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5887022 No.5887022 [Reply] [Original]

Why do guys like lesbians so much? Wouldn't it be an evolutionary disadvantage to be attracted to something you can't ejaculate into?

>> No.5887023

It's almost certainly cultural. Same reason why not every culture values breasts as an attractive characteristic in women. Does that answer your question?

>> No.5887030

i hate lesbians more than anything else living on earth

i was led on by one for a year and a half before she got a gf and said fu

>> No.5887045

obvious spandrel is obvious

>> No.5887051

it's cuz if you can make the unattainable yours you have achieved something 100% percent of others cannot.

>> No.5887057

poeple dont like lesbians, people like lesbian porn because there are no dicks from strangers involved

>> No.5887071

Guy here.

I don't like lesbians. I don't like girls who pretend to be lesbians. I don't like lesbian "culture". I don't like watching lesbians. I don't like hearing about lesbians. I don't like realising someone in the group is lesbians.

I don't like lesbians.

I'm under the strong impression that the only people who do like lesbians have never actually met real lesbians (butch dykes, unshaven armpits, lol2seci4u lipsticks and feminists) and been exposed to their barrel of shit, and by met I mean have spent more than an hour in their vicinity. It's enough to make anyone hate lesbians, but I'll settle for dislike. They're frequently unattractive people (both physically and socially) with few redeeming qualities and many dissonances.

>Why do guys like lesbians so much?
I wholly suspect it's something caused by the media, which attracts two types of people empathetic to "lesbian activism": Lesbians themselves and people influenced by social activism and political correctness (cultural Marxism). It's likely there have been enough media representations of lolhawt lesbians to create a sentiment in the minds of easily impressionable men (read: teenage boys). My advice to anyone reading this is to remind themselves that fiction is not real life, and you're in for a shock when you meet real lesbians.

>> No.5887087

In my experience, lesbians seem to be more normal. Lesbian girls are usually cooler and easier to hang out with than their straight counterparts.
For some reason, most women think guys are hitting on them all the time, even when it's simply not true. They act weird and aren't as socially normal. Lesbians at least have some interests similar to guys (such as vaginas) so are more easy to relate to and hang out with.
At least that's my understanding of the social side of it, as far as romanticism and attraction go, I have no idea why guys are turned on by it. I would feel very uncomfortable if my girlfriend fooled around with another girl.

>> No.5887093

> not every culture values breasts as an attractive characteristic in women


>> No.5887096

[Straight] Guys typically like lesbians because of the porn aspect.

>Wouldn't it be an evolutionary disadvantage to be attracted to something you can't ejaculate into?
>you can't ejaculate into?
Ever heard of rape?

>> No.5887100

>For some reason, most women think guys are hitting on them all the time, even when it's simply not true.
Just you faggot.

Protip: just treat them like one of the boys; don't compliment them too much, don't seek their approval, don't care what they're thinking about and try to touch them only as frequently as you would one of the boys.

>Lesbians at least have some interests similar to guys
lol no they don't. Cars and sports "offend" them, because they're "manly" or "masculine" interests. In fact, any sort of manliness or masculinity offends them, to the point actual lesbians just won't talk to men. They're lesbians, not men born with vaginas. There's a difference.

>> No.5887115

the reality of lesbians are they are just like girls and will use you in any and every way they can and also soak up all the attention you give them without repaying you in any way

>> No.5887137

Having one woman means that you can spread your genes.

If there's two women together, and you can get them both, you spread your genes twice as far.

It's like a package deal! That's why you get those kooky religious cults that have one dude with 50 wives.

>> No.5887144

>says the guy who's never met a lesbian irl

>> No.5887149

>i don't have a real counter so I'm just going to insult the guy and hope nobody catches on

>> No.5887156

>can't ejaculate into
oho, I beg to differ. Ever hear of a thing called rape?

1) If homosexuality was genetic then it would have died off evolutionarily speaking

2) It's probably not genetic, so then there is no evolutionary disadvantage to mating with a lesbian.

So evolution never had a reason to make people distinguish between homo- hetero-sexuality when they are horny.

Logically sure it makes sense. But evolutionarily no, if you're straight and it's female you'll fuck it if you can.

>> No.5887158

>knows the guy is true so counters with ad hominem and hopes nobody catches on

>> No.5887206

this thread has cancer.

