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File: 1018 KB, 250x251, birdss.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5983302 No.5983302 [Reply] [Original]

What are birds?

>> No.5983309
File: 994 KB, 250x250, we just dont know.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5983308

we just don't know

>> No.5983318

nope, they are dinosaurs

>> No.5984519

That's absurd.

>> No.5984532


>> No.5984558


>> No.5984568

what <span class="math">are[/spoiler] birds?

>> No.5984607
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>> No.5984678
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>> No.5984747

according to geology 175 they are dinosaurs

>> No.5984810

Yes, but I hear this all the time. Especially from little kids. I think they are taught this at school.

>> No.5986309

Birds are not dinosaurs, you fucking pseudo-intellectual faggots. Birds EVOLVED from dinosaurs. That doesn't mean they are dinosaurs. It's like saying humans are mice because we evolved from apes and apes evolved from mice. Absolutely idiotic.

>> No.5986317


Lungfish are still fish.

>> No.5986323


>> No.5987975

Birds are not fish.

>> No.5989061

Hardly readable. You should have chosen a better font.

>> No.5989062


axially, that depends on the level of cladistics one is using

>> No.5990830

What level of cladistics are birds?

>> No.5992361

Are they a class or a phylum?

>> No.5993963

Does anybody know?

>> No.5993969
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Nobody knows

>> No.5993974

they (like us) are descendants of the dinosaurs. Where we evolved from species like the anklyosaur, birds evolved from raptors like jurasic park. Birds have really tiny teeth like the raptors had, but hardly use them since all they eat are bread from people at the pond and shit.

>> No.5994065

humans are mice

>> No.5994073

Actually, saying that birds are dinosaurs is more like saying that primates are mammals, which is absolutely correct. If you disagree, please read up on your basic phylogeny.

>> No.5994076

>tfw no books on the lepidopterus arboratus

>> No.5994094

>lepidopterus arboratus
Can you tell what we're looking for yet?

>> No.5994384

The handy never wrong way of classifying birds:
They are a type of theropod dinosaur that has many thousands of different species and extinct types include the velociraptor.

>> No.5995637

Birds (class Aves or clade Avialae) are feathered, winged, bipedal, endothermic (warm-blooded), egg-laying, vertebrate animals.

>> No.5997384

What is the difference between a clade and a class?

>> No.5998785

Any zoologists here?

>> No.5998852
File: 419 KB, 648x1854, 20130828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Birds are dinosaurs. Pic related.

>> No.5998861

birds are dumbshits

>> No.5998873

Why are birds?

>> No.5999786

Jesus christ I loved these videos.

>> No.5999798


inb4 "huurrrr durr ur a bird faget"

>> No.5999822

just birds

>> No.6001349

Source on the comic?

>> No.6001364


>> No.6002991

thank you

>> No.6003017


A clade is a group of animals which all share a common ancestor, it's a natural group and can be a class if it's at that taxonomical level. A class is a taxonomical level that's under phylum and above order, it can be a clade if it's a natural taxon (one that's phylogenetically correct in its structure) or it can be an artificial taxa if it's members don't share a common ancestor.

Cladistically birds, clade Aviales, are members of Paraves, which groups raptors and all bird-like dinosaurs, which in itself is part of Sauropsida which groups all reptiles and birds and all non-synapsid amniotes.

Taxonomically Aves is an artificial taxa (because it excludes the common ancestor of birds which was a reptile) which is a class in the phylum Chordata, and part of the superclass Tetrapoda.

>> No.6003021


Correcting myself, a clade is a group of organisms, not necessarily animals.


As much as I'd love to say I'm descended from a dinosaur, mammals descended from the therapsids (clade Synapsida) which descended from pelycosaurs. Pelycosaurs branched from other amniotes very early, before the appearence of what you might call dinosaurs (clade Dinosauriformes)

>> No.6003042

huh? wouldn';t that be more like saying birds are reptiles? Dinosaurs are like reptiles right?

>> No.6003153

>Taxonomically Aves is an artificial taxa (because it excludes the common ancestor of birds which was a reptile) which is a class in the phylum Chordata, and part of the superclass Tetrapoda.
Aves has like shitton of definitions. More concrete-defined groups are Paraves, Avialae, Neornithes etc. Neornithes, for instance, is a crown-based taxon, containing all modern birds.
And since when birds polyphiletic? They all share a common ancestor, which is also a bird.

>> No.6003168

"Reptilia" is an artificial group, or "evolutionary grade", that explicitly excludes birds and mammals.
Sometimes though "Reptilia" is defined as a synonym of Sauropsida, or as a subclade of Sauropsida containing all modern reptiles. By these definitions yes, birds are reptiles.

>> No.6003187


Birds aren't polyphiletic but as far as I know the latest common ancestor isn't included in Aves so it can't be defined as a "natural" taxa, and like you said Aves has a shitton of definitions and can't really be called a "clade", some of the other groupings you named are more phylogenetically correct.

>> No.6004159

Thank you.

>> No.6005541

Birds are animals that can fly.

>> No.6005549


What are lungfish?

>> No.6006663

Lungfish are fish and not animals.

>> No.6007706

organisms that show signs of intelligence and can fly

>> No.6008443

>signs of intelligence

How would you design an IQ test for birds?

>> No.6010138

Let them take an IQ test for humans.

>> No.6011952

Birds are all animals that are neither mammals nor reptiles.

>> No.6011963

Considering human children don't understand delayed gratification[1] but some birds do[2], I would say they are somewhat "intelligent".

[1] http://harbaugh.uoregon.edu/Readings/UGBE/Mischel%201989%20Science,%20Delay%20of%20Gratification.pdf
[2] http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1901/jeab.1974.21-485/abstract

>> No.6011986

Hah, and if they don't take it, then they are dumb.

>> No.6012017

where did this joke even come from?

>> No.6012754


>> No.6013576


>> No.6015722

Most birds are not mammals.