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File: 12 KB, 384x390, mummi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5970486 No.5970486 [Reply] [Original]

I have an interview for a place I do not want. If offered the place I will be pressured to take it up.

I want to fail the interview.

The thing is, if I am my normal self I have a very good chance of ace-ing the interview. I am also naturally competitive and it rankles to do badly at anything.

How can I fake being shit painlessly.

My best idea so far is to just smell strongly of cannabis.

>> No.5970494

Tell them you're browsing 4chan.

>> No.5970511

The sensible thing to do would be simply to tell them that you do not want the place.

>> No.5970535

>I want to fail the interview.
ahahah! nice.
watch this then:

>> No.5970576

Just tell them you don't fucking want the job

>> No.5970584

>If offered the place I will be pressured to take it up.
whoever is pressuring him will be pissed off if they find out he failed on purpose, or didnt attend the interview.

smelling of weed and acting uninterested and monosyllabic will almost definitely get you to fail.

>"so how much experience have you had doing this sort of thing?"
"dunno, whatever... a bit, i guess. sooo...how longs my lunch hour?
>"...1 hour"
"ah right yeh, cool. whatever.

>> No.5970586

I cannot do this as it will be reported back to those pressurising me to take the place.

>> No.5970587

before i click, is it trainspotting?

>> No.5970588
File: 17 KB, 229x261, 1259670815640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hah! fucking told ya!
>whoever is pressuring him will be pissed off if they find out he failed on purpose, or didnt attend the interview.

>> No.5970589


>> No.5970590

I think I died at the facial spasm. I haven't laughed that hard in weeks.

>> No.5970591

>>"so how much experience have you had doing this sort of thing?"
>"dunno, whatever... a bit, i guess. sooo...how longs my lunch hour?
>>"...1 hour"
>"ah right yeh, cool. whatever.
I would do this but I don't think I can actually act like that without seeming I am deliberately trying to fail.

>> No.5970594

no. and it's obviously a fucking youtube link. it cant be a virus or shit like that, just click it u faget.

>> No.5970597

ahahah! nah, some people really are that shit at interviews.
you say you're a try-hard, and you dont fail, and i believe ya. but a lot of people really are that shit and that dumb.
they wont think you're acting, they'l just think you're a scummy twat.
so you fail.

but that means you win. :)

>> No.5970598


Try to do it so that it appears as natural as possible.

Do literally no preparation for the job, turn up late, don't even look at their website, don't iron your suit beforehand or wear fairly bad clothes. Also, if possible, get the company's name wrong on purpose (Depends what their name is).

It'll be embarrassing, but you're more likely to fail if you do that. Also, if it's even remotely competitive you're probably over-estimating your own ability to get the job - every position is incredibly hard to land these days.

>> No.5970600

>being pressured into taking a job
Don't worry, you're not getting a job with that backbone.

Basics of how to fail according to social science:
- touch yourself a lot. Touch your face, touch your chin, touch your hands.
- unassuming posture
- etc.

Also make up claims you can't back up. They'll love this.
Like mention a cool hobby in your resume, and don't actually have anything to say about it.

>> No.5970601

why would i think it is a virus?

>> No.5970604

well i dunno do i!??
but you seem to have some problem clicking it, so i dunno what you're paranoid fucking self has a problem with it for
if you must know it's just a clip from an episode of peep show where the guy tries to fail an interview on purpose.

>> No.5970609

i'm just lazy and most youtubes people think are funny are actually shit, but i like peep show so i'll watch. thanks.

>> No.5970620

what usually happens is you click on the link, and read the title and time length and then decide if you wanna watch.

not even clicking it to see the title is super fuckin lazy.

>> No.5970629

i am that lazy.

>> No.5970632
File: 3 KB, 203x210, 1267796775529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupidly lazy.
it took more time to type and post
>"before i click, is it trainspotting?"
than just to click once and see what it is. which takes about 1 second.

>> No.5970635

i enjoy chatting on 4chan, i don't enjoy being disappointed by some derpish vid

>> No.5970638

If they ask you about your degree, just say that you are planning on taking a PhD next year and that therefore you are not looking for a job right now.

Problem solved

>> No.5970640

if you dont like the vid title, you close the new window.
like i said, it takes about a second.

>> No.5970650

can't be arsed

>> No.5970651

My one definite is to show lack of future commitment.