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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5937308 No.5937308 [Reply] [Original]

If /sci/ had a movie playlist, what would it be?

So far I have:
>Europa Report
>Source Code
>Hollow Man

>> No.5937334

Sunshine, Moon

>> No.5937345

Checking them out now, thanks
I hope to build a rather substantial collection

>> No.5937370

Does Sunshine fit in?

Apollo 13, 2001?

>> No.5937372

>Hollow man
Why the fuck?

>> No.5937373


>> No.5937381


I haven't seen those other two, but Source Code made me rage like few movies have.

>> No.5937384

Are there any good sci do art house films?

>> No.5937387


>Big Bang Theory
>Big Bang Theory
>Big Bang Theory

>> No.5937389

good joke

>> No.5937397

Unfortunately this category of film rarely manages to suspend my disbelief... it's not that I can't enjoy a movie that isn't "scientifically accurate," it's just that sometimes I feel like they've gone out of their way to be ignorant. Of course, some are still quite good--and I even enjoy many of the "objectively" bad ones!

>Mission to Mars (2000)
>Red Planet (2000)
The archetypal "mars movies." Suspiciously similar (movies often come in pairs, this has to do with a form of plagiarism...) and similarly implausible fantasies.

>Sunshine (2011)
Recommended a few times already, the first three quarters (or so) if this movie are excellent, except for the absurd and unexplained "the sun is going out" premise. Overall worth a watch I think.

>Event Horizon (1997)
Roundabout predecessor of Sunshine. Owes much to "Alien," but more fantastical.

>Primer (2004)
Perhaps my favorite /sci/ related film. Shoestring budget time travel movie that you'll have to watch several times to even begin to (really) understand, and that you'll probably want to read all about on the internet to make sense of what you picked up.

>The Cosmonaut (2013)
Another "twisted" independent movie. Not really as good as Primer, but the closest thing since.

>Cargo (2009)
Swiss German "shipboard" space film with a good twist on the usual "locked room mystery" formula.

>Solaris (1972)
The triumph of Soviet film. Andrei Tarkovsky's famous adaptation of Stanislaw Lem's story. A fascinating look at a non-western and Pre-Star Wars conception of space, space travel, etc. Not an easy film to watch (nor to enjoy; this probably ranks more difficult than Primer), but if you can stand film which can also be called "art," then this is the pinnacle of the genre (well, some would say 2001 instead, but why don't you watch them both and decide what YOU think?).

>> No.5937401

I have yet to see Primer, The Cosmonaut, and Cargo, so I can't comment on those, but otherwise this is good.

>> No.5937402


I liked mission to mars. As long as you assume it will be a bit naff, it's decent

>> No.5937403

I know it's full of scientific inaccuracies.
I saw another thread like this before, and it was suggested.
Sheldur, iz dat u?

>> No.5937407

Those two were probably my favorite movies as a kid. Even they had precious little to do with science at all, they probably influenced my decision to study space formally in university.

I said (or meant to imply, at least) that they were "objectively bad," but that doesn't mean I don't like or recommend them! There are few enough movies dealing with near-future or present-day space travel as it is, so if someone is interested in that sub-genre, they can't avoid watching these films!

>> No.5937408

What, because they somehow created an entire alternate reality through using quantum physics to access 8 minutes of someone else's memory?
I know, it made no sense.
But it was also suggested in another thread like this.
I never took the time to note all the movies down, so I have the few I committed to memory.

>> No.5937414

Thanks, guys.
Anyone looking forward to Gravity?
And Elysium seems decent.

>> No.5937419

Agreeing with the ones so far, and proposing Contact and Gattaca.

>> No.5937456

I just saw a preview for Gravity yesterday, looks pretty cool. One thing I was wondering though, when the girl is floating away and she tries to grab the rope it just slides though her hands like there isn't enough friction to slow her down and let her grip it. Would this actually happen? I don' know anything about the gloves of a spacesuit or the ropes they use on spacewalks but it seems like they would have thought about this and made them easier to grab. Maybe she was just going too fast?

>> No.5937474

>What, because they somehow created an entire alternate reality through using quantum physics to access 8 minutes of someone else's memory?
>I know, it made no sense.

