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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 397 KB, 634x471, 1376921265744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5983506 No.5983506 [Reply] [Original]

Well, I've been up for 24 hours writing a 12 page report that is due today and that I've just finished. Now I'm off to get ready for a 5 hour lab.

Ah.. science.

>> No.5983511

Cool blog, bro. Liked, upvoted and subscribed. ;)

>> No.5983510


>> No.5983509

and you take time for blogging on 4chan ?

>> No.5983515


I hate it.

>> No.5984514

I fucking love science.

>> No.5986312

How was your lab, OP?

>> No.5986328
File: 437 KB, 1465x450, sunofpandaandfeelcollision.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice panda op

>> No.5987978

Where is OP? Did he not survive his lab?

>> No.5989066

>yfw when OP died from insomnia during his lab

>> No.5990831

Good luck, OP.

>> No.5990835


>> No.5992368

May he RIP in peace.

>> No.5993973

What was the lab report about?

>> No.5994461
File: 207 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_4658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panders are good

>> No.5994480
File: 7 KB, 234x215, imgres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panders r good.

>> No.5994484

OP is living my life. Good luck.

>> No.5995373


>> No.5995388
File: 6 KB, 341x341, transit of panda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5995391
File: 53 KB, 600x450, koala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a challenger appears

>> No.5995397

>that is due today

It's not "science's" fault you're a retard.

>> No.5995405

I was given the task 24 hours ago. The report is on the feasibility of down time estimates for a major upgrade to the Compact Muon Solenoid of the LHC at CERN.

Fuck yeah!

>> No.5995737

Why panda transit so low?

>> No.5995767
File: 192 KB, 508x390, Koala_Baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pandas are my favorite.

>> No.5996579

Under which program are you working at cern under?

>> No.5997414

Why did you spend 24 hours on only 12 pages?
I get dat shit together in just 2 hours.

>> No.5997461
File: 145 KB, 1072x556, 1373688847443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5997481
File: 5 KB, 242x238, nojuzno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Pandas are my favorite."

>> No.5997565

>replying to the titanspammer

>> No.5997877


tripcode Kardoen :
[ ] will read from now
[x] will not

>> No.5997939

>being this new

>> No.5997962

>>>being this green

>> No.5997978



>> No.5998805

That's not a tripcode.

>> No.5999023

Yes it's not.
But the meaning of his sentence remains clear
Not funny
Not interesting
Not replying to anybody

--> I will be ashamed to write so shitty posts non anonyouslmy. I hope the adress mail is not yours

>> No.5999760



>> No.6001136

I found his comment very informative and entertaining.

>> No.6002493

12 pages in 2 hours? I don't believe you.

>> No.6003608

>the Compact Muon Solenoid

What's that?

>> No.6003616

Sure, you're tired but you can't say that you don't feel great.

>> No.6005020

Does anyone know?

>> No.6006404

I want to know.

>> No.6006412

It's a device that detects people incapable of using google.

>> No.6006488

oh, that seems cool.
Can you help me to find how could I buy one ?

Oh wait.
I need one in order to find one.
I'm screwed

>> No.6007440

I don't have a google account.

>> No.6008468

Have fun, OP.

>> No.6010160

Just fucking google it.

>> No.6010823

He can't ; he doesn't have the device...
Are u stupid or bad at joking ?

>> No.6012035
File: 138 KB, 500x519, tumblr_m0xr5nVAMO1qgph62o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6013557

>He can't ; he doesn't have the device...

That's why he should use google to find it.

>> No.6015712

Source on the pic?

>> No.6015916

but if he doesn't have the device, he's incapable of using google ! That's a vicious circle !


"Bing" ?

>> No.6017435

He can use duckduckgo.

>> No.6017898

to be honest, duckduckgo sucks.
The idea is good, but the crawling is really poor for now. IMHO.

I'm having a hard time finding a search engine as efficient as google...

>> No.6019479

Doesn't duckduckgo just pass on the query to google?

>> No.6021202 [DELETED] 


>> No.6021230

>that desperate bumping

>> No.6022175

Not exactly.
See on their website, they explain better than I could.
I sage because of >>6021230

>> No.6022290

>See on their website, they explain better than I could.

Link pls?

>> No.6022371

go fuck yourself wit your useless bumping.
H1 : duckduckgo
H2 : go on their website (referring to H1)
How can you solve this

-> maybe typing "blue watermelon in monkey's nuts" on google.

>> No.6023488

It appears you didn't read the thread. The poster you're replying to cannot access google.

>> No.6023744

Actually, at first I was this guy... :)

And officialcompany usually have

you can try them directly typing in the address bar (yes, we're more and more lazy and I think most of the people just go back to google (plus, google search engine is now integrated in the url bar of most of the internet browsers))

I think >>6022290
was more the crazy-bumper depicted here >>6021230

So I sage again... ?

>> No.6024446

>So I sage again... ?

Is this a question?

>> No.6024514

>Ah.. science.
sounds like a real shitfest, science

>> No.6026277

What the fuck? I didn't know duckduckgo works with my country level domain instead of .com

>> No.6027034

no, he just said : if you've heard of, let's say, "Wester Union".

If you don't have a google access, but you can only use adress bar, the first tries you should have are :
westernunion.es (if you're Spanish)
westernunion.common domain extension

He didn't imply that all of these would work, but that's better than doing nothing.

>> No.6027835

I know what he said but I tried it out and it does work.

>> No.6027884

it doesn't work for me, that's why I misunderstood your post.

>I didn't know I live in a 3rd world country :(

>> No.6027945

> I didn't know I live in the US of A
You do now!

>> No.6028231

duckduckgo.de --> redirect to the .com
duckduckgo.fr --> domain to sell :(

Fuck, even on Internet you're better than us Deutschfags...

>> No.6029833

You hate what? Science?

>> No.6029878

More like "Ah.. procrastination."

>> No.6030513

>24 hours
>12 pages

That's two pages per hour.

>> No.6031422

I wish I was that smart.

>> No.6032346

Can you upload the paper, OP?

>> No.6033345


>> No.6035014

I'm so glad I don't have to do lab reports.

>> No.6035837

Only 12 pages? My last lab report was twice as long.

>> No.6036928

Did you write it in LaTeX?

>> No.6038388

I know that feel, OP. I just came back from a very long day at a science lab.

>> No.6038408

Same here. Experiments are just as bad too. Just a bunch of tedious repetitive shit for aspies. So glad I'm a mathfag and not a sciencefag.

>> No.6039586

I wish I had to do reports that were only twelve pages in length.

>> No.6040879

Mathfags have to write lab reports too.

>> No.6041326

The OP would fail if they did not.

>> No.6042568

How do you know? Maybe he was instructed to write his lab report in Microsoft Word.

>> No.6043574

How long are your lab reports?

>> No.6044853

5 meters

>> No.6045392

That's long.

>> No.6046665

I have to write a lab report too.

>> No.6047374

What is it about?