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File: 83 KB, 725x445, rome_2ee189_298401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5894610 No.5894610[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on racism?

>> No.5894611

funfact: the inhabitants of the british isles lived in huts that looked quite like those until the romans came.

>> No.5894619
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If giving them an entire country didn't work, I don't know why anyone thinks aid money will help.

>> No.5894615
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>> No.5894620

If your greatest accomplishment is the color of your skin, is it really something you should brag about?

Now, CULTURES are where the shit flies.

>> No.5894626

It's only going to get worse when somatic gene engineering goes publicly available. Imagine the glorious fascism.

>> No.5894627
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Johannesburg, South Africa

>> No.5894631
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Monrovia, Liberia

>> No.5894633

>that picture

It's hard enough having a /pol/-free conversation about race without the OP shitting it up from the get go. Sage all replies and hide thread.

>> No.5894636
File: 19 KB, 225x255, Addis-ababa-ethiopia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

>> No.5894635

looks pretty shitty to me m8

>> No.5894640

>Created by white people

>> No.5894643
File: 133 KB, 308x400, 2012-10-17-aristotle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Greek historian Lucian (125?-90) wrote that the Ethiopians (name for all black people), "Being in all else wiser than other men," invented astrology and taught it to the Egyptians.1 Aristotle (398-332BC) believed that, "The races that live in Europe are full of courage and passion but somewhat lacking in skill and brain power. Those who are too black are cowards, like for instance, the Egyptians and Ethiopians. But those who are excessively white are also cowards. The complexion of courage is between the two." Aristotle believed, liked many Greeks and Romans, that they lived in the perfect, "mid-position geographically," between the intelligent, yet cowardly dark skinned southerners, and brave, yet dull pale-skinned northerners.

Vitruvius Polio (1st century BC) in his book, On Architecture, wrote the following passage about the different innate attributes of people:
"Now while the southern peoples are of acute intelligence and infinite resource, they give way when courage is demanded because their strength is drained away by the sun; but those who are born in colder regions by their fearless courage are better equipped for the clash of arms, yet by their slowness of mind they rush on without reflection, and through lack of tactics are balked of their purpose. Italy presents good qualities which are tempered by admixture from either side both north and south, and are consequently unsurpassed. And so, by its policy, it curbs the courage of the northern barbarians; by its strength, the imaginative south. Thus the divine mind has allotted to the Roman state an excellent and temperate region in order to rule the world."

>> No.5894642
File: 1.09 MB, 590x790, Pyongyang_montage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pyongyang, North Korea

>> No.5894645
File: 28 KB, 450x356, Detroit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Detroit, USA

>> No.5894648

Racism should be no'ed.

>> No.5894650

Many Arabs in the Middle Ages believed they were superior mentally to all people--they showed contempt for lighter and darker skinned people--although they seemingly held blacks in higher esteem than whites. The Muslim scholar Sa'id al-Andalusi wrote: "They (whites) lack keenness of understanding and clarity of intelligence, and are overcome by ignorance and dullness, lack of discernment, and stupidity."

>> No.5894653

Other Arab/Indian/Iranian writers Ibn Battuta:
"Of the neighbors of the Bujja, Maqdisi had heard that "there is no marriage among them; the child does not know his father, and they eat people -- but God knows best. As for the Zanj, they are people of black color, flat noses, kinky hair, and little understanding or intelligence."

the more things change the more they stay the same

>> No.5894654
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>> No.5894657

I always imagined Africa to be a bit bigger

>> No.5894658
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>> No.5894660
File: 283 KB, 1024x768, hiroshima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiroshima, Japan

>> No.5894662

Could you explain what this means, and why it would do what you claim it'll do? I'm not a biofag, so sorry for the newbish question.

>> No.5894669

japan fails to understand that diversity is an advantage.

imagine where they would be if they were as diverse as the russian empire, austria-hungary and the ottoman empire.

>> No.5894667
File: 150 KB, 990x597, y13_16865145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

City of Shibam, Yemen.

Buildings from 5 to 11 stories high, all built before Columbus had even touched America.

>> No.5894675

It doesn't really mean anything. Somatic = pertaining to the body (i.e not the germline). So he could be talking about remodelling somatic genes (presumably with the intention of altering physical appearance). Hence you could take an Ethiopian and give them white skin and more Caucasian facial features.

But this is a long way off. In 15 years time we could probably reliably produce "white" black people but that would be superficial skin colour alterations. We are much further off doing anything more subtle.

tl;dr - that guy is a popsci pol tard

>source: i have a genetics degree

>> No.5894676

Both pre and post colonist Nigeria has always been one of if not the best black african nations.

