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5868276 No.5868276[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is the black race subhuman?

>> No.5868282

scientifically speaking, no

>> No.5868295

leave to
Thank you

>> No.5868303

Why is that?


>> No.5868320
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>> No.5868327

pretty much yeah, but they're still people

>tfw segregation wasn't such a bad thing after all

>> No.5868346
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lol yes I must protect ze human race from them

>> No.5868354

I lol'd at this. Who drew these?

>> No.5868359

The way people think of "race" today is extremely outdated, mostly based on speculation during the 1800s.

It's really subjective, like measuring the width and length of a person's nose and proclaiming them to have "Negroid" or "Mongoloid" genes if their nose is too flat and wide, then sending those people away to concentration camps.

>> No.5868365

Now you've done it.
inb4 rednecks like OP dump studies they can't understand

>> No.5868373

No everyone is subhuman.

Only less than 1% the human race actually changes the future for good or bad.Most people are passive crowds unable to get past their cultures programing.

like the people you hate you will never change the future.Stop using "being" white to tie your self to the progression to human species.

>> No.5868388

verskoi sources

>> No.5868391
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>> No.5868405

you mean comprehensively prove >>5868359 wrong and demonstrate that he is the one spouting nonsense that is 100s of years out of date?

>> No.5868413

>modern statistics

>> No.5868415


please troll us

>> No.5868421
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Why don't you state your position and I'll tell you whether it's wrong or not.

>> No.5868431
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Yes, because in comparison to humanity they lack the fundamental foundation of neanderthal DNA admixture. The conventional definition of humanity precludes them.

>> No.5868433

this woman and anyone who acts like her regardless of their race may be if that's what you'd call them.

>> No.5868440
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A modern theory of race has been formulated by the greatest minds of /pol/ having nothing to do with pseudoscience.

>> No.5868455


>> No.5868456


I'm busy. Shove it under the door.

>> No.5868484

>ask for evidence
>Uhh I don't want to pay attention to something that's going to challenge my unsupported world view so I'm just going to run away while attempting to save face


>> No.5868487


Nice persecution complex you got there.
You must be the life of the party.

>> No.5868490

>resorting to petty insults and personal attacks when you've been shown up and your lack of rebuttal has been highlighted

By all means keep going. You're doing a better job of discrediting yourself then I could alone.

>> No.5868491

And /pol/ wonders why everybody hates him.

>> No.5868498
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>> No.5868500

No, no, that's what THEY want you to think! This thread was clearly posted by the JIDF/SRS/NSA as a false flag.

>> No.5868502

She swells and turns into a giant blueberry. What do you do?

>> No.5868508
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Honestly not being racist... but; all logically derived conclusions acquired through rigorous scientific testing indicates they are inferior.

The thing is though, that it doesn't matter. Societal harmony trumps race competition which is why massive steps have been taken to promote integration and persecute racists.

>> No.5868509
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>> No.5868518

>all logically derived conclusions acquired through rigorous scientific testing indicates they are inferior.
If you can post ANY evidence of this that would be great.

>> No.5868525


You sound lonely.

>> No.5868529


and there have been other transracial adoption studies that show the same thing

>> No.5868532
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They have charts floating around that show the genetic separation between different races.

They also have vast databases of culture fair IQ test results for different races in the millions.

No one denies that blacks are often superb at running, especially with some of them having exclusively special muscles in their legs whites don't have.

Why is it hard to believe that races formed in different ways with different abilities in different categories. Whites got greater intelligence.

The average white is probably 20 iq points higher than your average black, especially non americanized ones like west and north afrikans.

>> No.5868540

culture fair IQ test

extra muscles

HOWLS of derisive laughter

>> No.5868539

you're right I'm desperately lonely.

But you still have the problem that you've utterly failed to refute >>5868421 whatsoever or even say what any of your stances are, which unfortunately makes it very clear that you're just making facile remarks because you're unable to participate provide any reubuttal or engage in the argument , but you're hoping nobody will notice if you call me a virgin or whatever.

