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5958726 No.5958726 [Reply] [Original]

New Theory on how The Great Pyramids were built:


What do you guys think?

>> No.5958735

Does it matter?

>> No.5958745

Everything is matter.

>> No.5958754

Why do people make such a big deal about the Great Pyramids, anyway?

They aren't really all that great.

>> No.5958756

it's not a "new theory", it's some shitty comedian's musings

also the routine was released on video in 2007 so it's not really new either

>> No.5958760

I actually find the arguments supporting that aliens made the pyramids interesting, they also dont immediately shoot themselves down. To what I've read they point out some strange and off things about the pyramids construction.

>> No.5958763

>I actually find the arguments supporting that aliens made the pyramids interesting

back to /x/ you go

>> No.5958797

I said they were interesting, not that I believe them.

moot should make a /pse/ board for faggots like you.

>> No.5958800

they're pretty damn awesome relative to the rest of the worlds' achievements at the time.

>> No.5958808

arguements that aliens built the pyramids are racist.

nobody argues that aliens gave the romans or greeks technology.

but when it's non-whites they needed help from either aryans or aliens.

the origins of such theories are a matter of rectifying cognitive dissonance between ideology and perceived reality in the minds of bigots.

>> No.5958819

I just wish the Great Pyramids had been maintained all these centuries so that they'd look like they did when they were finished.

>> No.5958838

You are a special kind of retarded.

>> No.5958843

ur mum is retarted lel

>> No.5958850

Why do people think Egyptians were black? Their recorded history makes it pretty clear that they were completely distinct racially from the Nubians.

>> No.5958862
File: 410 KB, 591x403, nubian pyramids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, the Nubians did invade Egypt in the 8th century BC and create their own Dynasty of Egypt which lasted a hundred years.

They also built their own pyramids.

>> No.5958875


I see this shit-flinging all over the internet. Is their definitive proof one way or another whether they were black or white? I personally don't give a shit what colour their skin was, but I'd at least like to know what is true.

>> No.5958880

The Nubians pretty much worshiped the Egyptians, they did conquer Egypt at one of it's low points in history, but it was nothing spectacular. Also their pyramids were shit.

They were Egyptian... Pretty much the color of American Indians or very similar.

>> No.5958886

Interesting fact:
In Isaiah (a book of the bible/jewish literature), it is claimed that God killed thousands of Assyrians in one night to protect Judah (where the jews lived). The reality is that the jews had sent a generous gift to Nubian Egypt, and the Nubians were the ones that slaughtered the Assyrians for the jews.
Biblical historians of the late 18th and 19th centuries, being so racist, rewrote the Bible to exclude any mention of Nubians saving jews.

>> No.5958894

Really? Where in Isiah does it say that? I have several old Bibles from the 15th, 16th century at my grandfather's house that I can go see.

>> No.5958897
File: 281 KB, 435x331, (from left) a Libyan, a Nubian, an Asiatic, and an Egyptian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5958915

>depends on modern cultural definitions, not on scientific study
>anthropologists have rejected the notion of race as having any validity in the study of human biology
>tfw no science

>> No.5958923

There's a fine line between "no science" and not wanting to upset a group of monkeys who think they have royal blood or some shit.

>> No.5959035

Sorry, I might be misquoting

Source: http://www.amazon.com/dp/1569473366/

Of course, there are other theories.

>> No.5959060
File: 1020 KB, 1161x679, Nubian pyramids 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also their pyramids were shit.
How were they shit?

While their pyramids weren't as large as the Great Pyramids, they were still pretty neat.

>> No.5959062

isn't it funny that the guy even mentions that white people refuse to believe that people of color can do anything

and then no one takes the black guy seriously despite him having a legitimate point and instead atleast one guy is seriously considering aliens

you disappoint me /sci/

>> No.5959096


What else do you expect? This board is full of state school students struggling to get through introductory level courses who constantly talk shit about Ivy League educated Neil deGrasse Tyson.

>> No.5959148


I see your point.

>> No.5959156

romans and greeks are far away from the pyramids.

Did you know you are closer chronologically to the founding of rome, than ceasar was to the building of the pyramids?

>the more you know!