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5980570 No.5980570 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people believe scientists are plotting vast conspiracies against society?
To lie about climate change to get grant money, raise taxes, and iniate the NWO
To infect everyone with autism through vaccines

>> No.5980584

Because it's easier and more comforting to believe that someone is in charge and has a plan, even if that person has ill intent. Emergent systems are scary.

>> No.5980602

Lying to get grant money is standard practise, retraction rate % is sky rocketing

>> No.5980641


[citation required]

>> No.5980643

Everyone I know blows his own research out of proportion when he has to get funding.

>> No.5980665

Because scientist are human.

>> No.5980669


For what?

>> No.5980670

>to lie about climate change to get grant money
>to lie to get grant money
>lie money

wow. people lying for money huh? thats a real stretch...

>> No.5980672

>caring about the concerns of degenerates
To them, anyone with a white coat is a scientist. To them, every statistic was obtained by experts.

I don't know about you, OP, but if the people around you actually act like that, they are soulless plebs. Feel free to manipulate them with statistics of your own and fictional doctorates.

You're a pleb if you actually believe anything outside am academic report could be written by a certified expert.

>> No.5980677

>thinking academic journals is instant credibility
Just about anyone can write a fucking paper provided they've got the bare minimum of finishing highschool.

>> No.5980683

>i have no idea how journals operate

>> No.5980703


Isn't exaggeration of your results a symptom of the fact that laymen-ridden governments require research to have 'economic impact'? Completely ignoring the fact that many frontier research fields by their very nature have unpredictable or at best uncertain outcomes.

>> No.5980714

>>caring about the concerns of degenerates
This is part of the problem. We should care about these people.

Those "degenerates" (ie the scientifically uneducated and ignorant) make up a large amount of our population and those elect our leaders who control funding, laws, etc.

If they mistakenly believe x is bad, they'll elect a leader with the same beliefs.

>> No.5980737


>> No.5980754

There's a difference between conspiracies and communal lies. And between common misconceptions, for that matter.

>> No.5980777 [DELETED] 

>caring about the concerns of degenerates

Thankfully the IOP and just about any serious physics establishment realises this attitude is suicide.

>> No.5980779

Even though what you're discussing does matter, I think it overlooks the meaningful part of the question.

The people we're talking about don't distrust the institution of science because they know that claims are often over-optimistically exaggerated in order to secure funding. As far as I can tell there are many, many people who truly believe that anyone called a "scientist" is systematically conspiring to hide certain "truths" from people, like the existence aliens, the flatness of the earth, the certain doom brought by vaccines, or the evidence of biblical Creation.

Then there are also some people who say "Science is just another religion! How do you KNOW the big bang happened? Where you there?" In my experience, these people seem to conclude that "scientists" are disingenuously deceiving "everyone else" by "pretending" that their "unknowable" claims are virtual certainties. There are certainly some fedora'd, euphoric teens for which (pop-)"science" is indeed "another religion," but even when I tell these people that I have observed the cosmic microwave background radiation and the effects of the Hubble law myself, with instruments I understand, they suggest that my conclusion that these observations support the big bang theory is still just a matter of blind faith, since I didn't think up the theory myself, and "I wouldn't've known about it if I hadn't read it in some book."

>> No.5981859

>Why do people believe scientists are plotting vast conspiracies against society?
>To lie about climate change to get grant money, raise taxes, and iniate the NWO
>To infect everyone with autism through vaccines

Because this is generally how human society operates.

People in positions of authority lie to those not in positions of authority for power/money

Welcome to erf

>> No.5981879

They don't know how science works/ just say they are lying when results disagree with their belief.

>> No.5982435

>Why do people believe scientists are plotting vast conspiracies
... because people distrust what they cannot understand, and they cannot understand science.

>> No.5982456

Because people who think there's a conspiracy by "science" usually know next to fucking nothing about science or how it works. They seem to think there's just some Pope of Science who dictates what's right and what's wrong, and we nod our empty heads and agree. All this unwarranted paranoia and suspicion regarding science truly saddens me.

>> No.5982483

Because vaccines have been proven to cause autism in some children.

Here's a list of people who have been cured by getting mercury out:

>> No.5982491
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Because a lot of scientists are just religious fundamentalists who blindly trust what the "experts" believe.

They ignore what science is in the first place. Science needs controversy.
Most controversial opinions were originally laughed at(evolution, plate tectonics) but are now mainstream science.

Most liberals blindly trust whatever the government and government controlled universities force feed them.

>> No.5983165

If I were a scientist I would do all of this shit so damn frequently and non-reluctantly so damn fast you wouldn't believe it.

Do you know how stupid the average person is and how poor peoples reason really is?

Do you know how many evolutionary flaws are in the human brain that makes us complete fucking idiots? You may think the average person is stupid but you don't know just how bad it is. You don't know how inclined we are to do fucking stupid shit because it was evolutionarily beneficial. EVEN THE SMARTEST OF US

I fucking promise you if I ever become a influential scientist and I find out this shit isn't being done, I fucking WILL do all the shit people are complaining about.