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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5976125 No.5976125 [Reply] [Original]

>attending college
>computer science classmate that barely gets by is playing card games in the lunch room as usual
>asks me for a ride to his workplace after class
>he works a part-time at a factory just off my route towards home
>"Sure, I guess"
>on the way he asks me if creating holograms would be simple
>"Scientists have been trying to find a way for a long time, but all I know of is a system that projects video onto fluids"
>asks me about the programming necessary for it
>"It's more of a hardware issue, unless you're going for interactivity, which would be mostly dependent on the hardware created. I'm sure it would be difficult, though."
>"Yeah, it would probably take, like, 3 IF statements."

I graduated a year ago and got involved in web development. Saw him recently while shopping for groceries. He doesn't have an IT job yet - blames the job market.

>> No.5976127
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>playing card games


>> No.5976130


>> No.5976132

>blames the job market
What a surprise. Some people can't take responsibility for themselves.

>> No.5976133
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Had a guy in my class that was a young earth creationist. He would go on and on about how scientists ignored anything they didn't agree with and called them "evolutionists" and what not.

"It's so obvious that the earth is only 6,000 years ago" is one of my favorite quotes from him.

>> No.5976134

it's my experience that the (vast) majority of computer science bachelors don't know much about programming or science. Or technology.

>> No.5976136

Anyone ever had an autistic classmate before? Not an aspie, mind you. This one guy in my class would always, ALWAYS say "I don't like that" loud about anything that he found mildly annoying to do. I'm surprised the teacher could put up with him.


>> No.5976137

I've been grading CS classes for a year, don't talk to me about horror stories.

>> No.5976138
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Funny thing is, most women I've met in technology classes are smarter than half the guys. I guess they just take it seriously. Once had a girl who set up an emulator on her phone and set it to play with a Wii Remote. Nothing too complicated, but more than what I saw from the guys.

>> No.5976140

Surely you have some to share?

>> No.5976141

Depends on your college obviously

>> No.5976144
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We talking universities or community colleges?

>> No.5976145

In calc 2 class last semester a girl asked if the square root of 8 plus the square root of 8 was equal to 4...

>> No.5976153

but why

>> No.5976157

There's always one that kind in every class.

>> No.5976159

She thought you could add the 8's to get the square root of 16. She made the professor stop the lecture and explain it to her..

>> No.5976162

We would openly make fun of her whenever she wasn't in class, sometimes the professor would join in haha

>> No.5976172

Yeah, we had a guy like that in our first semester and a couple years later we still make fun of him.

>> No.5976182

I had a guy who would talk fairly loudly to himself throughout the class
also, he would laugh pretty often
also, he would correct the professor all the time or randomly ask questions to the professor that had to do with whatever he happened to be talking to himself about at the time
and it was never class related

>> No.5976184

>implying those are the only options

>> No.5976185


>> No.5976187

no but the cube root of 8 squared is 4, maybe she had issues with langauge

>> No.5976188

Duude, there was this guy in my class that interrupted the teacher in the middle of a demostration to show her something on his iPad.
I can't describe the expression of annoyingly of the teacher.

>> No.5976189


Sorry, I see now. I kind of feel bad for people like that sometimes, but then at other times I don't, because they still can have a good time and they've generally been nice people.

>> No.5976192
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>Be in high school
>Taking physics
>Friends say it's a hard class, it's actually all easy shit.
>Rest of the class makes teacher repeat stuff all the damn time because "I don't get this"
>Half of them didn't even know what E=MC^2 means

>> No.5976254

Well even the programming language for a hologram is tough you know.
But yea I think that guy may just be a dipshit. Luckily I went to a community college that offered a wide variety of programming language and that helped a lot. Though to be honest, it matters where you are located. Some places there is hardly any IT meanwhile another is booming with it. It's a 50/50 shit to get hired. I have had better luck freelancing and maybe this guy is just down on his luck. I'm pretty good and I live in Los Angeles but the number of companies who need a permanent IT guy is so low that they get fired ASAP or work very little hours.

