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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 499 KB, 2268x1272, Infinity_Symbol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5944968 No.5944968[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

30 mathematical geniuses have committed suicide trying to solve the equation of infinity. They became obsessed and so have I. How can something exist that has no beginning or no end...no start and no finish. For those who it is too hard to comprehend, think of the concept of God.

>> No.5944970


>> No.5944975

You're not on reddit. Sage is not a downvote.

>> No.5944982

>30 mathematical geniuses have committed suicide trying to solve the equation of infinity

And who are those 30 people?

>> No.5944987 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 900x1189, downvote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5944988

>the equation of infinity


or maybe

lim(x->inf) x

>> No.5944992

>The Variable
>The arbitrary Base 0 in the used base number system
>Jocks piss & vinegar

>> No.5945028


>> No.5945271
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It is my goal as well.

It's not my direct goal, it's more of a piece of the big picture. Keep on keeping on, little processor.

>> No.5945312

Jacob Barnett, Chris Langan, the list could go on...

>> No.5945329

The only thing I know about infinity and all the concept behind it is that when any human being actually manages to grasp the outer layers of this subject and actually start getting their mind to another level they are usually considered crazy by the rest of the shitty humans and end dying with all that knowledge.

>> No.5945346
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Think of the universe as a circle, or doughnut shape if you will. There is no start, nor end. Neither for space or time. Eternity is the concept of infinite time and it is real, as there was no start and there will be no end. It is literally impossible for something to come from nothing and therefore it can only have always been there whilst never being there and always be there whilst never being there. This existence is cray.

>> No.5945355
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The philosophical meanings of our existence are however too hard to comprehend. Infinity can be included in this. This is partly due to the fact that existence is questionable, and also the fact that we have a limited perspective, not just on our planet, or in our corner of space, but also we are limited by our human form including the brain. Everything that we are aware of that has ever happened and is happening is just our own brains perspective, and not one man can know any different. If I told you that you ARE the universe, that it is all on you're head, you would Beleive it after a while as your knowledge is limited to that of your own brain.

If the brain were so simple that we could understand it, we would be too simple to understand it.

>> No.5945358

In your***

>> No.5945359

>Chris Langan
Chris Langan is alive.

>> No.5945363

That's what Mensa wants you to think.

>> No.5945364

interesting fact: aurora shooter james holmes had the infinity symbol on a post it note in his apartment when the police searched it.

>> No.5945366
File: 41 KB, 650x432, 44b5e92b-17fe-3c37-91e1-5d6bc7dc9b61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did someone say infinity?

>> No.5945369

Do you feel me, OP?

>> No.5945382

are you feeling it now Mr. Krabs?

>> No.5945389


>> No.5945394


A closed topological space is not infinite.

This post reeks.

>> No.5945395

Your attitude reeks

>> No.5945397


No, you're just stupid.

>> No.5945398
File: 83 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The doughnut idea represents a continuous space rather than say a big square for example. If you think you know about the universe feel free to tell.. You can't just disagree with an opinion without your own opinion, you dick.

>> No.5945401
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I'm not claiming to know it, I'm posting ideas to get the ball rolling. Either contribute or gtfo out. If you're so smart enlighten me, oh all knowing master.

>> No.5945404

Lols, just gtfo not gtfo out

>> No.5945409
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Thought so.. Faggot

>> No.5945410


A simpler example, a sphere, can technically be represented as a plane where as you travel a very large distance from the origin the points eventually "meet at infinity". A circle can be represented as a number line where "at infinity" the reals "wrap" around.

But I'm positive that isn't what you meant, and technically that's not the same kind of infinity.

>> No.5945412


There's nothing to contribute in a discussion about the "equation of infinity", that doesn't even make sense.

Infinity is a useful mathematical structure already applied practically by people much smarter than me. There are interesting interpretations and variations of the concept, but nobody is driving themselves insane trying to "understand" infinity except you because you're dumb.

>> No.5945414

Of course it's not the same kind of infinity. The doughnut idea is pretty much the same thing though, as in you can travel through either/any plane and keep going. No need to be a dick is there,

>> No.5945418

I'm not dumb, nor a genius. I can also accept other people's opinions unlike your close-minded self. I was just throwing ideas, not seriously trying to explain or understand infinity. Also if you didn't guess from my first post, I'm high. I enjoy to philosophise anyway, and study neuroscience which isn't a dumb degree.

You sound like a pretentious asshole.

>> No.5945421

>Also if you didn't guess from my first post, I'm high.

Once you come down you'll realize this topic was stupid and you're stupid.