It did make no sense whatsoever, but that wasn't even what made me rage. My problem was that the brilliant scientist who is saving countless lives and who knows what else is somehow the bad guy because he's a little arrogant and insensitive. And the "hero" is a guy who would rather murder and impersonate an innocent man just to steal his girlfriend who he met 20 minutes ago, instead of saving lives and exploring the nature of reality itself.

>> No.5937537

Gloves on a spacesuit are bulky, so gripping would be difficult.
And there's the materials to consider and their grip (which I'm not knowledgeable in).
In an environment where there's no wind resistance to slow your velocity, I'd imagine that she was probably going too fast.

>> No.5937543

I understand.
But it's probably not far from reality, considering the volatile nature of humanity.

>> No.5937597

Upside Down

>> No.5937639

Moon and Contact already said, would District 9 fit in?

>> No.5937669


>> No.5937671


>> No.5937690

this.One of the smartest films out there, would definitely recommend watching.

>> No.5937717

what the bleep do we know

>> No.5937755

"Erinnerungen an die Zukunft" is an amazing documentary that explains a lot about Earth and the universe in general.

>> No.5937758

I thought that was the ancient astronauts book?

>> No.5937774

There's also a documentary version of the book, made in the 60's, with a lot of german electronic music.

>> No.5937792

District 9 is one of the worst movies I have seen.
Pi isn't that great either and it's pretty boring.

Moon and Source Code are bretty cuul

>> No.5937796

I'm not going to try and convince you that you're wrong, just tell you that I am very surprised that you dislike District 9.

>> No.5937798

I watched Pi last night, after seeing it mentioned on /sci/. I thought it was very interesting.

>> No.5937815

The Obama Deception

>> No.5937820

Colossus - The Forbin Project (1970)

Colossus: The Forbin Project is a 1970 American science fiction thriller film. It is based upon the 1966 novel Colossus, by Dennis Feltham Jones, about a massive American defense computer, named Colossus, becoming sentient and deciding to assume control of the world

Its like terminator and skynet but from the 70's can be found at kick ass torrents

>> No.5937843

In a final remark addressed to Dr. Forbin concerning its world control, Colossus states that "freedom is just an illusion" and the machine predicts: "In time, you will come to regard me not only with respect and awe, but with love". Forbin replies: "Never"

>> No.5937865

District 9
Modus Anomali

>> No.5937870

last week i saw 2010: the year we made contact, its a pretty solid movie. makes you think.

>> No.5937880

2001 was the most boring movie I've ever seen.
2010 is a lot better

>> No.5937881

I hope you're joking, 2010 was complete shit compered to 2001.

>> No.5937886


well it wasnt as artistic as 2001 but you have to be authistic or a daily /tv/ user to not like this movie.

>> No.5937887

Wh-Which one of you is correct?!

>> No.5937891

It was okay at best in my opinion

>> No.5937898


just watch it, its worth it.

>> No.5937899

It depends on which type of movie you prefer I guess. But it true that 2001 can be boring if you don't like that type of movie, because there's practically no dialogue and not necessarily a lot of action; it's mostly a visual/artistic movie. I do however recommend it if you want to listen to a really good and realistic sci-fi movie.

>> No.5937912
File: 60 KB, 800x522, propervillain+rolls+44+Dubs+and+the+guy+behind+her+is+_f6aa53cc4a9880d75e3d5781ea622118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP still here, noting down any new suggestions you guys give

>> No.5937963

From Beyond
The Lawnmower Man
Lawnmower Man 2
Cube 2
They Live
Twelve Monkeys

>> No.5937977

Cube 2: Hypercube
Cube Zero

>> No.5937992
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>> No.5938000
File: 48 KB, 600x450, 1357600308308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Sunshine taken so seriously? It has stupid scientific inaccuracies up the arse, is a bog standard disaster film and devolves into slasher faggotry in the last third. No offence, but I always felt only laymen wishing to appear sciencey rave about it.