It has good trade routes and farming. It is one one the few african nations that had an actual golden age. It hosted one of the largest man made structures in the world. It has arable land comparable to most of europe. And it's listed as the next 11 big economies of the 21st century.

Though it's got some corruption issues though.

>> No.5894679

Low hanging fruit. There's no reason to advance your culture when a sharp stick will get you all the food you want. Same thing happened to the Plains Indians, the Polynesians, and the Australian Aborigines who all never advanced out of the stone age.

>> No.5894687
File: 83 KB, 450x600, hn10.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nagasaki, Japan
> Oops. Wrong photo.

>> No.5894688

The picture is misleading. You have taken the best of the Roman empire, and the worst of Africa, and made an unfair comparison.
Some parts of Africa are very well off. A lot of the Roman empire were poor farmers. It is not all Colosseum and intricate architecture.

And my thoughts on racism are that it is foolish to judge somebody negatively on something that is not their choice.
You should only judge them after you know the person.

>> No.5894692
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"Defective" can be used in the eugenics context.

>> No.5894694

>source: i have a genetics degree
Then a question for you, good sir: how far away are we from tweaking things like strength, endurance, speed, reflexes, etc. Is the Army doing research on this? I'd expect to be huge money and grants involved in this sort of thing.

Basically, when will we have something like the FEV from the Fallout games?

>> No.5894697
File: 215 KB, 1096x449, pyra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr I can cherrypick too

>> No.5894700
File: 37 KB, 360x433, 7437327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mouse on the left = skinny fat you
>cock diesel mouse on the right = you after gene therapy

>> No.5894701

So... science will be able to make my modest 6'' cock grow to 10''?


>> No.5894705

i was referring to the massively increased amount of muscle tissue of the mouse on the right.

>> No.5894706

>Is the Army doing research on this
Probably, not in the hollywood "kidnap convicts and inject them with stuff" way. Transgenic mice, everywhere.

e.g http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8548060

>when will we have something like the FEV from the Fallout games
In a long time. Genetic engineering has come on leaps and bounds. But we can't even use (postnatal) gene therapy to cure something like CF yet. That is where the money is going. Engineering superhumans is relatively low on the priority list of 99% of researchers.

Also, the idea of FEV is laughable. They wouldn't mutate and get new arms, they'd all just get cancer and die. Unless it was incredibly well targeted and they were infected as embryos (basically rendering the virus part pointless).

Interestingly though, we can use viruses to infect people and give them new DNA. In principle, this is not that different from what FEV is but is drastically different on a pragmatic level.


>> No.5894708
File: 84 KB, 697x409, 11 - Nigger Brains Are Primative.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5894714

No. That mouse presumably just got some gonadotrophin(/regulatory element) and is now overproducing GH. It will be buff but will either require continual treatments (increasing likelihood of insertional mutagenesis) or will be poorly regulated and get something like acromegaly or pituitary cancer.

These things are cool for headlines but are in the early early stages yet.

Also there is no "cock growing gene" that could be activated later in life (that we know of. yet...)

>> No.5894715


>russian empire
failed, fractured into smaller states along ethno/linguistic bounds
>austria hungary
failed, fractured into smaller states along ethno/linguistic bounds
>ottoman empire
failed, fractured into smaller states along ethno/linguistic bounds

i c wot u did m8

>> No.5894716

>implying the Ancient Egyptians were black

>> No.5894717

couldn't they just grow cocks in a lab and do transplants?

>> No.5894721

>i was referring to the massively increased amount of muscle tissue of the mouse on the right.
Muscle tissue is good as well, I'll take what I can get.

>tfw no 10'' super-cock

>Also, the idea of FEV is laughable. They wouldn't mutate and get new arms, they'd all just get cancer and die.
No no, the FEV doesn't give you new arms. I'm just replaying the old Fallout games, which is why I brought it up. The FEV just kickstarts another 'puberty', making the subject grow, put on muscle mass, bone density, and gives it increased reflexes. An unexpected perk of it was that it also bestowed increased intelligence, but I can see that being sci-fi and much more difficult to do than the simply bone+muscle growth.

>Engineering superhumans is relatively low on the priority list of 99% of researchers.
I'm actually thinking of going into genetic engineering just for this. I have such a hard-on for augmentation. The body is a machine, theoretically, it should be possible to tweak the blueprints. We ought to do our best to enhance humanity, no? Imagine being able to run for hours, or lift hundreds of pounds... even thinking about it makes me drool.

