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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5911964 No.5911964 [Reply] [Original]

so /sci/ are there any actual pheromones that work on human women?

>> No.5912030

The smell of money, irresistible.

>> No.5912390

You'll want to look into the ballsweat experiment conducted in /r9k/. Although the archive is currently down.

>> No.5912391


>> No.5912415

The smell of money is compelling, but nobody can resist the SMELL OF INSIDE A NEW CAR.

>> No.5912420

I don't know what the hell you're talking about. New cars smell like bad decisions, plastic (and not the good kind) and a bunch of other bad stuff.

>> No.5912427
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>ballsweat experiment
For a week prior to the experiment, I ate as healthy as I could and regularly worked out, also needless to say NO FAP.
Today, I took a small plastic baggy and tied it around my genitals before going to workout. I proceeded to do the hardest possible workout I could and until I was sweating profusely. At the end of the workout, the plastic baggy had visible ball sweat swimming inside.
I then took this ball sweat and mixed it into a solution of 1 part MontBlanc Legend cologne and 3 parts ball sweat. I then sprayed myself with this cologne while naked in my bathroom until I was sufficiently doused in cologne and ball sweat smell.
I put on an outfit not better than I normally wear and went to class.

Every single guy that I passed by gave me the harshest and most disgusted look I have ever seen. The women however would casually strike conversations with me and I noticed that many of them had dilated pupils.
By the end of the day, I collected six phone number from girls who all ranged from 7/10 to 9/10.

10/10 Smell like balls

>> No.5912430

My suggestion is that scientists should research on that smell in order to try to isolate the component that acts like a pheromones to us.

>> No.5912432

>mfw people actually believed and tried this

>> No.5912434

This anecdote at least was very amusing.

>> No.5912437


>this is science

>> No.5912465
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All jokes aside, me being a /sci/-asperger during adolescence (17-21) I did multiple (almost) double blind studies.

Smell was:
-2 different kinds of pheromone colognes (One was ~29€ and the other quite expensive probably 80 or 90€)
-mix of light cologne and fresh sweat from sport
-mix of light cologne and fresh sweat after jerking off
-le cum/ light cologne mix

Test Location: Germany
University, School, Workplace, Public Transportation

Me: 1,88cm male, slightly fitter than average but not the most social guy
Test Group: males and females age 17-28.

>> No.5912471

s- so how'd it go?

>> No.5912486
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pls continue

>> No.5912515

I wait with baited breath.

>> No.5912518

more like masturbated breath amirite

>> No.5912519
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>btw. smell samples were frozen immediately after collection to avoid decay due to microorganisms

lel cum: not better than random, nothing

Sport sweat: some weak results.
Some guys acted more obedient around me during group projects (could be placebo ;) did not notice a change in female behaviour.

Jerking off sweat (nice smell): Did not pay real attention to guys behaviour
Female group acted somewhat nicer than usual in all test locations (better body language and subconscious behaviour,better talking distance, talking duration etc). Can't be certain but I'am around 70% sure that there was something.

Pheromone Colognes: There was definitely a reaction. Here I'am like 99,9% sure. And the more expensive one also worked better.
- defensive spaghetti from the guys that I already had with the sport sweat
-girls different reactions
1. no special reaction
2. aggressive almost hostile behaviour
3. signs of attraction and flirtatious (especially when they were exposed directly to the airstream that was coming from my direction) or very close to me.

I think the "aggressive" behaviour (that I never experienced the same way without pheromones) may has something to do with their period cycle.

Conclusion: i think good pheromones have some effect but should be used with caution because they make women sometimes aggressive. Collecting sweat from sport or after jerking off is not really worth the effort but might also have some effect. Cum smell has no effect at all and should be used for something else.

I even remember the names of the pheromones but will not post them since I don't want to look like some weird social marketing guy.

>> No.5912525

If I wasn't such a lazy fuck (and also a jew that refuses to pay 10 bucks for archive access), I'd dig up the SA thread where a bunch of goons mixed their urine and semen, boiled it down and used it as cologne. I think a few guys reported great success, though I'd be inclined to assume that it was a boost of self-confidence, not pisscum, that was the tipping factor. I've been wrong before, though.

