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5858925 No.5858925 [Reply] [Original]

Is IQ a logarithmic scale?

I have an IQ of 140 and my boyfriend only scored 130. I'd like to know how to compare the scores.
How much smarter than him am I? Twice as smart? Thrice? Ten times? Intuitively I'd say at least twice. So if IQ is logarithmic, the base had to be greater than 2.

Thanks in advance for any scientific clarification.

>> No.5858928

Sage when replying please. Keep your board clean.

>> No.5858930

It is a normal distribution. How much smarter you are depends on the standard deviation in the test.

>> No.5858931

IQ is not a measure of intelligence.

saged in all fields

>> No.5858934

IQ is the definition of intelligence and sage is not a downvote.

>> No.5858936

Also this, anything you can practice for . . .

>> No.5858939
File: 70 KB, 307x315, 1355336209791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you use your "intelligence" to find the answer yourself?

btw, IQ is based on a normal distribution of the population

>> No.5858943

I wanted to suggest to you two to measure it using duel in a RTS game of your choice.

But it would be easier for you to have a chess match. Best out of 3 is the smarter one.

>> No.5858945


IQ measures Spearman's 'g'.
Saging does nothing to keep me from tracking the last replies.

>> No.5858954

>"How much smarter than him am I?"
You're actually fucking stupid.
Jesus. These damn threads.

>> No.5858975

distributed normally with mean=100, sigma=15^2. So you are better at taking iq tests that 261 random people and he is better that taking iq tests than 44 random people on average.

>> No.5858989


IQ is a measure of IQ test success, not a guarantee measure of intelligence and real life problem solving.

>implying creativity isn't a variable only logic

No Mensa member has ever won or been cited for the Nobel prize, because to find such remarkable discoveries you can't rely on authority or paradigm, which IQ tests are heavily built upon.

>> No.5859005

>No Mensa member has ever won a Nobel prize
Jews don't join Mensa, they're handed their life and are socially unempathic towards anyone but Jews.

>> No.5859027

IQ defines intelligence. Why do you insist in confusing intelligence with success or hard work? Intelligence does not imply success. A Nobel prize is not the product of intelligence but only hard work.

>> No.5859048

>Jews don't join Mensa, they're handed their life

God hates you.

>> No.5859053

fuck off with this IQ shit

>> No.5859054

You're not smarter, just better at obscure pattern recognition.

>> No.5859063

IQ doesn't mean shit, and Mensa definitely doesn't mean shit. Feynman's IQ was about 125 ( not qualified for Mensa ). Also, Terrance Tao hasn't even joined Mensa, that should put it in perspective how much Mensa matters.

>> No.5859071

>Mensa definitely doesn't mean shit
It is more of a social group. If there were noble prize winners it doesn't mean shit. I bet there are a lot of noble prize winners in the nobel prize winner club.

>> No.5859074

We all agree that mensa is for plebeians. They allow scores as low as 130. Among the high IQ societies mensa is viewed the same way biology is viewed among the hard sciences.


>> No.5859076


lol weren't there acouple Nazi winners

>> No.5859081

So what you are saying is that IQ is not very important. You're right; as IQ increases, it makes less and less of a difference in any way that matters.

>> No.5859088

IQ is important because it tells you how smart you are.

>> No.5859094

So it's looked down upon out of jealously because they can't understand its basic concepts?

toppest kek

>> No.5859111

>being smart is not very important

>it's important to know how smart you are


>> No.5859597

Being smart is important. Why do you think it isn't?

>> No.5860631


>guy with ~200 IQ is a theistfag

destroy everything

>> No.5860642

IQ is a normalized scale, as you have a boyfriend you're a female I assume, that means your scale is adjusted differently according to average female standards.

So your boyfriend is actually smarter than you, it's just that you're smarter than the average women, but in terms of the man scale you'd have maybe 80 or so.