>> No.5868546
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can't even properly link to the post he is responding to

expecting not to be treated like a retard for the remainder of this thread

>> No.5868547
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Wow. Every single board today.

It's probably a sign for me to go outside and enjoy summer, so I'm not particularly mad.

>> No.5868550

Ahahaha, well the average IQ in my high school class was 130, and the class only had 3 whit students in and 2 asian students, the rest were mixed race or black. To imply that whites have grater intelligence would be to ignore black scientist, mathematicians and influential people

>> No.5868554


Insects that hatch from the same egg have more genetic variation than humans of different ethnicities.

>> No.5868557

Your grammar and syntax speak volumes about your education (or lack thereof). I can't imagine those 130 IQ kids in your class did any better. Kind of makes one wonder just how accurate those tests were. Also, lol @ your 'black scientists'. Peanut butter wasn't exactly an Earth-shattering invention, friend.

2/10, made me respond, you shitty troll

>> No.5868558


4chan is meant to keep the neckbeards inside so they don't bother people in the real world.

>> No.5868563

Then go blanda up with some nignogs. And fuck the rest of the world for adopting this multiculturalism shit. I'm white, I want a country of whites built by whites and for whites. A country that'll keep the useless subhuman apes out and prevent them from shitting up our quality of life. Doesn't mean I hate apes, I just don't want them near me. Same with fleas, maggots, rats, etc.

The nogs have Africa, let 'em rot there 'till Kingdom Come.

>> No.5868566

>they drew special attention to the finding that the average IQ of "socially classified" black children was greater than that of the U.S. white mean

>> No.5868567

George Washington Carver didn't invent peanut butter.

And I disagree, my toast would be so shitty without it.

>> No.5868569

I really hope that your fraternal twin parents made you impotent.

>> No.5868570

I don't think you understand what "average" means. No one is talking about the high or low end of the spectrum here.

Besides, for each such example that you cite, you can't know the full genetic history of the person. Is it someone with some non-black ancestry? Is the success in their field dependent on intelligence? (hint: many scientific advances are made not through extraordinary intelligence but rather unyielding perseverance, unless you're talking about a purely theoretic field)

>> No.5868574

Our genes make us what we are. It stands to reason that, since we have different mental and physical characteristics, we're not all the same. Race is just an easy way of categorizing and grouping those differing characteristics. This should be intuitive and easy to understand, yet misinformed individuals like yourself refuse to accept it.

But please, tell me how similar a 65 IQ 5'5 120lbs. Somalian is to a 120 IQ 6'6 250lbs. Swede. They're totally not a different race, are they?

>> No.5868578

I'm so sorry I hurt your feelings. But one day you'll leave your room and realize the world doesn't bend and sway to your whim, nor does everyone agree with you. It's just a part of growing up. You'll get there one day, anon.

Don't worry, we'll all make it.


>> No.5868580

What I find amusing is that people who refuse to acknowledge human evolution because they're deathly afraid of being seen as racist are no different from creationist christian fundamentalists who refuse to acknowledge evolution because a book tells them so.

>> No.5868583

Our genes make us half of what we are*


>> No.5868587

If white genocide is real, then it's because whites are evolutionary inferior.

>> No.5868588

Why do people even use this study? Was it repeated and validated? Was there analysis done on it?

>> No.5868589

> Kind of makes one wonder just how accurate those tests were
Yeah, it does, doesn't it. But wait, seeing as virtually every single cross-racial intelligence studies have been based on IQ then one must question their credibility too.

>> No.5868593
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anecdotal evidence, we are talking about large samples of people here, not preselected 8 black people vs 8 preselected white people.

On the larger scale, when dealing with large numbers of tested people, we start seeing irrefutable cognitive differences that exist on the average.

>> No.5868600

You're such a shitty troll. No one even mentioned any sort of genocide, White or otherwise, until you brought it up. White displacement is thoroughly our own fault, as we're too altruistic for our own good. If it ends in our extinction, then so be it, as we clearly didn't have what it takes to survive.

