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5917769 No.5917769[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Wouldn't raising a clone of yourself be preferable in all aspects to having children "naturally"???

>> No.5917774


>> No.5917786
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Thanks for that profound insight anon.

>> No.5917785

You should probably ask yourself why asexually reproducing life has been beaten in every aspect by life that reproduces sexually. Asexual life remains in the domain of microbes, whereas all complex forms of life are sexual.

>> No.5917798
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Well here's how I see it. The only reason people have kids is because they don't want to die.
Having a kid means 50% of you gets to stick around. If you cloned yourself you get 100%

I'm not seeing the down side here. also I'm not worried about evolution on this time scale.

>> No.5917800

>all complex forms of life are sexual.
I'd say that a potato isn't that complicated, but it isn't a microbe.

>> No.5917806

a potato is a more worthless form of life than a microbe

>> No.5917810

>The only reason people have kids is because they don't want to die.
When did /sci/ become autism central?

>> No.5917812
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>french fries worthless

you take that back right now!!!!

>> No.5917813


Asexual reproduction makes the organism extremely vulnerable to changes in the environment as individuals are identical save for random mutations that occur naturally.

So while it can be advantageous in colonising a new environment where food is available, it is also really bad since they can be killed quickly.

>> No.5917817

Science has been the domain of austists since forever.

Think about early mathematics, who else would spend their time contemplating the properties of shapes like triangles, instead of doing wholesome Greek activites like trade, sports, and boy buggering, than a massive fucking autist?

God bless Euclid.

>> No.5917820
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love lust ect all stem from needing to raise kids, which fucking blows btw. why not get the maximum return for your investment?

>> No.5917829
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I'm really only worried about within a 100 or maybe even 1000 generations. Baring some new black plague that wipes out 90 percent of humanity I think my batch of clones would do just fine in the long run.

>> No.5917830

That image ,100% applicable

>> No.5917836

Wouldn't just having sex without reproduction with many, many different partners be preferable in all aspects to having a clone or children

>> No.5917851
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remember the death part?

I fear death so much I can't even describe it.I Think about it every day. I can't accept it. I think if I had a clone maybe I could. It wouldn't be the same as having a kid.

>> No.5917855
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What are you trying to say?

>> No.5917860

He means no one is perfect, and your kids can be made to have better genomes if your genes mix with someone else's. It's kind of like how incest does not produce fit offspring.

>> No.5917866


Clone girl you have a crush on/would fuck, watch clone grow up, leave her in a rape space so as she grows up thats all she knows, then kindly and lovingly raise her but u could also be fucking her throughout her childhood. How is this not awesome? Would it be murder if you killed a clone? Because then you could just kill the clone off once it gets annoying/ugly.

>> No.5917874
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Being perfect isn't my goal surviving is.

I mean how much difference in intelligence is there between modern man and 30 thousand years ago? Any?

I'm only concerned with the immediate future.

>> No.5917877

I have a tshirt with that image on OP

>> No.5917881

>kindly and lovingly raise her but u could also be fucking her throughout her childhood
the only way this would work is if the only people fucking both grew up with it. kindness and loving cannot exist with fucking because you know fucking a clone child is wrong and selfish and love is the exact opposite of that

>> No.5917887
File: 215 KB, 500x388, 1341616462603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sick post brah.

I better reply.

>Would it be murder if you killed a clone?

Yes but than again it's murder when you kill a cow. (no vegan)

>> No.5917892

Has anyone ever read House of the Scorpion?

>> No.5917901
File: 31 KB, 375x500, 1356640531872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>House of the Scorpion
Just read the summery seems interesting. I'll read it latter, thanks.

>> No.5917902

Plain old cloning sucks. Gene engineering is the world to come.

>> No.5917907

Apparently you fear it so much that it has made you irrational. You're still going to die, whether you have a child, a clone, or nothing.

I guess if I were as worried as you are, I'd place my bets on "mind uploading" or some other kind of man-made immortality. A lot of futurists talk about it. It's another opiate for people who are afraid of death. It has supplanted religion in that role for some people. I guess if I have to choose one, I'll hang out with the futurists.

>> No.5917909

why is that guy floating cured cement?

>> No.5917912


>> No.5917931
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I know just what you mean.

Here the problem with that and here's what they won't own up to. The tech is on the way but not here yet not at all.

That's why I think cloning is realistically the closest thing we currently have to life extension.

It wouldn't be some random mix of people throwing dna at each other and hoping for the best. It would be me. I would have a deeper connection and understanding of him than a biological child could ever offer.

>> No.5917943

you are retarded.

>> No.5917978
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I could use some tweaking. Who couldn't?

>> No.5917982

>It would be me.

No it wouldn't, dumbass. Your clone would have less in common with you than an identical twin.

>> No.5917998
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>Your clone would have less in common with you than an identical twin

How so mr angry?

>> No.5918005

Not him, but if you made a clone of yourself you would be much older than them and won't have the bond you develop through growing up and living through similar experiences

>> No.5918007


An identical twin is someone with the same DNA, raised in the same way (or at least at the same time). A clone is someone with the same DNA, raised in a totally different environment at a later date.

>> No.5918019

very very good book

>> No.5918021
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Yeah that's what I'm getting at and exactly what I want. I'd raise him to be a better version of myself. Of course I could do that with a natural born kid but it wouldn't be the same.

>> No.5918026


It wouldn't be a "version of yourself." It would be a different person. And probably even more fucked up than you are, if it's raised by a "parent" who thinks it's the same person.

>> No.5918060
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I'm not saying it's exactly the same person.It's as close as I can get.

So what I'm getting from this thread is that no one thinks this is a good idea on any level?

keep in mind you could still have all the normal kids you want you still wouldn't want a clone?

I think if a few rich people say 10k in America started doing this you'd change your tune pretty quick.

>> No.5918064

>So what I'm getting from this thread is that no one thinks this is a good idea on any level?

No, I just think you don't understand what a clone is.

>> No.5918084
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Why don't you tell me?

>> No.5918087


An clone is an artificial identical twin.

>> No.5918104
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That's what I thought.

No one sees any benefit to this????

>> No.5918109

Benefit to the clone, not you. Why would you bother? Possibly hell for the clone or you.

>> No.5918116

in 6th or 7th grade

>> No.5918126

Why would you have children at all?

>> No.5918127
File: 137 KB, 500x426, 1359491842388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree with your first point. The benefit is to have your genes survive on to the next generation and not die with you.

On your second point all that could easily be applied to having kids normally.

on your second