>> No.5938005
File: 598 KB, 1000x707, 1366381193120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a movie, but... Steins;Gate

>> No.5938008

Is Europa Report any good? The trailer made it seem like it might not be bad

>> No.5938013

I don't know anyone who takes it seriously, and i agree with you about the inaccuracies and 'slasher faggotry' but i still think that it is a really good and entertaining movie

>> No.5938020

/sci/ is rarely ever correct about anything. Watch it for yourself and find out

>> No.5938023

well if any one has seen it i would appreciate you saying your opinion on it before i go out and spend the $ on it

>> No.5938027

I saw it and enjoyed it, but I really like the thought put into it rather than the plot. It's not great as a thriller, but it's good as hard science fiction. I'd give it 7/10.

>> No.5938034

thank you anon

>> No.5938040

Would gattaca be science enough? You should watch it regardless OP.

>> No.5938045


>> No.5938056

I agree with all the problems you've identified, but what I like about it is the treatment of the sun itself as an object of both wonder and fear. The psychological part of the movie is excellent. The "space zombies" part is shit.

>> No.5938059

i had to watch it twice before i fully understood what was happening in the end with the 'space zombies'(i was on drugs)

>> No.5938062

Blade Runner
Total Recall

>> No.5938064

OP here, already had The Thing (1982), brilliant movie.
Just a thought about Europa Report: at several points the ice breaks on Europa, enabling the creatures to get at the humans.
Due to space being a vacuum and thus having no pressure, water vaporises instantly when exposed to the vacuum.
Why did the water not erupt out from the fissure and flash boil, probably killing the creatures nearby?
This process, the fissuring, is a regular occurrence on Europa: the ice cracks, water vaporises, it builds up above the moon, condenses in the form of ice crystals and then falls back upon the moon; then I imagine the crack would freeze over again after some time.

>> No.5938069


Stargate "Children of the Gods"

Stargate "Rising"

Stargate "Air"

Stargate: The Ark of Truth

Stargate: Continuum

>> No.5938070

does Europa have an atmosphere?

>> No.5938071

already have The Thing*
Motherfucking past and present-tense.

>> No.5938074

>what I like about it is the treatment of the sun itself as an object of both wonder and fear

I did get the impression that this was what they were going for, but fairly soon any sense of wonder was overshadowed by LOOK HOW EVERYTHING IS GOING WRONG ARE WE ARMAGEDDON YET and any further attempt at it felt forced to me. I feel Moon conveys the sense of vastness and loneliness much better, and it 'only' deals with our small satellite.

Sorry I might be rambling, but I was fairly hyped for Sunshine and felt it didn't deliver.

>> No.5938076


>> No.5938087

well that is the only excuse i could see for why nothing happened in the movie

>> No.5938100 [DELETED] 

Unless they just got it wrong, thus ruining a an otherwise solid movie.
Europa's atmosphere pressure is 0.1 μPa, a fraction of the Earth's.
I'd imagine that's beyond the critical point.

>> No.5938104

Unless they just got it wrong, thus ruining a an otherwise solid movie.
Europa's atmosphere pressure is 0.1 μPa, a fraction of the Earth's.
I'd imagine that's beyond the triple point.

>> No.5938107

well i thought the chance of them just being wrong was obvious, but there is not other explainable reason for it

>> No.5938111

primer made me feel really smart.

even though i didn't know what the fuck was going on.

>> No.5938123


You never even seen the water exposed to vacuum, so how do you know it wasn't boiling?

>> No.5938129

It would erupt into a huge plume of gas

>> No.5938147

>It would erupt into a huge plume of gas

Says who?

>> No.5938153

because that is what happens when water boils... it turns to gas.

>> No.5938171


Yes, but why would it be a huge eruption that kills everybody? Have you ever put a glass of water in a vacuum jar? It doesn't just explode.

>> No.5938190

i wasn't aware they were suggesting that it would kill everyone. i just saw they says who to the post saying the water would turn to gas

>> No.5938220
File: 45 KB, 1580x977, Volcano-Europa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine this, but multiplied by hundreds of thousands of times.
>pic related, it's a real picture of the phenomenon aptly named 'cryovolcanism'

>> No.5938271

ok so i think the movie was just wrong

>> No.5938313

Having seen Europa Report I can confirm it was fantastic.

>> No.5939340

Anymore good sci movies?

