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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 6 KB, 425x244, iq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5915131 No.5915131[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The other night there was a thread on here about someone who thought he was doomed as an intellectual because his IQ is 107. I ended up taking the IQ test here


and was shocked when my result was 106. I then took the test at www.iqtest.com (and, yes, paid $10 for the results--a bruised ego can be a powerful motivator) and scored 147. Interestingly, I scored 152 (the ceiling?) on all but one of the subscores, except "computational speed", on which I scored 93 (!). I also paid $10 to take the test here


three times. My results were 135, 138, and 147. Then I went back to retake the test that I bombed, but with a few minutes left my fire alarm went off and I had to exit the test. I felt like I did much better the second time, probably because I was pretty tired when I took it the first time.

Some thoughts on the three tests:

The iqtest.com test is almost certainly only valid for English-speaking adults, and your level of education will affect your result. When I scored so much higher on this test than I did on the first one I took, my first thought was that it's just a vanity test. However, my report CLAIMED that I scored higher than 99.91% of test takers to get a score of 147. On the other hand, they say that the average score is 108. (Their explanation is essentially that retards can't into the internet.)

The other two tests are quite similar, though the questions near the end on the one that I bombed seem much harder than the ones near the end on the one that I did well on. Two of the three tests won't give you your score unless you pay them, which must have an effect on the average score. The most difficult of the three tests is completely free, so I imagine that some people take it over and over again to see how high they can score (or just for fun). I also believe that it should be possible to increase your score by quite a large amount on the Raven's-type tests through practice.

What does /sci/ think?

>> No.5915132

>Interestingly, I scored 152 (the ceiling?) on all but one of the subscores, "computational speed",


>> No.5915133

If you paid money to take an IQ test I'd say the first result is a lot closer to your true IQ.

>> No.5915134


har har har

>> No.5915136

the only people who would pay for the IQ test probably have high results already

i wouldn't trust it

>> No.5915137

Online IQ tests are invalid because you can practice for them. No idea what actual IQ tests are like. Personal experience tells me that there may be aspects of intelligence that are fixed, but in almost any application to the real world it can be increased.

>> No.5915139

OP you can buy genuine IQ tests at barn's and noble's. they're on paper and timed. but be honest with yourself if you want a real score

>> No.5915140


Both of these arguments would suggest that you should score LOWER on an online IQ test than on a real IQ test. Don't most people think that the opposite is the case?

>> No.5915142

that's why i said i wouldn't trust it

>> No.5915143


This might be the case for the second test, because you have to pay to take it. The third, though, only charges you for your score. The site can use the scores of people who take the test but don't pay for their results. Better yet, they can norm the test rigorously before putting it online so that people's scores aren't skewed by their competing against people who take the test many times.

>> No.5915144

Except it doesn't. It just implies online tests are completely different from the actual thing.

>> No.5915146

Should I be concerned that my "computational speed" subscore was four standard deviations below all my other subscores? I take medication for OCD and ADHD, but that still seems like a drastic discrepancy to me.

>> No.5915149


No, both of those arguments suggest that the average raw score on an online test will be higher, so that the IQ scores given out will be depressed. I have no idea if the conclusion is true, but the arguments imply that conclusion.

>> No.5915150

just buy a home test and you'll have many sources to certify your IQ without the stigma of doing it online

>> No.5915151


Clarification: the first argument, if accepted, only implies that conclusion if the site only uses the scores of people who pay. This applies to sites that charge before you take the test, but probably not to sites that only charge for your score.

Also, by "those arguments suggest that" I obviously mean "if accepted, those arguments imply".

>> No.5915152

Think about it. It implies nothing about the relative scores on real and online IQ tests since they may or may not be graded on the same scale.

>> No.5915157


You're right. You'd need an additional "all else being equal" premise. I'm sure some online IQ test providers try to make their tests as similar as possible to real ones, but I can't be sure that any given provider does so.

>> No.5915158


Paying for an IQ test doesn't mean that the OP is stupid, it just means he's an insecure fag.

>> No.5915163

i dunno but iqtest.dk was recommended as being accurate in a psychology magazine i read

>> No.5915235

>a psychology magazine
And in GQ I read...

My little brother do more than 130 at iqtest.dk
and he is...5

He just looks and says "this one is the more 'beautiful', I feel it". He has no rationnal explanation of what he's doing.