>> No.5976286

what does he mean "it would take 3 if statements"
I have a rudimentary understanding of programming, I have no idea how you could build a hologram system with 3 ifs
is your friend THAT retarded?

>> No.5976291

did she just not take pre-algebra in middle school?

>> No.5976301

>capital m

stay pleb

>> No.5976325 [DELETED] 

>"Yeah, it would probably take, like, 3 IF statements."

wait till you hear stuff like that from your system architect, or team leader.

those people don't disappear, and the less they enjoy coding, the worse they are, the stronger they push towards the managerial positions.

>> No.5976335

Even if you were that retarded, a total ballpark estimate would tell you that's completely wrong.

Like, hmm, okay. sqrt(8) + sqrt(8). Well, 4<8<9, so 2<sqrt(8)<3. It's already bigger than 4, seriously wtf.

>> No.5976339

Sigh, it's just what someone who took a little bit of programming would say to sound like they were a pro in it.

Basically just an autistic way of saying how easy it was, implying he could probably do it.

Anyone who assumes such a low level of complexity from ANY non-trivial program seriously worries me.

>> No.5976340

Let's be real - MOST people have no idea what e=mc^2 really means.

>> No.5976341

Or even simpler

She thinks √8 + √8 = 4. What's 4/2? That's right, not √8.

>> No.5976343

She just didnt seem to understand basic algebra unfortunately. This girl spent the entire semester asking stupid questions like this during every single lecture. She was in my physics class too... Dear god I'm praying she failed both classes so she's not in any of my classes this semester.

>> No.5976346


>> No.5976351

What other silly questions did she ask?

>> No.5976561

If you can't do it with less than 3 IF statements you shouldn't make fun of him.

>> No.5976564

Oh man, I wish I was as smart as you think you are.

>> No.5976591

Maybe it was a joke? It had to have been.

>> No.5976703

as a current CS student, this is so true it hurts.
the worst part is that they don't even want to learn a good hard science. they just fucking take geology because it's easy. yeezus.

>> No.5976714
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>be in an undergraduate research class (cosmology)
>some aspie kid that smells like shit tries to befriend me
>oh fug
>claims his favorite movie "is the stars"
>claims to love astronomy but hate physics

>> No.5976740

There are people like this in every class.
In my calc I class freshman year, we had to pass an exam with an B or higher that was just 20 simple derivative questions in order to pass the class. This happened in the first couple weeks, I did it once, passed it and never thought about it again.
The same week of the final, the professor says, "I realize a lot of you haven't passed your derivative exam yet, so I'm lowering the requirements from a 90% to a 70%. Who still needs to take the exam?"
About 15 hands go up (there were maybe 50 people in the class).

I knew a lot of them from my chemistry class, half of them were pre-meds.

>> No.5976747

>what's your favourite film?
>'the stars...'


>> No.5976756
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>maximum autism

>> No.5976763
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>teaching introductory calculus physics course in Uni
>the very first day, we set the students to solving really basic FBDs using the Pythagorean theorem
>this one blonde girl is struggling with this simplest of tasks
>try my best to explain it to her, in a few different ways
>she seems to understand while I'm holding her hand through the problem
>mfw come back a few minutes later, she has completely butchered it and seems to be close to tears
>try to help her again, she's like "FUCK THIS, I'm dropping this fucking bullshit", gets up and walks out of the classroom
>never saw her again

>> No.5976779
File: 565 KB, 593x399, average cs major.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>computer science classmate
>expecting them not to be retarded

>> No.5976786

>Be in human sexuality class, because I want a better excuse to watch porn in class/my gf at the time and I were taking it together
>Whenever prof talks about chemistry, she gets everything wrong.
>Decide not to correct her, because I'm not autistic like that.
>My girlfriendfag was apparently autistic like that.
>Prof pronounces "diol" "dial"
>girlfriendfag corrects her.
>Prof goes on 15 minute rant discussing why pronunciation is subjective, and that girlfriendfag is wrong.
Liberal arts.