>> No.5939634
File: 54 KB, 500x322, 1359212949607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I've just watched Europa Report and I'm disappointed, again. Please, can anyone on /sci/ recommend a space exploration film that isn't a ham fisted distaster movie? I want to feel that awe and wonder and fear, not annoyance at stupidity of a bunch of supposed professionals. I've already seen Moon, and loved it.

>> No.5939636


>but it's got so many errors
That's why it's on the list.

>> No.5939638


>> No.5939651


Thanks anon, I'll check it out.

>> No.5939652

No love for The Fifth Element?
Or probably my favourite scifi, Starship Troopers?

Not a movie, but Battlestar Galactica is good, or the first 3 seasons anyway. Ending is a total letdown though

>> No.5939656

ctrl+f matrix


>> No.5939762

Surprising alright

>> No.5939763

>muh 1 hour bump

>> No.5939809

You know it

>> No.5940023

>posts in this thread
>doesn't contribute
Stay pleb.

>> No.5940048
File: 37 KB, 317x448, What-The-Bleep-Do-We-Know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Best ever, really showed me how to world works ٩(●̮̃•)۶

>> No.5940079

5/10 would rage again
GTFO, troll

>> No.5940095

Seen this on netflix, it looked dire. Think I lasted about 5 minutes before I had to turn it off.

Is the Day The Earth Stood Still any good? See the original has good ratings and the new one terrible, either of them worht a watch?

>> No.5940104

what the bleep do we know + sequel
spirit science: the human history
does anyone have the pic with the other /sci/ movies?

>> No.5940113
File: 196 KB, 450x264, 1374813974029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stargate is the most science in this thread

>> No.5940117


It has math on the front cover. It must be good.

>> No.5940143


Watch it. Then read the comments :)

>> No.5940170

This. I'd recommend it to anyone, even if they haven't watched anime at all.

>> No.5940183
File: 365 KB, 1656x935, Day-The-Earth-Stood-Still--Gort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.
Holy shit, this thread is still going.
Noting down new suggestions now.
Watched Contact (1997), great movie, thought-provoking, thanks to the anon who suggested it.

Is this worth watching?
Seen the new one, it's certainly worth a watch, Keanu Reeves plays his part of a cold, calculating alien pretty well.
I will check it out, thanks.

>> No.5940191


Iron Sky (2012) - IMDb

>> No.5940211

>Is this worth watching?
No. Most definite no.

>> No.5940217

another anime worth watching is Planetes, for near term space settlement.

>> No.5940220

that movie was ass compared to the 1950s version.

>> No.5940235

Also the series "Defying Gravity" was inspired by this BBC docudrama. I'm sorry it was cut short before it visited even one planet.

>> No.5940239

I'll also recommend Time of Eve (a movie) as another near-future hard sci-fi anime. /sci/goers might also be interested in the Ghost in the Shell franchise, especially the "Standalone Complex" TV series.

>> No.5940240

Fifth Element was like a Heavy Metal magazine brought to life! You could really tell Mobius was the main designer.

>> No.5940244

The Man from Earth

>> No.5940246

Moon Nazis! How could you go wrong?

>> No.5940270

My interest about space began with Silverhawks, a cartoon from the 80s.

>> No.5940280

Traveling Salesman

A movie where P=NP.

Has yet to be given a decent release so I havn't seen it yet, but it looks really good.

>> No.5940353

Those are more aimed towards people that are used to anime. Not to sound pretentious or anything. Steins;Gate has a more western "touch" so to say.

>> No.5940406

If you don't watch Planetes you don't know shit about sci-fi media

>> No.5940464

>I have yet to see Primer
Doing it wrong man, watch that shit.

>> No.5940476

Not him but I literally just finished watching it.

Am I supposed to google more information about this movie? I have no clue what I just watched.

>> No.5940478

I just finished watching it too. I have no idea what I just watched

>> No.5940500

Try watching it again. Can be hard to follow. Have a think (or a google) about how the time travel works, once you understand that its easier to understand the movie as a whole.

>> No.5940515

I'm fairly sure I get the "mechanics" behind the method of time travel the movie presents. I'm also fairly certain that some of the doubles are actually originals, if that makes any sense.

