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5940744 No.5940744 [Reply] [Original]

What's the science on veganism? Is it healthy?

>> No.5940754

vegans are pussies

>> No.5940758

Sage goes in all fields

>> No.5940761 [DELETED] 

i bet i could kick ur ass

>> No.5940779

No wait ! I have a question.
They don't want to hurt any "living form", OK ?

How do they define that ?

They can't eat a fish, but they can eat flowers ? Why that ?
From an evolution point of view, we could say tree are better than every living species, cause they live longer.
So what ? we don't touch trees ? and grass ?

Where is the limit. That's a serious question...

>> No.5940780

dont try and understand

>> No.5940783

but I meet a vegan I want to show him how stupid it is, so I need to know their "arguments"

>> No.5940784

if* he*

>> No.5940793
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>tfw on keto
never feft better

>> No.5940798


All meats aka flesh is acidic


>> No.5940811

I only eat prana.
Vegans are barbarians, they eat these poor flowers

>> No.5940813

they don't have nervous systems fuckwit

>> No.5940814

but you meat, don't you?

>> No.5940827

There's no science behind veganism, only ethics and assumptions.

>> No.5940832
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>Is it healthy


>> No.5940836

hay, I just ask question and you insult me ?
So your definition of "living forl" is linked to "nervous system" ?

But once again, where do you put the limit ?
Some species have very little nervous system, but they have, and I'm pretty sure you don't consider them like "living form"
Is there a more precise disctinction.

Another thing : nervous system -> why ?
because of cognition/metacognitopn/pain ?

How do you know that a tree doesn't "suffer" when I cut a branch ?

>> No.5940845
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>>>/y/ >>>/hm/ >>>/cm/ >>>/lgbt/ >>>/x/ are that way.

>> No.5940855

hey faggot, i was asking the science behind it. I've heard people say that meat and diary are horrible for people and etc. Maybe someone here who is more knowledgeable in nutrition science could answer that for me.

>> No.5940859

Obviously meat is good for you, it's your primary source of zinc, B vitamins and proteins. Vegans always have to use supplements or keep eating a lot nuts or some shit to get enough proteins in their diet.

A balanced diet is always the best diet.

>> No.5940860
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I can understand not eating meat after having spent a long time eating raw and/or rotting meat/organs/etc but why the fuck would you be willing to stop eating something as magical as cheese? Not to mention there's hardly any good food without eggs, butter, or milk in them...

>> No.5940862

People are weird about their diets.
My sister kept complaining about stomach problems after eating milk, and instead of visiting a doctor to take a lactose intolerance test she went on a low carb diet.

>> No.5940864

>I've heard people say that meat and diary are horrible for people

They're retarded filthy hippies that are a disgrace to the human race. Keep that shit off this board and take it to >>>/pol/ if you want to engage in degeneracy

>knowledgeable in nutrition science


>> No.5940867

THIS. I want an answer.
They can eat a Porifera for instance ?

And what about acari ? They have (a small) nervous system !
I'm a murderer when I go to bed ?!

>> No.5940868

>I'm a murderer when I go to bed ?!
OP are you from Japan or something?

>> No.5940871
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>no cheese
>no bacon
>no chicken


>> No.5940873

Also <span class="math"> [/spoiler]>no evil milk and egg containing breading

>> No.5940884

I'm not OP ?!
And why Japan, because of sleeping on the ground ?

I would like serious answers to ly questions from a vegan people, but...I think it's a lost cause

>> No.5940889

how the hell is nutrition science a social science? Are nutrients just a social construct? lol

>> No.5940895

There's evidence to suggest Vegetarians and Vegans are less likely to have cholesterol and heart problems.

But for vegans especially it's difficult to get a few important things into the diet like B12, omega 3, and sometimes iron.

>> No.5940897

when vegan speak of "ethics"

>> No.5940899
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>What's the science on veganism

If you don't eat them, they'll eat you!


>> No.5940903

>killing plants
>not eating exclusively rocks and minerals

>> No.5941042

well I dgaf about their ethical arguments. But there are a lot of people who claim that veganism/vegetarianism is better for your health.

"Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." ~ Albert Einstein

>> No.5941045


So is that the definition? What about meat that never had a nervous system attached to it, like the in vitro stuff that's starting to come out of labs?

>> No.5941083

>implying acari and cows are comparable

>> No.5941099

if you aren't careful, veganism can be very unhealthy, but if you aren't a dumbass and you make sure to get all the vitamins from some other source you're fine.

and it's much better on an ecological level, in addition to the fact that whether or not you think meat is unethical a priori, industrial meat production is very inhumane

like, i'm not even vegetarian, let alone vegan, but people who hate on them are sorta ridiculous

>> No.5941120

You can eat a vegan diet and be healthy. The problem is, is that many of them don't actually understand about how to eat well, (A good example is that "vegan food pyramid") get sick and die.

