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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 10 KB, 776x409, iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5911996 No.5911996[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


IQ test thread? IQ test thread.

Post good links.

>> No.5912005

the Norwegian mensa test is best online test.

>> No.5912006

>IQ 74
>Your IQ is between 70 and 80. Only 9% have an IQ under 80. Your IQ is low. Open your books and study and repeat the test in a few weeks!

I just hit random options. Nice to know my method of random guessing can yield a 74.

>> No.5912013

>Your IQ is under 70. Only 2% of test takers have an IQ under 70. Your IQ is very low. Open your books and study and repeat the test in a few weeks!

With pseudo random generator

>> No.5912016

Which of these words does not fit?
sinfony | disembodiment | antenna | presumption

What the fuck?

>> No.5912018


>implying that studying can raise your iq

>> No.5912024

What a fucking retard.

>> No.5912025


Pick presumption. It's the only one of the words that doesn't start with the left home row keys.

>> No.5912029

It is the only word which isn't a word.

>> No.5912031

Test is biased against dvorak typists.

>> No.5912034

>implying that studying can raise your iq

But it does

>> No.5912042
File: 234 KB, 918x1170, IQs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

142, im a fucking genius.

>> No.5912045


it's a word but it's spelled wrong

>> No.5912046

what is that Mensa graphic from? An actual IQ test?

>> No.5912050

Are there different questions each time?

>> No.5912051


>> No.5912052

thats an online mendsa test you can take to find out if you should order the real test. so no, its not an actual one.


>> No.5912055

Is the google translation of it accurate?

>> No.5912060

i dont know, you don't need to read anything. firt thing is enter your age then its all just pictures.

>> No.5912061
File: 17 KB, 699x436, logic my ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to take a test whose creator would fail the logic section of any real IQ test. Come on, publishing an IQ test without understanding set theoretic logic on the level of a toddler is embarrassing.

>> No.5912065

there are a couple of questions that are retarded, this one is a nice example since you can prove it.

>> No.5912064

There are no correct answers to this right? Because some q may be p?

>> No.5912069

Yeah I was just wondering how many questions there are

>> No.5912076
File: 12 KB, 746x356, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fail to see the difference between B and D

>> No.5912081

and since you can pick only 1, you know its not B or D.

>> No.5912082

I picked A

>> No.5912125

130, I was told I had an IQ of 140 when I was 10 or so, I think I'll stick with that result..

>> No.5912122
File: 91 KB, 1151x617, niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5912128

fuck those cubes, I always assumed it's the same cube being rotated using different algorithms

>> No.5912137

Got 126

Picked antenna, only word that starts with a vowel.

>> No.5912139

why is everyone scoring so low today? usually sci gets around 135 on average with onlune IQ tests.

>> No.5912140

Depends on how the test calculates the scores, if they were all the same there'd only be one online IQ test.

>> No.5912146

I can't understand the shape questions at all.

>> No.5912153

This particular one has a bit of a cultural bias. My intellect is not a measure of weather or not I can pick who's a painter or what some word in a language I don't even speak means.

>> No.5912197
File: 32 KB, 989x695, Capture d'écran - 20072013 - 01:42:27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post good links

Yes, because your link is a shitty one.

>> No.5912195

not a real iq test and thus wildly inaccurate and probably off by tens of points for some/most people.

>> No.5912200
File: 160 KB, 1325x818, IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took this one as well. Scored a shit ton lower.

Is this actually accurate?

>> No.5912205

IQ 123
Your IQ is beetween 120 and 130. Only 10% have an IQ over 120. Your intelligence is very superior. Congratulations! You definitely studied!

>> No.5912207
File: 36 KB, 320x480, Screenshot_2013-07-19-19-50-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I plebe

>> No.5912217

Ridiculous, an actual IQ test is only administered by psychologists.

>> No.5912226

Are You disappointed of your score ?

Take this like a game, that's all...

>> No.5912232

i've taken the MENSA test at iqtest.dk several times (several years apart) and have always gotten around 120.

it made me feel relieved.

>> No.5912233


i don't see any reason why certain IQ tests (such as raven's progressive matrices) can't be taken without a psychologist though.

>> No.5912235
File: 36 KB, 812x402, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This question is wrong. Hahaha

>> No.5912242

>it made me feel relieved.
Why ? Serious question

>> No.5912245


if i put my mind to something i can accomplish it.

>> No.5912246

Why do people ignore the fact that IQ testing was only created to test children.

Its just a test that determines whether a child needs special needs classes. It does not buttress and theory of intellect.

>> No.5912260

I don't see the link.

Assume that I scored like I posted >>5912197

Actually, it makes me feel sad.

Dumb people are far more happy than smart ones, who have to much questions in their brain and don't understand why all the others are so silly.

Combination of "High IQ" and "Sociable" is hard to achieve, according to psychologist.

That's why >>5912246

>> No.5912270
File: 9 KB, 760x288, iqtest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ tests are unreliable.

>> No.5912279

it doesn't matter what IQ was designed for.

it matters what it can be used for.

>> No.5912283

Did you understand all of the shape patterns? The cubes I did, but before those there were some I did not understand.

>> No.5912284
File: 96 KB, 630x451, iq 119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took the IQ test linked in this post:

and got 119. both of these tests indicate my IQ is around 119 or 120.

good enough for me.

>> No.5912320

got 113 on that and i got 115 on iqtest.dk. This test is telling me I got a 104.

>> No.5912322

Anyone have any more tests like this?

>> No.5912326

I heard somewhere that "free test" were a good approximation if you were around 100 (90-110).

I not, you need proper ones, specially designed for you by psychologists.

No trolling (i don't care, i'm anon) but I did this one, >>5912042
without THINKING, just looking like some kind of "artist", which solutions was the most beautiful.

And it gave me 135...

I'm really not a genius, I was just questionning myself about the accurency of such test based on patterns. I an't explain any of the answers I gave. But it seem they were considered right...

>> No.5912327

>This test is telling me I got a 104.

OP's test? don't even bother with it.

>> No.5912334
File: 124 KB, 800x486, LWOb9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5912336

part of the sauce :

counter = 1;
i = 1;
while (i <= 176) {
attachMovie("neuron", "neuron" add i, i);
v = 0;
while (v <= 7) {
h = 0;
while (h <= 1) {
t = 0;
while (t <= 10) {
this["neuron" + counter]._x = (-100 + (t * 102)) + (h * 51);
this["neuron" + counter]._y = (-50 + (56 * h)) + (v * 113);

--> laul'd

>> No.5912339

only racists care about IQ.

>> No.5912346
File: 13 KB, 709x299, Wat-tv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5912350

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.5912366

I don't understand your problem with this question. 3 of the 4 statements are fallacious conclusions, thus the last one is obviously the correct answer. What am I missing here?

>> No.5912367


>> No.5912370


none of them can be stated with certainty based on the information given.

>> No.5912377
File: 21 KB, 1021x669, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel im pretty good doing this test