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5893139 No.5893139 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw brilliant math/physics students eventually go into economics/finance

It's always sad to see promising minds sell their souls.

>> No.5893171
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>hey what are you planning to do after uni? Research?
>"Oh no. Management consulting"


>> No.5893177

Obviously not that brilliant.

>> No.5893193

Still better than teaching in high school.

>> No.5893198

There isn't enough work on maths/physics to keep all the "promising minds" employed with decent jobs.
Not everybody wants to be a professor

>> No.5893207


>Reid Barton and Gabriel Carroll are not that brilliant

Come on bro...

>> No.5893208


To be honest, I'd rather see the brilliant math/physics students go into finance than the frat boys you usually see. At least then the people so much richer than me will not be much dumber than me.

>> No.5893215

What? To see people turn away from academia is the best thing there is, it means there's less competition for you. It's pretty fantastic, imo.

And what >>5893208 said.

>> No.5893286

academic burnout is a bitch

>> No.5893426

>Preferring the advance of one's self than the whole body of knowledge we currently have
dat egotism

>> No.5893431

I don't know how you came to the conclusion that it's egotism. Most people in the sciences don't make advances in technology anyway. There is absolutely nothing wrong with going into econ/finance. The thing you picture in your head are sociopathic investors and bankers, which is what the retarded average joe thinks of.

>> No.5893447

even smart people get tired of being broke.

>> No.5893505


Reid Barton
>four time International Mathematics Olympiad gold medalist
>two time International Informatics Olympiad gold medalist
>four time Putnam Fellow
>Morgan Prize winner
>graduated from MIT with a 5.0 GPA
>dropped out of graduate school at Harvard after 5-6 years to work in hedge funds @ Renaissance Technologies

Gabriel Carroll
>2 time International Mathematics Olympiad Gold Medals, 1 time silver medalist
>4 time Putnam Fellow(once in high school)
>3rd place in the Intel Science Talent Search
>Summa Cum Laude graduate from Harvard
in Mathematics & Linguistics
>randomly goes to China to teach English(yellow fever perhaps?)
>comes back, does Economics Ph.D. at MIT

Jesus, what caused such ridiculous intellects to go to the darkside?

>> No.5893512

Because research isn't exactly a solid job and no one wants to be a high school teacher.

>> No.5893542

Management consulting? explain pls.

>> No.5893560
File: 25 KB, 288x354, hilbert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuck cares about a solid job
you have to into the universe
your inner mind child is calling
>sever your dependence upon finite physics and let yourself fall into the infinitude of reality
>total harmony with life
>find peace and die happy


>> No.5893995


>who the fuck cares about a solid job

Apparently, all lot of these econfags who've invaded /sci/

>> No.5894003

How's it going in mom's basement?

>> No.5894006

Is there a statistic for that? Number of physics/maths graduates going into finance vs their grades?

>> No.5894023

They aren't faggots like you.

>> No.5894064

I doubt most jobs give enough freedom for teachers to teach good kids.
Instead of doing things the hard way, why not get rich and fit in, in order to bring order, the physicist way.

>> No.5894074

What is smarter:

Staying in academia, struggling through life.
Going into finance, being able to support your family and offer them and yourself a life of luxury.

>> No.5894102

yeah and guys like eric weinstein are still solving modern physic's biggest problem
in his spare time.

>> No.5894529


>Putnam fellow ends up teaching high school

U wot m8?

>> No.5894698


What part of money is the root of all evil did you not understand?

>> No.5894704


Not to mention the politics that comes with living a life in academia.

Oh, you did original research that breaks ground in a particular area? Sorry, the flavor of the month is something else, your hard work went unnoticed, while in the meantime pop-scientists become short-lived media darlings.

>> No.5894737
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>mfw I'm a network news producer that gets to decide which of you is the next media darling

>> No.5894739

I intend to do something similar, but I´m not really brilliant and I wouldn´t contribute anything to science, I´m not a loss.