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't. It doesn't make much sense to me either.

>> No.5940556

speaking of which,
can anyone suggest more movies like primer in the sense that it has engineers discussing their work? The scene where they talk about magnetic fields or w/e motivated me to brush up on basic physics.

>> No.5940943

I don't want to be argumentative because I do think yours is a good general purpose recommendation, but I rather heartily disagree. Steins;Gate is full of anime "tropes" and even Japanese memes from Japanese-language message boards and imageboards. Time of Eve is basically Asimov, and Ghost in the Shell will be instantly familiar to any western viewer who has seen The Matrix, or read any Gibson.

>> No.5940945

Yes, you need to watch it two or three times at least. Luckily it's only 70 minutes long. There are a few timelines you'll find by googling that differ in subtle ways, but it could be very helpful to have a look at the basic ideas of one or two of them before having a second watch of the film itself--just the realization that there are two or three "versions" of all the characters interacting at any one time, operating with different ideas and information, will help make a lot more sense of it.

>> No.5941275

From the master director Andrea tarkovsky

Solaris(1970s version)
And the sacrifice

>> No.5941691

I hear they're still working out the optimal distribution to theaters.

>> No.5943065
File: 2.03 MB, 1920x1080, pandorum_15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.
Watched so far:
Great movie. A simple DNA test could have proved that Sam, who escaped the facility on the Moon, was indeed a clone; thus destroying the company that was responsible. Yet, you hear people questioning it over the radio.
Hell, you could just put the real Sam Bell and the clone in a room together and determine that they're genetically similar.
>mission to mars
Enjoyed this movie.
Although, not sure how the atmosphere inside the greenhouse-esque part of the base on Mars would have been maintained when there were holes exposing it to the Martian atmosphere.
Or when Woody removes his helmet in the vacuum, he seems to freeze-solid instantly.
Whereas in real life he would have either asphyxiated or his lungs would have exploded whilst his eyes boiled in their sockets.
>Event Horizon
Brilliant, twisted and leaves you with a feeling of hopelessness; especially considering the fact that in that movie universe, all attempts at jumping through space-time may produce the same events and humanity will never achieve a feasible means of travel to another star system without it costing several generations.
And I'll ignore the fact that the astronaut who is blown hundreds of thousands of miles out of Neptune's atmosphere manages to find a way back to the Event Horizon, even though it would be impossible in reality, considering he had to navigate manually and use his supply of oxygen for propulsion.
Probably the only worthwhile movie Paul W.S. Anderson has ever been involved in, even as a producer.
Great story, enjoyed the twist at the end.
Would love to know what happens, how the survivors - if they do - manage to get the samples of Earth's biosphere out from the Elysium to colonise Tanis.
And how they would deal with the indigenous life forms.

>> No.5943109

"Alien" only briefly mentioned, not even recommended? son, i am disappoint. might also watch 2,3 and 4 while you're at it, though the first one is by far the best. leave hands off the alien/predator crap, that's an insult to the series.

>> No.5943121
File: 26 KB, 320x283, splice2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great movie and a huge wtf (you know what part I'm talking about)
Would have been good to see more of Dren and how she views the world around her.
Also, I don't think her needs for a substantial amount of food, considering how fast she grew, were expressed well enough in the movie.
And I would assume that since her metabolism (due to her exponential growth-rate) would've been extremely high compared to ours, she would have a higher body temperature than humans, and would probably need periods of cooling down to prevent her organs from overheating, which I don't think this was expressed adequately enough either.
I mean, they had the huge vat of water for her, but wouldn't it have been a major concern for the scientists? considering it could kill their creation.
>Iron Sky
Moon Nazis... Moon-Fucking-Nazis, what can I say? It doesn't really get any better than that.
But, I'd like to know how it seemed to take them minutes to get to Earth from the Moon and vice versa.
Also, where did they get those huge asteroids (used in the meteor blitzkrieg) from without Earth learning about their existence?
>Ghost In A Shell
The first anime/movie I have ever watched, brought up some interesting questions about the implications of a machine becoming sentient.

