locker room for the pep talk.

>> No.6001783

A more recent neuro study dealing with epigenetics and the effect of gray/white matter in different areas of the male, female and transsexual's brains: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2754583/

Transsexuals with a mass in the putamen, an area of the brain controlling learning and motor skills, are more similar to a female's than a male's giving them more characteristics typical of a female. How they come like this isn't through nature, but effects that can be controlled since birth similar to how Asperger's can come about. So generally, females tend to instinctually have a different learning pattern than males unless they have a similar grey/white matter ratio to men (vice versa with males), though they can cultivate it over their lives if they wish to. How they can might be closely delved into within the next few years.

>> No.6001786


there is a measurable difference in performance though.

>> No.6001788

my bad

>> No.6001792

since even prior to birth*

Need to get more sleep, sheesh.

>> No.6001794

gahhhhh, that sucks
well they'll never get better if they don't play harder players right?
so why don't they just play them all and then just award the best the women do?
just something I wished was more equal

>> No.6001797

Just as with intelligence, you can measure someone's general athletic capability through correlations between their performance at one physical task and another. Doing well at something, cognitive or athletic, is an excellent indicator of being able to do well on any other.

>> No.6001807

>I don't understand why Chess competitions are divided by gender.
I didn't know that was a thing. Seems shitty, actually. Unless there was a legitimate reason, which according to >>6001786 there might have been.

>> No.6001808 [DELETED] 

Video games have been helping to close the gender gap, if the girls will play.

>> No.6001809

Video games have been helping to close the gender gap, if the girls will play.

>> No.6001833

I did some reading, they aren't required to play in the Women's League. The greatest female player (according to the FIDE) has never played in the Women's League.

>> No.6001856

>they aren't required to play in the Women's League

right, they just choose to for obvious reasons

>The greatest female player (according to the FIDE) has never played in the Women's League.

she isn't doing very well either way, considering she's been doing chess 8hours a day since she was 5years old...her rating is 2696...

Carlsen for example has 2870.

>> No.6001868

She's defeated a lot of other grandmasters, I'm pretty sure she's doing okay.

>> No.6001870


yep, just okay.

>> No.6001873

What about the grandmasters she's defeated? Are they just okay too?

>> No.6001877

>52nd in the world

so what are you better at than 99.999999257% of the world?

>> No.6001884

Ehh.. Her elo is artificially boosted because shes consistently the number one woman player. She plays men to boost her elo more but it hasnt been working its only been lowering her elo. Now her strategy is to play as few games as possible to keep her elo from sliding more.

>> No.6001902

I don't understand this, she's doesn't play in women's tournaments.

>> No.6001911

We are talking about women in general, and their performance is very obvious (low).

Look at the top 100 women in the world, they hover around 2300-2600 range.

The top 100 men hover around 2600-2900 range.

>> No.6001921


women 100: ratings.fide.com/top.phtml?list=women

men 100:

>> No.6001937

only 3% of chess players are female. that is figured from registrants to any tourney, pro or amateur

Professionally about 5% of chess players are female (as high as 7% in some western countries). So women in a sense are better at chess than men.

>> No.6001954

You are misinformed.

>> No.6001979


terrible logic.

>> No.6002005
File: 506 KB, 1188x1515, qsr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Logic is bourgeoisie and part of the patriarchy.

>> No.6002027

Even so, I still think her track record is impressive. She's better yet than most men and women on the planet even if she hasn't defeated any men of high championship recently.

>> No.6002040

>She's better yet than most men and women on the planet

anyone who is like 1600 rated also fits this description.


>> No.6002047

I don't understand this picture.

Where are the ponies? I can't believe he's not wearing anything with a pony on it.

>> No.6002050

Do women and men have exactly the same average IQ?

>> No.6002060

>Do women and men have exactly the same average IQ?

in the last 100 years women were always 5 points lower than men.

But in the last 10years or so women are the same or higher than men, because women are more likely to have College degrees than men.

>> No.6002062

Has there been a study that controls education and social class?

>> No.6002082

..But she's still higher than 1600. You're getting hung up.

>> No.6002084

>Has there been a study that controls education and social class?

>> No.6002087

But he/you just said they're higher because of college degrees, so how is it irrelevant?

>> No.6002094

>ut he/you just said they're higher be
Smart people are the ones that go out of their way to get college degrees.

>> No.6002099

That would be an interesting study. I'm sure it's already been done, though not for gender differences. Obviously those from a poorer background/social class would perform worse, but it would be interesting to see how much worse the men vs. women ratio would be. I'd assume the women would do worse being a product of their environment.

>> No.6002100

Okay, but this was about IQ.
If you're comparing the BIOLOGICAL DIFFERENCE of sexes, you need to try to exclude the social influences.

>> No.6002104

The biology creates the "social" influences.

Society is a biological construct.

>> No.6002103

>thinking IQ testing is based on pure biological differences

>> No.6002106


>> No.6002470

A great chess player once wrote that a real lady is someone who will never beat a man at chess until after they are married. I thought it was funny. Victorian humor, I guess.

>> No.6002505

Chris-chan hasn't killed himself yet?
I thought he was dead.