>> No.5945424
File: 55 KB, 607x567, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pssshhhh. Why are you trying to make it out like I'm seriously trying to be smart and even think I'm right, I've reiterated that its ideas, for fun. I'm not stupid, if you honestly are that close minded you are the stupid one my friend.

Also, 'come down'? I'm not 12 mate I can think straight when I'm high.

You're probably a fat fucking neck ears that's why you're so pretentious. Must have lost your fedora.

>> No.5945428

Neck beard** hahaa

>> No.5945431
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Look, it's you.

>> No.5945438

>I can also accept other people's opinions unlike your close-minded self.
It's not closed-minded to know something which is definitive.
There is no 'equation of infinity,' nor any math problem that kills.
Being ignorant of the topic is not being open-minded.

>I was just throwing ideas, not seriously trying to explain or understand infinity.
Perfectly reasonable -- except you didn't suggest anything, you made statements.
Ones that didn't make sense.

>Also if you didn't guess from my first post, I'm high. I enjoy to philosophise anyway, and study neuroscience which isn't a dumb degree.
So let's move the topic to one that supports that kind of thinking --
like, what kind of sense would it take for us to perceive the 4th dimension of space?
or, did the universe actually have a massive expansion, or did something cause space to reduce it's scale suddenly?
or, what do we risk by accepting the concept of shared qualia?

>> No.5945447

The coolest thing about infinity is that the universe is infinity big just as it's infinity small, and it's ALL ACTIVE.

Think about it, 1/2 /2 /2 /2 /2....there's such a thing as an infinitely small space, that makes up the infinitely expansive, and all this stuff is made up of that infinitely small stuff. MAKING EVERYTHING AWESOME, and complicated.

>> No.5945481

Just call it self-referential, call it just.

>> No.5945486


>My lack of a face when I'm on multiple psychedelics and dissociatives and I see how fucking dumb you seem

Get the fuck out kid.

>> No.5945490

Woah, everyone is being bitchy tonight. Fucking fedora shortages make you guys grumpy.

>> No.5945494
File: 72 KB, 596x436, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I'm 20 you coon I posted for fun and just as casual discussion/ ideas. Don't understand why everyone jumps up my ass for it. Honestly /b/ is more civilised that you fucks. Fuck this board.

Cya, cya goober!

>voluntarily gets the fuck out

>> No.5945499

it's because you're full of shit, mate.

>> No.5945503

ill fucking stab you, you fat smelly fuck.

>> No.5945504

Can you see me?

>> No.5945506
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>> No.5945508

Just know that you are all pretentious assholes who seem to hate on people who aren't uptight faggots.

>> No.5945511

Also, I'm going for reals now.

>neckbeard get angry about infinity


>> No.5945514

>pretentious assholes
if you're op, all i can say is...

lol, the irony. You're only half as deep as you think you are kid. Don't get mad because you got exposed.

>> No.5945521

I'm not OP, and I don't think I'm deep. I feel just the same about everyone who's jumped up my ass about it to be honest. I thought /sci/ was meant to be friendly.
I have already stated I'm high and was interested in discussing infinity, yet when I make a post everyone kicks off? I didn't start this wave of neckbeard hate.


>> No.5945525

read your fucking post you moron. you are trying to be a 2deep5u philosopher. Again, don't get mad because you got exposed, don't pull a "y-you guys are s-sso mean ;__;" argument it makes you look fucking pathetic.

>> No.5945530

You are all a bunch of fat neckbeard antisocial fucks. Go and do something better with your lives you over-compensating defensive cunts.

If just for a second any of you listened you would see I don't think I'm a fucking genius. OP was the one who started going on about infinity, and god. I just added to the brainstorm. Yet you faggots don't contribute and still get all butt hurt at me. Just fuck off you wastemen.

>> No.5945533

And, I maintained a sense of humour til about half way through the thread. But now it's established /sci/ is full of pretentious 'edgy' cunts.

>> No.5945537

Also, I'm not mad that im 'exposed'. Whatever the fuck that means? You must be sad if you think there's such thing as caring about 'exposure' on an anonymous board.

However, I am mad at the levels of neckbeards that are trying to feel good about themselves by picking at tiny details.

And when you say I'm trying to be a philosopher, read the post above yours. It's in caps, you fucking pretentious prick.

>> No.5945540
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>it's the population of this thread.
Cya, I'm going for a smoke and never coming back. I hope the relief is mutual fuckers.

>> No.5945545

>picking at tiny details.
such is the nature of science faggot.

>> No.5945561
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True alpha [fedora withheld] reporting in.
Thank you for the entertainment.
'twas great.
>ate trailmix reading a potentially great convo turn into an autist bash
Watch those sharp edges boys!