And he's not a genius at all. He has been tested IRL.

Fap yourself if you want, but it's only because of your insecure feeling that you do this.

>> No.5915288

Here's the question I have:
Why the fuck are you so worried about what your IQ is? If you are smart you already know it. You can do what is required of you and in due time, if you stick to your guns (And if you want it) you can be doing docoral level research as well.

I've never taken an IQ test in my life (Save for the poo poo online ones which were bullshit anyways) and when I got into the agency, no test was done.

It seems to me like you are more worried about bragging rights than actually putting whatever talents you have to work.

Get over it, your IQ only matters to you.

>> No.5915323

What's the strategy to solving IQ tests where there's a 3 by 3 grid? Is the relationship only between rows and columns or can there be other relationships?

>> No.5915346

I read on certain designs, they include temporal/sequential logic, that the solution to one puzzle is actually based on the way the puzzle changed from the last one to the current one.

Probably not very common as Jesus Christ that would be annoying, but how are normalfags supposed to test temporal logic when they can't even figure out video games?

>> No.5915351

>take identical IQ test 3 times
>get a higher score every time
>did my mental faculties suddenly improve me from a probably >90% percentile to a greater than 99.9%?
You should probably stop eating all those paint chips

>> No.5915353

Solving matrix reasoning puzzles is all about finding out if and where the rotations, translations, and transformations occur. Simple puzzles will involve just rotations or example, but the ones that "only geniuses can solve" involve all of them to some extent. Since the nature of the solution to those puzzles is pretty predictable though, the intelligence bit comes in when sifting through the possibilities more quickly than others.

>> No.5915398

I just love how u murricafags mental masturbate on these IQ threads. Seriously, here in Europe no one would even think to evaluate a person based on his IQ.

>> No.5915413

I agree (EUfag too), but don't forget you're on /sci/...
Don't infer too quickly

I must admit I never understood this "mensa" thing...

>> No.5915436

>Why the fuck are you so worried about what your IQ is?
>If you are smart you already know it

The problem is that most people can't judge their own level of intelligence so IQ is a way to remove some of the cognitive bias.

>> No.5915445

I've already taken a real IQ test at school, I gave your websites a try, 110 on .dk, 145 on the free test on .com, its bulllllllshit, part of the problem is that there simply aren't enough questions for a smooth Gaussian curve(particularly for .dk), and the type of questions relies a lot on knowledge and not much on actual cognitive intelligence(particularly for .com).

>> No.5915464

That's a fair argument. It leaves a problem though:
Why should they measure their own intelligence? See, when you are going for a job, they judge you based upon your accomplishments. For instance, I do Signals engineering. ard shit, broke my brain several times over. When I applied for a new job (The contract closed on my one back in Japan) they asked me things like "Why should we hire you and not some other guy" so I told them straight up: Well look, I scored in the top 5 percentile in my class. No big deal. I was program lead for a project that initiated telecoms service for over 20,000 people in one area, then I was able to interlink that shit and solved X,Y,Z bandwidth issue and then when it came to data loading I used this method to accomplish it."
Nobody asks you for your IQ. They only want to know your accomplishments.

>> No.5915488

You're just doing it wrong... you act as if anyone thinks IQ will make you bill gates or something, it's just a measure of a type of intelligence, which so happens to correlate with academic success, and a couple other things.

>> No.5915497
File: 56 KB, 800x582, hug dots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To me, it seems like a thinly-veiled autism support group.

>> No.5915529

I've done different kinds of IQ tests online, and can range from 94 to past 220.

Like, OP said previously, already having the knowledge helps. As well, any which ask for "age" will affect your score alot. One I tested that was online, and given being 10 years older, I got to loose 15 IQ points for the exact same set of answers. Comparing one set of IQ from tests from another can be difficult since they aren't all derived from the same formula.

>> No.5915908

>wasting your time on iq test

>> No.5916171

it was psychology today. and there's no reason to believe it's not possible to get a high score by guessing. it's common sense. i'm not insecure i was just stating a fact. i haven't even taken the test

>> No.5916205

OP, why the hell didn't you just pay for the MENSA test on their website?

