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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 886 KB, 1920x1080, NASAUFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5927370 No.5927370 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a scientific study of UFO thread.

What if they are real? Most of the videos online will be fake or misinterpreted. Some of them may be authentic.

Youtube links are very welcome.

This is a compilation of the most recent UFOs around the world (July 2013)

>> No.5927384
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I'm so happy this was posted, linkspam incoming.

>Media warming to the Idea of Aliens

>Canadian Minister of Defence talks about UFO's aliens and his knowledge of a cover up (designed to maintain the ologopoly of power/energy)


>MSNBC News UFO Former Minister of Defence and Deputy P M of Canada

>Former Canadian Defense Minister Declares 2 Live ETs Working With US Government!

>UFOs - FOX News - Mexican Air Force - CNN News - OVNIs

>> No.5927385
File: 2.71 MB, 1920x1080, UFOTRAFALGARSQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shows a circular disc craft and not just a white blip in the sky.

Near the end it speeds off at over 1000miles per hour.


>> No.5927387
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>Disclosure Conference, National Press Club 27 Sept 2010

>ET/UFO Disclosure | New Zealand releases UFO government files | December 22, 2010

>BBC ~ Disclosure ~ U.K. Releases 8K Classified UFO Documents 3-3-11

>South American UFO disclosure

UFO Disclosure In Russia

>Scientific UFO Evidence in Norway

>> No.5927389
File: 19 KB, 220x464, 1335315141922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>UFO Shuts Down Airport In China

>Airport in Mongolia China Shut Down on Sept 11, 2010, Similar to June Airport UFO Sighting.

>UFO Over Chinese Airport Causes Officials To Shut Down Airport On Aug 17, 2011 UFO Sighting News.

>Lary King Live military ufo interview (only linking part 1 of 6, click on to the others if interested)

>MSNBC News 1942 U.F.O. The Real Battle of Los Angeles

>Turkey UFO Clearly Shows Aliens - Dr Roger Leir

>> No.5927391
File: 18 KB, 319x295, 1354961466858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Russian Phobos mission lost due to ufo, female cosmonaut shows last photo taken during the mission featured a UFO

>UFO History - Japanese Airline Flight 1628 Followed by Huge UFOs Over Alaska

>Russians Polits Chase Cigar UFO (Recorded from Cockpit)

>Alien Implant Research

>an astronaut talking to Houston about a spinning metallic disk that had been following them. Pretty funny.
>Daft Punk -- Contact with lyrics

>> No.5927394
File: 82 KB, 768x576, 1345484128004.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Secret NASA Transmissions

>Former CIA Agent on his Deathbed

>disclosure project

>ET Disclosure Press Conference - National Press Club - Washington, DC

>Extraterrestrial Reality UFO Disclosure Citizen Hearing Full April 30 2013

>Ex Psi op for the US gov Ingo Swan speaks on being asked to view the dark side of the moon, sees structures and people

>> No.5927397
File: 701 KB, 1280x725, 1330891374561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>THRIVE - Planet Earth: Secret Reality Documentary (2012)

>The Secret Construction Of The Pyramids

>NASA's Apollo DSE "Black Box" Transcripts - revealing the unscripted truth about the Moon (Part 1)

>NASA U.F.O FOOTAGE (FULL VERSION) by Equalification

>Japan space agency announces proof of civilization on earth's moon

>Alien Structures on the Moon. NASA Cover Up.

>> No.5927402


>Orb UFO Hovers Over Fresno, California For Four Hours! May 15, 2013

>NASA Scientist Says Warp Drive is Doable

>UFO Sighting - Phil Schneider secret Underground base in Dulce, NM

>Phil Schneider - D.U.M.B.S (Underground Bases, Alien Greys, New World Order) HQ FULL LENGTH

>> No.5927400


>China probes far side of moon and claims to have evidence of habitation

>Mars Monolith - Buzz Aldrin Confirms Phobos Structure


>Triangle UFO Sighting by Russian Cosmonaut Pavel Popovitch

Astronaut Leroy Gordon Cooper talks about the UFO reality

Texas UFO Radar Data

>> No.5927407
File: 1.28 MB, 1920x1080, MORNINGSHOWPILOTINTERVIEW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one because it shows an honest British pilot's experience with a cigar shaped UFO. The poor guy just wanted some tea after his experience.