>> No.5976804

This many times over

>anyone who says bad things about CS must go to a bad school

This sad defense again. Undergrad CS is shit everywhere; the books are all pathetic, the curricula are all pathetic, and all the students form an ocean of retards with a few people of above room temp IQ occasionally falling in every once in a while. Graduate CS is the only place where you might find intelligent people and only at top schools.

>> No.5976810


ˈdaJɔl, -ɒl
ˈdaJəl, daJl

both you and your girlfriend are idiots

>> No.5976813

This is an extremely common idiocy in CS. If you ever bring up trinary computers, they will all think that you're going to need new crazy programing languages for it. Ask why and they'll say shit like "how would if statements work in a trinary computer".

Eventually you learn to never give them the time of day and show nothing except contempt for all their kind.

>> No.5976816


if then elseif

>> No.5976828

>Correcting how a Prof pronounces anything except your own name

The fuck are you doing?

I had professor who'd pronounce "l'Hôpital's rule" as "el hospital's rule" and no one dare to correct him all semester

>> No.5976831

I spend half my presentation prep times on verifying my pronunciations (I like to pronounce mathematicians' names in their native tongue), but I realize they really aren't that big of a deal. Even though pronunciations are well-defined, they generally aren't encountered in a place where someone frequently speaks the name/term, and they usually don't have a pronunciation in the text.
However, mispronouncing "common" names/terms like Euler is absolutely unacceptable.

My friend's story:
>Decides to take fill a slot with something easy, but useful later on
>Sees "Prob & Stat for Psychologists"
>Thinks it will be a good prep for other prob & stat courses
>Half the semester the professor explains what a graph and number line is
>One whole week dedicated to the x-fucking-axis
>what the fuck

>> No.5976835

You pronounced Euler as Yooler or Oyler?

>> No.5976838


I pronounce it E-uhler. Because I can.

>> No.5976840


>> No.5976841

The German pronunciation sounds like Oyler though. And he was Swiss German so it's probably more retarded than that.

>> No.5976844


Exactly. The Swiss are always up to no good. And they no doubt mispronounce my name as well. The Bastards.

>> No.5976852

I don't think someone that confused would have the insight to try something like that.

>> No.5976854 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 460x375, stock image about calculus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /sci/, I need your wise advices.
Are there any ways to be good at maths ? I'm going to college but I still don't get it.

I can't even practice because I'm unable to solve problems, and reading again and again the same lesson doesn't help.
That's so bad that I get sad every time that topic is brought up (that even brings some tears in my eyes, not even joking).
I have the feeling that the more harder I try, the more I fail. It's really depressing.

What could I do to get better at this ? I've tried everything I had. Tutor, Khan academy. Nothing worked. It just gets worse and worse. I see you as my last hope.

>> No.5976858

>Thinks Geology is easy
>Taking a degree in Counter Strike

>> No.5976882

I'm hoping to god I can avert being this.
>Leaving for college in 5 days with so XP in Labview and C.

>> No.5976886

Whats with all the shitting on CS ? Here in Europe it's a solid degree, very comparable to electrical engineering.

>> No.5976915

>Here in Europe it's a solid degree, very comparable to electrical engineering

In Australia and some places in Europe, Computer Science and Computer Engineering titles are switched around. American CS is a joke that doesn't cover any hardware topic and only contain a highly superficial & watered down hand waving of "theoretical" topics.

>> No.5976919

>to pronounce mathematicians' names in their native tongue), but I realize they really aren't that big of a deal

Unless you're speaking to a professor of the same nationality, in which case it's very important

>> No.5976961

made me laugh

>> No.5977032

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Science and Engineering/Course 6-1
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science/Course 6-2
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering/Course 6-3

I call bullshit

>> No.5977052

MIT's CS, EECS, and EE majors are other schools CSE/CE, ECE, and EE majors.

Besides MIT (and Berkeley to a lesser extent) misnamed departments, CS is a complete joke of a major.

