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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5860532 No.5860532 [Reply] [Original]

This bothers me /sci/. Try to describe color without using its name. Like describe red to a blind man

>> No.5860540

Or what does water taste like? sweet? sour? bitter?

>> No.5860537
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Or try naming a color that doesnt exist

>> No.5860543

It is something you will never be able to enjoy. Weep from your useless eyes.

>> No.5860546

Or what does red sound like?

>> No.5860550

Sadly, they have no idea what they missing out.
http://www.you tube.com/watch?v=59YN8_lg6-U

>> No.5860548

It's time to put down the weed or stop posting.

>> No.5860553
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Or try training your dog to bring you your red hat or their orange chew toy. They cant see those colors

>> No.5860560
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Or describing what water "feels" like. Is it hard? Gooey? Sticky? Spiky? Rough? Lumpy?

>> No.5860584

Red is often associated with heat, passion, violence, etc.
That's the best way. Also, naming some things that have that color will let them make their own associations.

>> No.5860594

Im not high. These things just amaze me how complicated they get to explain

>> No.5860596

Longer wave length so most likely deeper than blue

>> No.5860607

> passion, violence
lol ok mr.blindman, hear is what red looks like. When you make love or "passion" to your wife its red AND also when you hear the news about violence its ALL red. LOL

>> No.5860627

There are two types of receptors in the human eye, rods and cones. The rods are more broadband, sensing light from about 420nm to about 650nm. The cones come in three types and . . .
And that, children, is how humans distinguish different wavelength bands of light.

>> No.5860637

There are these things called photons. They have higher or lower energy. A particular range is detectable, meaning causes a sensory reaction, with the human visual system. Red is a translation of these photons into information that the brain can process. It, like other information in the brain, gets tied to meaning through myriad neuro-structures. But you didn't ask about the brain, so the explanation ends there.


>> No.5860648

Ok niggger now explain why i can staple a quart of water to a GODDAM tree!?

>> No.5860652
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relate the colors to general emotions or feelings. Red i.e. hot. Blue becomes wet, etc.

>> No.5860665

Or what does air taste like?

>> No.5860673

Or try touching the suns rays

>> No.5860682

You fail to realize this is a limitation of language and not an issue of qualia.

Language isn't a perfect medium of communication, why can't anyone understand that.

>> No.5860688

well mr. blind man, it's the color of blood, it has is and has been used extensively to show dominance, power and sexuality. It is also used extensively on street signs because it draws attention to it...
this color not only carries a mood but is also used as signal color in daily life....

>> No.5860694


700nm. There, done.

>> No.5860698
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I am color blind.
I have been judging others playing this game all my life.
I know colors by reputation, by how it affects you people emotionally.
Talking about wavelength is dumb; when you see red you don't see experience photons you experience passion and anger.
It's a question for /lit/, not /sci/.
To do it well you need poets, not asspies.

>> No.5860714

>>I know colors by reputation, by how it affects you people emotionally.

don't forget that you can only define something by other terms/terms you already know

if you want a description of color in color terms, then it is only accessible if you know colors..

>> No.5860721

Then lets settle then right NOW. If a blind man ask me to explain red, I would say, you see this fire? Come close and touch it. This IS how red looks like

>> No.5860729

hue, saturation, luminance.

open up photoshop and you'll find more than one way to describe colors numerically.

>> No.5860737

plus if you need to describe two or more colors you can simply specify their differences in percentages.

orange is less saturated then red. orange has more luminance than red. orange is 10º in difference to red.

you could even translate all these values to sound frequencies to experience the difference non-mathematically,

>> No.5860747

And if someone wants to know what water taste like, we'll have to make up a new word for the taste of water, we'll called it "unsweetbitter" Its the opposite of sweet and bitter all in one word. Come on /sci/ wright this down, a genius is at work

>> No.5860755

that still doesnt explain how to explain the colors to a colorblind person. if he cant see orange in the first place. 10º to what? black or white is all he/she sees. well only if he/she monochromacy not dichromacy, and anomalous trichromacy.

>> No.5860766

You're still using words, which is still language.

>> No.5860782

Yea, I know, but ive cum to the conclusion that the english language is stilling growing and it needs new words to explain these phenomenal situations

>> No.5860796

oops. a degree of difference marks the hue of one color to another.

my point still stands. when multiple values of any one color are read (hue, saturation, luminance) they can be experienced in the same way a blind person can learn the range of silt, sand, pebbles, and rocks... a sea of qualities just need to be groked in unison. numbers can be converted to any other sense a person understands.

the names of colors are really just a shorthand and imply someone understands at least one other color on top of the primary subject.

colors can't be explained without many varied samples of their true identity, which has already been explained.

>> No.5860797

It will never be good enough. We need to make an entirely new type of communication, like virtual wormholes between the virtual realities in peoples' minds.

>> No.5860809

You're pointing fingers at language; But really, all forms of logic and notation has limited expressive power. You can only convey properties in terms of properties the recipient already understands, is already familiar with.

I would relate it to things that are traditionally red: Blood, fresh meat, strawberries, heat, rust, sand.