Meat is a fairly mediocre source of nutrition, there is no reason to base a diet around having it in.

>> No.5941124

Evolutionarily speaking, Homo Sapiens started eating meat because it was advantageous to have a larger palette to consume to adapt in their multiple environments. Our stomachs have to produce a surplus of special enzymes specifically for meat because our digestive tracts are not built to consume large amounts of meat. Some people say our canine teeth identify our carnivorous nature, however this is actually a mystery as to why we have them. There is no proof we grew them out for meat or any ape has them for such a thing (i.e. gorillas) considering all other types of primates are vegetarian. Other mammals such as horses have these sharp teeth yet not for meat purposes, still a mystery. There's your science as to why vegetarianism isn't "unnatural" and for pussies or whatever ridiculous thing you say about it. Ecologically, environmentally, and physically speaking its beneficial in all realms, especially with the meat industry and how much shit they put in their meat. The consumption of dairy and egg products is the same, yet not as extreme. An all plant diet is much healthier minus the few essential vitamins and minerals easily obtained in a daily multivitamin. Even for athletes, its completely possible to do and has been done. The strongest man in Germany is a vegan, google him.
Hope that helped OP. Also for all haters try it yourself. It might help with your shitty disillusion of meat being identified with masculinity.
Vegetarian /fit/izen here

>> No.5941165

Fair enough. But is their some huge advantage (health wise) to not eating meat? Because I love meat and don't see the point of giving it up if it's not for a good reason.

And that strongman is vegetarian, not vegan.

>> No.5941188

want an answer to this also

>> No.5941197

I personally stopped eating meat and dairy about a year ago. Slowly weened myself off it. Now the thought of putting any of that in my mouth makes me want to vomit.

It's mostly the production process, and the real contents of it that make it lose all appeal. Half the meat sold in stores is loaded with gelatin to make it bigger (ham), sausages don't need to be explained, and overall in NA there is a whole lot of crap that is used in/on meats that is literally illegal in every single country outside of Canada/US.

The idea that we're wasting so many resources to farm foods that provide us with less than others (vitamins in fruits veg outweigh those in animal products, as well as joules in energy) is just plain stupid.

I think the kind of people like >>5940845
are hilarious though. I remember being the same, thinking eating meat was for pussies or against human nature. It's like some sort of silly hivemind effect where people need to continue and try to prove how macho they are. Hopefully people grow out of it and rely more on scientific analysis. I would hope on /sci/ at least THAT concept would be prevalent, but I guess you can't escape posters like this guy anywhere.

Is right (although leaves out several other bits of evidence of a vegan-like diet's origins and benefits).

Also /fit/ if it matters.

>> No.5941201


>> No.5941482

I get the ecological/environmental part, and I agree with it.
(I'm a meat eater)
But I still have some questions :
>>5940836 : you didn't speak of that
As US/Canadian fags, your fodd production system is awfull (beef, chicken, eggs, you do it all wrong). That's not the case everywhere. In my country, we can buylocal meat. The beef have been risen in great "respect", real food, lot of space, ... And from an ecological point of view, it is better to eat that than a banana which come from across the ocean by plane.

3) you seem to have strong convictions about how important it is to protect the environment. How about your daily-life ? Again, US and Canadian fags are the baddest in the world speaking of garbage, watter waste, pollution (chinese coming though, but speaking per capita). Is being vegan sthg more general than just the relation to the "food" and "living species" ?

--> because I love meat, egs, cheese and all. I just love, I speak about the taste, I'm not questionning the fact (vegan=pussies, human=carnivore, ... don't make sens to me). But I'm pretty I respect the environment more than a lot of vegan, by eating local products, by recycling my garbage, by taking care of what I buy (where it is produced), by not haing a big SUV,...

I would be glad if >>5941197 or >>5941124
could reply to me.

And I'm very interested about the 1),>>5940867
>>5941045 because a lot of vegans I know use the "pain" as their first argument.

>> No.5941494

its called jainism what were u fucking born yesterday

fruit is not alive but the plants that produced them are what the fuck

>> No.5941505


It's fact within certain circles. But the truth does go deeper.

>> No.5941509

I appreciate the way you have here to always begin a conversation by insulting the other...

BTW,you didn't answer to my question. I don't care of your wiki link about this religion, I'm not reading the whole page when I just want a simple answer.

>> No.5941512

Fuck Off

>> No.5941513

Holy shit this thread is still here.