>> No.5927410

Now that's a lot of links anon. Which ones are the least crazy?

>> No.5927422

I try to only link ones that are credible because those are the only ones worth watching but I admit some of it will be hard to watch if you have spent little time reading into this kind of thing.
I tried to link the easy to accept ones first and ended with some heavy red pill.

I don't know the fine details of the UFO reality but I do know that they aren't traditionally ours and have been around and in our newspapers since before we were in the air ourselves. Hard to know if they're alien or not but ex military/astronauts seem certain that is the case.As far as hard evidence goes the FFA says the UFOs don't pose a threat to national security and they have literally thousands of hours of radar recordings tracking them.

>> No.5927426

It's like a pick and mix. Just dip in!

>> No.5927444

cool vid! adding it to the list lol

>> No.5927445

I really don't know if I buy phil schneider's story.

Rock samples, underground lizard fights... He seems like a lunatic. Also anyone that's trying to sell a book loses credibility as far as I'm concerned.

I like Bob Lazar though.
If he's lying then he's better than any actor in Hollywood.

>> No.5927456

I'm going to watch all of these. Thanks alot.

>> No.5927464

Yeah I'm with you on not being certain of his credibility but if you look into the people who actually try to get these books out there they rarely make profit. They are very vocal about not doing it for a profit/not making a profit and you can often get the books for free online. I always just grab the online version. I think dismissing people because they're trying to get a book out there is a cop out. They want to spread what information they've gathered and don't have enough money to make and hand out books for free. I hear a lot of back and forth disinfo ramblings with Bob Lazar but the video's an entertaining watch either way.

>> No.5927465

Happy to share! I think they'll last you a day or two.

>> No.5927479

So the Government admits they are real, what then? Nothing changes.

If we are being visited by aliens they obviously don't want to make contact but study us, otherwise they'd of let there presence been known already since they aren't exactly hiding their space crafts.

Which brings in another question, if they are only monitoring us why would they bother making themselves been known? Is it just a big shit flinging competition to say, "hey we're here and you can't do shit". Because I would think that any type 2 or above civilization(Lets use the Kardashev scale for arguments sake) would have the technology to hide themselves pretty good.

If they wanted resources they'd have taken them already, assuming they are watching us already, it'd have to be a study on human behavior or lets assume they come from a similar planet to earth and are like us, I suppose they would again study us to see if we as a weaker civilization started off like they did?

Honestly, the only way Aliens will visit us is for two possibly reasons.

1. Invasion - For resources
2. Alliance

And number 2 will never happen until we are up to their own technology standpoint - otherwise what's the point in asking or talking to us?

TL;DR - who the fuck knows man

>> No.5927498

Well here's how I see it.

Natural selection is acting on 7 billion humans today. Genetic talents can arise at an alarming rate. They are physical as much as they are mental i.e Oxygen affinity, fitness and strength, intelligence, sociability, inventiveness, creativity, finger dexterity, musical perception, spatial awareness, vision, independence; are all positive traits that would interest aliens. Life exists to survive and thrive. They may wish to create hybrids that can survive in our atmosphere or adapt to our culture.

If they have reached the civilization stage that they have then it seems like they would not be overtly aggressive. Rather, they would keep to themselves because this gives them the most control over the situation.

Their reason for being here may just be that they are natural explorers, as we have evolved to be, and that they appreciate life wherever it arises. If there were a galactic federation then I'd think any aggressive civilization would soon be curbstomped into the rings of saturn.