>> No.5887231

>stumbles upon thread and sees two retards slapping faces

>normal day on /sci/

>> No.5887278

Why do guys masturbate? Isn't it an evolutionary disadvantage to something you can't ejaculate into?

>> No.5887295

Its a regressive gene, so it can lay dormant for generations

>> No.5887449
File: 167 KB, 492x434, NanoFate /d/icking is justice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's 2 women acting arousingly, the whole "wont let you have sex too" part doesn't register.

OTOH actual lesbian porn is usually a let down since it's little more than foreplay (unless it's good kind of /d/ where they take turns growing penises)

>> No.5887456

>If homosexuality was genetic then it would have died off evolutionarily speaking
utterly wrong

>> No.5887460

why do i like lesbian ass licking so much. the anus is not a reproductive organ?

>> No.5887462

> being this monogamous
Confirmed for beta male.

Why would you not be turned on when the women of your harem practice their sexual skills?

>> No.5887464

>If homosexuality was genetic then it would have died off evolutionarily speaking

Sorry, I don't think that's correct.
Say there is a "wants the dick" and a "wants the cooter" gene on the X chromosome, but the "wants the cooter" gene is off by default. The Y chromosome has a "lock" for the "wants the D" gene, and a "key" for the "wants the V". Say, by random mutation, the pair X chromosome accidentally has the "wants the D" inhibited, while the "wants the V" is open. Or the a mutation on the Y nullifies its lock and key, leading to the expressions of the "wants the D" instead.

>> No.5887525

Men like bisexual women, not lesbian. The evolutionary advantage is you can make both pregnant and they won't expend energy on rivalry like hetero women leaving more for your offspring.

>> No.5887533

Homosex in men is correlated with higher fertility in their female siblings, which carry part of the homo's genes. The mechanism involved is not yet understood.

>> No.5887600

true, there are tons of African tribes that do not value breasts as attractive. Same thing with ass, pussy, and, surprisingly, body weight. There are tribes that gauge the value of a woman on how fat she is

>> No.5887602

Until one of your sons accidentally fucks his cousin 30 years later and suddenly there's 2 kids with Tay-Sachs disease

>> No.5887642

The dangers of incest are overblown

>> No.5888340
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>pic related

>> No.5889662
File: 58 KB, 469x663, 1365309160325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firstly, most human behaviours are not the result of one gene, but an interaction of a number of genes and the environment.

The evolutionary explanation for something like homosexuality can be explained as a maladaptive trait caused by a mutation (and an environmental interaction). This mutation, however, did not express itself as homosexuality all the time and perhaps did not inhibit a homosexual from reproducing with a female (most homosexuals have had sexual experiences with a female before).

Also, the higher prevalence of homosexuals today may be because there biological natural selection, selecting against homosexuals (IVF etc)... And also because of cultural acceptance.

Does anyone else agree? I'm just assuming this is the explanation...

>> No.5889683
File: 457 KB, 390x293, deal with it kid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sister, I can ejaculate into anything.

>> No.5889698

you can't ejaculate into

That sounds like a challenge to me!

>> No.5889740

Yes but they're savages, who cares what they think, value, or believe?

>> No.5889755

Are you american ?

>> No.5889762

>Wouldn't it be an evolutionary disadvantage

Not every single behavior is determined by evolutionary advantage.

>> No.5889770

Why do guys like 4chan so much? Wouldn't it be an evolutionary disadvantage to be attracted to 4chan culture?

>> No.5889798

We're not beasts OP. Just because you agree with the Theory of Evolution doesn't mean you follow it like some religion. I agree that fish flap abut when they're taken out of water, doesn't mean I spend my day flapping about and gasping for air.

>> No.5889813

>Wouldn't it be an evolutionary disadvantage to be attracted to something you can't ejaculate into?
>implying lesbians overpower men

>> No.5889831

The Lesbians thing is an invention of the Jewish porn industry in the West. We're talking about "lipstick Lesbians", not *real* Lesbians,who are basically ugly dykes who hate men. The popularized Lesbian is one of the many pornographic products that Beta males have been sold in order to make shekels off their status as lifelong masturbators. More and more men are being rejected by women in the West, in favor of Alpha males and Negroes (who are almost all Alpha males), supported by huge government welfare and popularized media (dominated by Jews).

>> No.5889856

Is her top blue or turquoise?

