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5954067 No.5954067 [Reply] [Original]

How does the skin of a nigger evolves into white skin?

I seriously doubt it is because evolution, how many light blacks do you have to breed before getting a white dude? and humans would freeze to death before camouflaging naked out in the snow.

>> No.5954070

>if whites evolved from niggers then why are there still niggers lel

>> No.5954071
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>How does the skin of a nigger evolves into white skin?
>I seriously doubt it is because evolution

>> No.5954074

So how do you guys explain this with evolution?

Only the black people with light black skin was able to survive the warm winds of spain?

>> No.5954078

There are these things called mutations.

>> No.5954079

The more melanin you have the harder it is to get a sun burn but at the same time you need more sun for your body to produce Vitamin D. In modern times we get plenty of vitamin D in our diets but back in the day it meant someone living far from the equator with a lot of melanin could easily get rickets. It was a slow gradual change. Every generation some people would randomly have weaker melanin producing genes than others and they spread their genes more because they survived better.

>> No.5954083

Sunlight is required for the production of vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential to assist in the apsorption of calcium in your body.

Africa has a lot more sun-light than Europe. Dark skin blocks sun light. If you have dark skin and migrate away from the equator while maintaining a similar lifestyle (daily exposure to sunlight), you will be exposed to less sunlight than you were before, and produce less vitamin D, and absorb less calcium, and have weaker bones. In the olden days, we didn't have vitamin D fortified cerial, so this was a real problem - people with really dark skin would have had nutritional problems moving to a place with relatively so little sun-light. Therefore, people with lighter skin are more likely to pass on their genes in such a population.

That's the best guess anyone has had so far.

>> No.5954088

This is a matter of skin pigmentation, and I can't claim to know the subject very well by a longshot, by my understanding of it is as follows, sunny places causes the skin to darken, Tanning essentially, places that are sunny all the goddamn time causes the darkening skin to become an evolved trait, because if your going to be a pasty white boy in the sun before clothes have been invented, your in for a tough time.

but for reals, this is not a case of black evolving into white, infact it's technically the other way around, as we evolved from apes and lost our wonderful coats of fur, skin had to react to sunlight.

Again, my accuracy on this is dubious