>> No.5927504
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If they admit they're real then the question get's raised "So the UFO crashes were real?" It would mean a lot. The idea is they're more advanced than us, they have superior maths and from their crashed craft there is much technology to be back engineered. Borderline free energy learning how to travel from star system to star system ourselves. Learning a little more about our place in the universe from them. It would mean our beloved governments have had this technology but have been holding out on sharing with us peasants for fear of economic collapse and possibly losing their grip on the masses.

The guy who used to run SETI said presidents would ask about this usually as soon as they were put in office and were usually turned down for not having a need to know. He said that 1 or 2 past presidents Eisenhower and someone else actually had meetings with them and what not and there was footage of them landing and leaving the ship etc.

If we're taking the ET idea seriously Ex military claim there's like 60 different types coming here with varying agendas.Some are here making hybrids to strengthen their own gene pool because your can't synthesize slow proper natural creation and they lost their bond with our universe.

If the Government admits they're real you can bet your sweet bhole they've already chatted them up. Many governments admit their existence as you can see above in the thread. Most of the shit I just rambled about is in the links above in the thread.

TL;DR - who the fuck knows man

>> No.5927505


One must wonder though. If other life does exist then it's only normal that some of that life will find any other life competition.

So in suggesting that, you'd be right there would be some life out there who just wants to explore but also, would try to band together with others to kick the shit out of any life threatening species who mean harm.

This may seem kinda silly, but if you have played the game Star Ocean you get a kind of understanding of it.

>> No.5927510

I reckon they don't see us as competition. I imagine they see us as competition the same way we see shit flinging monkeys as competition.

>> No.5927515

Yes, but unlike the US and their war on terrorism, a civilized society might not go to war with everyone simply because they can. That's actually a waste of resources. They could probably manufacture any resource that they wanted. They wouldn't need oil or our natural rocks. The only resource they would find useful is genetic material.

>> No.5927535

I like darin crapo's channel on youtube. He does weekly ufo video reviews.

>> No.5927570


>> No.5927691

mega bump

>> No.5927693

I won't believe UFOs until the government says they're real.

>> No.5927694

/sci/ doesn't like to discuss aliens unless it's the drake equation or other pop sci stuff like michio kaku's type 1-3 civilizations

They only stick to what they've been told.

>> No.5927702
File: 15 KB, 268x219, alien hybrid baby 4 it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently this is a picture of an alien fetus that was aborted and found growing inside an Italian woman.

>> No.5927705

Come on people let's discuss UFOs. What if they really exist?

>> No.5927706

OK guys, I'm not saying UFOs aren't real, in fact the number of inexplicable cases keeps me on the fence about whether advanced technology exists.

But how do you make the jump from advanced technology to aliens? And then, people come up with all these "species" of alien that are humanoid. Like >>5927402 mentioning greys, or >>5927402 with your "60 different types" and hybrids, etc. You really think convergent evolution works well enough for species that evolved completely separately on different planets to breed? Let alone, look slightly alike?

There are many ways we could get some weird super-intelligent species of humanoid. Maybe a different species of intelligent humans evolved a long time ago, and has since moved underground or to space. Maybe the government created a breeding program for intelligence, and is on the 10th or 20th generation by now, so their humans look very different. But whatever they are, if they exist, they cannot possibly be alien in origin. Unless they actually aren't humanoid of course.

>> No.5927707

i wanted to make a hat and participate in this thread but i ran out of tinfoil
sorry guys, mabye next time
aliens can read my mind right now and it is too dangerous

>> No.5927712

If the UFOs can travel at speeds of up to 13000mph, as was reported on radar by a national air base, then we can consider the possibility that they are extra terrestrial in nature.

Honestly, if the US government knew so much about genetic engineering that they could create super humans then I'm SURE some of that information would have leaked out. Then take into account that the top scientists around the world have only managed to clone a sheep and we can probably discredit that notion.

>> No.5927716


I don't believe any of those crackpots to be honest.