>> No.5977056

*cough cough* CMU

>> No.5977108

i know a guy who repost all those shitty " i fucking love science " and " i wear a fedora i fight muh religion " on his facebook page, yet he don't go to his physics class and fails his exams ... oh and he's a neckbeard. I hate him so much.

you sound like a massive douche. who care if your pronounciation of l'hospital is rigorously exact or not ...

there : take that and go wank yourself in your pedantry http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a1/De-carlfriedrichgauss.ogg

>> No.5977207

>el hospital's rule
fucking based

>> No.5977250

But how would they work?

>> No.5977263


That pronunciation sounds horrible though. I know it's correct, but it sounds grating and coarse.

>> No.5977280


>> No.5977332

No, your course is shit too.
I disagree. Most only have a problem with certain pronunciations because its not what they'ere used to. When you've been saying Oyler for years and years, it's entirely natural.

>> No.5977337

i used to say it so much i had trouble pronouncing euston, which was funny as i went to university in euston

>> No.5977362

Just like before

>> No.5977428


Linguistic relativism. German is an objectively grotesque language. The northern dialects sound clanking and mechanised, like factories given the power of speech, and the southern dialects sound squashed and bucolic, like the honking of enormous geese.

>> No.5977433

Daily reminder that it's pronounced YOU-ler

>> No.5977441

Could you explain for me what E=MC^2 means?

>> No.5977443

It was just E=2 until Einstein signed a deal with McDonald's.

>> No.5977619

Energy = Mass times Speed of Light Squared.
Unless you want to know what that shit really means, in which case I am no physicist.

>> No.5977634

Explain how if statements would work on a trinary computer if you're so smart.

>> No.5977636

Short answer: rest mass is one of the forms energy can take. The speed of light squared is a conversion factor between units of mass and units of energy.

When something releases stored energy, its mass is reduced by the energy released. This is significant in nuclear reactions due to the large amounts of energy released, which was predicted by looking at the difference in mass between the fuel and the products.

So that's why you'll see e=mc^2 pop up a lot when making allusions to the origin of nuclear weapons.

>> No.5977637

Oh look, another autismal CS hate thread.

>> No.5977641

Proper term is "ternary". Binary isn't relevant to if statements.

In what was probably the most important programming language, K&R C, an "if" statement usually takes an "int" -- an integer type with a wide range of values -- rather than any special boolean type. Only zero is treated as "false", while every other expressable number is treated as "true".

>> No.5977642

We cant exploit the full power of a binary system so why bother with trinary systems now ? I dont understand how it could be usefull to use a "maybe" between "yes" or "no".

>> No.5977643

Teacher tells us we have a quiz on monday.
Actually a midterm (open book).

Has definition problems.
Most of class paraphrased from his book. Marked most of us off, he wanted it word for word basically.
Almost no partial credit for anything.
Horribly old/ hearing problems/ cant teach.
Average grades for midterms were below 50%

Days before the final, says he lost our grades somehow so either turn everything in graded or the final is basically going to be our grade.

>> No.5977691

>be physics major
>taught myself basic digital logic in senior year of HS, designed a few simple microcode systems and computers in logisim
>roommate is computer architecture major
>needs help with homework sometimes so I give advice as needed
>he brings over one of his friends a week into the second month of school because he needs help too
>he says he needs help with a project for sorting variables or something
>pretty much give him the solution
>says it's a bad solution, then tries to make his own solution that is super inefficient
>he finishes the project taking an hour longer than it should have to complete
>he wants to talk about physics
>the three of us talk about stuff
>all of as sudden out of nowhere this guy my roommate brought says he has designs for a teleporter that works
>we ask him basic questions about what he has in mind
>he doesn't want to explain it because he's afraid we will steal the idea
>he says he's an expert in this kind of engineering and that he is an expert in quantum mechanics
>we tell him to leave the room and never come back
>we never see him again

>> No.5977703

>What if
>No way lel

>> No.5977707


>> No.5977710

>he says he needs help with a project for sorting variables or something
>help ... sorting variables
Holy shit.
If he's anything but a first year he should be ashamed.
Hell, even if he's a first year he should be ashamed. There are tons of well known sorting algorithms, and he wouldn't be doing a project on sorting if none of them had been covered

>> No.5977713

Sadly I've only witnessed the opposite.

