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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5910561 No.5910561[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw there are philosophy majors on /sci/ RIGHT NOW

how is philosophy even a field of study? it has virtually no empirical values. it's more like religious studies with a focus on spirituality

>> No.5910565

>it's more like religious studies with a focus on spirituality
Versus religious studies without a focus on spirituality?

>> No.5910569

everybody knows one of god's first commandments was be fruitful and multiply

if you're fucking, you're not being spiritual

>> No.5910576

Wrong, I'm fucking spiritual from time to time.

>> No.5910581

[citation needed]

>> No.5910583
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>mfw there are math majors on /sci/ RIGHT NOW

how is math even a field of study? it has virtually no empirical values. it's more like religious studies with a focus on spirituality

>> No.5910586

not even true

>> No.5910914
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>> No.5911975
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>> No.5911977

The board's title is /sci/ - science & MATH.

>> No.5911982

Kurt Gödel: 'I don't believe in empirical science. I only believe in a priori truth'

>> No.5911989

Philososhit is the biggest waste of human intellect that has ever existed.

>> No.5911998
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>> No.5912038

philosophy is the most important field of human inquiry which all other branches of knowledge converge from

>> No.5912039
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>> No.5912067

Only the teenagers and lower level undergrads on /sci/ are so far removed from contemporary research to think that it can all be objectively proven wrong. The dummies on this board care mostly about proving someone else's interpretation of something wrong, which is only possible because most of you intellectually immature man-children remain still to underdeveloped to understand contemporary research. You're as much of a mathematician or scientist as a little league baseball player is a baseball player. When your ideas cannot be refuted via a simple Google search or textbook lookup is when you'll know you're at any sufficiently advanced level to earn respect outside of your shitty group of Facebook friends. And you will surely be there one day, and when that day comes you'll realize most of your convinctions of what science is and how science is done that you've held, surely in a dazzling display of intellectual dishonesty and laziness, since fucking junior high school are complete nonsense. Around that same time you'll drop your intellectual pretense and idea that science is the shining light of human achievement and begin to see science's role in the greater narrative of human existence, and philosophies place among it.

>> No.5912072

>it has virtually no empirical values
You do know that empiricism was originally a philosophical concept, right?

>> No.5912079

You've said nothing which actually constitutes an argument. If there is any kind of knowledge which justifies your apparent cynicism, it should be transferable verbally, just as surely as you can explain color to a blind man or teach a human string theory.

>> No.5912084

>and philosophies place among it

Philosophers never played any role worth mentioning.

>> No.5912092


At what point did I claim to be proffering an argument?

>> No.5912094


you know nothing worth mentioning

>> No.5912097

I know science and math.

>> No.5912099


very little
and your asshole stinks too

>> No.5912103

>very little
More than you.

>and your asshole stinks too
I guess YOU must know. Sniffing ass is among your highest intellectual skills.

>> No.5912108
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>> No.5912113


>> No.5912115

That's exactly the reason why we dismiss philosophy.

>> No.5912118



ha ha ha

>> No.5912120

I was talking about the scientific community. Of course you are not part of it.

>> No.5912150

pure math is USELESS

>> No.5912152

Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Kant, Hegel, Berlin, Marx, Smith, Singer, Popper

Please do some reading, little-brains

>> No.5912156

>no argument
>you'll understand when you grow up

Welcome to philosophy.

>> No.5912157

Half of them I never heard about and the others didn't contribute anything to science or math.

>> No.5912158
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>appeal to authority

Is this what philosofags consider an argument?

>> No.5912159


This is the neat thing about kids...you know who they are, you know what they offered to our culture, you know their importance but will not post it because you are too proud and low to concede to others the merits they deserve.

I feel pitty for your self-induced ignorance.

>> No.5912160

You are just mad that you know Im right, you know who they are, and you know you are nothing compared to them and others, such as Newton or Planck or Tesla or Einstein.

The butthurt is delicious

>> No.5912161
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They offered nothing to our culture. They published empty talk nobody wastes their time reading except for philosophy majors.

