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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5883577 No.5883577[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Conspiracy theory thread.

Prompt or debunk.

There's a reason they call it a theory, there is evidence to support a hypothesis.

Here's mine

100% true:
>aliens visiting earth and are in contact with the US government (I just don't understand how people don't believe, there's so much edivence and its very logical)
>9/11 was an inside job
>there is a cure for cancer but special interest companies get the FDA to sue anyone who doesn't use radiation
>central banks and the people behind them are enslaving the world via debt and the reason they want a world government( which actually isn't a bad idea) is because it's easier to control

>HARRP deliberately causing earthquakes, storms etc..
I believe that we are capable of that technology but it takes scientists and technicians to runs it and I don't think they could convince that many people to commit mass genocid
>lizard people
>there's an afterlife

>> No.5883578


a scientific theory isn't good enough just because it matches what we observe, it also has to be consistent with everything else that it explains.

your conspiracy theories do neither

>> No.5883579

not even remotely science

>> No.5883580

all nonesense

>> No.5883581

Haloperidol, 5mg in the morning and 10 in the evening.

>> No.5883582
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>> No.5883586


>> No.5883587

Aliens: Countless declassified government documents, sightings, government officials coming out, videos, documentaries, 2 presidents coming out, sheriff announces a crashed saucer with bodies in it in 1947 accompanied by more than 40 witnesses

9/11: no it's an inside job right? Beaucse when buildings collapse they fall at the rate of gravity beacuse there's no resistance right? All those people go heard bombs, they were mistaken, just air pockets bro. One of the most structurally sound buildings in the work collapsed beacuse of a fire, it's not like other building which burned down to the steel frame didn't collapse, right?

I'm not even gonna continue if you disagree then please provide evidence instead of pull word out of your ass

>> No.5883602

No one is going to counter agument your bullshit. You're either a brainwashed moron or mentally ill. No one in principle can change your believes as you will always find some new nonsense and in the end accuse everybody that they want to change your mind on purpose as they are with some relation with military, government, aliens etc.
Please take your haldol and leave.

>> No.5883605

Then provide fucking evidence. You people are supposed to be scientists, if you disagree then PROVIDE FUCKING EVIDENCE.

My evidence?
I vouch for 60% of the documentaries on aliens

Watch "9/11 experts agree"( or something like that, don't remember the exact name)

Watch the documentary on the Serbian doctor( don't remember his name maybe bersinski)

Watch "money masters"

>implying documentaries aren't condensed information

>> No.5883610

That not hypocritical at all.

>> No.5883641

There is considerable reputable evidence for 9/11 being an inside job, but none of the sort for aliens landing on Earth.

>> No.5883651
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>There's a reason they call it a theory, there is evidence to support a hypothesis.

>> No.5883657


>9/11 was an inside job

I support a more thorough engineering investigation with all data to be made public.

>there is a cure for cancer but special interest companies get the FDA to sue anyone who doesn't use radiation

Zero evidence.

>central banks and the people behind them are enslaving the world via debt and the reason they want a world government( which actually isn't a bad idea) is because it's easier to control

Assumption of motive

>> No.5883663


>Lizard people

What's wrong with lizard people?

>> No.5883673

Here you go, fuck face:

Note that this is an actual peer-reviewed article, and not some shit documentary. You don't seem to understand that this, being the science board and all, will hold evidence to higher standards than you might be used to. Documentaries are considered information, but they are most definitely not considered evidence in the scientific sense. Anyone can put a video on-line. Not anyone can publish a peer-reviewed paper.

Now then. I think it's your move.

>> No.5883683
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Just please someone provide counter-evidence to my theories. I am willing to accept that try might be bullshit but no one ever provides evidence. I've provided more than enough but you people aren't even willing to look at it.

I came to /sci/ beacuse I thought that you people would be willing to at least argue about it with logic and evidence but all you do it call bullshit without givin it a second thought. Why is it so hard to believe or even consider the possibility.

I'm probably gonna leave 4chan after this thread, I'm sure it will be a much better place without me

Also pic related. Some of the best evidence out there, even the governor came out on video. The best evidence are the the official NASA tapes that show unexplained object that rapidly change direction at 1000s of mph.

>> No.5883692

Wow that actually seems pretty decent, I will read it later. Can you simplify/generalize it for me, I'm not to good with mechanics.

>> No.5883698


That's what it comes down to, doesn't it. You like claiming how steel does or does not behave under pressure, but you don't like studying the structural properties of steel.

You're going to have to let one or the other go.

>> No.5883701

Not a science thread.

Engineer here.

What I truly believe.
>UFO's are human technology (US. Russian, ...)
>There is enough thermonuclear warheads to completely erase civilization
>Commercial airplanes can't bring down a building like the twin towers structure
>HAARP indeed uses the ionosphere to levitate, evaporate, radiate an specific area and an specific level (low level = earthquake; sea level = more clouds)
>Pharmaceutic companies are very dangerous, as the bird flu was a laboratory experiment; yet most cures for fungi, bacteria, virus that damage our bodies are found on nature. In oils, alkaloids, animals.
>After the NSA scandal I am convinced there is no DEMOCRACY anymore. Not in america, asia, europe or anywhere in this world.
>It is mathematical proved no one has "visited" us from outer space.

