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5898757 No.5898757 [Reply] [Original]

Why are the smartest people so beta?

>> No.5898762

Dominant people always seem simpler than submissive people, because the submissives are all paying close attention to the dominants, while the dominants are paying attention to the things that keep them in charge.

>> No.5898763
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why is Tesla beta?

>> No.5898777


Great answer.



>> No.5898780


What does that mean?
What does that even mean?
Seriously, what do they embody as values?

>> No.5898783

>implying Tesla was smarter than Edison
>implying alpha and beta can be meaningfully applied to humans

>> No.5898808

>>implying alpha and beta can be meaningfully applied to humans

Also Tesla had lots of women attention (good looking, excentric, hypomanic, inaccessible) but just ignored them. That doesn't make him beta, that makes him asexual, schizo or gay.

>> No.5898811
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You want to know why?

Because "Alphas" seek social success while betas follow pursuits of the mind.

>> No.5898816

it means leader
it means confident

basically the opposite of alpha
a little pussy bitch who wimps out and is a massive faggot

>> No.5898887
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But people who use the alpha/beta system and hence categorise themselves as alpha are massive faggots and therefore beta.

It's utterly moronic, and you should be shot for even contemplating such a shitty system.

>> No.5898910

Because smart alphas are not called smart. "Smart" doesn't get you elected. "Smart" doesn't get you billions of profits without a smudge to your name. Why allow yourself to be called smart if that's a label for high-functioning betas?

>> No.5898953

Finally someone gets it. You're never going to be "alpha" if you have a mindset of following someone else's ideals.

>> No.5898974



>> No.5898975

Because skill is a zero-sum game. If you're good at something, that means you can't be good at something else. Devoting the time and energy to be good at some things means there is less resources to devote to being good at other things.

The necessary effort to be good at, say, electrical engineering is effort that has not been spent on being good at fucking people over. Thus, someone who has spent all his effort into learning how to fuck people over will always be better at fucking over people who are good at physics, mathematics, or anything else.

The only real power is the power to do harm, because if you have power to do anything else, someone who is better than you at doing harm can take it away from you.

>> No.5899028

Einstein was a hound dog.


>> No.5899034

>Because skill is a zero-sum game.

No it's not.

>> No.5899037

because our brains developed to be larger due to increased social interaction and reliance.

thus we have large brains to deal with complex social interaction - not to do fucking quantum mechanics mathematics.

thus women are fucking turned on by people who are smooth socially - because they aer able to obtain high SES and manipulate or beat others in the climb to the top. a good mathematiican dries vaginas faster than the mojave desert

>> No.5899048

are you a retard? yes it is.

>> No.5899052


No it's not.

>> No.5899059

no its not you fuck. some people are good at EE, and are just naturally good at tooling people in politics because they have an innate understanding of human nature

>> No.5899063


Zero sum means improving one thing hurts something else the same amount. If I practice the guitar vs. doing nothing, that doesn't hurt some other skill. And in fact it has synergy with various other skills.

>> No.5899064

Allow me to break your back, so you can't use your legs anymore?
Is there a skill that you suddenly learned?

>> No.5899076

crying all the time?

>> No.5899911

No, he was an H. sapiens.

>> No.5900075

You're making excuses for being incompetent.
Because you must be better at those natural geniuses at other stuff, right?

>> No.5900675


>> No.5900681

They're beta because they're so focused on the work that doesn't know how to make money, explore a girl to marriage and control a bunch of other betas.

>> No.5900686


You're quoting Urban Dictionary and expecting to be taken seriously?

>> No.5900716

>a massive celebrity of his time
>probably could have gotten any pussy he wanted
>didn't want to because that would take time away from doing the things he truly loved

>> No.5901132


moar liek richfuck and broke
also, newtown was a sham compared to huygens, who should have 10x the credible fame

>> No.5901888

He also loved pigeons.

>> No.5901922

the smartest people . discussion of alphas and betas in the 21 century.
ive heard many funny things. and these are all funny things.\
ill tell you one thing. the smartest people run the world and will continue to do so

>> No.5901928

Well, everyone has his foibles.

>> No.5901946


>not crying

>> No.5901995

your all betas. even your leaders. you want proof? look at how humans communicate.
case closed.

>> No.5901999

>alpha leader
>beta follower

>> No.5902014

>Why are the dumbest people so alpha?

>> No.5902042

Intelligence is inversely propotional to happiness.

>> No.5902057

This is what happens when STEM dorks try to do business with soft-skills people. To make it in entertainment takes incredible people skills.


To be fair they donated a bunch of it to USC.


>> No.5902065

I'm happy Monster got its ass kicked. They are pretty close to fraud in what they sell, and they sue anyone who uses the word monster on anything, like they own the lanmguage

>> No.5903552

Edison was a dick who wanted power and control. Edison was eternally butthurt over Tesla's ability, while Tesla didn't care at all what people around him were doing. Tesla was a genius who genuinely wanted to help the world through his inventions.

needless to say, they both got what they wanted

>> No.5903574

And Tesla wasn't necessarily smarter, he just liked complaining like a little bitch more and therefore got more sympathy from Redditors and hipsters

>> No.5903674

>not Schrödinger master race
He had two women and a lot of lovers

>> No.5903680

>implying crunching numbers for a suggested topic is a feat of great intelligence

>> No.5903684

>implying that everyone who has money is butthurt about someone can fix his bed while he's fucking someone's wife.

>> No.5903694

>Matrix mechanics
>Wave equation (Schrödinger equation)
>What is life?

>> No.5903701


>> No.5903702

>implying alpha and beta can be meaningfully applied to humans

The FBI thinks so. Why can't it, exactly? There are CLEAR differences between alpha (dominant/insensitive) males and beta (submissive/emotional) males.