>> No.5977719

I think the implication is that this teleporter tard was never seen from again because he successfully teletarded away.

>> No.5977720

I know this may seem a bit arbitrary, but any tips on how to be successful in the field of computer science? I'm genuinely interested in programming and computation, but outside of a basic understanding of Java, I have no experience programming. I'm much more then willing to learn, and apply myself. I'm just wondering if there's anything particular I should do outside of lecture and assigned readings/homework.

>> No.5977721


>> No.5977723

Exactly !

>> No.5977725

Yeah. Don't expect it to be programming.
I mean, assignments will usually involve a lot of programming, but most of the time that's not the class's focus.
Consider taking software engineering if that's what you want.

"Computer science is as much about computers as astronomy is about telescopes"

>> No.5977726

Top Lel.

>> No.5977731


I was originally planning to major in software engineering, but my marks weren't the greatest. I'll look into switching majors/universities.

>> No.5977760

Chemistry/ math double here.
>First day of organic chemistry
> about 25 students (I go to a small school). >Half are bio/pre med.
>Professor goes over syllabus and general course related stuff.
> At the end of the class, two girls are in tears
>Next class, only about 20 students, everyone who dropped was bio/ premed.

>> No.5977791
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>how to be successful in the field of computer science

>> No.5977814

How butthurt do you have to be to go and add all that unnecessary shit? The original was more funny.

>> No.5977823

>the more you know

>> No.5977825

Knew a kid in high school who always underestimated how much effort really goes into video games
here's a list of some of his ambitions

>going to single handedly make an entire game using the unreal development kit
>was going to create a mod for minecraft that would make it so no other mod ever goes out of date (this would require a fucking artificial intelligence that's smart enough to fix programming problems)
>was going to make a fighting game, but all he ever did was trace some pictures out of an artbook and scan them into a computer
>got frustrated that blizzard wasn't making warcraft 4, and decided he'd make it himself, all he needed was a programmer
There's probably other shit but I cant remember it all

>> No.5977839

They both work.

The more YOU know, fagatron.

>> No.5977849

so edgy

>> No.5977859


>> No.5977876

The cube root of 8 is 2.

>> No.5977887

what is four squared?

>> No.5977899

>stoner guy brags about being high before class starts
>lecture begins
>20 minutes in stoner guy raises hand
>"why does this room have so many doors?"

>> No.5977963

This may seem silly but the most scared I ever got in uni wasn't even in class but from a guy's notes. We decided to do a trade off of notes. He gives me his physics notes and I give him my biology notes but he accidentally also included something he shouldn't have given to me alongside the physics notes. These "extra" notes were about end of the world and contained very offensive writing. When he gave me my notes back and I was about to give his, he just took it back and left. Let's just say I am glad I go to a large university and we didn't end up in the same class ever again. I am not sure if he did that on purpose. I could have easily gone to someone and showed them these notes because they were truly offensive but I didn't want to bring myself any attention being first year and all.

>> No.5978030

shitty story bro

make with the deets, how was it 'offensive' or are you just a pussy

>> No.5978038


>> No.5978451

>Here in Europe it's a solid degree

Except that's wrong. Here in Europe it is just as much of a joke as it is 'murrica.

>> No.5978456

>very offensive writing
did he call someone a nigger? or did he say woman belong in the kitchen?

>> No.5978621

by simple do you mean basic polynomials e.g. f(x) = 2x^2 + 5x + 4
If so, why did they even take the class?

>> No.5978900

Show me one blog or journal or ANYTHING that says so. This board is literally the only place I've ever heard anyone say this.