You're right, aliens don't have to be from another planet at all.

Heck, if it's a type 3 or above civilization they could be from another universe or dimension.

Or future humans time traveling. lol

>> No.5927720

I don't believe there are other universes.

The universe is self contained and independent of outside forces.

>> No.5927723


Yeah there are many questionable figures in the UFO field. Stanton friedmann, phil schnider, bob lazar, steven greer, Mr X, the list goes on.

>> No.5927730

All UFOs are swamp gas, chinese lanterns, paragliders, birds and sheer delusion.

>> No.5927732


This has been a message by the FBI.

-Agent Dana Scully

>> No.5927734

UFO's are real. we dont know what are they, therefore we call'em UFO...

>> No.5927735


Which is why I feel sorry for any legitimate person or a pilot etc who talks about seeing one.

Reptilians make me giggle every time. Did you know there is base inside the moon?

>> No.5927740
File: 24 KB, 604x482, zond-3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know there is a tower on the far side of the moon?

That's always confused me though. Doesn't the moon rotate so no section is permanently hidden?

>> No.5927741


LOL! I knew there was a reason I couldn't pick the playboy channel! Damn Reptilians!

>> No.5927749

>Most of the videos online will be fake or misinterpreted. Some of them may be authentic
no, they're all fake but not all of them are debunked

>> No.5927760

The only way you could know if they're all fake is if you were a member of the illuminati that commissioned these videos to be made. Is this true?

>> No.5927772

I know it by deduction, like we do with religion

>> No.5927782

You only ever see one side of the moon from earth, because earth and moon's rotation is aligned so.

>> No.5927818

aliens are stealing our cable, yes

What was your thought process so that we may bask in your powers of deduction?

>> No.5927824

UFO means unidentified flying object. They are reported all the time, and they are real, but they are not aliens.

>> No.5927848

If they're not aliens then they could be the following:
>>5927730>All UFOs are swamp gas, chinese lanterns, paragliders, birds and sheer delusion.
or alternatively
chain lightning/natural phenomena, governmental advanced craft, edited images/videos/photos/false radar records.

I just get tired when people say that UFOs exist but they are unanimously not of alien origin. That requires just as much evidence to prove as aliens existing in the first place.

>> No.5927870

Has anyone ever seen a UFO

>> No.5927883
File: 17 KB, 317x307, 1335298149112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a bit troubling to me how certain you are. If you care to look into some of the footage available up in the thread you'll see plenty cases that shatter your explanation. Astronauts and Cosmonauts alike talking openly about being tailed by craft during missions. Hours of NASA footage showing different kinds of anomalies, not talking about the debunked mythbusters stuff. The Russian's satellite that was orbiting mars was disconnected when it attempted to do a flyby of Phobos, the last picture it sent back was of a UFO in the foreground and Phobos in the background. This was news in Russia but not here. You should check these out, they will be amusing if nothing else.


>> No.5927886

I've seen a few.
I saw a multicoloured star one night that was flashing purples, reds and greens. Turns out this is known as a pulsating star and is a natural occurence.

Another time I saw LOTS of stars in the sky that were moving and an alarming rate. They clearly weren't stars. A quick google said that they were probably satellites. There are MANY MANY MANY satellites in our orbit. Although one of them seemed to stop and change direction I'm fairly sure it was a satellite.

>> No.5927897

I believe in UFOs and that they may be alien in origin. I'm trying to challenge the people who say they exist but definitely aren't of alien origin.

>> No.5927905

It's time for me to stop posting, I read that in exactly the way you meant it not to be read.

>> No.5927912

Nah it's my fault mate I should have been clearer in how I communicated it.

>> No.5927918

There's no way pur technologic development cannot be justified. We didn't had "incredible scientific jumps" in our history. Quit this bullshit.

>> No.5927920


Gotta link to said russian stuff?