>> No.5916324
File: 101 KB, 1021x654, but still single.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I used the full time allotted and had 6 seconds left

Don't feel bad, I've never had a girlfriend and I'm 31 ;_;

>> No.5916334

Again, so what? Do you think that if you get a lower IQ according to one of these tests you will be less successful in life?
Here's a clue: The only one holding you back is not your IQ test results. It's not your family, it's not your standing on /sci/ if you get a certain score.
It's you. You are the only one holding yourself back. So fuck what an IQ test says and fuck what /sci/ will think of you. If you want to be an academically successful person, then put forth the effort like I did.

I might have said this earlier, but I've never taken an IQ test. I just walked forth and did my own damn thing. I busted my ass during college, I worked my ass off in Japan, and I earned that degree and gained that valuable experience without ever worrying about how smart I was.

So grow the fuck up and stop worrying about some damned IQ test.

>> No.5917532 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't date you because I'm only attracted to men smarter than myself. And I scored 145 on iqtest.dk

>> No.5917620


>> No.5918582
File: 594 KB, 1920x1200, Harry Potter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my experience, fluid IQ is normally 1 standard deviation lower than your full IQ score. This is because crystallized intelligence is more education than innate ability. So if your score was 106, it is 106+15=121. You mention you were tired so I'd 4-9 points more, which would be 110+15=125 and 115+15=130. Your IQ would be 125-130. You can stop pondering and worrying now. Your IQ is 125-130. Glad I helped.

>> No.5919167

>And I scored 145 on iqtest.dk
Is it possible to score higher?

>> No.5919173


>In my experience, fluid IQ is normally 1 standard deviation lower than your full IQ score. This is because crystallized intelligence is more education than innate ability.

how does one follow logically from the other?

>> No.5920099

No. 145 is the best. There was a thread yesterday or the day before) with a guy who answered to all the questions we asked about

>> No.5920115
File: 269 KB, 1701x782, hermione_spectrum2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck did you miss off hufflepuff??

>> No.5920118

Being smart doesn't mean you can't be an idiot.
Just saying.

>> No.5920120

only stupid people say this. the correct sentence would be having a high IQ doesn't mean you can't be an idiot.

>> No.5920122

nah, correct that.
"being smart doesnt mean you dont occasionally do idiotic things
"being an idiot doesnt mean you dont occasionally do smart things."

>> No.5920160

If you were intelligent you would've gotten what I was trying to say, yet you want me to use different words to say the same thing so you understand it. A smart person should be able to handle abstractions.

I don't mean occasionally. There are somewhat educated or otherwise intelligent people who make stupid decisions on daily basis and I'm not talking about high function autism.

>> No.5920163

Answers to these tests were provided in a thread last week, faggot. You didn't get those scores.

>> No.5920171

>circular logic

>> No.5920175

Please elaborate on your observation.

>> No.5920202

IQ testing is not a general device for determining mental worth.

Get over it and read a book if you're so worried about your fucking "intelligence".

>> No.5920293
File: 223 KB, 1373x1012, asdfsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just took it and got 142. I really didn't know what i was doing tbh, just putting what looked to fit the best, pretty sure i wasn't doing it the right way either.

>> No.5920316

>not saging the 5th iq thread of the day on principal

>> No.5920333

OP, I wonder why people would ever consider results from short tests.
You have to ask a LOT of questions in very different ways to get anything like a real value.

Does anyone ever consider those online tests aren't really from Stanford-Binet or Wechsler structures?

>> No.5920760


I assume I ran out of time. I'm half asleep.

Answered 29/39

Will automatically losing ~25% available marks affect the final score by much?

>> No.5921252

You should avoid sleep deprivation. It is bad for your health.

>> No.5921255
File: 111 KB, 1028x613, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5922277 [DELETED] 

Install a flash player.

>> No.5923163

>Does anyone ever consider those online tests aren't really from Stanford-Binet or Wechsler structures?
They are isomorphic in the category of IQ tests.

>> No.5923566

joking, right ?

And actually
The guy who answered also provided sauce
of the swf

>> No.5923637

I refuse to install a malware vector
and why does a simple test require more than html?

>> No.5924295 [DELETED] 

>and why does a simple test require more than html?

Because it is not as simple as you think.

>> No.5924923



Long live the GNU flesh

>> No.5924935
File: 340 KB, 1361x973, 1370486572994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5924971


to be honest I fucked guessed on that one.


I will try tomorrow when I am not so sleepy.