>> No.5978904

This is how you avert being this:
Study, know your shit, do well in math (math is FARRRRRRRRRRR more important than your programming classes). Code in your free time implementing your own algorithms or at least implementing other algorithms.

Bam, you're pretty much the top 20% if not higher of CS students in the US/CA.

>> No.5978903

>Show me one blog or journal
What kind of journal would publish a comparison of university degrees by their difficulty? And why would you accept a blog as a valid source? Do you even know what science is? It seems you are talking out of your ass.

>> No.5978922

Going by this line of reasoning he should study math instead of CS and learn the CS stuff on his own in his free time. If that's what you're saying, I agree. Good advice.

>> No.5978924


I've always thought it was funny how grading post-secondary works in different countries. I'm an Ontario student, and a 70% would be a "B" here (although courses usually average in the C/C+ range). I believe tests in the UK are usually designed so that a 70% is well ahead of the curve.

>> No.5978946


While your professor's pronunciation is certainly wrong, there's really no arguing that "l'Hôpital" is the correct spelling when the man himself spelled it "l'Hospital".

>> No.5979021

>they will all think that you're going to need new crazy programing languages for it. Ask why and they'll say shit like "how would if statements work in a trinary computer".

Care to explain for people that don't know anything about CS?

>> No.5979026

>I believe tests in the UK are usually designed so that a 70% is well ahead of the curve.
70% is worth a "C" here

>> No.5979036

>70% is worth a "C" here

Underageb& detected.

At British Universities 70% is a 1st class degree, the highest possible. So yes 70% is ahead of the curve. Most lecturers try and put the average between 60 and 70 generally. 60% for 2:1, 50% for 2:2, 40% for a 3rd.

>> No.5979040

You haven't yet started university, have you?
70% is a first - the highest attainable grade.

>> No.5979042

What the fuck? No, it isn't.

>> No.5979051

Who said anything about difficulty? The point being made was that it's a solid degree, and if you asked anyone in the real world they would agree. We're not discussing whether it's a science or not.

>> No.5979061

A solid degree is a degree that guarantees you to have actual qualifications, i.e. something more useful than just the piece of paper the degree is printed on.

>> No.5979065

Yes, it is. Obviously it changes from university to university, but 70% is the average for a first.

>> No.5979071

Last semester my prof would always correct anyone when they Yooler and tell them it's Oyler.

So naturally the whole class pronounced it Yooler the entire time.

>> No.5979090

Computers work on binary. They have (8/16/32/64 bit arrays of) values 0 or 1 only. Everything else is an abstraction.

The way we currently do if statements uses binary logic, so switching to a trinary computer (values 0 or 1 or 2) would require different logic.

The reason why
>they will all think that you're going to need new crazy programing languages for it
is fucking stupid is that most programming languages don't actually care about how if statements are done, just that one is possible (how is an issue for the compiler which makes machine code). All we'll do is make the CPU architecture (and thus compilers for that CPU) different to account for trinary.

See above, they should work exactly the same for everything that isn't very low level.

>> No.5979108

Only at pleb tier unis.

That's a pretty lame and pseudo-intellectual explanation. I was expecting something more insightful.

>so switching to a trinary computer (values 0 or 1 or 2) would require different logic.
... which would definiitely give rise to new programming languages reflecting the new kind of logic in their syntax.

>> No.5979139

You don't gain any new logic from a ternary system, all of it can be described using a binary system.

>> No.5979141

>all of it can be described using a binary system.

Yet it is implemented differently. Why don't you educate yourself before spouting pseudo-intellectual nonsense?

>> No.5979153

>You don't gain any new logic from a ternary system, all of it can be described using a binary system.

So what's the point?

>> No.5979182

Just look up the syllabi at the well know schools. It's crap pretty much everywhere you look.

>> No.5979187

>tfw couldn't find a job with mathematics degree
>make fun of pleb CS majors to feel better

not real math, manchildren, etc.

>> No.5979192

>... which would definiitely give rise to new programming languages reflecting the new kind of logic in their syntax.

No, it wouldn't.

