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5938273 No.5938273 [Reply] [Original]

Coke has water, sugar, sodium and phosphoric acid, which is inorganic phosphate plus some protons, all these ingredients are needed in the body, can't coke save your life in dehydration, specially on cases like diarrhea? It is certainly acid, though, but can't you just pour some NaCl in it to neutralize it?

>> No.5938280

> can't coke save your life in dehydration?
it has water in it, so obviously yes

coffee is also a diuretic, but if you and i are stuck in the desert dying of thirst, and someone offers me a fucking coffee, you bet your ass im gonna take it

>> No.5938281
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>It is certainly acid, though, but can't you just pour some NaCl in it to neutralize it?
sorry, i seem to have missed this part
are you, by any chance, fucking retarded?
salt doesnt neutralise acid you cockmuncher

>> No.5938284

What about sprite? It lacks caffeine and has more sodium, although it lacks phosphate but it has citric acid and it's actually less acid than coke, this would be better for treating vomits, wouldn't it?

>> No.5938286

>so obviously yes
well nope.
The rise is sugar and sodium in your blood will recquire a greater input of water than what you find in your glass or coke.

>> No.5938289

I always wondered that. How much salt and such does water need to have in it before it becomes dehydrating? Would it at least have to be more salty than urine?

>> No.5938291

Would you explain me why? Salt dissociates in water, Cl- replaces the HCL you throw up in your puke and Na replaces the H+ in the acid, why wouldn't this work?

>> No.5938294
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> this would be better for treating vomits, wouldn't it?
'treating vomits'??

>> No.5938297

uhuh, well you can starve to death in the desert right next to me, hun. but im gonna take the fucking coke

>> No.5938299

the solution must have near 280 mEq/L to be optimal. Higher concentration than that will dehydrate you. I don't know if coke meets this requirement, though.

>> No.5938300


you never had the vomits before bro? My sis had the vomits, kept vomiting everywhere and on everyone. We had to take her to the vomitician.

>> No.5938304

Treating vomiting then?

>> No.5938306
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>> No.5938309

vomiting is a symptom, not an ilness in itself, retard
it doesnt need to be treated
once you're done, you're done

>> No.5938312

Top fucking kek m8. I knew i shouldn't have asked a physiology question in the Maths and Engineering board.

>> No.5938342
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it IS a fucking symptom, twat!
that's the biological reflex action of you're stomach purging itself of whatever fucking vile disgusting shit YOUR STUPID ASS chose to force down you're fat faggot throat!

>> No.5938349

> you're
>stomach purging
leddit knows lots o medicine, tell me more m8.

>> No.5938356

if you're dying in a desert it will kill you faster.

>> No.5938359

no it fucking wont

>> No.5938376

Well, what if i got coke, mix it with more water and add salt (since i'm not told how it won't regulate the acidity yet)?

>> No.5938377

stomacc is already acidic. wtf you wanna 'regulate'??

>> No.5938379

Yes it will.

Your body will use up water to process all of the non-water ingredients in coke, plus it will draw water to your bladder.

It's a net loss of water.

>> No.5938391

You must be really retarded, absolutely retarded, i won't even mind talking more about this. Go read a fucking book before trying to look cool edgy and smart on an anonymous board.

>> No.5938390


Seriously, fuck off.

>> No.5938401

no, im serious
stomach acid is, obviously, ACIDIC
therefore mixing that wit ha slightly acidic beverage isnt a problem at all

>> No.5938407

>he thinks he knows shit
Kid, just get the fuck out. Sciencemen are talking.

>> No.5938413

>being a cunt
fine, w/e
i know im right, so go eat a bag of dicks, faggot

>> No.5938424

>dying of dehydration in the desert with 3 others
>come across coke machine
lel nice trollin' god, that'll kill me faster
>everyone else grabs a few and we keep wandering on
you guys are dumb :3 that soda will kill you faster cause sugar, salt, and acid
>3 people are rescued from the desert 24 hours later

>> No.5938421

When you put NaCl in water/acid it just dissociates into Na+ and Cl-. Cl- doesn't bond with the H+ in the solution and and neutralize it. You just have Na+ ions and Cl- ions floating around with the H+ ions.
You might say that the salt does reduce the acidity if you take into account activity, but its effect wouldn't be significant with the concentrations of salt in soda.

>> No.5938487

Of course Cl- won't react with the protons, but it will bring your Cl- levels back and thus recover electrolyte balance, the same happens with Na, although i don't really know if the Na will bond with the organic acids to buffer the solution.

Just for the bunch of retarded mathfags in this thread, You throw up because you're having a fucking metabolic acidosis, you need to regulate your pH, fucktards and with the vomit you only lose more water and dehydrate. I don't really give a single fuck about water, i implied coke was good at recovering the electrolyte balance.

I don't even know why you retards are talking about deserts, there's no way to find coke in one and you don't have any water to lower the concentration of the coke. This thread was made to satisfy my curiosity on replacing oral serum with coke when you get diarrhea or stuff like that.

>> No.5938496


If you are in a desert and all you have to drink is coke. Drink it. It tastes good.

>> No.5938503

You would want a hydroxide to neutralize the acid, m8. Salts are products of neutralizations, not reactants

>> No.5938511

>What is buffer solution

>> No.5938527

You wouldn't really need to change it that much. I would still think salt would be less effective at changing the ph than ROH

>> No.5938531

Nobody is retarded enough to give a highly reactive compound to a patient.

>> No.5938545

>somebodies shitty wordpress blog

Seriously, YOU fuck off.

>> No.5938551

I've never tried to neutralise coke. How much would you need for it to become dangerous?

>> No.5938556

>mfw people actually thinks sugar dehydrates you
>Implying the complete oxidation of one molecule of sugar doesn't give you 12 molecules of H2O

>> No.5938558
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Forgot my face.

>> No.5938686

isn't it salt that dehydrates?

>> No.5938839

It dehydrates because of osmosis, eating salt while drinking lots of water is actually helpful.

Too much water is bad, though.