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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5976576 No.5976576 [Reply] [Original]

>yfw Godel's incorrectness theorem implies his own proof for the theorem might be wrong but nobody will ever find the error

>> No.5976577

Sorry for the nitpicking, but it's the inCOMPLETEness theorem.

>> No.5977121

and this is an other moron who absolutely misuderntstood the meaning of Gödel theorems...

Don't worry he's used to it.

>> No.5977223

bump for fight

>muh Gödel, math are flawed

>> No.5977279

Not how it works.

>> No.5977286

so don't reply then...
because I re-bump

I do like the fact that Gödel theorems is to pop/math/ what quantum physic is to pop/phy/

they don't get a shit.

>> No.5977292

>Godel's incorrectness theorem

>> No.5977302

>muh Gödel, math are flawed
But they are, in a certain extent...

>> No.5977325

Gödel theorems are greatly /pop/ed in the book "EGB", just in case.

Less raw than reading the original proof.

And OP is a nitwit.
>mfw when >yfw, OP.

>> No.5977339

>incorrectness theorem
I'll give you a 2/10 for the effort, but that is the best I can do.