>Yet it is implemented differently

So UINT_MAX goes from 2^32 to 3^21. You wont have to get rid of C++ to account for it.

>> No.5979213

>No, it wouldn't.

Sure thing, /b/ro. We would totally keep using the same programming languages which conceptionally designed for binary logic and nobody would ever consider creating a new language optimized and more comfortably making use of ternary logic, amirite? Who shat in your brain?

>> No.5979255

stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.5979258
File: 31 KB, 475x318, spiderman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no counter-argument

>> No.5979259

Mr Gibbons' pd 7???

>> No.5979283

What is important is the compiler, not really the language in itself...So if you ccreate a compiler for this new architecture using the same language, it would theorically pass.
Yet i'm not sure about this.

>> No.5979284
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>> No.5979290

I got what he's saying but the point is still retarded. If you completely change the compiler, why the fuck would you force it to work with an old language that is designed for a different kind of logic? You wouldn't. Of course you would develop a new language which reflects the new logic in its syntax.

>> No.5979296

Writing an entire language, making it turing complete, is not something easy. If we can use an existing language by changing only the compiler and the data types, it would save a lot of time / money.

>> No.5979302

By that reasoning we should all be using assembler. No need to come up with other languages, amirite? Come on, you're grasping at straws.

>> No.5979312

Well, except maybe in embedded systems, we usually dont programming languages just to match the architecture since the 80's...But if the ternary architecture really has interesting specifications, i don't see why we wouldn't create new languages, indeed.

>> No.5979314

*don't create

>> No.5979456

>I dont understand how it could be usefull to use a "maybe" between "yes" or "no".
>what is quantum computing

>> No.5979467

>what is quantum computing

That's a good question. What is it? What literature can you recommend on the topic?

>> No.5979510

Its a form of computing that exploits the ability of uncollapsed waveforms to be in more than one position at once. essentially having a yes, no, and various maybe positions.

>> No.5979511

Actually, very little would have to change on the logic side of things. Ternary would really just give you new goodies in the form of primitive data types - think a 3-way Boolean. For that matter, boolean and tertiary alegbra are hardly dissimilar. The largest changes would come in the form of addressing and storage.

>> No.5979516

Can you write that down in math?

>> No.5979574

Isnt it pronounced Oyler?

>> No.5979594

Eat a bag of dicks, the CS undergrads at Caltech were fucking insane. Sure, there were a couple retards, but 90% of them were stupidly intelligent and productive. I wish I had majored in CS, instead went bioengineering, now fiddling with bioinformatics...

>> No.5979600

if method=1

>> No.5979604

what if my minor is CS and my major is nanomedicine?

>> No.5979609

Was that supposed to be funny?

>> No.5979614

Is that a rhetorical question?

>> No.5979622

Isn't it about calculating how long it will take for an algorithm to solve a problem etc? Sounds pretty interesting.

>> No.5979625

Do you even know what a rhetorical question is?

>> No.5979636

How the hell can you not find a job with a math degree? Did you go to a shitty uni?

>> No.5979644

>Anon, we need to you to construct the real numbers from the Peano Axioms.

>Anon, we need to prove this for an arbitrary non-commutative ring.

>> No.5979650

What do you think?

>> No.5979652

>Not taking extra applied courses

>Not finding job placements at finance firms

It's almost as you want to live with student debt for the rest of your life.

>> No.5979655


Why are you asking me?

>> No.5979660

Going from mathematics to finance is like walking back down into the darkest depths of Plato's Cave after having seen the Sun.

>> No.5979667

Why are you dense?

>> No.5979664

Why not just do real mathematics in your spare time?

>> No.5979685

>Taking a degree in Counter Strike
laughed ever tim

>> No.5979691


What kind of question is that?

>> No.5979697
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that guy deserves a medal

>> No.5979703


C++ is for x86, if we invent ARM computers, we need new languages instead of changing the compiler for C++ to take advantage because it's all new and crazy!

>> No.5979754

What would be changed to be better with ternary (syntax-wise) in C?

