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5974608 No.5974608[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are autists so good at math? Is mathematics an inherently autistic subject?

>> No.5974609

You're alienating a majority of autistic people who aren't good in anything.

>> No.5974618

theyre good at making me feeel awkward

>> No.5974621
File: 225 KB, 409x559, Autism-stacking-cans_2nd_edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically, we adults used to celebrate obfuscation and lies.
Autists are the extreme opposite of us "losers", they care about things in extreme details, precision and completeness, they enjoy perfection.
In general, they want everything to be concrete and right, pic related, lining everything up right is a pleasure to them.

Jacob talked about this:

>> No.5974626

see also the book "The Unschooled Mind: How Children Think and How Schools Should Teach" by Howard Gardner

>> No.5974633

Autistic sons for the majority of people is a burden, and their achievements won't be great as Jeek's. Jeek's parents hit the jackpot.

>> No.5974634

1/1000000 autists might be geniuses at math.
Turns out 1/1000000 normal people are also geniuses at math.

>> No.5974647

Your theory is rather vague. Math is all about precision and rigor, it is precisely the same thing as the autists appreciate.
Jacob and millions "math nerds" out there share roughly the same passion.
Jacob and many "child prodigies" out there can do math lectures from university in a matter of weeks. You can watch his talk if you are skeptic about it.

The Unschooled Mind also explained the childish way of thinking pretty well, children lacks words and experience to describe the world/experience, hence what they know about things(X) is precisely that thing X and hard to crack it into some other things.
As we grow up, we enrich ourselves with experiences interconnected with any other, the pro is that you can describe X as Y or Z now (X -> Y, X->Z) but the con is that the converse may not be true and you mess up X with Y or Z.

>> No.5974649

(not OP)
I realise this is probably true, but I was watching a show about British maths Olympiads, and out of the 24 finalists, 22 had some form of Aspergers or autism

>> No.5974655

The autistic people that can do things that regular people can't is called "savant". There's not only mathematicians in that area.

>> No.5974656

It should be

1/(10^n) autists and people with aspergers will have high levels of mathematical talent

1/(10^[n+k]) normal people will have high levels of mathematical talent
where n and k are both positive integers.

This is what leads to people with autism, aspergers and otherwise poor social skills being highly over-represented at the IMO, mathematical academia, and high ranking mathematics university courses like Cambridge.

>> No.5974657

For example, most great mathematicians are adults, you can see that some abstract concepts which are supposedly discovered first are actually formulated sometimes later in the history.

We never seriously see counting/comparing discrete as one-to-one correspondence until Cantor. We formulate abstract algebra(group-ring-field) much much later than we do a hell lot of algebra.

>> No.5974660

That's why i argue that the way we school kids is deeply fraud. We should try appreciate their "stereotyped" thinking first before discriminating their autistic behaviors.
>The autistic people that can do things that regular people can't is called "savant"
It is wrong and full of wishful thinking. The therapists diagnose Jacob as autism, there is no way the adults can appreciate this kind of talent until we raise enough concern. He has no name until he made himself popular in Youtube. Many great mind is hidden among autists.

>> No.5974664

Whatever, the most important thing is being able to relate with others and live in society. If you can't see a pattern of annoyance, you can't see the whole picture.
And, by the way, education is bad for everybody, including non-autistic people. It's wrong from the core, when the greeks decided to let rhetoric prevail instead of dialogue.

>> No.5974670

See? He is fine and sociable. The entire social thing is interactive, currently we have too much discrimination and creeps against autists, some has no choice but live in their own world.

>> No.5974677

But he isn't. The Barnetts hide the most awkward things Jeek does, but who can blame them?

>> No.5974679

I hate autists and their enables so god damn much.

>> No.5974680

they're not

>> No.5974681

Are you trying to say he is incapable to work in group, communicate or such?
I don't think you can even appear on stage and talk as confident as him.

>> No.5974687

No, I was talking about this fake idea of every autist being a math genius, when actually they are kids filled with problems and can't have a normal independent life.

>> No.5974692

did you also happen to notice that the autistic kids there didn't do especially well, or did it conveniently slip your perception? the ginger kid was the top of the team and was never focused on, and he was not autistic. the uk team could only manage silver medals.

The US team filmed in the same year, very few of them seem autistic (I can think of only to of them that seemed autistic and they didn't perform well)

Here is the US team docu

Two of the US team end up with gold medals and both of them are not autistic.