>> No.5912529

Try just acting sexually. Most chumps fail in that they never sexualise the situation until its "d-do you want to go on a lame d-date? I have coupons" Acting sexually is the male equivalent of being attractive (hint "sexy") so when you completely fail to do it you're not attractive at all.

>> No.5912532
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>> No.5912542
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My results were not really a surprise to me since I as a male also often notice the very good smell of women and how it activated some switches in my brain.

>> No.5912545

I think most men nowadays are scared shitless by rape allegations

>> No.5912558

Man fuck that, I'd rather take the slight risk and be having sex with lots of attractive women than sit around being scared of dragons.

Next time you see a pretty girl, OP walk up to her and say "Hey you're gorgeous! I'd be kicking myself if I didn't come hit on you." and go from there. I'm usually trying to have kissed a girl within 5 minutes of meeting her, and even I don't get accused of rape.

>> No.5912562
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>3. signs of attraction and flirtatious (especially when they were exposed directly to the airstream that was coming from my direction) or very close to me.
It is also not like they throw themself at you just because you smell like an alpha male, however It makes their mood changes and tilts the scale in your favour.

>I'm usually trying to have kissed a girl within 5 minutes of meeting her, and even I don't get accused of rape.
dat pickup artist

>> No.5912567

Attention whore, I should see it before... you're the reason I'm a unapologetic mysogynist, despite my progressive views.

>> No.5912569


this guy knows what's up

being raised by a single mom and thinking you need to be "respectful" to women really is the root problem. that's not fun. it's BORING.

women like sex and they like when you're forward, sexual, and honest about your intentions. if you act like a virgin nerd then she will treat you like one, no surprise.

>> No.5912574
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I was also raised by a single mum.
It's definitely hard to know when you can be sexal to a women and when not. It is probably best if they see you as a potential mate from the beginning. The first impressions counts.

>> No.5912578
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>It is probably best if they see you as a potential mate from the beginning. The first impressions counts.
To come back to OP's topic. Pheromones help at precisely this step.

>> No.5912621

I know her! You gonna be se screwed... poor Priscilla.

>> No.5912640
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post first name

>> No.5912663
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>> No.5912668

My venom is slow, but deadly. Keep thinking you're on top, your fall will be bigger. Remember what our history teacher used to say?

>> No.5912675

>>5912427 why didn't you get any 10/10? fucking faggot ass hit right here.

>> No.5913611
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what's the names of the pheromones??

i must know

>> No.5913631

i'm interested to see your face

might just be that you're attractive

are you bald ?

>> No.5913725
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I did not change my appearance for this so looks were not a factor. Definitely not bald.

Just do some internet research and you will find some products that will work. There are even three or four dedicated pheromone forums.

>> No.5913777

this has got to be some top-tier trolling... there's no way this would ever work, right? right?

>> No.5913802

Does this being clear with your intentions and assertive stuff work when you've been dating for six months already?

>> No.5913805
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Chloroform. Works every time.

>> No.5913807

>For a week prior to the experiment, I ate as healthy as I could and regularly worked out, also needless to say NO FAP.

Is all of this out of the ordinary for you or may it have confounded the result?

>> No.5913822

How do I act in such a way? How do I talk boldly but without becoming vulgar or offensive? Ive been in Greece for like 5 days now and I still havent gotten any pussy, last night I was blown off pretty bad by a girl too. The fact that hardly any Greek person here speaks English properly doesnt help.

>> No.5913837


show your face, blurr the eyes

i want to see your facial structure

>> No.5913858

pls responde ;_;

>> No.5913863

>How do I act in such a way?
It's circumstantial, read a book on communication skills if you're too autistic to know why.

>last night I was blown off pretty bad by a girl too.

You do realize these PUA guys get rejected by hundreds of girls for every girl they bed right?