>> No.5889884


It probably more to do with the fact that, like most organisms, Humans will fuck anything if left alone. Sex feels good, so we do it. Its only social inhibitors that stop us. There is no gene saying "don't be gay", or if there is, its epigenetic.

>> No.5889918 [DELETED] 

while I agree with the size idea(actually during th renaissance and people who were large were attractive) but not the breast thing..yes there is a culture where women walk around openly without a shirt but I fail to see how that means breasts aren't an attractive feature..first of all it shows that the it's a high chance that person is a woman...

>> No.5889921

while I agree with the size idea(actually during th renaissance and people who were large were attractive) but not the breast thing..yes there is a culture where women walk around openly without a shirt but I fail to see how that means breasts aren't an attractive feature..first of all it shows that the it's a high chance that person is a woman so...

>> No.5889923

this. People really need to understand evolution more before they ask questions like OP

>> No.5890105


10/10 would lol again

>> No.5890109

>Wouldn't it be an evolutionary disadvantage to be attracted to something you can't ejaculate into?
You can ejaculate into lesbians what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.5890134

Because you're seeing the intercourse of two horny females and there's no other male around that can rip your ass, so it's safer to rape a pair of lesbians than trying to steal a girl from some other gorilla faggot.

>> No.5890293
File: 92 KB, 560x700, two_of_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Four boobs bouncing is better than two.

Beyond that, I think it's worth pointing out that googles data of millions of people sugges men get horny seeing dick.


I'm personally not into actively into seeing lesbian sex - I like to have the girl get properly fucked.

>> No.5890309


The Lesbians thing is an invention of the Reptilian alien porn industry in the West. We're talking about "lipstick Lesbians", not *real* Lesbians,who are basically ugly dykes who hate men. The popularized Lesbian is one of the many pornographic products that Beta males have been sold in order to make shekels off their status as lifelong masturbators. More and more men are being rejected by women in the West, in favor of Alpha males and Negroes (who are almost all Alpha males), supported by huge government welfare and popularized media (dominated by Reptilians).

you are that insane

>> No.5890350

>being this autistic

not in the real world

>> No.5890419

this. lol

>> No.5890469


Truth hurts, eh anon? The fact remains: The Lesbians of popular culture are wholly unlike those in real life. Real life has dykes. Very mannish women. And the lipstick sort is what's used to sell porn. You can quibble about who made the porn, but you can't deny the cultural effect. It's all theater.

In other news, where'd the artwork from the OP's pic come from? Looks like a good artist. 1000 Internets to the man who tells me the artist. (Don't bother using tineye; I already tried that. Work for your Internets, sockfuckers!)

>> No.5890655

>something you can't ejaculate into?

lesbians don't have vagina, more news at 11

>> No.5890658


I know a lot of lesbians.
Disney is not 'run by jews'.

You are that insane.

>> No.5890665

>can't ejaculate into
wrong. Ever hear of sperm donation?

>> No.5890671

I think lots of guys probably have a subconscious fantasy that basically consists of showing lesbian woman what sex with a *real* man is, and then it turns out they were just lesbian because they'd never experienced any straight sex that good and stuff.

I mean, I know a similar fetish but involving straight men in common in the gay community, so it doesn't seem too off-the-wall of a theory.

Hell, lesbianism is barely considered existant in porn, for example. Check out threesome videos, most of these will be labeled as "straight" if it's two women and a man, even if the women actually do some things together. Meanwhile, any video with two guys and a woman will get labeled as "bisexual" because, well, it is. But still, I don't think anyone really realizes that lesbianism isn't just something women do because they are horny/want to impress a man.

>> No.5890677
File: 15 KB, 500x318, 1365001032824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think lots of guys probably have a subconscious fantasy that basically consists of showing lesbian woman what sex with a *real* man is, and then it turns out they were just lesbian because they'd never experienced any straight sex that good and stuff.

There are places in this when this is not a subconcious fantasy, but the cultural tradition

In South African, tribes engage in "corrective rape" agaisnt lesbians, were a whole small tribe gangrapes a lesbian one after another so she learns to love dick

>> No.5891690

I will agree with him to a bit. Lesbians are total bitched most of the time..gay men are much more chill. And really is that really in insult to be american? geez..

>> No.5891691

such are cultures run by savages.

>> No.5891699

I have a lesbian friend.
if you stop trying to sexualize your lesbian then there's no problem.