>> No.5974695
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>autists so good at math?
Most autists are shit at math.

>> No.5974696


I think you're putting too much value into the autism itself. I don't think I'm qualified to call myself autistic, but I did score a 30/50 on the autism test floating around here. Something like 90% of autists scored a 32 or higher, so maybe I'm just borderline autistic, or have autistic-like traits from having a bumpy childhood and isolating myself to computers all the time. Anyway. Sorry, this isn't about my autism, I am Anonymous.

What I'm trying to get at is, maybe some children with autism, particularly savants, do indeed have a genetic disorder. But maybe their raw talent comes from the lifestyle their disorder holds them down to. If you are autistic, you are probably not very good at all with people. If you are not very good with people, and some people (like me) struggle with predicting people's emotions and responses, then you start to appreciate things aside from peer appreciation and social interaction. Sure, you still CRAVE those things, but when you can't have it, you're stuck trying to find something to do. Some people spend all their time playing videogames, and get damn good. But they're hardly recognized because it's a somewhat selfish hobby/talent. Some people turn to literature, or the Internet, and learn to socialize in a way that is parallel to, but very different from, real life socializing. This is why we have so many people unironically spouting memes in real life, especially those who do it embarrassingly and at the wrong time. They fit in on the Internet, and places like /b/ give them a positive feedback. When you post a funny image with no text, it's a much different form of expressing yourself than say telling a joke in person. In person, a person is judged by the way they look, how they carry themselves (their class), their intellectual level, the way they sound, teeth, etc. If you are not comfortable in a social setting, people can very easily see your emotions, and it reflects badly upon you. (continued)

>> No.5974703

But online, if you post a funny image at the right time, say at the ten millionth post, then you are momentarily FAMOUS. No one knows or cares about you are or what you look like. What you expressed was something other people related to, and it was a moment of joy and or excitement that you shared with countless strangers. This strange, sweet sense of brotherhood brings a lot of people to the Internet.

Now, someone stuck on their computer, say a borderline autistic such as myself, will quickly become bored of reading the same shit every day. SURE, some of us come back every day for hours, but it bores us tirelessly. We seek out other activities. I remember when I was 10, I had spent 3 years at that point shitposting on GameFAQs, and after being banned four or five times, I actually... felt kinda hurt. Like they didn't think I was funny. That's why I love this place. But anywho, in that downtime, I started to learn HTML and Javascript. I was 10 so I honestly struggled with the Javascript. But at one point I got a website up and running. It was a templated website, so the best I could do was write up tables with images and text neatly arranged in them. Simple, but I was enthralled. From that point I was set on this "coding" thing. By the time I was 13, I was a full on web 2.0 guru. I couldn't tell you anything about this newer shit, but way-back-when I was running my own Apache server and paid the $10 a year for "www.gunghosamurai.com/", basically a genius Maddox rip-off written by a teenage autist. It was retarded actually, I got suspended from school for writing really nasty things.

I'm 22 now, and sadly I had a huge emotional breakdown for a few years and went full-retarded. I'm recovering, and doing well now, but I regret losing progress on working with code. (continue) my autism is really showing here, and my egocentricism, but hear out my heartwarming story because I'm in a writing kind of mood

>> No.5974707

Autist is not a word.

I think if you look at the statistics you will find that people with autism do not perform well overall in mathematics.

It's like making the analogy that because you can think of 2 or 3 college drop outs that became billionaires, therefore you have about as much chance of success as a drop out verses someone with a degree. Statistics will show your observation to be wrong.

Basically you're focusing on media cases verses a world picture.

>OP is a faggot, can't into statistics

>> No.5974708

>Autist is not a word.
How does it fail to be a word, feagitt?

>> No.5974710

By 15 I was into C++, already had a few competent Allegro based games and text-adventure engines under my belt, and was working with the (I believe called) Ogre Engine, an open source 3D game engine. SDL was a little too complicated even for me, but keep in mind I just sound pompous and am only borderline autistic, but STILL --- I didn't know anyone --- ANYONE my age that was that skilled and accomplished with something. Not even my Asian friends with their super strict parents. Albeit they were BRILLIANT violin players, there was just this spark about me that even they openly appreciated.

