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File: 205 KB, 431x629, bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5918575 No.5918575 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone please tell me how this is retarded?

I know the magnetic field generated is so small it doesn't mean shit, but I want to know more about this

Friend is susceptible to new age shit. Somehow I just know this is retarded.

>> No.5918581

>made of 2 fields
Nope, there's all kinds of other shit going on too, electromagnetism is a single force
>change fields, change the atom
Nope, that's just flat-out wrong
>human heart designed to do both
Nope, the heart is "designed" to supply our body with oxygen via the blood

>> No.5918601

I wish I had better ways to refute this, but basically everything this dude said is completely made up and entirely false. He clearly has no concept of what a magnetic or electric field is, and changing a magnetic field does not change the properties of an atom.
I'm willing to bet the shit about the heart's field is bullshit too.

>> No.5918660

I wouldn't call it a generator per se. It pumps this red stuff that has iron in it. The greatest change in momentum for said element that is purportedly able to affect and be affected by electromagnetic fields would likely be the heart.

The change in the atoms bit is pure and utter Bull. At best, you can create chains with your blood cells and then die. If you get lucky and do the other thing, you still die. Just more horribly, though you get to claim that you became an energy-being. (ie. you became a plasma that creates a nuclear power for a very very short duration prior to becoming unstable, resulting in a pretty big puddle of goo.)

>> No.5918677


There is so much wrong with everything this image says.

>the physical world - as we know it - is made of those 2 fields: electrical & magnetic fields of Energy

This whole statement is absolutely wrong in every sense. The electromagnetic force is one of the 4 forces we know of, but that's it. He clearly has no idea what electric and magnetic fields are: electric fields are generated by a charge, and magnetic fields are created by a charge in motion. They're linked.

And you can't just change elements through standalone electromagnetism, what the fuck.