Which doesn't really tell you what colour is, but what is commonly associated with it. But that you already know: There's some property of surfaces that cannot be felt by touch but only seen by the seeing. That much is trivial, and the rest is physics.

>> No.5860820

Best I can do is say color is to sight what pitch is to sound. Not absolute pitch, but musical pitch (C D E F G A B) -- it doesn't just go from high to low, it wraps around

>> No.5860833

Light which activates the long wavelength cone cells in the human eye. 650 nanometer if the light is a single wavelength. The color of iron rust, thus blood, thus war and passion.

The color of light with the wavelength of a millionth of a planck length.

Pure water has no taste.

I don't know, but it depends on what absorbs the light, and how it lands on what surface, etc. When it's absorbed, its momentum is imparted on phonons - sound quanta - so it should produce a true sound.

Wet and flowy.

Depends on the context. Often not at all.

If you're in them, that's what you're doing.

Check your privilege.

Or, more extensively, "passion and war and heat" is a useful association if you're looking at art, but it's utterly useless when you want to explain a photographer's dark room or any physical phonomenon involving the color red. It may "speak to you more", but only because you're interested more in social interaction than in understanding the world around you. To call the latter aspergers is retarded.

>> No.5860836


>> No.5860845

An electrical engineer could build a simple amplifier to boast the value of a color video signal into something you can feel... though it would take some getting used to the many buzzing feels.

>> No.5860896

I never considered my two-bit disability privilege but it does uniquely qualify me to be in this conversation.
Naturally, over the years I have had many different types of people ask me and tell me about color. The ones who paint a picture with emotion offer some enlightenment. The opposite kind like my own engineer father think they can cure my rods and cones by explaining things or just don't believe it's real or something.
Look, I hang here more than any other board but on this subject somehow sciency types are uniformly annoyingly stupid.

>> No.5860898


Red isn't intrinsically tied to any emotion, though. Maybe red feels hot because hot things tend to glow red, and violent because blood is red. These associations still won't mean anything to a blind person.

>> No.5860921
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>confirmed for never dropping lsd

>> No.5860928


Well it's not that red per say has some metaphysical value of "FEAR VIOLENCE". It just happens that in our evolutionary development, reacting to red colors with anxiety, fear, and avoidance had a usage value superior to running to them with open arms.

And yeah, taking psychedelics does open you up to generally dulled emotions.

>> No.5860930

This bothers me /sci/. Try to describe magnetism without using its name. Like describe north to a man without magnetoception.

>> No.5860933

Op, describe a coordinate without using an axis., justcribe a system without using any axis, contrive a realism without a subjective, dilute a subjective without using a boundry describe a directio n"; as a correlation.


Formulate a rejection without a want, give length to something that's infinite, try a drug without a reaction, give roundness to something that is sharp; shed a tear. As there is nothing more sharp.

>> No.5860938

The privilege is your blind certainty that humanity is better than objectivity - your impression that it's objectively more enlightening to learn about the color of anger and passion than about the color of rust, low angular deflection, weak photo-electric effects and supergiant stars. It's not your position as a colorblind person which makes your arrogance, it's your certainty as an emotion and qualia obsessed human that what you experience is all that is worth knowing.

There is nothing in a 650 nm photon which prescribes anger. It is anger which is red, not red which is anger. Our description is testable, applicable to you as a person (you can scan for 650nm photons wheb you're colorblind. You can't scan for photons which stimulate anger or passion), objective and universal, and *we're* the ones who are limited in scope? There is not an organism in the universe which could not immediately understand 650nm photons, or the weighted integrand given by L-type cones.

>> No.5860950

You forgot lust. Red light districts, the red cocks of combs, red makeup on cheeks, etc.

A red face implies heat, shame, anger, lust, or more generally activity of the sympathetic nervous system.

Also, I've never felt anxiety or fear at the color red. I don't avoid it, and from its use in the animal kingdom, it appears most animals do not avoid it either.

>> No.5860979

You know jack shit about language.

>> No.5861014


I am describing a society an individual a construct unrestrained in shackles that it simply enjoys jingling an essence of identity of the likes of script that could not be contested in its variety of nature and when seen as with another do they simply contrive eachother to be at contrite odds of consistant negotiation by no standard of any superior, a delapitation of nonidenticate progress by the means of simply means alone and we regularily look to compare ourselves, not to, but as such. Disjointed to a point of nondisclosure with dilusions of being grey, naivities of worship of identities they could not be fathomed by any length set or group of words, sections of endearment so lavishly accused of being consistant that they are given their own standard, something away from worship and fear, things guilding themselves on horizons of which we prefer blindness to in the means of prefering the fact of a diluded individuality of overly grossed self worth of our own perception of them, of uncared nature of being simply by the fact that they are being... they speak.


They are things that break all valves, they apply to the ends of meeting no seal and by a standard of observation constantly demand more, but that standard is on of embraced movement, that they imply a respect of themselves that they portray that they might be other and extend a flex of neccessity that the means of their existance is not so mcuh as it is portrayed as much as it is the standard of negotiation; now this is merely but the point of where they are... they are close.

One more just because the Colbert pic gave me a chuckle along side the post.

What is a song mid air? How does a fragment have a nature?