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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 5 KB, 193x262, water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5998100 No.5998100 [Reply] [Original]

Pretty simple question here, why does a cold liquid feel better going down a thirsty throat than a warm or room temperature liquid?

>> No.5998110

I heard that since cold water/fluid was less likely to have germs or bacteria growing in it, we evolved to enjoy it more. Not 100 percent but it sounded good enough to believe.

>> No.5998123

going to expand on this
water that flows in creeks tends to be colder than tepid water in ponds.
I would have guessed it was because it was something about cooling our crazy heat creating machine, but I hear it takes more energy to heat up the water, which heats you up some more

>> No.5998869

>evolved to enjoy it

Holy shit, you guys really do treat some science paths as a religion

>> No.5998880

Those fake ice cubes really piss me off and make me not thirsty.

>> No.5998881
File: 25 KB, 579x329, orangoutan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because my throat is warm and ice is cold. theres no much more to it you fucking losers

>> No.5998906

... because it's cold, dude

your body uses water to cool itself down. if you are thirsty, there is a lack of water (thus: a lack of coolant) cold water cools better than warm water

similarly, go out for a jog, come back, and compare the experience of drinking cold water to warm water

or put a cold rag on your head and compare it to putting a warm rag on your head

conversely, if you're standing outside in the winter cold, drinking something warm probably feels way better than drinking something cold.

... is this a serious thread?

>> No.5999790

Your nerves adapt it better. In reality drinking water at body tempature is healthier.

>> No.5999806

We need some mathematicians to help us explain this.

>> No.5999843

cool water has been running. less bacteria

warm water is stagnant, more bacteria

survival mechanism