>> No.5941516

Mmmm Vegetables are so tasy. So much taste. No shit. Much better than meat. All you need is olive oil and some bread and you'll eat like a king

>> No.5941518

our body is full of acids and alkalides, consuming something that's not ph 7 isn't necessarily bad

>> No.5941519

what an impressive argument.

I'm asking a very science-related question :
how do you (or more how do the vegan) establish the scale of what it is "nothing" (mineral) to what it is the most obvious developped living form (us).

What about bacteria/ flowers/tree/fishes/...
It's not at all evident for me.

I have more "respect" for an oak than for a spider.
I'm possibly wrong, but explain it to me

>> No.5941520


Boiling lobsters alive is cruel and unusual.

>> No.5941521

theres just a lot to it which i dont reall want to get into, but its about not eating flesh and eating for nourishment, not to fill the stomach.

its about being connected with nature

>> No.5941522

My friend was telling me that she used to be vegan because she doesn't like animals to get hurt. I jokingly told her that if we all ate plants then we'd be stealing their food and starving them. She then groaned in seld defeat and couldnt make an argument back. Lols were had.

>> No.5941525

>connected with nature
It's kinda hypocrit then. Our whole lives are a pain for the nature. It's not by changing our eating habits than you really show some respect.
Forget your car,
forget electricity
forget quite everything actually
and then you can say I respect the nature...

>> No.5941527

As far as I know, vegetarianism/veganism is generally healthier than a carnivorous diet, but refraining from meat consumption lowers testosterone levels in both men and women. In order to be a healthy vegetarian/vegan, one has to incorporate protein from beans, soy, and/or mushrooms to compensate for the lack of protein from meat in their diet, which often means consuming more food.

The Shaolin Monks eat about three times the amount of the average American on a vegetarian diet to supply their bodies with the fuel they need to perform at their standard physical levels. Considering most of us do not train our bodies as exstensively as the Shaolin Monks, I'd say you'd have to double, rather than triple your food consumption on a vegetarian/vegan diet. This can be expensive.

I would not become a vegetarian or a vegan.

>> No.5941528

Please understand how easy it is to say that. there are people out there who live as such and are much more connected because of it. its more than what it seems.

>> No.5941533

I know it is easy. But read >>5941482
it was me.

A vegan driving a SUV is non-sense for me.
Actually, living in USA is non-sense for me.
If you want to live "connected" to the nature (that's your right), first live US.

>> No.5941803

*leave, I suppose. But this guy is so much right.
Vegans, connected with nature...
let me lol
That's just an hipster thing.

Meanwhile, US and Canada :
in the top 10 of "waste per capita country" (source unnep) (thx to "oil arabic countries")

>> No.5941825

pick both

>> No.5941875

>Boiling lobsters alive is cruel and unusual.
Cruel? Maybe.
Unusual? No.
Also, don't crustaceans lack a central nervous system?

>> No.5941886

what about this

I saw this for real in China. But just one hammer knock and it was done. I didn't eat.

>> No.5941898


Being a vegan concerns, quite simply, does not cause suffering to sentient beings. This obviously implies the presence of a nervous system, without which there is no concept of "suffering", but also less developed living beings (such as insects, acari, etc.), although equipped with the nervous system, can not feel pain; in this regard is notable as an ant, which has been broken a leg, nevertheless continue to walk on that side, causing even more damage to itself. On the fact that plants feel pain, being completely devoid of the nervous system, central or peripheral, I strongly deny it; but even if it were, it would still be vegan also a convenient choice for plants, being that must be produced and "killed" in much greater for raising livestock rather than to feed vegans, and not forget also the environmental impact of vegans, 15 times less than that of an average American citizen: this means that vegans are also cutting fewer trees (deforestation is primarily for the creation of pastures and areas of 'breeding).

Sorry for bad english, that's my third language..

>> No.5941914


thx for the reply, you are in a dangerous place for this :).

you can add >>5941482,,>>5941525

it was also me :)

I agree for the "conservation" of the earth, and the environemental care. (but >>5941482 --> I think I can be a carnivore and still being more righteous than a lot of vegetarian/vegans)

The sentient thing doesn't convince me at all. Like you said with your example of ant. I don't understand whre you put the limit.

And taking care of animal seem nice, but what about your behaviour with humans in the daily-lif ?. You never hit anybody (for real or with words (moral pain), which can be more harsh)

I'm sorry but I absolutely don't care when I put my foot on a spider.
But I feel bad when a flower is not watered and become parched.

>> No.5941924


If the point of it is partially to avoid causing animals suffering could they eat crab and things of the like? They feel no pain.

>crabs are badass and tasty

>> No.5941943

yes, that's why I'm not convinced with their "sentient thing"...
And as he/she said, you can have nerous system without feeling pain (or without caring). So...I'm dubitative