>> No.5883704

If you don't understand the methods then just read the abstract. It clearly summarizes why demolition is a highly improbably scenario, and all the observed phenomena (seismic records, concrete pulverization and dispersion, acoustics, etc) are best explained by the collapse due to gravity hypothesis.

>> No.5883708

Im just asking you to educate me. The documentary on it is also peer reviewed. It's showed a bunch of engineers, architects and physicists providing scientific evidence. Even main architect who designed the building was in it and he stated that it should have been ale to withstand the jets and fires. Did you watch it.

Also how do you explains the thermite?

>> No.5883713

Holy shit, you don't even know what peer-review is.

>> No.5883716

>mathematically proved

>> No.5883722

Reviewed by people who are experts in the subject which it is. Just watch it.

>> No.5883723


>> No.5883725

That's not proof. Assuming that there is a civilization out there that is more technologically advanced than ours, then is very plausible that they have discovered faster than light travel.

>> No.5883726

The point being 'reviewed'. Peer review doesn't mean that people who are experts just talk about something. It means that people who are experts write something, send it off to an editor who considers it for publication, then sends it off to <span class="math">\underline{\rm anonymous}[/spoiler] experts in the same field who subsequently criticize the shit out of it as much as is possible within reason, then send it back, the original authors go over it again, send it back to the editor, and the cycle continues until the editor decides the original submission is shit, or the current form is free of faults and suitable for publication.

That shit does not happen with a documentary. It doesn't even happen with conference proceedings of actual scientists. Jesus man.

>> No.5883728

>is very plausible that they have discovered faster than light travel.
Not it isn't, considering all the available evidence indicates that FTL is physically impossible.

>> No.5883733


I assume you are not a STEM student. I don't care your ignorance. Already stated this is what I believe. The issue with you folks is that you argue, comment, read, repeat what others said. Any one can mathematically proof it is impossible. Other assumptions belong to more complex paradigms than "pseudo technology", those paradigms are the possible change of the basic laws of energy which implies the end of the era of time. Its like other universe, its maybe this statements a honey pot for philosophers and illogical persons who adds imaginary explanations like you.

Please go back to

>Pro-tip: Learns statistics and probabilities, classical physics, QM. Then come back.

Plebs please stay out.

>> No.5883735

>when buildings collapse they don't fall straight down at the rate of gravity
>there isn't supposed to be any thermite in New York City, but is was discovered in the weakage
>a building like the WTC should be able to withstand an airplane crash, it was designed to
>office fires aren't hot enough to take down a building( explain tower 7, all it had was a fire and no airplanes hit it)
>there were a series of explosions an the air pocket explanation is bullshit

Just watch the documentary.

Why is it so hard to believe. The government took full advantage of the situation, it's just too perfect of a thing to happen.

>> No.5883738

Let this shit die.

>> No.5883739

Buy a water purifier now.
9/11 was dun by alien bankers to give you colon cancer.
Only water from my water purifier is free of the colon cancer radiation.

>> No.5883741


>Why is it so hard to believe

For one, you're positing that a country where a president can't get his dick sucked in private is able to carry out such an act in secrecy.

>> No.5883743

I am a STEM student.

I can also mathematically prove 1=2 that doesn't make it true.

>What are wormholes

>> No.5883744

>Why is it so hard to believe.
That is so hard to believe because of that paper I already posted here, you dumb shit. A peer-reviewed paper, showing clearly and quantitatively the causes for collapse and the source of noise (i.e. 'explosions'). Not a documentary.

>> No.5883746


Every time you write all the engineering and science students laugh at you. Chill out /x/ is more for you than this board.

>> No.5883747

>What are wormholes
Indeed, what are they? I think I have a much better understanding of them than you do, considering the shit your posting here.

>> No.5883751


Metal loses strength the hotter it gets, this has been known since the first smith put metal in fire. OVER 4000 YEARS AGO.

The fire might not have been hot enough to melt steel, but it was hot enough to make it lose most of it's strength.

>> No.5883752


>I can also mathematically prove 1=2 that doesn't make it true.

Assuming you obeyed all established axioms, that's exactly what it would be.

>> No.5883756
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I quit. I'm wrong and you're all right. Good luck with this godforsaken website, I'm leaving.

Don't even watch any of the stuff I posted, you're all so undoubtably right that considering other evidence would be a waste of your precious time.

>> No.5883760


Ok lady, love you, bye bye.

>> No.5883763

You still don't get it, do you? The only scientific evidence posted in here you ignored.

>> No.5883764


Please return your faggotry to /x/ and don't come back.