>> No.5894763

Looks like this was a jopardy question:
Who is Tjalling Koopmans?

>> No.5894792


a good position at a shit job

>> No.5894805

Why do you people assume that just because people are brilliant they would automatically desire to dedicate their lives to science? Perhaps they would rather make tons of money and keep climbing the social ladder. Perhaps all they care about is to retire early. Perhaps they happen to be in a real need for money. Or perhaps they like economics/finance better than science. But no. They are clearly depressed or burned out, right? You guys need to learn a thing or two about people.

Besides, academia is really off putting even for those who like science. You rarely have the liberty to choose what you want to focus your efforts on, you often have to slave for other people and if you are at all successful you can't reap much of the finical gain assuming your research is applicable to the real world at all. Not to mention the tons of bureaucracy involved.

>> No.5894807

>not wanting to be like Elon Musk so that you can finance real science on your own


>> No.5894812



top lel

>> No.5894905

I'd rather they go into econ than work for the NSA, but still...

>> No.5895261

Because it's what science needs and deserves

>> No.5895274

>not supporting the NSA

>> No.5895277

How is going into finance selling your soul? Physics was pretty cool 100 years ago, now finance is the new vogue area for mathematicians. Not only is the mathematics more interesting, the pay is much better. What about this is a bad thing?

>> No.5895323

If the retardation of this board is any indication of the current stage of science, then no, it's not what science deserve.

>> No.5895375

This is so true. In my Uni you have both the economics-finance program and the business-finance program. In economics we're all ok guys, not much faggots if you ask me. We often go in the bloomberg room and see all these business-finance brodudes yelling and being hungover while browsing stocks. I swear all they do is drink, plan when they're gonna drink and work while being hungover.

>> No.5895377

this is the dream

>> No.5895380

> supporting the NSA

>> No.5895382

In the case where I would become extravagantly rich, I'd open a research institute and basically pay scientists to pursue research in whatever they wanted.

>> No.5895412
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>tfw I thought of the same idea were I a billionaire

Sucks to be normalfags I guess. Honestly, I'd just toss money at the bastards with heaps of green, all I want in return is research, pure and simple research. Theoretical or Applied.

> you'll never be a rich industrialist toiling day and night in your own vision of Monticello, toiling away on new projects and research

>> No.5895421

you need to read derman my life as a quant to understand the sorry pathetic life of a physics phd. also these guys always wind up working for the private school liberal arts major with the ivy mba.

>> No.5895457


>stuffing laptop batteries into a car

You call that science?

>> No.5895476


I am hoping that I will at least be able to fund some robotics and / or genetics research some time in the far future...

>> No.5895508

Or they become strippers/hookers what with a phd in g-string theory

>> No.5895561

>thinking econ is about money
Sure is undergrad in here

>> No.5895600


Probably because competition math is fucking stupid and nothing like research. Competition matheletes make better engineers than researchers; the kind of creativity required is too different.

>> No.5895601


>> No.5895608

>sell their soul
Austrian economics is THEE red pill.
Holy shit after you read up on it you realize how fascist every government is.

>> No.5896427

Could you be more specific? I'd like to read up on that.

>> No.5896441

Got my masters in Physics a couple of weeks back.

Start work as an actuary in September.

>> No.5896466

I've always wondered how to do that. Did you do any preparatory work for becoming an actuary? Did you have connections there or something?

>> No.5896482

Also interested to know that.

>> No.5896486


Nah, the graduate schemes take any numerate degree and train you over a couple of years.

>> No.5896490

stay mad.

>> No.5896509

You sir are a moron. All you need for actuarial math is a basic probability course. Most schools only offer one semester of actuarial math. You could learn that on your own over the summer.

>> No.5896517


Nah dude, you're the moran. Just too hostile harbor any wisdom.

>> No.5897320


you're both right lol jk i love you <3