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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5953290 No.5953290 [Reply] [Original]

Is anything absolutely impossible, /sci/? If so, what?

>> No.5953299

Op ever having sex?

>> No.5953311
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To believe the sentence "Everyone except me can judge that this sentence is true", in a way which is consistent with the derivation rules of classical logic.

>> No.5953315


>> No.5953322

creating matter or energy from nothing. If we ever do though we will basically be gods.

>> No.5954677 [DELETED] 

>Is anything absolutely impossible, /sci/? If so, what?

Having a /sci/ board full of science and math threads without stuipd shitposting.

>> No.5954825

anything else?

>> No.5954828

Going back in time to before the big bang.

>> No.5954829

Almost everything is impossible. What kind of a question is that?

>> No.5954831

op not having a dick in his mouth

>> No.5954845

There are lots of things that are impossible. Me suddenly being able to levitate and shoot lightning out of my fingers is impossible. It is impossible for the Earth to transform into a spaceship and fly to a different galaxy.

There are hundreds of things I can think of just off the top of my head that are impossible.

>> No.5954855


are you talking about practically impossible or actually impossible?

because all those things you said are technically possible, just not probable

>> No.5954859 [DELETED] 

According to quantum mechanics EVERYTHING is posible.

>> No.5954863

this is probably the biggest overstatement of the century and, sadly, one of the many new-age crap concepts that's being attached to quantum mechanics by mentally challanged people.

>> No.5956438

Matter is energy bro...

>> No.5956456

Yes. There are tautological impossibilities. It is impossible to be a married bachelor, etc.

>> No.5956470

On second thought, "tautological impossibilities" isn't the right word. More like "contradictory impossibilities", but you get the point. You can't be something and be its opposite at the same time.

>> No.5957808

aint there a whole thought experiment thing showing otherwise, with a cat.

>> No.5957821

You can't accelerate to c

>> No.5957833

light can

>> No.5957876

Light does not accelerate.

>> No.5957894


not really, no

I hate schrödinger's cat

>> No.5957904

Then why does it bend in a strong electromagnetic field

>> No.5957910

It is impossible to:

>Time travel (past specifically)
>Build sentient robots
>Detect and acquire dark matter
>Travel to the nearest galaxy
>Discover the extent to which universe has expanded
>Understand singularity
>Locate the mind (not brain)
>Prove/Disprove that humans have souls
>Prove/Disprove that God exists
>Locate/Transfer concience
>Revive dead people

Just a few that I can remember.

>> No.5957911

light travels through sodium atoms at 38mph..

>> No.5957912

>tfw mass doesnt give to fucks about accelration

>> No.5957915

finding my missing socks is absolutey impossible, I've looked for weeks

>> No.5957934

the speed of light is defined as 38mph at that moment in that medium then.

>> No.5957936

ITT: people saying things are impossible because they would violate current theoretical laws, when electricity violated the laws of whale oilodynamics.

>> No.5957945

She coming back to me

>> No.5957958


>> No.5957962


>top lel
>(impossible to top this one)

>> No.5957964

>ultra-top lel, defined to be a lel that tops any top lel that you le

>> No.5957980

>non-standard lelnalysis
Oh waw is it 2005 again?

>> No.5957989

>1 second light travels 7.5 times around the earth

By that logic the headlights of my car shooting beams of light should travel around the earth 7 times and reach my rear end 7 times every second. Yet they only illuminate a small area infront of me despite the straight trajectory.

We have been fed garbage by scientists, they don't know what the fuck they are talking about.

>> No.5957991


>> No.5957995

Can't tell if trolling or monumentally stupid.

>> No.5957999
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>> No.5958003

there's one legit thing tho, they say light traval faster than anything yet you can call america in the phone and your voice reaches it instantly. What now lightfags

>> No.5958001
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> time travel (past specifically)
that remains to be seen - if it turns out that time is symmetrical (it doesn't have an arrow) it might actually be done

> build sentient robots
we're on the verge of accomplishing that one, actually.

>Detect and acquire dark matter
We might be able to do this in the future (there are detectors on Earth to capture and measure it at this very moment)

>Travel to the nearest galaxy
We don't need to, Andromeda is heading straight at us and will collide with us in app. 2 trillion years.

>Discover the extent to which universe has expanded
Probably true

>Understand singularity
Not true at all

>Locate the mind (not brain)

>Prove/Disprove that humans have souls
Dunno, probably true

>Prove/Disprove that God exists

>Locate/Transfer concience
Not true

>Revive dead people
If they're dead for longer than, like, a couple of minutes - true.

>> No.5958006

Ignore these proofism jaded morons OP. What the bleep do we know is still relevant despite being quite old by now. It shows the true power of quantum science once you escape the shackles of an obsession to slavishly obeying old proofs that western science seems to be shackled to. Remember, truth is what matters, not 'proof' and western science holds no exclusive rights to truth.

>> No.5958010

>2 trillion years.
Weed, not even once.

>> No.5958015

If you could place a long enough stick horizontally between Andromeda and Milkway then push the stick from the Milkway it is pushed on Andromeda instantly. Now thats faster than light speed.

>> No.5958016
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>What the bleep do we know

>> No.5958018
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woah thats some potent bait you got there

>> No.5958023

Wow you guys sure told him off.

>> No.5958028

About 4.5 billion years, although the details are uncertain since Andromeda's tangential velocity with respect to the Milky Way is known to only within about a factor of two.

>> No.5958033

Humans will be long dead and gone by then, if not probably shifted to another planet or solar system.

>> No.5958039

Sadly, it's true.

>> No.5958055

You're wrong, sorry.
"Solid" objects aren't truly /solid/, they are composed primarily of the empty space that exists between atoms. When you apply the pushing force on your end, you're creating a wave that travels at the speed of light down the stick. Like how in a swimming pool, if you push on the water, you don't instantly push on the sides. Rather, the wave you create pushes on the sides, even though you pushed something that was in direct contact with the wall. With solids, it's pretty much the same concept.
It sounds silly, but it's science.

>> No.5958105

The wave travels slower than the speed of light.

>> No.5958109

>speed of light
Not only are you a complete trollbait responding to the most obvious fake post, you're also a giant tool.

>> No.5959473


The sentence itself is not formulated in terms of classical logic.

>> No.5959485

The whole "experiment" was stated by Schrodinger in order to mock quantum mechanic's accepted laws of particles both being and not being in some state.