>> No.5927922


>> No.5927942

I have a UFO story to share for you /sci/

>Go out camping in the mountains
>Around 3am
>Get woken up my birds and other animals
>Shit, could be a fucking grizzly
>Slowly get out of tent
>Hundreds of birds flying around in circles then going in all different directions
>Start to see strange lights over a rocky ridge
>Decide to walk to the top and look
>Bright lights flickering
>All different colors really fast that I start to feel sick
>I'm scared as fuck
>They stop flickering and slowly dim
>I black out
>Wake up next day in my tent
>My ass is feeling really sore
>10 dollar note left beside me with a note
> xoxo Tyrone

>> No.5927952

That's really spooky. Maybe we should call black people alien-americans instead?

>> No.5927956

>UFO in the foreground and Phobos in the background

October 7, 1994

Q: What are Mars' moons?
A: Disguised bases.
Q: Who built them?
A: Who else? The Lizzies.

>> No.5927961

Perhaps they do want an alliance with us. We are a young civilization that clearly is capable of some tremendous things, once we get our shit straight. Perhaps our developments have impressed some species out there, or at least caused them to take notice.

Perhaps these UFOs have been various alien civilizations checking in on us to see how things are, see if we're ready to meet us and to have the first dibs on us as allies. Perhaps some interstellar organization existing solely to catch new civilizations at the right moment so they don't go off and do their own thing, but instead integrate into the galactic consortium.

Heck, maybe its something they consider glorious or honorable, to be the first civilization to make contact with a new race and to introduce them to the system. Maybe that explains the regularity of their appearances

>> No.5927971

>Perhaps they do want an alliance with us

I want to BELIEVE!

>> No.5928054
File: 107 KB, 900x842, PSP_007769_9010_IRB-enhance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astrophysicist: Giant Spaceships are Orbiting Mars

Astrophysicist Dr. Iosif Samuilovich Shklovsky calculated the orbital motion of Martian satellite Phobos and came to the jaw-dropping conclusion that the moon is artificial, hollow, and basically a titanic spaceship.

United States Naval Observatory weighed in on the Russian astrophysicist’s amazing revelation, stating: Dr. Shklovsky quite correctly calculated that if the acceleration of Phobos is true, the Martian moon must be hollow, since it cannot have the weight of a natural body and behave in the prescribed manner.

>> No.5928064

What the crap am I reading?

>> No.5928072


Is there any way that this is possible? Any astrophysicists on /sci/ tonight?

>> No.5928083 [DELETED] 


Only if most major technological advancements in the last century have been systematically suppressed due to national security, "mankind is not ready" or something along those lines, and the true level of technology has been far more advanced for a long time and as such the aliens could actually have some use to ally with us.

>> No.5928088

>alliance with us

An alliance of cattle with their farmers?

Upright alligators with some humanoid features in face.
You would die from shock.

>> No.5928093


Only if most major technological advancements in the last century have been systematically suppressed due to national security, "mankind is not ready" or something along those lines, and the true level of technology has been far more advanced for a long time and as such the aliens could actually have some use to ally with us.

That's the only way. The aliens will not be some homogenous and stagnant society like they are portrayed in sci-fi 'to make them more alien for less money for makeup' who would need a far more primitive people for their psychological or cultural attributes.

>> No.5928101

>Most of the videos online will be fake or misinterpreted.
>Some of them may be authentic.


>> No.5928110

>may be authentic

>> No.5928292

Its cute how you say this like you personally know how alien civilizations work. Until we actually get to meet and observe an alien civilization, we can't possibly know how it will work.

>> No.5928345

There's too many links I don't know which one to watch first...

>> No.5928356

Start with the OP link

>> No.5928374

That's fake. I could do better in paint. Got anything better?

>> No.5928416

check this one out it'll blow your socks off


>> No.5928485

I'm from Jersey and that is simply amazing. I was starting to feel like UFOs were avoiding Jersey but there it is, a giant UFO seen my multiple witnesses and pilots and caught on radar.

