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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5883449 No.5883449[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have a problem. I am a just out of high school faggot who is deeply interested int 3 fields of study- physics, mathematics, and computers.

I wouldn't be able to get a job doing math, most likely, so I am thinking that since both physics and computer science contain math that I would be content with that.

But how do I decide?

>> No.5883456

bump. /sci/ is always so inactive, it seems

>> No.5883459


>> No.5883462

The answer is D) Become an engineer

>> No.5883479

>not able to get a job doing math

>> No.5883483

Okay. Look, bro, I just don't think that I'm good enough to do math for a living. I like math, but suck at ot horribly.

>> No.5883485

I'm in the same position as OP. Basically, my dream is to either teach astrophysics at a private university or do something programming.

OP, are you looking for something you'll enjoy more or something that will pay more?

>> No.5883486

>But how do I decide?

Ask your parents.

>> No.5883490

Parents want me to do manual labor for life.

>> No.5883494

Then why are you still here? Do it.

>> No.5883502

fair enough. I misinterpreted what you meant as math not being a viable career path as there are too few jobs available in that field.

I suck at math too, friend. khanacademy has become my favorite site

>> No.5883516

Thanks for the advice

Does anyone believe that the big bang theory is causing an influx of young people to consider physics and science careers? It kind of bothers me that people think watching the show somehow makes them good at physics, or that the show even focuses on physics at all. The show is just about a bunch of awkward adults.

>Do you think this causes a problem for those of us whoa re really into physics and stuff? I've liked it even since before BBT existed.

>> No.5883525

Bump for opinions on this.

Suddenly, a million people think science is cool and fun and that they could do it. Aren't they all going to drop out and fail pretty hard?

>> No.5883528

I don't think so. People may get a slight "interest" in physics (i.e. looking up "quark" on wikipedia) but I don't think anyone that watches that show has the ambition or mental capacity to go into anything math related.

>> No.5883531

I'm just glad that science is becoming the mainstream, cool thing to do.

I hated it at first, but the more interest the public has in science, the more funding I will have, and grants are fucking impossible to win as it is right now, so I'll take anything I can get.

>> No.5883532

Valid point. So is it safe to assume that if I do pursue a career in physics, it won't be bombarded with idiots convinced that the show accurately portrays life as a physicist, despite leaving out all the actual physics and shit?

>> No.5883535

first year, regardless of what field you go into, will be bombarded with some idiots.

Everyone not cut out to be a scientist will be out by the end of first year. What you should realize is that there is still a range of people in your field who will be excellent scientists. Some you will hate, some you will like. Some of them will be better physicists than you and will fucking love big bang theory.

>> No.5883537

Right. If you're looking for something enjoyable, I'd go for physics. But if you want to make a real nice living for yourself, go into CS. It just sucks because CS is full of retards that worship Java as a deity.

>> No.5883543
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Pretty sure I'll go with physics. CS has the neckbeard stereotype.

I don't even know what's so great about BBT. My mom watches and loves that trash.

>pic related

>> No.5883546

>it just sucks because CS is full of retards that worship Java as a deity.

Did CS minor, and I can say that at least in my uni, the CS majors were snobby fucks who wouldn't talk to you if you used java.

Do a double major in CS and physics. If you can handle the courseload (I took 5 classes every semester + 3-4 labs, and I never much trouble), you will have infinitely more possibilities. I almost would say do a CS major/ physics minor instead of physics major/CS minor if you could only pick one. CS is extremely in demand regardless of field (this includes physics), while if you don't cut it as a physicist off the bat, you will have an incredible struggle with work.

>> No.5883548

ask a guidance counseler at a local university or local CC (or even your HS one) and ask her to talk about what classes you will take and what you can do with the degree. see what you like the most

>> No.5883551

Already went to a tech school for computer science. IT was nice, but just isn't what I feel like doing for the rest of my life.

>> No.5883552

depends entirely on the uni

my uni is well known for CS and everyone hates java. not taught past the first 2 classes.

>> No.5883554

>tech school
dude, CS is a subset of mathematics. you went to somewhere that taught people how to "PROGRAM" you didn't learn computer science

>> No.5883555

I know. What I was saying was that it wasn't the kind of thing I'd do for life. For fucks sake.

>> No.5883556

Do at least a CS minor. You will regret it otherwise.

I also went to a tech school on an IT track and fucking hated everything about it.

In uni, I did a CS minor, and its a completely different world. I was modeling cellular automata, using genetic algorithms/hill climbing and hidden markov models and creating expert systems as part of an AI course, and it absolutely blew my mind how awesomely applicable CS is. You will need it just about anywhere in physics.

>> No.5883557

and i'm saying you wouldn't know if you simply went to a tech school
but honestly CS jobs are not for everyone, you truly have to enjoy the subject (or the money) to get far in it

>> No.5883558

Another thing you should realize is a lot of physics is CS.

>> No.5883599

I was in a same boat as you are 3 years ago and I went with CS, since I loved math and that was big back then( I was dumb ye).

Worst idea of my life.
CS was uncreative and boring for me.The hole "problem solving" that everybody will talk about comes down to few dumb decitions and it has nothing to do with the cool math problem solving.

Most of the maths that you will study are boring as fuck aswell because they deviate the real world way too much to be fun.

Also the job after that will most likely get you alot of money but it will empty your soul and you will wanna kill yourself when you are 30.

I left CS and this year I'll be doing physics and I'm sure things will be much better there.

( keep in mind that this is just my oppinion and also sorry for my bad grammer, english is not my 1st lang)

>> No.5883608

Makes sense. Thanks for input. What country are you from?

>> No.5883609


>> No.5883612

Nice. Good English, especially if you compare it to the slurred and broken grammar that many young people in America use today.

>> No.5883622

>I wouldn't be able to get a job doing math


>> No.5883625

Read the thread. You'll see an explanation.