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5908165 No.5908165 [Reply] [Original]

Please explain to me how fucked we are if/when the Yellowstone caldera erupts.

>> No.5908170

the problem is that the sheet where yellowstone is located is HUGE! When it explodes, the smoke and ashes will cover the entire planet for at least a thousand years.

>> No.5908179

how likely is that

>> No.5908187

The volcano erupts in a cycle of every 600,000 years. The last eruption was more than 640,000 years ago, and if you never went there, let's say that the place is very active until now.

>> No.5908191

if that's true why does no one care

>> No.5908201

There's nothing we can do to avoid that, and it can happen today, tomorrow or in hundreds or thousands of years from now. Imagine if we were all worried about 9/11 years before it happened: seemed so unbelievable before...

>> No.5908202

Not OP, but I would guess because there is not a damn thing we could do about it. Also, the likelihood of an eruption inside of 100 hundred years is minimal.

>> No.5908204


probably because people don't like to plan ahead, and there isn't much to do in preparation I suppose

>> No.5908212

>world wrecked when volcano erupts
>volcano eruption imminent
>no one cares
>because there's nothing we can do anyway

sure feels good

>> No.5908234
File: 72 KB, 300x268, yellowstmap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The midwest will be covered in ash and the world will have no air travel for a few months. There's little sulfur in the caldera so global cooling is unlikely to occur. Everyone outside of the middle USA should be fine.

>> No.5908236

Is there anyway to predict how powerful the blast would be in terms of megatons TNT?

>> No.5908246

>live in denver

Well shit.

>> No.5908266

I wouldn't be surprised if there's some work out there that shows that certain chemicals, etc. bond really well to some of the ash compounds. Then it's planes, and planes, and lots of dead people prior to patents.

>> No.5908272

Remembering 9/11 again: people had no idea that breathing all that concrete powder would bring them silicosis.

>> No.5908285

>You will never detonate a nuclear weapon inside yellowstone

I wonder if that's on China or Russia's list?

>> No.5908294

I highly doubt that even the largest nuclear bomb would make one bit of difference.

>> No.5908325
File: 1.09 MB, 2592x1944, 8.-_Miner's_lung_with_silicosis_and_tuberculosis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


jesus christ how horrifying

and I remember there being something about animals from the last detonation developing silicosis even when they were over 500 miles from the eruption

>> No.5908339

Would it be possible to drill into yellowstone to help alleviate the pressure, ensuring it wont violently erupt?

>> No.5908352

Probably in 100 years we'll be able to but not now. There's only a 1 in 10,000 chance of it erupting in our lifetimes anyway. Wouldn't it suck if Yellowstone snuffed out humanity a few decades before we were able to prevent it?

>> No.5908370

I figured, would think people would be nervous current drilling tech would disturb it or cause it to erupt.

>> No.5908414

these conflict

>ash for a few months
>ash for a thousand years

>ash covers planet
>ash covers NA

which is it?

>> No.5908420


heavy ashfall in the United States, with millions of tons in the upper atmosphere blocking out light and lowering the planet's average temperature

>> No.5908428
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Anyone know of a way how we could release some of the pressure to postpone the erruption?

Like if we bore down multiple lines into the magma chamber to allow some of the magma to come out. Would that work? Or could it speed up the inevitable?

>> No.5908468

A yellowstone eruption isn't believed by scientists to be as "game over" as it was once thought.
They thought that there would be global cooling because of the historical "year without a summer" in 1815 after an eruption in Indonesia, but it turns out the cool summer of that year was actually due to weather patterns around iceland unrelated to the volcano.

>> No.5908488

chill bro, my geology teacher at Mines says we're fine.

>> No.5908510


Ah. wikipedia says volcanoes also increase temperatures by keeping heat in as well as out. But I would presume crops around the world would take a hit from sunlight deficiency

>> No.5908538

You gotta go with the flow, man.

Relax, and don't worry.

>> No.5908542

Smarter people than anyone here have screamed "FUCK NO! DON'T TOUCH IT, IDIOT!" at politicians and reporters when they ask something similar.

>> No.5908549

I'll be living in Colorado. Should I be worried?

>> No.5908565

No, everybody will die.

>> No.5908566

Be happy. You'll die quickly, everyone else will die slowly.

>> No.5908860

Talking the Yellowstone caldera means talking global matters. No place on earth will be spared from the outcome.

>> No.5908863


lol what

do you even know what you're saying

>> No.5908877

I thought this doomsday, conspiracy theory, bullshit was reserved for >>>/x/

>> No.5908894








>> No.5908898

Where's the conspiracy? We're talking about a fucking volcano you dolt, there are no reptilian overlords or whatever involved in that.

>> No.5908902

Except that it's geology, faggot.

>> No.5910463

How would you compare a terrorist attack to a massive geological explosion that wipes out half of america. Sir, you may just be an idiot. Let me explain; sand niggers were apparent trained pilots who flew into a pair of towers in a first world state full of horrified individuals. I doubt anybody outside of the city even cared that much. I sure as fuck didn't. Because war has been going on for thousands of years. Believe it or not, I was expecting it, very highly. There was bound to be a dent in the system one way or another. At least compare it to the dinosaurs and the big comet that aparently wiped them out.
inb4:back to /x/ XD sooo edgy. I'm on sci, not make autistic comparisons

>> No.5910472

But what if we nuke the volcano?

>> No.5910491

We need to invade the upper mantle; fight them down there so we dont have to fight them up here.
There is evidence provided by senior mantle informants that it can deploy a volcanic device to the US mainland in less than 45 minutes and despite sanctions refuses to allow UN inspectors access.