>> No.5924977

thats B, cross turns to circle, circle turns to triangle, triangle turns to cross, for each subsequent pattern in the line they move 1 to the right. havent done that test in like 2 years, give me a minute or ten

>> No.5924981

So Inspirational :)

>> No.5924992
File: 32 KB, 790x204, ss (2013-07-26 at 05.57.47).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last time i did it it was like 146, time before that like 132, i think it just fluctuates depending on how tired you are, currently i havent slept in about 20 hours

also for once ill say something on topic: iq tests are bullshit. all of them, no exceptions.

>> No.5925014

At about halfway through I stopped being able to understand the questions and quit.

>> No.5925015

Same thing here. I keep Chrome installed just for flash content so I had to open it there.

>> No.5925548

>Online IQ scores

I've had anything from 116-140 depending on what test I'm doing.

>> No.5925552

IQ is invalid for MOST people. Don' take it too seriously.

>> No.5925555

I've gotten a much larger range from like 80 to 160

>> No.5926566 [DELETED] 

You are not "most people" and just because you don't like your score it doesn't become invalid.

>> No.5926587
File: 160 KB, 1325x818, IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took this and got 112.

Then I took a comprehensive psychological exam (mostly to determine if I had autism) and I got 120.

>> No.5926698

you paid for a IQ test

that means you have low IQ: congratz.

mods take care of this unscientific thread for me pls

>> No.5926732
File: 6 KB, 300x100, 251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a reaction time test


I scored 249.4 out of 5 tries.

>> No.5926747


I got tested and my IQ is 150, which apparently is pretty high. So I like that people still give it credibility because it benefits me.

>> No.5927442

>unscientific thread
IQ is the scientific measure of intelligence. Take crackpot conspiracy theories to >>>/x/.

>> No.5929080 [DELETED] 

>Then I took a comprehensive psychological exam

How different were the questions compared to online tests?

>> No.5930804 [DELETED] 

>The iqtest.com test is almost certainly only valid for English-speaking adults, and your level of education will affect your result.

I don't think that's a good test.

>> No.5930810

o look, its this thread again

>> No.5932148

A good IQ test should provide results on both fluid and crystallized intelligence.

>> No.5933562 [DELETED] 

What is the difference?

>> No.5934702 [DELETED] 

They are the same thing at different temperatures. Like lava and ice.

>> No.5935843 [DELETED] 

>On the other hand, they say that the average score is 108.

By definition the average is always 100.

>> No.5935907

All you high IQ faggots (>130) take this un-timed high range test:


The floor is slightly above 130 and ceiling is slightly above 150.

>> No.5935923


>> No.5937455 [DELETED] 

Why is it wrong?

>> No.5937463
File: 52 KB, 620x448, 1372908008506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring about iq
its not about how high your iq is, its about what you do with it

>not backing up a high intellect with wisdom

>> No.5937649

Took the same test just now, got 104.

So either I am a filthy pleb, or this test is weird. It got really fucking hard towards the end at least, and I ran out of time. Also what are the exact rules here? Can patterns exist both horizontally, vertically and diagonally?

Last time I took an online IQ test I was 16, and scored 124. It was slightly different though, and involved more stuff than only matrices. So either getting half a decade older and going into uni has MINUS TWENTY serial rekt my brains, or the test I originally took was shit, or iqtest.dk is wrong, or all of the above and you come to the realization that potato is 42

>> No.5937670


Why haven't these geniuses solved any world problems yet.

>> No.5937860

what makes them obligated to solve problems. what makes you think "world problems" have solutions and not just tradeoffs.

>> No.5938659

Because capitalism.

>> No.5939382 [DELETED] 

There are no problems. Stop spreading disinfo.

>> No.5939398

>Why haven't these geniuses solved any world problems yet.

Very simply, having a high IQ doesn't give you:
political power
money or influence
effective positions
social leadership
etc, etc.

>> No.5939400

you're obviously retarded OP
enjoy living your life as a mong

>> No.5939402
File: 11 KB, 256x256, 1364025546981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5939403

I would guess that doing paid IQ tests would be more likely to be inflated because they want to boost the ego of the people who are paying. They would be more likely to do it again if they get a high score.

>> No.5939434

I did 115 on that .dk test.

I am a Mensa member.

>> No.5939439
File: 176 KB, 1299x653, skata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did that test just now.
I generally consider myself just a bit above average, considering where I work
I did answer in 2 questions in random though, and did not completely focus on it.
I don't think IQ tests reflect intelligence or anything, it is just pattern matching..

