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File: 64 KB, 502x702, 340cipher1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5945510 No.5945510 [Reply] [Original]

Solve it

>> No.5945522

I bet there isn't even a solution for this shit. Zodiac probably just put a bunch of symbols together just to fuck with all the nerds.

>> No.5945527

First 5 symbols rearranged =


>> No.5945528

See #2


>> No.5945532

Idk I believe there is a solution. Whether its different cipher library's pieced together I'm not sure. I think it can be solved. No internet or computers the guy had to learn it from some books unless he made it up himself which i doubt. I think if enough minds and effort were put into it, it could be solved, though interest in solving it these days doesn't seem very high.

>> No.5945536

the cipher in the cracked article was the only one that was solved there was 3 others that were never solved. this is one of them, its never been solved.

>> No.5945552

I wonder if we could solve it.

>> No.5945570

that's the zodiac code, right?

>> No.5945578

That mendel shit is lies.

He did go to college and that's how he learned the scientific method.

>> No.5945580

No. The picture that OP posted is still unsolved

>> No.5946143

I'm sure its hard to crack, but i definitely think its solvable. Shit it was written in the late 60's early 70's. With alllll the resources we have today i think it can be done. How smart could the guy have possibly been.

>> No.5946193


Almost as smart as some of the people on /sci/. /sci/ is pretty much the smartest board here. If anyone can figure it out, it's these guys.

>> No.5946213

I vote in favor of taking a crack at it. I don't know of the case well, but I enjoy ciphers.

>> No.5946223

How would we start though? One of the letters he sent was solved. Maybe we compare all of the letters he sent together first to look for similarities and repeats?

>> No.5946276


Not to sound like a jackass, but don't you think the authorities have already done that? What is needed is some wild crack-pot theory about the code. A new way of thinking might crack it.

>> No.5946292

Of course I'm sure they've done it but it's probably best to start simple with the basics

>> No.5946297

Going to guess that the large character at the bottom is some kind of signature.

>> No.5946382

I only remember hearing of this in passing, but I always wondered: have the people who are trying to crack this maybe thought of the fact that each symbol is an entire word instead of a letter (as in a pictographic language)? Or maybe a syllable?

Not trying to say I'm thinking of something completely novel here, just wondering if those ideas have been played around with.

>> No.5946418

Yes the symbol at the bottom is his signature. That's an interesting thought. I'm not sure if they ever explored that route.

>> No.5946424

It was already solved in spite of the fact that the guy who wrote it was borderline retarded and spelled about 10% of the words correctly, used no punctuation or spaces, etc...

>> No.5946453

So it's likely to assume that he didn't just make up a cipher language. I'm pretty sure he wanted them to be solved. otherwise why bother writing them? With that in mind with the complexity of the ciphers he wrote we can also assume he either studied intensely or had formal training. It's widely believed he had a military background. Victims that survived his attacks described him as being in his late 20's to early 30's another described him as being 35-45. So lets estimate and age and minus that to 18 years old the youngest age you can be to enlist , and then pick the range of years he most likely would have been in the army, and try to figure out what positions you would learn ciphers and decoding in, and what materials they were using to teach at the time

>> No.5946471

He did spell a lot of words incorrectly, but once deciphered it was still enough to be able to understand what he meant. As far as punctuation and spaces i doubt an insane serial killer would be that concerned lol

>> No.5946477

That's what im saying he obviously wasn't that bright in an educated sense, so how hard can it be to crack a code from a guy that most likely had an under average intelligence level from the 1960's with limited research resources.

>> No.5946488

zodiak was the first greentexter

>> No.5946530

Too bad /sci/ doesn't have scientists. The only way to crack zodiac's code would be with all his manuscripts, which I believe that can add the information that a single letter like this lacks.

>> No.5946712
File: 31 KB, 640x835, hardencipher1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only one that has ever been solved

>> No.5946718

You dont know anything about the zodiac killer do you? Brush up your knowledge and come back.

>> No.5946747


I am fairly interested in this case, and the zodiac did indeed change the letters around. There are also some symbols which don't mean anything, they are just added randomly.

>> No.5946749


Dude clicking on the no. in peoples comments to tag them so we know who you are replying to

>> No.5946757

or he was a genius and did that on purpose to make decoding harder...

>> No.5946774

Depends on how you want to start looking at the system we have. Given Quadrants we get both relationships to Dante's Inferno and a Florentine.

Alberti cipher and Leon Battista Alberti. Painting by Alberti, book one, and the polyalphabetic disk might provide the basis.

>> No.5946827

Takes a smart man to build a solvable puzzle like that.
Takes a moron to make one that nobody can solve.

>> No.5946838

greek idea of infinite series

>> No.5947691

It will never be solved

>> No.5947704

why are you guys working on this when AIDs hasn't been cured?

>> No.5947710

>implying a randomly generated sequence of symbols is unlikely to have a crytographic solution.