>> No.5928499

Dare I say it? This is the most interesting thread on /sci/.

>> No.5928509


That is one damned handsome British pilot.

>> No.5928514

Since when did /sci/ become /x/?

>> No.5928515

looks like /sci/ is getting greedpillled

>> No.5928547


What do you think humanity could do with a technologically inferior species, except than place the remainder of them in reservation. Technologically or consequently culturally inferior species have throughout history been either eliminated or absorbed (or as of relatively recently, placed in reservations so they didn't have be put down necessarily).

More you think about the logical consequences of the atrocities committed in our history, the more it would make sense in the unknown time to the future when mankind would start colonizing exoplanets.

>> No.5928548

The truth is out there, my friend.

>> No.5928561

Best Evidence: Top 10 UFO Sightings
(48 minutes of no-nonsense reporting)

>> No.5928604

Anyone watching this stuff?

>> No.5928629

I am.

Currently watching >>5927394
the disclosure project. Interesting stuff.

>> No.5928698
File: 2.05 MB, 480x271, 1340734665836.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Why do people not realize there is something going on when they're so many credible eyewitness accounts?

>> No.5928723

>Eyewitness accounts

Pick on and only one.

>> No.5928734

just watched Best Evidence
was good

>> No.5928743

You faggots claim to be scientists, does the physics he describes make any sense?


Also if you don't believe in aliens then you haven't done any research, at all.

>> No.5928799


>viewing something is now consider incredulous

Welp, there goes all scientific research ever.

>> No.5928800

Actually, they are freaking out beacuse we have hundreds of thousands of nukes and are eagerly ready to use them.

>> No.5928806

Well with Bob Lazar you have to realize that his explanation is just what the folks at Area 51 would have told him and the whole purpose behind hiring Lazar in the first place was to work out how the space craft worked. So we can infer from that that Lazar's explanation may be incomplete at best.

Still, an anti gravity generator would explain why UFOs can make right angle turns, can travel 1000s of miles an hour and can cloak/interfere with clouds (as some UFO witnesses have reported).

Lazar claimed it was an isotope of element 115 (I think?) that was responsible for harnessing great amounts of energy to generate anti gravity waves. So far, about 5 isotopes of that element have been created in the lab but none of them have been the stable isotope required in Lazar's claims.

>> No.5928840

Ye but apparently 115 is geometrically stable.

>> No.5928847

What do you guys think about Billy Meier.

>> No.5928851

Well it's about time people took the red pill. Anyone got a spare tinfoil hat?

>> No.5928880

Element 115 is made when you bombard americium-243 with calcium-48 ions. These atoms decay by emission of alpha-particles to ununtrium (element 13) in approximately 100 milliseconds.
Isotopes of element 115 have since been produced in the lab in the following years and no isotopes are stable, just like the base element:
287Uup 2003 243Am(48Ca,4n)
288Uup 2003 243Am(48Ca,3n)
289Uup 2009 249Bk(48Ca,4n)[3]
290Uup 2009 249Bk(48Ca,3n)[3]

There are further possible combinations to create element 115 that have yet to be attempted in the lab. These are:

208Pb 75As 283Uup Reaction yet to be attempted
232Th 55Mn 287Uup Reaction yet to be attempted
238U 51V 289Uup Failure to date
237Np 50Ti 287Uup Reaction yet to be attempted
244Pu 45Sc 289Uup Reaction yet to be attempted
248Cm 41K 289Uup Reaction yet to be attempted
249Bk 40Ar 289Uup Reaction yet to be attempted
249Cf 37Cl 286Uup Reaction yet to be attempted

The juries out on whether any of these will be stable, or if Lazar was either lying, was not told the truth about the element he was working with, or if the isotope cannot be produced given the resources currently available to us.

>> No.5928884

ununtrium should be element 113, oops

>> No.5928915

someone do this shit right now i want to know if aliens are reals, why does it take so long to create elements?