>> No.5912165

I don't know who they are. I honestly never heard of Berlin or Singer.

>> No.5912166

>Go to philosophy class.
>"Today we are going to discuss Schitzgenbauer's theory of reality"
>"Schitzgenbauer believes reality was not real and that there was no way to know that it was not real"
>"This is contrasted to Dumpfstaffel's view that reality is not real but one can know (in the sense of not knowing) that reality is not real due to our subjective relationship with the nonexistent reality inside of brains."
>Ask how do we know who is right?
>"There's no way to know."

>> No.5912167
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>> No.5912170

I have this discussion all the time with the spoiled kids of /sci/. I have no issues with you being a self-induced ignorant, but just keep it to yourself. It is completely laughable and even pitiful that you post things such as "They offered nothing to our culture" or "They published empty talk nobody wastes their time reading". It is literally a google search away to find which areas they influenced. Again, I know you know its true, and you are just an edgy contrarian cocky faggot trying to ascertain the superiority of science to philosophy. Which is ok, you may think that, there are reasons to think that, but that does not entitle you to post idiotic and factually wrong shit.

You dont know who Marx, Adam Smith, Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Hegel, Searle, Wittgenstein, Russel, Kripke are? Singer and Berlin I can give, its not everyday people talk about them and Singer is very young and contemporary, he wont be big in his lifetime.

And yes, philosophy is a shitty major in 99% of the universities.

>> No.5912171
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>> No.5912173

Show me one problem philosophy solved. There is none. Philosophy only makes up more nonsensical and utterly irrelevant problems but unlike science it never solves anything.

>> No.5912175


>> No.5912177

wtf why is everyone hating on philo. It might not be useful in the sciences nowadays, but I think it has cultural/historical and general intellectual significance. Reading philosophical works won't directly help you make the next technological advance, but it helps give an intellectual "well-roundedness" and it's just plain fun to read and discuss those ideas sometimes.

>> No.5912178

I feel like we've kind of run out things to philosophize about. Just like how art has evolved to become more abstract as we have run out of inspiration from reality.

>> No.5912179

I will post two of my favorites:

Popper and the scientific method.

Wittgenstein and the limits of natural language and logic.

Also, pedantic kiddo, this thread was never about problems solved, it was about influence to western culture.
And yes, I agree there is a lot of philosophy that creates more problems than solutions, just like there more experiments that show nothing (usless, the bulk) than those that do in fact reinforce theories.

>> No.5912184

This is because you do not know about philosophy and get your impressions from /sci/ nerds and your mediocre physics teacher.

Ethics and politics (lets include Laws as a sub-domain) thrive today because of the circumstances we live in. Bioethics is a new born sub topic, Walzer and Rawls published some of the best theory of rights books in our history, and Utilitarianism is taking over traditional Kantian deonthology. Only in Ethics (which is my area) there is a shitton of stuff to do and publish. Think Hanna Arendt and Heidegger and their impact on technology and why NASA is not being funded, why the US forces the disarming of other countries, why the EC is disintegrating, etc.

>> No.5912185

>general intellectual significance

Yeah right, because "u cannot know nuthin" is such a deep and intellectual statement that we need to read books with thousands of pages discussing it.

>> No.5912183

>/sci/ politics and philosophy shitposting
we have these boards for a reason.

>> No.5912187


>> No.5912190

>Popper and the scientific method.
Irrelevant because science works irregardless of what philosophers say about it.

>Wittgenstein and the limits of natural language and logic.
How does that solve any problems? The philosophy of language is just the "define define" game of a 4 year old ad infinitum.

>> No.5912193

Well it's not only about 'we cannot know nuthin' (epistemology), it's about things like the subject matter and foundations of mathematics, ethics/aesthetics, significance of life etc. I'm not saying its more or less valuable than your studies on chemistry/physics/engineering/medicine etc. I'm just saying that it is not completely worthless and has a place in society and just might be worth your time!

>> No.5912194
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