But since I had very little guidance, I squandered some of t hat potential. Or have I? You see, what lead to my depression was, ironically, trying to be a normalfag. At 15 I started dating this beautiful, smart, charming filipina. I become just as dedicated about working out as I did programing, and by the time we met, I was confident and I guess cute enough to make her like me. We met on a Mega Man Legends ProBoards that a friend of hers made. I was enthralled that a cute girl was posting on THE INTERNET! That shit was UNHEARD of. I couldn't keep the normalfag facade up. I didn't know what I was doing, and it messed my life up completely. I flunked out of school and stopped working on projects all together. On the other hand I got a job and learned some people skills. I'm much more quiet and articulated in person, but because of the Internet I express myself on facebook somewhat like this. It baffles some people; I've adjusted to be pray coo in real life, even if really fuckin odd and quirky, but people seem to like me. Then they see how much I have to say on facebook, and I it's overwhelming. I was excited about normal people using the Internet. I never stopped to think, "Maybe they have no idea what the fuck 4chan is, and maybe they take some shit I say very seriously." The point is in there somewhere, but I gotta visit my uncle and auntie in bel-air.

>> No.5974715



loneliness -> boredom -> creativity -> eventual positive feedback -> persistently pursuing this positive feedback -> don't stop ever -> become savant

I did not become the savant.

>> No.5974719

Autism is a spectrum disorder so people ITT are wrong trying to distinguish between autists and everyone else. University maths departments have a lot of people with mild autism (like aspergers or something).

>> No.5974720

I am a god among men

>> No.5974721

He's not good at math. He's average.

The only super power he seems to possess is photographic memory, which enables him to learn things fast (no need to restudy and revise things and much easier to connect the dots when you can hold them all in your brain).

>> No.5974722
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>> No.5974724

>I think if you look at the statistics you will find that people with autism do not perform well overall in mathematics.

what statistics are these?

>> No.5974736

you could look up statistics on people with autism and see how well they performed in school etc

>> No.5974741

i volunteered in a special school. it was full of autists with IQ's in the 70s or 80s.

high functioning (ie can get along in the world) autism is fairly rare, and genius level autism is exceptional

>> No.5974753

>No, I was talking about this fake idea of every autist being a math genius
Except that he did say anything like that
>when actually they are kids filled with problems and can't have a normal independent life.
Are they? I think you mean "there are kids filled with problems" and we fail to distinguish them. There are "genius" but there is no such thing like "genius wins", it is oversold. That's what Jacob trying to say, you can perform well as if you are genius if you let go your passion on certain things.
>I think if you look at the statistics you will find that people with autism do not perform well overall in mathematics.
I think if you talk to your professor or mathematicians, they tell you that they don't know how to measure one's math. i.e. Math is an artistic sport.
not samefag but see >>5974719
This. There isn't anything to prove that he is extraordinary except that he can get his head around higher math. His professor also said that it is the passion on math and physics let him go this far.

>> No.5974757


>n and k must be integers

Autism detected

>> No.5974759

Or you could post them

>> No.5974760

You have been visited by the Costanza of 2012!
Post this in 2 other threads or you will die tomorrow!

>> No.5974766

I'm still a god among men

>> No.5974768

Who knows. I think Autistic kids are just kids that don't follow societal rules. I was diagnosed with severe autism at an early age and I would just wreck shit. Came high school I had my shit together. The only thing that did plague me was my math teacher. I had huge problems at home, being that my poor parents were always fighting and could never get along. To top it off I had to wake up at 4:45 to commute to school via the subway, and school started at 7:25. Anyways math was my first class and I had a huge bitch who was very "decent", despite that the fact she used to be a crackhead. She yelled at me everyday for coming to school late which really wasn't my fault but I didn't even listen to half the stuff she said. One day she decided to talk to each student individually about their grades. When it came my turn she began to lecture me about high my grades were obviously so low because of my tardiness. She literally went on to bash me about how I would never amount to anything because I was always too late and that made me not learn the material. Then she looked at my grade, which was the highest in the whole class and rather than apologize or anything like that, she kicked me out of the class simply because she could not stand the fact that her ideas were wrong. I ended up having to take classes with special ed students and then I studied on my own for AP Calc and Physics C(both tests). I was literally in one class the whole day and we would do nothing. Then when I passed the tests, which sort of impressed a lot of counselors but no teacher would ever take me into their class. That kind of screwed me over because that would mean I never got to graduate which I didn't.

>> No.5974772

and now you work as a janitor at a university and solve maths problems in secret?

>> No.5974777

I wish at least that. I work at a sub shop.