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5907303 No.5907303 [Reply] [Original]

My dad is a super butthurt conservitard. He wants me to go to college so I can pursue my career of theoretical physics, but castigate and mocks me when he says all people in academia are libtards. I keep trying to defend science by saying politics usually doesn't interact with it too much and they're go by just what is rational and right. Based on what I heard I thought this to be true. Butt I come to you /sci/, is science really at the mercy of politics in academia explicitly?

>> No.5907310

Yes, and of politics of science too.

>> No.5907313

From my experience its true. Once a person gets tenure they get entitled as fuck and lose touch with reality.

>> No.5907317

This depends of where you are in the world. But usually if party x doesn't want to fund science and party y wants to then science enthusiasts are more likely to be in favour of party y.

This is not unique to science academia.

>> No.5907316

>murrica can't even separate science from politics

I'm so glad we don't have these problems in Europe.

>> No.5907324

Tell him academia isn't lib it's ivory tower
I mean being an objective rationalist is pretty must a must do for sciences
If that doesn't work point out how many republicans went to uni
if still don't work tell him just because academics are lib doesn't men you have to be
if still don't work tell him to STFU
hope it goes well

>> No.5907335


most US colleges are very liberal. With that being the case, there's politics and rhetoric that shows up that reflects these views. On top of that, any STEM degree has a lot of politics in it. (competition for jobs,grades,research, etc.)

you can't get away from it, but you don't have to let it get to you

>> No.5907375
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Sure, academia is full of liberals. Why the hell does it matter?

>is science really at the mercy of politics
What research gets funded is a political decision. Politics doesn't affect the results of science unless you're doing it very wrong.

>> No.5907384

scientific research is at the mercy of politics when hunting for research money

>> No.5907391


Unfortunately, it is.

>> No.5907401

There are very few "conservative" scientists - they're generally liberal or apolitical. However, national politics doesn't really affect you except in specific circumstances (e.g., you study stem cells or work for NASA). Why would it?

>> No.5907447

It really depends what you mean by "libtards".
Almost all (in the measure theoretic sense) academics think that young earth creationism is nonsense. Most of them believe that global warming is caused by humans (not exclusively, of course - they don't deny the effect of volcanoes and such). They are mostly accepting of foreigners and support socialism (but not communism). After all, a lot of great scientists either suffered under Nazis and fled to America (and are thus immigrants), or suffered under the CCCP (and thus hate communism). Few will be pot smoking hippies who hate nuclear power, but will probably be accepting of those who are.
Just send your father a link to The Refernce Frame. Lubosh Motl will set him straight.

>> No.5907504
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>Lubosh Motl
How does a choleric string prophet with a useless political agenda improve the situation?