>Get rejected countless times using idiotic PUA bullshit.
>Score with one 6-7/10 slut

>> No.5913866

Meh, I guess my problem was that I wasnt being "aggressive" enough or whatever and the language barrier does have problems. What bothered me is that she was eye'ing my Greek friend who was sitting right next to me, bros before hos though.

>> No.5913883

I really don't see a problem here, if you were expecting to have one night stands with women in conservative Mediterranean countries you've been consuming too much Western Liberal media produced by debauching Hollywood hedonists and LGBTs.

>> No.5913887

and Jews.

>> No.5913899

>if you were expecting to have one night stands with women in conservative Mediterranean countries
This isn't turkey, people walk around in bare clothing all the time and hell some women go topless in the beaches sometimes. Greek islands are full of horny teens and young adults during the summer doing un-conservative things.

>> No.5913906

>Implying the prominence nude beaches == promiscuity
>Being this uncultured in the 21st century.

Europeans are more open about their sexuality, unlike in Anglo countries where they repress all their sexuality in public and then they have to fuck strangers every night just to relieve pressure.

It's just like how French girls will flirt with you easily, but good luck trying to get her to sleep with you as easily.

>> No.5913913

Exactly, this place is hardly conservative.

>> No.5913916

I was speaking in terms of misogyny vs promiscuity, for which it is.

>> No.5913917
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nah. But I would say that it is pretty average. I don't stand out.

>>Get rejected countless times using idiotic PUA bullshit.
>>Score with one 6-7/10 slut
They are just using a proven systematic approach which works way better than having a shitty shelf developed or no strategy.

Picture: /sci/'s perspective on dating as a complex system

>> No.5913924

Say what you want but girls are still human and therefore are pretty complex. I dont really believe in strategies, its too rigid and it feels like a chore. And if it doesnt go according to plan, then what? Just stutter and try to save face or stick to the plan? I think just being assertive and genuine, simply not giving a fuck, and of course being forward is the way to go. Don't think about it or what you should do next, just go with the flow.

>> No.5913926

Behind all the bullshit, their "system" is based on artificially replicating the natural behavioural patterns of average, desirable males (ie those 30% or so of males that historically got to reproduce with any female they wanted).

It's not "better" for the non-autistic, it's a complete waste of time.

>> No.5913930

>not doing it double blind

back to high school

>> No.5913933


Are you sure you:

1. Became more confident because you believed you would be successful with women?

2. Starting noticing body language that was always there but only came to your attention due to you doing this experiment?

3. Wore different shirts that maybe were different sizes, therefor possibly making you look better/worse?

4. Misinterpreting body language to fit what you wanted to see?

>> No.5913958
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OP here so what are these strategies that pick up artists use, I find it s mostly random if I pick a girl up or not.

>> No.5913993

>so /sci/ are there any actual pheromones that work on human women?
Here's the problem: Even if there were, it wouldn't do you any good. Picture yourself walking into some bar, slathered in pheromones. They actually work and an attractive girl notices you. At best, they make her feel a little horny. So what? She's going to take one look at you, slobbering in her direction, and go home with someone else who has the ability to actually speak to a woman.

>> No.5913995
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>I find it s mostly random if I pick a girl up or not.
This is because your sample size is probably to small. Picking up ONE GIRL is also very random for pickup artist since there is to much chaos involved for success to be certain.
However, by trying to apply the behavioral factors of "those 30% or so of males that historically got to reproduce with any female they wanted" they increase their success rate over a set of girls from maybe 5% to 25% - which is a 500% gain.

>> No.5913998

Go to her back and put your arms around her belly. The use your hip to lift her off the ground. You will not be able to keep the pickup for very long this way especially if she's struggling, but it's so easy almost anyone can do this.
An extended pickup can be achieved, if you duck down in front of her and grab her at higher stomach height with your right shoulder on her belly. Lift her up so that she is balanced on your shoulder. Keep your right arm around her and use your left arm for increased support. This is a very easy carry, but hard pick up.

>> No.5913999


>> No.5914008

I lel'ed out loud

>> No.5914599

>>/b/ go.

>> No.5914825
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When it comes to picking up women, the fireman's carry is my choice. It's even easier if you can get her to pick you up.