>> No.5939868

Yeah yeah

Everyone here is an underachieving genious who is absurdly more intelligent then the rest of the non-4chan website people in the whole world.

Yeah yeah /thread

>> No.5939956

Most likely, no, you're not. Neither am I. I am an achieving one.

>> No.5940134


BUT, there is a solution:

listen to people with a high IQ (much more than celebrities)
give their opinions some more attention
let them take better positions than people who are less qualified
don't hold them back for emotional reasons like perception of race or gender

>> No.5940684 [DELETED] 

You sound envious.

>> No.5941044

I knew how to get 145 always, I orgot now, I only get 138 always, fuck

>> No.5941158


I rushed through and guessed some of the last ones. If I had more patience I think I'd be a few points higher.

>tfw smartest person in classroom room on avg.
>implying I didn't know this already

>> No.5941244

iq-test.com demo estimated me at 133-149. by the iqtest.dk I got 135. hmmm...
I'd say it's best to worry less about IQ and more about ones tangible capabilities. know what kinds of problems you're good or bad at solving and you'll be a lot better off.

>> No.5942570 [DELETED] 

Good. It is an intelligence test, not a memorization test.

>> No.5944396 [DELETED] 

>I rushed through and guessed some of the last ones.
You should take the test serious.

>> No.5944450

Okay, online IQ tests are bad.
Where is the proof that RL IQ tests are better?
One thing I read is that you should not be able to improve your score, but you can online. I'd bet my life you can improve how you do on RL IQ tests too. If there was a prestigious IQ test World Championship people would practice all day for it and they'd have ridiculously high scores.
Another things is that online scores differ too much for the same person. Has someone taken many different RL IQ tests and compared the results?

>> No.5944457


>> No.5946590 [DELETED] 

>Okay, online IQ tests are bad.

Not all of them are bad. Some are more reliable than an IRL IQ test.

>> No.5947792 [DELETED] 


>> No.5948829 [DELETED] 

>The iqtest.com test is almost certainly only valid for English-speaking adults

Why? Does it test vocabulary only adults can know?

>> No.5950726

If you score 100, 115 or 130 it WILL say something about your capability to reason. If you score low here, you might be better at other things: like remembering number patterns. This is only 1 part of an IQ test. Some people are good at this part and worse at the language part, and they might end up with the same IQ score as someone else, though they scored very differently on different parts of the test. But, studies have also suggesest: "If you score good/bad on 1 part of an IQ test, you are likely to score just as good/bad on other parts." ofcourse dyslexia and dyscalculia is ignored here Funny how the Dunning and Kruger effect applies here. People that scored around 130 here, consider themselfs 'just a little bit above average.

>> No.5950734


ofcourse dyslexia and dyscalculia are ignored here Funny how the Dunning and Kruger effect applies here: People that scored around 130 here, consider themselfs 'just a little bit above average'.

sorry I typo'ed

>> No.5951181 [DELETED] 

"Dyslexia" and "dyscalculia" are just fancy euphemisms for "stupidity".

>> No.5951336

Well, /sci/? What's your IQ?
125 here.

>> No.5951339

it contextualizes questions in a middle class American fashion (such as asking a logic question about a yacht)

>> No.5951350
File: 3 KB, 190x38, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A- am I stupid?

>> No.5951354

except that part of the diagnostic criteria for dyslexia is high intelligence with poor reading ability. Read a book some time.

>> No.5951361
File: 15 KB, 196x129, scrubs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level

>> No.5951380


no, you're retarded.

there's a difference.

>> No.5953346 [DELETED] 

Depends where you live. In murrica you are highly intelligent.

>> No.5954705 [DELETED] 

Why would I lower myself to your level?

>> No.5954742
File: 186 KB, 1299x653, myscore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guessed every answer, I guess I'm just lucky.

>> No.5956044 [DELETED] 

The chance of getting that score was 33.34%

>> No.5956631

Which one is the hottest? Scientifically speaking :P?

>> No.5957162


I have an IQ of 172.

>> No.5957174

did you know that IQ tests are different depending which country you take them in? each countries national averedge is weighted to be 100, meaning if you take a British test you will score a couple of points lower

>> No.5957176

ravenclaw all day every day.

>> No.5957189

Oh well I understand now why I scored 135+ in US, while in UK I was average 95.

Thanks for the explanation

>> No.5959102

I scored 90 :(