>> No.5943130
File: 300 KB, 1366x768, xenomorph-alien-h-r-giger-weyland-307502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already have them all.
Aliens is one of my favourite movies.
The very fact that faggots think that the Alien vs Predator franchise has anything to do with the Aliens universe really rustles my jimmies.

>> No.5943140

>I mean, they had the huge vat of water for her, but wouldn't it have been a major concern for the scientists? considering it could kill their creation.
Damn, I didn't word that very well.
I meant the high metabolism could kill their creation, not the water, as she had aquatic lungs.

>> No.5943194

allegedly event horizon is loosely based on the warhammer universe

>> No.5943212


>> No.5943312

>mission to mars
>[list of scientific inaccuracies]
There is no explaining it. The movie has no interest in presenting itself as scientifically well-researched. Eyeballs popping out of the sockets and blood boiling would've been just as dramatic and "finalizing" a death scene as the freezing and cracking thing, they really just didn't know any better because they couldn't be bothered to open an encyclopedia (which is a "waste of time" in their view, because 95% of their viewers won't know the difference, or at least won't care enough not to watch the movie).

As for the greenhouse thing, are you sure it had parts exposed to the Martian atmosphere? It wasn't pressurized, so the sides flapped in the wind, but I was under the impression that it was air-tight, or at least water-tight enough to keep nearly 100% of the moisture respirated by the guy living in the room. Of course it wouldn't have to be completely air-tight to keep an oxygenated atmosphere, since if it weren't pressurized, the plants could [for the purposes of the plot, be said to] maintain enough oxygen output to make up for oxygen lost through diffusion and brownian motion. Of course, then you need a way to explain away the fact that a human is breathing an oxygen atmosphere at a tiny fraction of standard atmospheric pressure.

>> No.5943313

>Ghost in the shell
I just want to stress that most people agree that the TV series is much more interesting and enjoyable than the movie.

>> No.5943330

so much fiction
no one mentions
Apollo 13
The Astronaut Farmer
October Sky
Inherit the Wind (scopes trial movie)
The pirates of silicon valley

i am disappoint /sci/

>> No.5943336

gorillas in the mist or whatever that movie was that was based off of the monkey woman

>> No.5944169
File: 59 KB, 510x755, primer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got 2 primer infographs which explain a lot. This pic is just the DVD cover, however.

>> No.5944171
File: 57 KB, 650x600, Primer Time_Travel_Method-2.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needless to say, these images contain spoilers for the movie

Time travel in Primer

>> No.5944173
File: 1.57 MB, 2791x1745, primer timeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Complete plot explanation separated into all the different timelines. Lots of spoilers in this one.

That's all the ones I have.

>> No.5944177
File: 128 KB, 449x700, hip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is fucking garbage

Only good "science" films in this thread:

Ghost in the Shell

The test should be whether or not plausible theory is employed, and if the focus is on that or "hurr look a monster"

Havent seen Primer so cant comment

>> No.5944180


Oh, and Gattaca, I suppose, since the film is about ethical responsibility

>> No.5944193
File: 42 KB, 500x500, dzaba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds just like Homestuck.
Well, I think I will give it a try.

>> No.5944208

no star trek?

>> No.5944213

If this surprises you, you should go.

>> No.5944218

what happend to nerds?

>> No.5944219

Normal people started saying "was just watchen Star Wars OMG such a nerdd!!!"

>> No.5944221

What about Carl Sagan's Contact?

>> No.5944225

>compare star trek and star wars

>> No.5944227

Late 90s kid I'm guessing? A substantial proportion of the US population watched the original series of Star Trek.

>> No.5944305

October Sky for younger folks

>> No.5944338

primer was probably the most "enjoyable" film i have watched, just watching a group of normal dudes sitting around do the science, and the "oh shit" moments which the result gave me such a nerdgasm, if there is someway to jack off your brain i would have been mopping brain juice all day.
but then i also liked transformers in kind of a similar but not looping, and not as a movie but because frame by frame, the CGI spam gave my fucked up brain something to constantly calculate how to recreate the scene / action in reality. a minigun fire rate physics test if you will.

favorite scifi film is Dune; the future holds awkward clothing, steam derived technology, sultry kids, society separated down lines of being overweight and ginger.
it's like what the best of men would imagine the worst of life to be