Programming languages were built precisely to deal with this. There is little to no need to change them, because they don't depend on processor hardware. There is no advantage to rewriting C for a change from binary to ternary logic because it isn't based on binary logic. This goes double for even higher level languages.

>> No.5979756

>High school
>Struggle to focus, absolutle shit at math, can't wrap my head around shit
>Get tested for ADD
>Oh shit nigger you have it really bad
>Parents don't believe me and say I faked it to get drugs
>u wot m8
>Spend the rest of highschool barely passing math, have to buy adderal for tests from friends

Shit sucked

>> No.5979780

Ironic, considering the course for my astro major this semester is telescopes. But I get your point.

>> No.5979800


that feel when have ADD and wont be getting meds for it because I got busted with weed few years back at a concert.
Starting community college tomorrow.

>> No.5979911

to boot, he genuinely thought the bumps you feel where you're wrist is were bone cancers. good god, i could make a fucking best hits album of that fucker

>> No.5979952


Moral: Don't do weed, dickhead. Its a crutch for people who can't deal with shit themselves. No sympathy here.

>> No.5979971

lol wut?
That's like, the dumbest thing I've heard in a while. No shit "most" women in tech classes are smarter than half the guys

B/c there's one girl in the class, who is average. Hence "smarter" then half the guys.

>> No.5979976

>implying everyone who uses drugs uses them as an escape

>> No.5980011

I dunno, I'd consider Columbia to be pretty good.

This. I probably could have gotten a finance job but didn't want to. I'm considering getting better at programming but it looks so fucking tedious.

>> No.5980058

Classes for freshman year
MATH (calc1)
COMM(public speaking)

>> No.5980072

Did you apply to grad school?

why/why not/ all other related questions

>> No.5980077



Did you take any classes with Phong?


>> No.5980084
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>be taking highschool graduation test
>math portion
>everything is painfully easy. My scratch paper is pristine, and my calculator is collecting dust at the corner of my desk.
>So fucking boring.
>turn the page and see a right triangle with sides labeled "A", "B", and "C".
>Oh boy Pythagorean Theorem, I might actually have to use the calculator.
>"The triangle above is a right triangle"
>"Side A is 10 inches long. Side B is 8 inches long."

>> No.5980089
File: 32 KB, 323x323, nahmate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh boy pythagorean theorem
>going to a school with a test this awful
Where can I become a genius like you?

>> No.5980093

holy shit where the fuck do you live?

>> No.5980094

I didn't. I know I should have but I was just too burnt out from school. My GPA wasn't that great so I don't know if I'd even get in.

Yes! I had him for real analysis. He's a good prof.

>> No.5980118

Georgia. The next year, they changed the test. Anybody who wasn't in honors/AP/IB failed.

>> No.5980120

meant for

>> No.5980124

It was a graduation test. It's made to give the the mouth-breathers a chance to pass. The whole thing was a complete joke.

>> No.5980132

If thats the reason there must have been a lot of them.
Dont pretend your classes were any good with that amount of mouth breathing.

>> No.5980196

>taking test for college on computer
> basic maths and English (to make sure you weren't retarded and then to see if you were 'gifted')
>this maths test may take up to an hour
> questions like pattern identifying, percentages and algebra
> get full marks
> look around
> people are struggling

And that's when I realised I was superior to everyone else and decided to grow a neck beard and buy a fedora

Shit was SO euphoric

>> No.5980222

Not him, but the mouth breathers don't take classes with the others. They're phasing out that shitty test anyways.

>> No.5980269
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>> No.5980524

Why should they need to learn anything in addition to CS?

>> No.5980565 [DELETED] 

>In Uni
>Se fag with Macbook in front of me
>Ponies, ponies everywhere
>Watching pony webcomics or something, pony background, ponefest
>Luckily only shared one course, never saw him again
It was in full view, anyone could see. My m8 saw, even someone behind us seemed skittish.

>> No.5980951

How many IF statements would it take?