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File: 23 KB, 948x948, mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5902236 No.5902236 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys I've seen it talked about on other board but people seem to think we can Terra form Mars and set up there, is it possible?
Also could we Terra form any other planets in our solar system

>> No.5902243


>> No.5902253

There are a lot of problems to overcome and it would probably take thousands of years, but yeah, eventually we probably could. It's not something that anyone is actually working on at the moment, though.

>> No.5902254
File: 107 KB, 231x311, 1367365053889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we could make atmosphere that would last for millions of years
we could drop a couple of comets to get more water there
we could not make mars safe to walk in T-shirt
Mars doesn't have a magnetic field
most living things including humans don't like space radiation

you will have to wait and maybe sometime in the future our technology will be so OP, we could make mars hospitable to life, but if we ever get that far, living on planets would be a fucking waste anyway

>> No.5902257

Well how would you make a magnetic field?

>> No.5902260

put insane clowns inside

>> No.5902267
File: 25 KB, 729x451, magnets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5902271


1) Run a bunch of loops of superconducting wire around the entire equator.

2) Send a lot of current through the wires.

3) Profit!

>> No.5902275

Well then why is this guy >>5902254
saying it's impossible or not worth it, if we not how to do this why aren't we doing it?

>> No.5902276

Giant magnets on the north/south poles of mars. Cover them with dirt or something to make mountains. Make it a federal offense to go near those mountains. Conduct creepy government funded experiments on mountains with hobos as test subjects. Strongly deny these projects exist. Call anyone who doubts you an antisemite/conspiracy theorist. Stop funding projects due to no viable results. Buildings decay and release a secret magnet-monster. Nuke the luscious-green habitable mars, destroying all life there, making look like original mars. Destroys magnets in the process Deny anything happened, call it a horrible nuclear accident. Wait a long time. Ask "Why don't we live on mars?"
"Because radiation."
>Well how would you make a magnetic field?

>> No.5902285

No way, right?

>> No.5902312

Come back guys I feel like we can have a good discussion!

>> No.5902317

You want to talk about colonizing Mars as if man ever actually really landed on the moon?

Everyone knows that the moon landing was faked in a soundstage on Mars.

>> No.5902321

>the moon landing was faked
>on Mars
Haven't heard that part before.

>> No.5902325

What is there to discuss?
already summed it up.

>> No.5902348

This is spectacularly dumb.

It's mostly the atmosphere, not the Earth's magnetic field, that protects us from space radiation (the magnetic field actually funnels radiation down into areas near the poles, hence the northern lights -- charged particles don't get very far in the atmosphere, they mostly just make sparkles).

The protection of Earth's magnetic field is mostly relevant for astronauts in low Earth orbit.

>> No.5902358

The worst thing is electrical shit wont work for a few days every time the sun decides to send anything more than a fart at mars.

>> No.5902368

That's not true either. You'd just have to build your electrical stuff to a slightly higher standard.

>> No.5902416


The magnetic field of the Earth is responsible for deflecting charged particles/solar wind from the Earth. If these particles were not stopped, they would eventually strip off most of Earth's atmosphere.

Terraforming Mars could probably be done over a long period of time. But without a magnetic field (or at least a sufficiently strong one) charged particles from the Sun would eventually just rip off the atmosphere that took so much work to build up over time. So I'm not sure that terraforming Mars would actually be worth the tremendous expenditure of effort.

>> No.5902428

>If these particles were not stopped, they would eventually strip off most of Earth's atmosphere.
Over hundreds of thousands of years.

>> No.5903673

>plans on colonizing planets
>havent colonized the moon yet

>> No.5903685

It's impossible! Accept that!

>> No.5903756

>saying it's impossible or not worth it, if we not how to do this why aren't we doing it?

Assume it is entirely possible, with current technology --
do you know any country willing to bear the expense?

We cannot generate enough interest in sending a single manned exploration -- why would you imagine interest in terraforming, which would be thousands of times more expensive?
Remember, this should have to take hundreds of years -- no one now would benefit, politically or economically, from starting today.

>> No.5903759

>Terraforming Mars could probably be done over a long period of time. But without a magnetic field (or at least a sufficiently strong one) charged particles from the Sun would eventually just rip off the atmosphere that took so much work to build up over time. So I'm not sure that terraforming Mars would actually be worth the tremendous expenditure of effort.

For some reason, you are assuming that the terraforming process would stop, and not replenish the atmosphere lost.
Why stop?
As long as something replenishes the atmosphere, the fact that some is being lost is unimportant.
And, if we can build it up in the first place, the same plan likely can keep it heavy enough.

>> No.5903764

Correct; it is not true.
Atmosphere is protective, also, and as Mars is farther from Sun, this isn't as serious as it seems from our experiences.

>> No.5903770

^_^ I was looking at this article recently about specific magnetic currents that act essentially like wormholes for the propagation of sun particles. Basically they hitch a ride on the magnetic loop between the sun nodes and the earth nodes.

It's possible that we could propagate a certain percentage of the rays, and inverse the process artificially, by getting a specific magnetic field modulator/anchor in a location outside of the mars system and then "link" up to redirect some of the rays. Create a deflector grid, essentially.

>> No.5903787

Story Time:
When my Grandmother was a little girl her mother took her to the store where the newspaper's headlines said two bicycle mechanics from Ohio (the Wright brothers) had achieved powered flight. She overheard most of the grown-ups saying it was a hoax and saying that even if it was real it was a pointless,dangerous and meaningless event.

That was the beginning of airplanes; an event that was deemed "impossible" by scientists upto the day it happened.

>> No.5903804

Once the noosphere is created, we could terraform mars by just aiming a laser at it and burning living information into its surface.

>> No.5904130

>It's impossible!
Nonsense, terraforming Mars is easy, although time-consuming. Terraforming Venus would be a great deal more difficult, and the other planets may be impossible.

>> No.5906002

what most people forget is the biological problems (not including radiation and suffocation)
we could develop disorders from extended contact with a significantly lower gravitational body and our flesh and bone would decay over time.

>> No.5906020

Wouldn't that just cause a planetwide version of "the zone"?

>> No.5907873
File: 526 KB, 1024x768, TerraformNeptune-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5907878


How would one go about funneling out hundreds of thousands of cubic kilometers of gas?

>> No.5907885

Make a giant fan to blow it off

>> No.5907898

That many gas can only mean one thing: there's a lot of cows there, meaning plenty of food for a long colonization!

>> No.5907909

>Billions of miles from the Sun
>Ever habitable

Yeah okay.