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5880833 No.5880833 [Reply] [Original]

ask a medical student anything.

>second year

>> No.5880842

2nd year? You don't know shit that I care about.

>> No.5880849

Do you feel good when you look at the mirror and see what you've made of yourself?

>> No.5880851

What are you planning on specializing in?

>> No.5880852


nope. i always look for mistakes with myself and cry about it.

>> No.5880855



>> No.5880863
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why second best?

>> No.5880865

I'm planning on specializing in neurosurgery too. Any tips for a pre-med?

>> No.5880867


depends. what country?

>> No.5880882

USA, sorry for the long wait, was getting food.

>> No.5880885


ah. what degree are you currently doing for pre-med?

>> No.5880887

Neuroscience and philosophy.

>> No.5880888


well neurosurgery has always been a field I've been interested in.

It is interesting how what we call consciousness is actually mediated by a series of interlinking neurons, not dissimilar to the way the transistors make up a computer.

>> No.5880892


not bad. however to be honest, it takes more than academic marks to get into medicine.

one must also pay attention to extra- curricular activities.

categories include alturism (nursing home, disabled, homeless), medical related (paramedic volunteer, medical call center help) and as much as i hate to admit it, sport, since this demonstrates your ability to lead a team.

needless to say that last one takes a team sport, but it dosent have to be mainstream, since the lesser ones are easier to get to the top of, and are most likely easier.

good news is that its never too late.

>> No.5880898

I'm so fat lol. The American stereotype fits in well here. But I'm Russian too, my mom needs to stop serving her delicious Russian food so much. Anyway. Thanks for the tips. How much do neurosurgeons make in Australia?

>> No.5880901


i assume you americans also have a medical interview.

that to me is the hardest part.

they will pick somebody with mediocre GPA but an outstanding CV and interview, versus the opposite anyday.

to build a CV is basically do the things i listed before, but for the interview, its a whole new ball game.

one tip is to brush up on medical related knowledge, also learn as much as you can with regards to the place you are applying, so it appears that you have done in depth research.

in addition, if you are an absolute tard at being grilled and talking to people in general, it may help to read up on self confidence books, in addition to finer aspects like how to interpret and react to body language, etc.

>> No.5880903


me too.

dont let it be a hinderence. they dont judge superficially. if anything, they like fat people, as you can identify to the fat demographic easier when you are in the wards.

250k+ is what is expected in public practice, more in private.

of course, that is before tax, so the govenment takes a huge chunk as taxations in australia are quite large.

>> No.5880909

what was your degree in?

>> No.5880910

How long until you kill yourself?

>> No.5880913

I am 12 and i would like to become a surgeon blood and gore do not bother me and i have no prob with reproductive organs i am usually very mature about things and i have watched videos of surgery including sex changes but i want to know if i need complex math because i almost failed 5th grade math and this year 6th math i also want to know how much schooling will cost how long i need to be at college how many years of internship and how hard it is to get a job as a surgeon i live im Maryland which has very good medical centers like johns hopkins. (unrelated) i have family in australia my grandmother moved from Italy when she was young about 3 or 4 i believe and grew up in Australia then moved to America as a late teen or early adult

>> No.5880914


australia is straight in from high school, however it is a 6 year course.

probably a few years after i finish specializing.
already diagnosed with depression and anxiety and been put on zoloft.

>> No.5880920

Anything, eh?
What is your real name?

>> No.5880926

What was your high school GPA?

>> No.5880927


Fred Lim.

> i didnt say I'd answer truthfully.

>> No.5880929


i was ranked in the 99.95th percentile in terms of academic grades (you actually needed wayyy lower)

also ranked 99th percentile in UMAT (undergraduate medical admissions test, counts for same percent as my high school marks. heh)