Also, how's your degree working out for you? Did you have a problem getting a job? What's the pay like? And what was the most interesting and far-out project you ever worked on?

>> No.5894723

Bigger is not always better.
If you are too long, and you push hard against the cervix, it will result in pain for both of you.

Girth is more important than length, it is just that length is easier to measure, and things are usually in proportion.

>> No.5894730

>Imagine being able to run for hours, or lift hundreds of pounds... even thinking about it makes me drool.

It's called exercise bro, try it

>> No.5894741 [DELETED] 

Show source.

>> No.5894743

I've been rowing since I was 11. I participated in every major European regatta, and I have boxes full of medals and other assorted crap. As far as physical shape is concerned, I'm probably in the top .5% of the population. You think your jogging and three-day split is 'exercise'? Son, try getting up at 5 AM in freezing weather to go for a run before school. Then, on the same day after school's done, pulling 2km test-runs on an erg. The lactic acid buildup alone would be enough to make the majority of 'men' curl up like little girls and cry. And yeah, before going to bed, there's 90min of weighlifting to be done. Now do all that for 8 years straight.

Hit me up when your 'exercise regime' tops that.

But despite all that training, I'm pretty sure I'll never lift 1200lbs. like any average gorilla can, hence my fascination with genetics and its potential.

>> No.5894750


A) that's a troll image
B) the source is listed

>> No.5894751

>public school
boaties are the worst

>> No.5894762

Is it even worth pointing out that the collapse of Detroit was the fault of the auto industry, which is run by old white men?

>> No.5894760


i did 10 push ups last night fk u lets fight

>> No.5894774

Actually, I went to a private gymnasium school. My academic record is peerless. But between studying and training, I can honestly say I basically had no life. Never got drunk, or smoked, or did drugs, or partied. The only benefits of this kind of lifestyle were public recognition and girls. Too bad I never had much time for the latter.

He started it. I was just expressing my interest in genetic augmentation.

>> No.5894784

I also have a good academic record and also a life

>> No.5894787

Racism is the ideology of choice for those who feel utterly worthless.

>> No.5894790
File: 126 KB, 232x247, you_wanna_go.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wanna go?
I'm right here.
What do you wanna do?

>> No.5894794


I am white, and I am racist. Although I respect most Asians I wouldn't marry or have kids with them.

Most other races are completely inferior.

>> No.5894796

Good for you, and glad to hear it.

Btw, I'm from Eastern Europe, not the UK.

I've sacrificed everything for a chance at the Olympics, but it just didn't pan out. Which is why I'd like to get my ass into academia now that my sports career is pretty much finished. And genetics sounds like a very interesting field.

Maybe if I apply myself and work hard enough, I'll get that 4000lbs. squat one day.

A man can dream, right?

>> No.5894802
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Just be individualist.
You will start hating much more people then you would with any kind of racism.

>> No.5894803


No, it is for those who are enlightened. The Nazis for example were racist. They were top of the line when it came to science, engineering, military and other things. They only collapsed because of Hitlers sub par military decisions. If it were not for the Nazis the USA wouldn't have gotten to the moon. I highly doubt all Nazis felt utterly worthless.

>> No.5894808
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Picture related though

>> No.5894809

Glorifying Nazis... What are you, 15?


>> No.5894813


Actually, 21 and in uni. Chemistry major.

>> No.5894815
File: 13 KB, 400x267, aztecs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America 500 years ago.

>> No.5894816


>> No.5894818



>> No.5894817


mah nigga

>> No.5894821


Cheers, my enlightened friend.

>> No.5894823

Then you're probably smart enough to realize how much of a failed ideology Nazism was. Not the eugenics or the technocratic aspects of it, but the selective and idiotic practices of wholesale extermination dictated by those who were, in most cases, themselves 'inferior' when measured by their own metric.

>> No.5894824
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>> No.5894844


Nazism isn't my political ideology anyway. But if Hitler hadn't attacked Russia and lost the war. I am sure you would be speaking German right now. Or perhaps you wouldn't even be alive. Either way, just because you disagree with the Nazi ideology doesn't disregard their amazing advancements in academic fields. They invented the very first computer for instance (Konrad Zuse), one of them helped found NASA and get the USA to the moon, etc.

Don't let your political ideology or race ( if you are not white) make you biased towards an empire that was objectively amazing and very advanced.

>> No.5894848

point is you have a distorted view of Africa while conveniently forgetting about shitholes run by white people, for example rural russia and nebraska