>> No.5947739

Lol this shit is never going to be cracked it's been unsolved for 40+ years. Still it would be pretty great seeing news headlines with 4chan being credited

>> No.5947793


I only used observation of what we have and then googled a couple things. Given the solved statements, Book one from Alberti's painting in English has a couple of interesting statements which could correspond to the fellows' way of thought.

AID's? hmm... maybe when I go wake up tomorrow, Last time I thought it, I wondered if the shell affected the electron current of the membrane structure, making the cell want to open up.

>> No.5947796

Sure, let me just roll my face over the keyboard and then you come back to me with a solution.


>> No.5948561
File: 2 KB, 384x128, the kie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solve it yourself

>> No.5948600
File: 335 KB, 1334x1086, f78v-next-to-f81r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5948869


Will probably never be solved. If it can be solved you'd probably need to be fluent in almost dead European languages.

>> No.5948959


what is this meant to mean

>> No.5949400

I believe the zodiac cipher can be solved, not the voynich manuscript though.

>> No.5949406

I don't think he was intelligent enough to put something together so complicated that it still hasn't been solved. I think either

1. He's just fucking with everyone or
2. He fucked it up and made a bunch of mistakes

>> No.5949409

I wonder why the zodiac cipher hasn't been solved honestly. This was some regular guy. regardless of whether he had prior military training, how advanced could he possibly have been? He obviously wasn't a genius.

>> No.5949418

This ^ He obviously wasn't very intelligent. He had a ton of spelling and wording mistakes in previous letters. Why i agree that it probably has mistakes I still believe there is some content to it.

>> No.5949416

Anyone know any thing about the methods people use to solve this types of things?

>> No.5949433

Well assuming he didn't make up the cipher code by himself, you would research ciphers. Given the time of the killings (late 60's early 70's) I would imagine he learned it from common books that you could get at a library plus possibly some military cipher training

>> No.5949518

Well I would start by looking at his other letters. There is a list of all the letters he sent including pictures that can be found here (http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Zodiac_Killer_letters))
He actually says in some letters that if the police cracked the cipher they would have him caught. very interesting and intriguing.

>> No.5949528

Well, are you going to do it?

>> No.5949620

From what I understand he changed his codes.

Here's the problem in general, and this goes for everyone trying to solve it.

There may not actually be a solution to his later codes. He likely had a degenerative psychological disorder. What were coherent ideas before (and the ability to be able to create a message and encrypt it) would become garbled nonsense even the Zodiac couldn't even understand as he became more insane overtime.

You might be able to actually decrypt a whole page of words. But it might not make sense anyone.

>> No.5949626

>How smart could the guy have possibly been.
he wasn't smart. He was completely insane. That's the biggest problem you all have here.

>> No.5949631

To help some of the people in this thread:

1. OPs pic is of one of the OTHER ciphers that were sent by the Zodiac Killer. The one some of you keep referring to that has been solved is NOT the one in OPs pic.

2. I saw a post that stated the guy was an idiot because he couldn't spell words correctly. When making a cipher, it's actually more smart to misspell words to throw off people trying to solve your code.

Now for more information.

The way the first cipher was solved was that the codebreakers assumed that somewhere the Zodiac would use the word "kill" in his cipher and it worked.

Now, one of the interesting attempts at cracking this was someone took the cipher and, using only the word "kill", had every single word (some misspelled) come out as "kill". I also would like to say that the Zodiac was a really narcissistic motherfucker judging by what he said in his letters to the editor. I don't know for sure if it was ever revealed how the code breakers broke the code BEFORE the Zodiac sent in his second cipher but if that's the way it happened; it would make sense that the Zodiac would fixate on the word that solved his cipher and use it to further fuck with people. The Zodiac even made fun of the people in a letter because they hadn't solved the puzzle yet.

What is your opinion /sci/?

>> No.5949634


I made an error, the word "kill" only made sense through about HALF of the cipher.

>> No.5949639

it says I am not Arthur Leigh Allen

>> No.5949675


I have a hint for everyone. He bothered to write his symbols in a perfect grid. He probably wrote it over graph paper in fact.

What if he had a different directional patter to his encryption. As in, people assume he wrote it in a standard fashion as you would read words on a page in a book.

By writing in a nice neat grid, it opens up the possibility to writing downwards, backwards, in a spiral around the page, etc.

Maybe the message starts from a different point rather than "the top left corner".

Just a thought.

>> No.5949698

Very interesting. I never took notice to that but now looking his ciphers are ridiculously straight and square. Try writing that good on a blank piece of paper, very hard without an overlay of some sort.

>> No.5949708
File: 42 KB, 350x280, zodiac-halloween-1-sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he wrote it in a different direction too, that would immediately fuck up most decryption efforts.

If you look at the Zodiac's other letters written in plain english, he did like to change direction of his words to give deeper meaning.

Pic related.

Also an interesting link on the case:


>also, this not makes him look like he's dripping in batshit crazy

>> No.5949711

>>also, this not makes him look like he's dripping in batshit crazy
meant to say

"also, does this image not make him look like he's dripping in batshit crazy"

>> No.5950677

anyone attempting?

>> No.5951069

the1th line
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