However, that doesn't in any way, shape or form invalidate the fact that separate races do exist, and some are more intellectually gifted than other. Blacks run fast, Whites build civilizations. Get the fuck over it already, it's just the way things are.

>> No.5868601

>Peanut butter wasn't exactly an Earth-shattering invention, friend.
Agreed, but i'd say that X-ray spectroscopy is, carbon filament light bulbs (inb4 Edison made the light bulb), laser eye surgery to aid removal of cataracts, gas masks, modern guitar, spark plugs, pacemaker control units, and the list goes on.. what have you done?

>> No.5868602

It's because we evolved a particularly troublesome level of trust for the Jews.

>> No.5868603

Don't take it personally, sperg. I just wanted to throw that out here since evolution was mentioned and white supremacists love to criticize people who "deny evolution" yet fail to see the irony when they yell white genocide.

>> No.5868605

What's your point? Are you saying blacks made all those contributions?

>> No.5868606
File: 168 KB, 1024x768, I+have+zero+pity+for+africans+_0e3db02c9b6c41f1e4cd6038ae870a94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all races are equally evolved for their environment. the negriod has found a perfect equilibrium building his mud-huts and living a sustainable existence off the land. it could be argued that if left on his own, he would be a more successful species in terms of longevity compared to the white man's unsustainable slash and burn rampage of the natural world.

>> No.5868607

It's not a done deal. Currently there are two major camps in the white population: the ones with conspicuously good feelings for parasites and the ones who are going to survive.

>> No.5868608

>gets called out
>resorts to ad hom

Nice try, buddy.

>> No.5868609

That, I can agree with. I'm just tired of the "it's not evolution when it doesn't go my way" crowd.

>> No.5868610

By the way Charles Darwin didn't say that. It was actually a klansman who's name evades me.

>> No.5868611

Just a quick unrelated question, do you live in the UK, have you been in the UK?
Well, here, the whites can be some of the most inbred and mentally challenged people you'll ever meet, failing to master the language their ancestors founded. And here black people have two options, work hard, or become like the white people. Now, this is only the majority of urban white people i'm referring to here, there are some that are so sociable and intelligent you could converse with them for the entire day but the vast majority are like those in your picture.

>> No.5868613

That looks like what he was implying to me

>> No.5868614

ad hom != namecalling, imbecile

>> No.5868621

No one said Blacks were more or less 'worthy' than Whites. They're perfectly adapted to their environment, and they should be left there. When brought into ours, they can't cope. Blacks simply aren't cut out for life in a high-tech society. They struggle, and their academic failures make them feel like shit. They go through life resenting the White 'man' for 'keeping them down'. In many ways, they're like overemotional children. They've no place living alongside us.

But again, none of this invalidates that differences between the races DO EXIST, and are noticeable enough to allow splitting the homo sapiens into distinct sub-groupings.

>> No.5868617
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We are dealing with an increasingly complex system.

Whites have the integrity to do what they intuitively know is best for society (hence why we haven't overpopulated ourselves to starvation like Africa). Whites don't breed if they don't have the money to (the economy is bad) so that the child doesn't suffer. Equals stable society.

Imported non-whites throw off the entire system.

Blacks are impulsive and they don't do delayed gratification. They only live in the moment. We have an entire system in America and Europe, in which we subsidize the cost of illegitimate black/mexicans/mudslime children with white taxpayers money. Since there are no breeding controls in place for these segments of society, they proliferate like feral stray cats.

The logicalness, honor and pride whites innately display will be their downfall because they will be out bred right out of society.

>> No.5868622

there are no "buts" in evolution

>> No.5868623

Negroids, now influence by the white mans politics and insatiable desire for oil, coal, diamonds and gold have drove them into chaos. They were surviving in equilibrium with the bare minimum technology and they are thrust into a unstable system, still with little technology, that isn't going to go well

>> No.5868624


"...short for argumentum ad hominem, is an argument made personally against an opponent instead of against their argument."

Get fucked, idiot.