>> No.5883768

What is so difficult about understand that some evidence is simply more reliable than others? This is my first post in this thread by the way, so I haven't taken a side yet. But you're being really childish about this. Sorry man, but the evidence presented by others is simply better and more reliable than your third party documentaries.

>> No.5883774

Good luck finding the red mercury, my beloved /x/.

>> No.5883783
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One last post, just watch these. Please just do it. If you still think its BS then it only solidifies your knowledge.

Aliens(official NASA footage, even if its not alien the objects are real):


Central banks(even if you disagree wih my other opinions you can't deny they should be shut down)


I'm not going to /x/, it's even more ignorant than you people. I'm leaving 4chan, nothing good ever comes out of this site and the newfags are unbearable.

>> No.5883804

I promise I'll watch those, if you invest the same amount of time in carefully reading, and trying to understand

>more ignorant than you people
Really, we aren't the ones who are ignorant. You simply don't understand what can be considered as credible evidence and what cannot. We don't hold that against you, but what we does aggravate us is when you try to ignore the one thing that you asked for, that is to say, the paper I just posted again.

>> No.5883824

I don't understand therodynamics and mechanics well enough to read it. What I do understand is words which engineers and physics use to explain the event in the documentary.

Maybe the physics of that paper is accurate and describe why the towers feel but it doesn't explain why thermite was found in the weakage. Also I don't think you could use such simple equations to model such a complex collision. You would have to use supercomputer and know the exact dimentions of the plane and towers and the exact location the plane hit.

You obviously disagree about 9/11 but what about the other stuff?

>> No.5883828

>/sci/ acting like close-mindedness is a desirable trait for a successful scientist

If it looks like bullshit, it might actually be chocolate fudge.

You should stick your nose into it just to check.

>> No.5883833
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>hurr durr no "evidence" so let me just shut off my prefrontal cortex

So faggets, ask yourselves. What makes convincing evidence? More importantly, what makes a convincing lack of evidence to eradicate all plausibility *of* actual evidence unseen

>> No.5883839

The main issue is the color of the melting metal. The temperature was higher than any airplane fuel can heat. So yes it was a excuse to invade middle east.

>> No.5883841

Themite wasn't found in the wreckage - aluminum and oxidized iron dust were.

Aluminum would have been common in the wreckage as both the plane and the tower facades were composed of aluminum, as would most of the metal inside the buildings. Oxidized iron is just rust.

Both of these common compounds being found does not indicate the use of thermite.

>> No.5883844
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Good goyim. Question nothing.

>> No.5883847

There's no point in rebutting most of the arguments brought up in this thread. Most were debunked years ago or weren't credible arguments to begin with.

If a guy keeps trying to convince you that the government is secretly run by cats, you don't waste time doing the research necessary to prove him wrong... you just give him a little pat on the head, say "that's nice", and call the guys in the white coats.

>> No.5883850


>> No.5883853


not fucking science, but true

>> No.5883855
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47% of the US population think there was complicity on the part of the US government in 9/11.
12% of the US population actually think at all, if you define it rigidly.
(amazement at this figure)
What do you expect with HAARP turning brains to tapioca.

>> No.5883857

Explains the NASA footage. Just rocks right?

What people like you tend to do is find one bad example(of course there are gonna be fakes) and assume that the rest of the evidence is also false. This isn't math, you can't disprove it all just by one contradiction.

>> No.5883858 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 513x174, Conspiricies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100% true:
>>aliens visiting earth and are in contact with the US government (I just don't understand how people don't believe, there's so much edivence and its very logical)
>>9/11 was an inside job
>>there is a cure for cancer but special interest companies get the FDA to sue anyone who doesn't use radiation
>>central banks and the people behind them are enslaving the world via debt and the reason they want a world government( which actually isn't a bad idea) is because it's easier to control

Fucking imbecile.

Pic related is the only truth.

Aliens dont exist and your fragile sanity has latched on to them as an explanation for why you cant get ahead in life.

You have NO evidence.

>> No.5883859
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>>5883577 (OP)
>100% true:
>>aliens visiting earth and are in contact with the US government (I just don't understand how people don't believe, there's so much edivence and its very logical)

Fucking imbecile.

Pic related is the only truth.

Aliens dont exist and your fragile sanity has latched on to them as an explanation for why you cant get ahead in life.

You have NO evidence.

>> No.5883864


b-but anecdotal evidence???

>> No.5883878
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Its debris in space.

You jackass.

>> No.5883894

Ye because that how gravity works, the earth repels objects in random directions.

>> No.5883898

>no knowing how geostationary orbit works

I guess all those satellites up there are being "repelled" and so is the moon.

You dont know how to science...

>> No.5883905

Are you the OP? Because if so then I have confirmed you honestly don't know what you're talking about. You sound like my friend Nathan who is just hell bent on believing in aliens because of his own social problems.

>> No.5883922


You people didn't even watch the video.

Explain what happens at 7:08. That's not orbit you autistic fuckwads.

>> No.5883947

OP, do you believe in telepathy?

>> No.5883957
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