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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5951066 No.5951066 [Reply] [Original]

How does one raise their IQ?

>> No.5951073

Do the test once.
Memorize the answers.
Do the test again.

>> No.5951117

i managed to raise my score by 15 points in 3 months.

5 potential employers had literally the same test.

>> No.5951136

Dual N-Back

>> No.5951334
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Read about logic and in time you will see everything as a mathematical expression. Then observe as the rest of the plebeians struggle because of simple matters and how illogically stupidy humanity is in general. Proceed to exploit this society and see how you get to the top simply by effectively thinking and not just responding to the immediate like a simplistic animal.

The first obstacle you will perceive is your weak memory, but this can be circumvented by repetition and machines (learn to program). The other is ever present and is the intuition, which i recognize as real intelligence or your personal spark. The final one is to be lazy, never be a lazy faggot.

All that said, i don't follow any of this. Yet. Good luck though.

>> No.5952549

Look up about memory palaces

>> No.5952557

Practice simple math puzzles.

Also, stop caring about it, since IQ isnt really that meaningful.

>> No.5952564


Got any books you recommend?

>> No.5953103

Richard Dawkins - The God Delusion

He will teach you logical thinking.