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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5983793 No.5983793 [Reply] [Original]

i always see faggots saying "hahahhaa im majoring in math. 300k starting!"
but can you guys even find a job that offers that much?
ITT: pretend you already have that degree and find a math job that offers 300k starting and post the link on here

>> No.5983800

Who ever said that?

>> No.5983811


I never heard anyone say that. What are you on, OP?

>> No.5983817


literally 5 seconds of searching, not exact, but deal with it.


- Master in Financial Mathematics or a PhD in a quantitative area.
Salary and Benefits: $200-300K

>> No.5983819


PLastic surgery here 500k starting math majors suck my cock.

>> No.5983823

you live in singapore?

>> No.5983825

that is reasonable since plastic surgery is disgusting as fuck. not many people would want to do it, so i see why the demand is that high

>> No.5983832

Only clean wealthy hot people get plastic surgery.

>> No.5983835


Not true at all. A lot of work that plastic surgeons do is also reconstructive (burn victims, deformities, facial transplants for disfigured people and many other conditions) and often enough they do it for free.

>> No.5983841

I really hate you americans.

A similar surgeon here would make a little over 200k starting and lose half (or more) on taxes + insurance.

Seriously why would anyone even want to do medicine in this shithole country?

>> No.5983842


The reason why medicine costs so much in the US right here, ladies and gentlemen. That and the remarkable mark up for many medications and supplies.

>> No.5983846

you don't even live there. that doesn't count

>> No.5983860


Where are you from? I'm in Canada.


I am Canadian pleb.

>> No.5983862
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ITT: /sci/ can't back their shit up

>> No.5983864
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>> No.5983866

Oh okay, then you're just a delusional medicine student. Quit now while you can - you will not make anywhere near that amount of money.

>> No.5983867


US. Also, the fact that medicine is one of the most highly litigated fields (if not THE most, and I think it is). People act as if doctors, nurses and various other hospital staff should be infallible, and if anything goes wrong then they should be entitled to millions of dollars.

>> No.5983872


Actually I already got accepted to McGill faculty of medicine so...

>> No.5983874


Why did you think it was important to mention your school?

>> No.5983875

With a bachelors? No, you are looking at 50-60k starting usually with some quant desk job or programming job. Post-grad degree and maybe some experience, you are looking at around low 6-figure starting with promising outlooks on promotions.

It is a copy-pasta meant to get a reaction.

>> No.5983876

>Actually I already got accepted to McGill faculty of medicine
''then you're just a delusional medicine student.''

English motherfucker, do you speak it?

>> No.5983879

Put two and two together.

1. He goes to McGill
2. He believes he'll be making 500k starting as a plastic surgeon

AKA just another pretentious idiot looking to brag on the internet. Watch him respond with ''u mad'' or ''u jelly''.

>> No.5983882

u mad jelly

>> No.5983887


Because it's the best in my country.


Except that is how much plastic surgeons make, especially in major cities. Honestly there is no need to be a dick man. I don't understand what is making you so pissed off.


Oh wow my mistake. For some reason I read that as "delusional pre med student". My bad. Eh, maybe your comment would have had some relevance if I was a pre med student. Pre med students always think they are hot shit and something special. But I already finished my bachelors in biochemistry with a 3.9 GPA, have 300 hours of volunteer work at 2 hospitals and I already got accepted into a medical school. I am honestly as dedicated as possible to this. If I don't become a plastic surgeon, I can always pick a different speciality. Radiology and oncology have always interested me. Calm down man.

>> No.5983888


>Canadian medical schools
>Making any money with socialized medicine

>> No.5983890


>Implying you're still not making serious bank after taxes

>> No.5983898


>Because it's the best in my country.

By what metric? Not that it matters, since in medicine the school you went to has no measurable impact on your job prospects.

Since you don't seem to know anything about the profession, I'm going to have to assume that you are a high school student up past his bedtime.

>> No.5983901


17 medical schools in Canada, McGill is ranked top. Why do you sound so bitter man? And I know more about the profession than probably anyone in this thread. There is one nurse and one dermatologist in my family.

>> No.5983905


>nurse and dermatologist

I'm closely related to several actual doctors.

>> No.5983907
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>Not real doctors

I'm sorry...I can't contain my laughter anymore.

>> No.5983916

Neurosurgeon here, McGill is a good school but that's more or less irrelevant. I don't know how the Canadian system works, but here no one cares about what med school you attended. The only thing that matters is what residency program you went in, and plastics have to go through general surgery first and then apply for a fellowship in plastics on top of that. What medical school you attended is like your undergraduate or your high school, viz. you need to have one but it doesn't especially matter where within limits. Furthermore plastic surgeons are fairly greedy people in my experience and with the exception of reconstructive surgery rarely seriously help anyone. As a side note I do not personally consider dermatologists to be doctors.

>> No.5983920


>As a side note I do not personally consider dermatologists to be doctors.

But they are registered MD's. It's a medical speciality. I could see people not considering dentists to be doctors but dermatologists? Nah, they are doctors dude. They do a lot more than just throw some pills for acne around. If you're ever suffered from from serious skin diseases such as stage 3 hidradenitis suppurativa you would realize how important dermatologists are. Regardless of your views on dermatology, thank you for your post. Neurosurgery huh. How long was your residency?

>> No.5983925

7 years at Hopkins. I wasn't being serious with dermatology, it's just a running joke in medicine because dermatology is a comparatively easier specialty. I do not literally mean that dermatologists are not doctors, it just means that they took an easier route than say CT, Neuro, or Transplant.

>> No.5983926


Oh yeah I agree with that. They definitely took the easier route.

>> No.5983931


When you walk into a clinic you see them standing in a row with their health card scanners. They line up a batch of seniors single file and make a mass eczema diagnosis without looking up from their clipboards. Then they slap prescriptions for steroid cream to their foreheads and print off the bill stickers, letting them fall into a wheelbarrow carted around by a giggling hunchback. That's all dermatologists do, all day, every day.

>> No.5983935
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Although is far from true I lol'd whole heartedly.

>> No.5983954

Day trader.
Card counter.
Nobody suspects the phd in math to be a blood diamond smuggler.

>> No.5983959
File: 178 KB, 1040x780, 1376524915073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm majoring in math because I enjoy the subject and am willing to deal with the consequences later in life to enjoy what I'm doing now

>> No.5983983
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>they gave me a PhD in math
>I gave them hell

>> No.5984057

>not being headhunted

>> No.5984065


Lurk more you idiot.

>> No.5984145

finance, bank. insurance
(Actuary, trader, traders manager (far better), ...)

>> No.5984152

I forgot :
You don't start with 300k. you need to wait 2, 3 years and show that you have skill.
But when you begin to climb the scale, nothing stops you.
And you salary *alone* is not so high, you're paid by bonus, "gifts", stocks, as high as you want expenses...

>> No.5984165

> implying you have skill

>> No.5984167

yes, that's why I answered to myself to make the precision.

Because you know, no matter how high are your diplomas, when you get into real world, they judge you on your efficiency at work, nothing else.

You can't say : "B-But, I had a 3.8 average in Harvard !"

You do the job, that's fine.
You don't do the job, bye-bye, there are a lot of prospective guys waiting.

There are a lot of guys who mastered their studies, but don't fit IRL...

>> No.5984987

Considering they become that after plastic surgery.... you're not wrong. But you're definitely not right either.

>> No.5985043

>going into second year math
>still have the opportunity to switch to CS
>i wont

fuck you /sci/