>> No.5903705
File: 92 KB, 600x900, Gamgams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As per this commonly posted on /fit/ and other boards not following ideals is considered gamma

>> No.5903713

>implying he wasn't
All the jewgolds went to his main backer, JP Morgan

>> No.5903716
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>hurr put a lambda over here, divide all five sides sides by rho, substitute the phi..

ya it was a lot of work, but not really a feat of genious. somebody had to do it.

>> No.5903719


so what is a submissive insensitive person

>> No.5903722

The why he did got a Nobel and the Max Plank medal?

>> No.5903727

Everything else is just an omega, though you're hard pressed to find a mix up of those personality types.

>> No.5903730


ok you got me there. in retrospect nothing is a feat of marvelous intellect. neither the wheel nor relativity. every icon of science is replaceable. people that actually take up the challenge are commended with medals and awards and shit. he worked something useful, he got the prize. big deal.

>> No.5903735

It might not be of marvellous intelect today, but back then it was, noone had done what he did until he did it

Yeah, if he didn't existed or died or something someone else would had done it later, but still, he was the first to do it

>> No.5903749


I treat people like tools, I generally make the decisions that will be implemented, but I like to cite other people as being responsible, or putting them into the position of being in charge even if that means slightly less material gain to me because I don't want to deal with the responsibility of anything, and keep the stress of a deadline off my own shoulders. If I don't feel like it, it'll be them sweating and scrambling to fix everything.

>> No.5903859

Nobel and Plank is about relationships, not about real accomplishments.
I'm impressed that you really take prizes seriously. It's all about lobby, you should know better.

>> No.5904033

>Nobel and Plank is about relationships, not about real accomplishments.
They are about hard work and focus.

>> No.5904041

tesla regretted living his life as a virgin

>> No.5904101

Yes. Yet to meet a woman who is turned on by calculus.

>> No.5904107


I've yet to meet a woman who turned off by the money people who've mastered calculus make.

>> No.5904134

whores don't count.

>> No.5904337

> 300k minimum
> any job I want

>> No.5904344

>Yes. Yet to meet a woman who is turned on by calculus.

Plenty of women are turned on by smart guys. Calculus is high school math, and so that doesn't really have any bearing on this.

>> No.5906251

What about EK?

>> No.5908573

What job do you want?

>> No.5908618

lel. Any retard can "master" calculus, it's a high school subject. Mastery of calculus doesn't really correlate with money made

>> No.5908632


If a person spends 8 hours a day studying math he cannot spend another 8 playing guitar.

This is what he was trying to convey moron.

>> No.5908635


Would explain all those mathematicians engineers and physicists making probably the best money in the world on wall street.

>> No.5908641

I stopped paying attention to the words and trying to categorize myself and asked myself

"Is this a trick...?" Then I noticed that "beta" is colored red and is listed in vague terms. That's when I started nodding my head. Almost everyone who reads this will think themselves Beta or Gamma.

>> No.5908659


The chart is fucking stupid.

All of the alpha/beta shit is fucking stupid.

People have their reasons for behaving the way they do.

>> No.5908836

so does Mike Tyson.

also a beta.

>> No.5908842

Better question.
Why do you believe whining betas when they're butthurt and complaining that they're the smartest in the world and everybody is conspiring against them?
>Tesla when asked about Edison
>Edison when asked about Tesla

>> No.5908871

only betas use the term 'alpha' and 'beta' male

>> No.5909134

is it weird that I have a crush on a guy at school whose a math major and tutor? I think he's really smart =) but at the same time he's really chill and confident so idk lol

>> No.5909622

>tfw no space compass

>> No.5909629

Is it just me or did this whole Tesla vs. Edison thing only become popular after Assassins Creed 2?

>> No.5910163
File: 355 KB, 540x3494, 20101130[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5910187

Speaking of beta guys, help ;_;

>> No.5910400

I will explain how it works exactly, just one time, so open your fuckin hears.

There are people who have a lot of potential.
Some of this people are beta as fuck, no social skills, etc etc All the potential goes to waste cause depression, anxiety and not being able to work with other people and do great things.

Other people have potential and they also can socialize, and those people became genius or really smart contributors.

And then there are people who have a really shitty potential but, by being able to interact with other people, contribute too on some degree.

Moral of the story: if you are an anti-social faggot you die alone and all the good you could have done dies with you.

And fuck truthsaurus, he should call himself edgysaurus.

>> No.5910429

For all the primates about half the total brain mass is dedicated to social functions; interpreting communication, (verbal and otherwise) empathy (you cannot live in/work as a group without understanding each others needs/feelings).
My speculation: the total capacity to calculate does not vary as much in humans as the distribution of that computing power.

Like it or not some salesman with a pretty wife and a silly action-adventure movie script under consideration probably has more overall information processing capacity than a dual physics & math PHD whose mother still makes his lunch.

>> No.5910453
File: 100 KB, 555x475, 1373226619543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking that it only got big after a game.

>> No.5911508

Naively, it's a perfectly feasible explanation. Words and concepts are popularized by popular media. This is what commercials are for.

>> No.5911530

ITT: People who convince themselves they are better than a certain type of other people because of an underlying superiority complex.

>> No.5911545

That post wasn't about outdated wolfpack hierarchy models. It started in post >>5909629

>> No.5911548

I forgot to delete the quote after bringing up the QR box since it vanished for some reason.

Never mind I'm actually enabling permanent QR now.

>> No.5912828

There are many games.

>> No.5913063

>This is what he was trying to convey moron.
No, he wasn't.

He did not argue that people have to choose what to invest time in, but that there is only a fixed amount of ability that you can spread among a variety of skills - to explain why there were no smart "alpha" guys.
Refer to >>5898975.

>> No.5914826

How many?