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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5974218 No.5974218 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck do they teach Calculus in Computer Science?

>> No.5974221

If all you're interested in is programming, you shouldn't be going for a CS degree.

>> No.5974225

Why are computer science students so shitty?

>> No.5974248

because vidao gaems xD

>> No.5974249

because computers are awesome at solving calculus problems.

>> No.5974261

Because computer science has nothing to do with computers. You're thinking of Software Engineering, where they *don't* teach calculus. Computer Science is one, terribly named, and two, pretty much just applied mathematics. It's the study of information, and calculus is a big part of that.

>> No.5974266

Because calculus is a very important conceptual tool for any mathematician.

>> No.5974279

My school has a video game major and everyone in the program is completely hopeless.

The program itself it pretty shitty too. A guy I know lost his entire final game project when he dropped his computer. I asked him why he didn't use git and he just gave me a blank stare.

At least they have to take calculus 1 and linear algebra so the drop rate is still pretty high.

>> No.5974300

>video game major
I completely support this. Quarentine all the /v/ fucks who would polute the CS program otherwise.

>> No.5974305

Aww look. It's another retarded cs major who thinks their major is at all related to /sci/

>> No.5974308
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>> No.5974326


>> No.5974328

>pretty much just applied mathematics

No it is not and stop spreading that filthy libel. Your pathetic study of "discrete math" is far from anything mathematical (applied or pure).

>> No.5974332

>Because calculus is a very important conceptual tool for life

>> No.5974382

not really...
when in daily life do you use calculus?
i can't think of any time, can you?

>> No.5974402

you're so pleb it hurts

>> No.5974453

I thought in computer science they dabble around with numerical methods. The first we learned is the Newton method for approximating roots of function

>> No.5974455

I'm not even that guy, but how about you explain instead of spouting memes?

>> No.5974461
File: 86 KB, 652x543, 1373167895175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>computer science

>> No.5974483

>i asked him why he didn't use git and he gave me a blank stare

I would too, your statement didn't really doesn't apply to the situation.

>> No.5974485

Just because you don't use it everyday while moping floors doesn't make it useless in daily life.

>> No.5974492

People who take computer science are just chicken to not take computer engineering

>> No.5974571

Doing my first semester of college next week at a JC
with comp sci as my intended major

CMPR 120 is my class

Introduction to programming concepts including data types, mathematical operations, elementary input/output, and the basic control structures of sequence, selection, iteration and functions. Program design techniques utilizing structured and object-oriented methodologies will be emphasized.

is the description. how hard will this be? ive never done programming or anything

>> No.5974583
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You can better understand anything that involves change if you know Calculus - the weather, your budget, your exercise routine, your job, video games, reading, etc.

Hell, I became a better driver after taking Calc 1 alone.

>> No.5974591

Rates of change and graphical analysis. If you can plot it, you can use calculus to examine it.

>> No.5974614

pls respond

>> No.5974615

>Calculus in Computer Science?
Good question. Maybe a course or two in Numerical Analysis would be more suitable.

>> No.5974616

>Aww look. It's another retarded shitposter.
GTFO, fegitt

>> No.5975106

>coding anything ever
>not using version control
>not backing up anywhere
>failing a class because you didn't back up

>> No.5975132

>>>/g/ is that way retard

>> No.5976337

because muh CRUD

>> No.5976344

>implying you can do anything in Numerical Analysis without Taylor's theorem

>> No.5976348

it will be easy

>> No.5976352 [DELETED] 

I'm in college now, average gpa 3.3,
I retake my c# class three time and I fcking hate it, but the last class I got 3.9.
I hv no work experience whatsoever and no notable award too.
what's the chance for me to get accepted to univ like caltech, or UCLA, UC davis?
What's the chance of me gettingI'm in college now, average gpa 3.3,
I retake my c# class three time and I fcking hate it, but the last class I got 3.9.
I hv no work experience whatsoever and no notable award too.
what's the chance for me to get accepted to univ like caltech, or UCLA, UC davis?

>> No.5976358

I think i'm stupid but I understand math and real science better than programming

>> No.5976361

Computer Science has nothing to do with programming.

>> No.5976364

then what's comp sci is all about? TELL ME

>> No.5976367

I like calc better than programming

>> No.5976426


>> No.5976644

OP: some years ago there was a influx of computer science students, more than was desired by the faculty at the time. It was agreed by all professors to alter the curriculum to get rid of some of the students. It was decided that inclusion of unrelated, but difficult material as part of lectures and course-work would be the method of getting people out of the computer science major.

Nowadays the situation has changed, they need more students, but Habit, the tendency to resist change on the part of university administration, prevents removal of calculus from computer science.

p.s. It's the reason I ended up a history major, d'oh!

>> No.5976649

The analysis that you need to solve equations comes in handy I suppose.

Too bad you can't translate analytical calculus knowledge to computer shit.

>> No.5976651


>> No.5976656

>It was agreed by all professors to alter the curriculum to get rid of some of the students. It was decided that inclusion of unrelated, but difficult material as part of lectures and course-work would be the method of getting people out of the computer science major.

>> No.5976662


Process has nothing to do with programming?


>> No.5976673

I'm not the same guy. It's obviously silly to say that computer science has nothing to do with programming.

However, computer science is really about process in general, not programming in particular, just as mathematics is really about structure, not numbers.

>> No.5976675


Okay, that's fair.

>> No.5977644

To weed out the retards who think just because they spend all day programming in their parents' basement that they can get an easy degree that'll get them a high paying job.

>> No.5977657

As a pure math major I had to take computer science courses. It works both ways.

>> No.5977670

Because calculus is important.
Computer science stems from λcalculus, or at least quite a bit does.

>> No.5977676


> Hell, I became a better driver after taking Calc 1 alone.


>> No.5978082

Taylor's theorem is not fundamental to numerical analysis, plebe.

>> No.5978105

>Computer science stems from λcalculus, or at least quite a bit does.

λcalculus is depreciated and no one uses that shit anymore

>> No.5978455

Because even business, sociology or environmental engineering majors are expected to know math that is usually taught in high school.