>> No.5891701

>marketed conspiracy
couldn't be that much of a stretch could it i guess
after all, it might even be a pavlovian response to what early inevitably lesbian porn we had jacked off to

fantasy association, sexualerotic arousal, physical pleasure = bob's your uncle

>> No.5891706

But there are lipstick lesbians irl.
What about Ellen's wife? Is she not a lipstick?

>> No.5891708

If you don't sexualize them, they're just neckbeards.

Is that what every woman who loves women really wants?

>> No.5891719
File: 7 KB, 251x244, 1305403099342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only.

>> No.5891724

>not *real* Lesbians,who are basically ugly dykes who hate men.

PROTIP, retard: that's just a pop culture stereotype which is no more real than bimbo "porn lesbians"

>> No.5892256

By that logic, being a lesbian is also an evolutionary disadvantage.

And for the records, the girl you want to fuck being a lesbian started being an evolutionary disadvantage not so long ago.

If you're stronger than a girl and the law/society/your moral don't stop you from fucking her, her sexual orientation isn't an evolutionary disadvangage to you.

>> No.5892262

>Why do guys like lesbians so much?
I don't. Why would I?

I think it is disgusting, to be honest.

>> No.5892291


Why would you think you can speak for all guys, against all evidence to the contrary?

>> No.5892293

guys don't like lesbians, they like the idea of lesbians


>> No.5892298

They did not try to 'speak for all guys'
They were only giving their own opinion.

>> No.5892305

Not so.
An attractive woman does not magically become less attractive just because you are now aware of her true sexuality.

So guys do like lesbians, it is just that the fact that they are a lesbian is not a contributing factor to the fact that they are liked.

>> No.5892310

leabians = threesome
C'mon, do you really believe that a woman will reject my muscles?

>> No.5892315

No it does not. That would only be possible if they are bisexual. And even then, they may not be into you.

And not all women go for muscly men.

>> No.5892316
File: 33 KB, 480x480, 1371528772213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


guys who have never met a lesbian talk about lesbians

>> No.5892317

>guys don't like lesbians, they like bi girls
Ask any guy his biggest fantasy about lesbians :
>My GF ask me if she can invite her lesbian friend for a night of fucking!
>I enter some room/wtv, see 2 lesbians licking each others, they ask me to join them

>> No.5892327


humans have transcended biology. we are not that simple.

>> No.5892338
File: 5 KB, 264x191, AAH-HAHAHAHAHAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.5892336

>They did not try to 'speak for all guys'

Sure he did.
Question: Why do guys like lesbians?
Answer: I don't, hurr durr.

>> No.5892346

One can not 'transcend biology'. That does not make any sense.

But nobody can speak for all guys, can they?
All a guy can do is post his own opinion.
At least if they all do that, we get some form of consensus on the issue.

>> No.5892349


i met one 'pretty' lesbian (really thin and short) with a super jewish nose (my fetish)

she was the most superficial and evil person i've ever met. simply because she used every person she came across and manipulated guys as a hobby

>> No.5892352

>But nobody can speak for all guys, can they?

To a certain extent, yes. Given the popularity of girl-girl porn, it can be taken as a given that MANY guys are "into" lesbians. So one guy saying "but I'm not hurr durr" is just asinine.

>> No.5892355

This whole thread is incredibly stupid and you should all feel bad about yourselves.

>> No.5892360

>It is dumb to express a minority opinion
Well, minority on 4chan, in any case...

>> No.5892364

Lesbian porn is based on a ridiculous homophobia: You don't see a male penis in lesbian porn, so you definitely won't be aroused by watching a male genitalia.

>> No.5893183

Because it's pure love

>> No.5893234

tfw sister is lesbian

>> No.5893238

Feel more bad that I am right now without saying a word? Be glad that I'm not doing anything yet.

>> No.5893248

you sound like a faggot

>> No.5893258

obviously everything that guy said is true

the only people who say otherwise watch lesbian porn and haven't met a real life lesbian

>> No.5893285

I like you

>> No.5893300

Do you have any recommended reading?

>> No.5893313

I'm not attracted to lesbians. It's a turn off. Even in porn I tend to change the video to a guy boning a chick instead of a chick and chick .... What is it lesbians do again?

Penetration == boners

>> No.5893316

honestly the only time i liked lesbian porn was with strap-ons or dildos

>> No.5893323 [DELETED] 

are you gay or something?