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5871774 No.5871774 [Reply] [Original]

Eloquent guy claims to have found the Unified Grand Theory Equation extrapolated from old texts (mostly Pythagoras) - lunatic or genius?

I don't understand what his discovery actually is:


>> No.5871776

>extrapolated from old texts (mostly Pythagoras)
Im going to go with lunatic, but watching it now since im at work and have nothing to do.

>> No.5871779

his equation for the "theory of everything" is 1/phi^-3

>> No.5871782

only 2 minutes in and already sounds like a lunatic trying to push some kind of spirtual dogma.

>> No.5871785

why not just phi^3?

>> No.5871788

Ignore his spiritualism, wait for the "math" ... around the middle of the video.

Can anyone explain what he's trying to say? What does he claim to have discovered in 2005?

>> No.5871789

why the fuck does he draw the tryangle, erase it, redraw it, repeat the whole time?

>> No.5871792

>we are looking for a unified theory of strong force, weak force, electromagnetism and magnetism.
im prety sure 3 of those are already unified.

>> No.5871795

Autistic symptoms?

>> No.5871796


he repeats himself several times over the video without actually saying anything.

either he doesn't know what he's talking about, what he's talking about is wrong, or both

tl:dr there's nothing to get

>> No.5871797

he's just saying the same thing over and over again "the divided line proves that 1/phi^-3 which can be proven by the divided line which proves 1/phi^-3 which is a simplex equation which is the grand unified theory which is of course is defined by the isosceles triangle with the divided line as basis..."

>> No.5871799


there is no math involved with it. He's talking about ideas about splitting the distance between things that have no spatial separation. The thing is, he doesn't really know what he's talking about, so he doesn't explain it and it makes you feel dumb for not getting something that isn't there

>> No.5871801

What you says makes sense. Thanks.

>> No.5871802

>What the absolute is and what it does cannot be differentiated.
>What the absolute is and what it does cannot be differentiated.
>>What the absolute is and what it does cannot be differentiated.
>earth has 4 corners
>4 simultaneous days in one 24 hour rotation

>> No.5871804

I cant because hes literally insane. literally none of the maths that he did makes sense nor does
it prove anything even remotely related to the GUT. I am honestly questioning whether he
made it out of the second grade with his mathematical knowledge

Honestly sounds like a philosopher just righting shit down on the chalkboard thinking he is
proving something.

It would be best to report this video to the FBI and have this man locked up due to his insanity.

>> No.5871805


>> No.5871806

Also, the guy creates some kind of "Perpetual Motion" contraption:


>> No.5871807

Basically it's a kind of information theory. The particular links he is using in this case aren't at the right position to provide a reductionist system that provides an axiom.

See P vs. NP Set theory. "1" in this case is a declaration of parameters for a Set, and phi is the designation of a series of elements which make up a set that isn't capable of being made.

>> No.5871809


> metaphysician
> what does he prescribe with a title like that?

my fucking sides

>> No.5871812

>perpetual motion
>uses earths magnetic field
>used no external energy except ambient magnetic fields


>> No.5871814


lol this

also how can he divide a line up into piece with a total of phi length. but also have phi as one of the length of the pieces. thats impossible.

he have no clue what he is doing

>> No.5871816

I think you're close to what he really means, but I still don't quite understand. I'm ignorant, I don't know about P vs NP set theory

>> No.5871819


>"it rotates 24 hours a day"

>> No.5871825


too bad perpetual motion doesn't and does mean what he thinks it means

>> No.5871827


bah. he is not close at all

he is NOT talking about information theory. he is talking about Pythagoras and golden ratio math. trust us this is bullshit. he is insane or just making troll videos

>> No.5871844


actually, it is an allusion to information theory, but they didn't know what that was way back then. it's another take on never being able to walk to a wall with half distances

>> No.5871846

Zeno's paradox?

>> No.5871865


explain more . this is bullshit

>> No.5871910

without watching, id put my left testicle on:


>> No.5871911



>> No.5871919


Great find. So this is what he's talking about.

But what is his "great discovery" apropos this?

>> No.5871927


nothing really. apparently, plato talks about the lines being divided in portions and this guy says that the portion happens to be the golden ratio or something like that. and he thinks plato hid a message saying that since all of reality is considered in this line, and since the divisions of the line have this ratio, that means that all of reality is governed by the ratio.

it's not useful for making predictions and the conclusions are pretty out there.

tl:dr nothing of substance

>> No.5871930


yea but that have nothing to do with information theory or P = NP problem

>> No.5871933


not directly, but i could probably make generalizations to argue that the divided line represents the difference between verifiability (reality) and algorithms for solutions (intelligible)

>> No.5871942


are you even listening to yourself. this is idiotic

>> No.5871944


that's what i've been saying the whole time. It's just pseudo-intellectual stuff

>> No.5871947


well its you that is reading into this like a scripture/bible

does he even mention P = NP problem ? he is just repeating the golden ration concept over and over again

>> No.5871966

what an autist

>> No.5871981

The video description is even madder than the video itself.

>> No.5871992

I believe that what you think was "line up into piece with a total of phi length" was actually only showing a ratio of 1:1:Phi for the Pythagorean triangle.

>> No.5871995


no, he clearly shows multiple times in the video that the length of the base of the triangle is phi and also the divided line that plato talks about and also has a value of phi for the first segment

>> No.5872001

You can send him questions about his Theory of Everything to webmaster@kathodos.com

But beware, he may insult you. He's not a very kind person. And he's also a racist.