>> No.5860650

wouldnt that only be possible if they were taking two different tests? it is the same test that they are taking (probably some shit online test)

>> No.5860659

Why do people who loves to say their IQ never do anything worth their whole life? It's seems like the more you tell about your IQ, less thing you are going to do.

>> No.5860679

Intelligence and Success are different things. Generally, if you're doing something you're proud of, you'll talk about that, whether you're High IQ or Low IQ. People who don't accomplish anything will instead cling to their high IQ score in the hopes of maintaining their self-esteem.

Basically, high IQ people are more likely to succeed (roughly; it becomes a very poor measure of intelligence beyond "you're pretty smart"), but only people who never do brag about how high-IQ they are. People who actually do stuff instead point to what they've done as evidence that they're smart.

>> No.5860707

Generally, people who brag about their IQ are people who have nothing to actually show for it. If they actually do something with their life, they'll talk about that instead, because it's much more satisfying to point to what you've done than to point to a test score, and people will respect the accomplishment more than the number. The more people flail around their IQ as the biggest measurement in an intellectual dick-waving contest, the fewer things they've done with it.

>> No.5860709

>Intuitively I'd say at least twice

what an arbitrary metric. If you actually believe that, then you're certainly a lot dumber than you claim

>> No.5860719

If there's one thing I've learned, it's that how retarded one's beliefs are is only very, very loosely correlated with intelligence.

>> No.5860739

>IQ is not a measure of intelligence.
Please look at the definition of intelligence.

>> No.5860752

For children, IQ roughly corresponds to the ratio between academic performance level and age. So a 5 year old with a 200 IQ scores at the same level as an average 10 year old. A 5 year old with a 120 IQ is roughly equivalent to a 6 year old, on a variety of academic measures. This happens to be a normal distribution that can be used simultaneously for comparing adults.

>> No.5862062

>For children, IQ roughly corresponds to the ratio between academic performance level and age.

Can you please back up that claim? From my personal experience it appears to be invalid.

>> No.5862087

Why is it even important to you? Do you have some driving need to be dominant in the relationship, and you want to use this as leverage? Maybe you'd better take a step back.

>> No.5862096

You don't know what logarithmic means, do you?

>> No.5862112


We can conclude one thing: you are not intelligent and/or not educated.

>> No.5862151

Well this thread does prove that, -considering OP to be telling the truth and is not just rusing us- IQ does not have much to do with actual intelligence. I do suspect that OP did an internet test though, it is damn easy to get over 130 in an internet test.

If you are so damn intelligent, shouldn't finding this out by yourself be pretty fucking easy? Wikipedia, then use your head.

>> No.5862176

Why does everyone say online tests are shit? What is that these "certified psychologists" do differently? Don't they give you a test and then calculate your result?

>> No.5862274

>thinking IQ makes you smart
You couldn't discuss eigenvectors with me.
This being said...IQ is simply the download speed of the brain...When you study you have to study less..."slow" people have to study longer. Nothing stops the supercomputer in your brain from learning...in essence your brain will never reach its limit of known concepts it can understand (as long as its healthy)
Stop feeling high and mighty because you finished a puzzle in an allotted time.(Picking up something in relation to time is essentially "downloading")
Doesn't matter at all if you don't pick up a book, even someone clinically retarded can outperform a genius slacker(I've seen dumbasses make A's on test by studying 2 weeks whereas I've make a B/C by literally studying the 15 mins before class starts back in Calc classes...along with other instances)
(You don't)

>> No.5862286

>anyone in Mensa
Show me a non-autistic engineer.
Just one.
A well adjusted, sane, rational engineer or physicist in Mensa

>> No.5862319

Check a site with ratio IQs yourself. There you can convert them and see home much smarter you are. And no is way less than twice.
Oh and IQ is a psychological construct. Nobody knows what it measures really, at most some sort of correlation. Your 130 bf could be smarter than you, just saying. Feynman was smarter than you, who cares some construct told him he was less intelligent. And what is it with this 140 IQ on this board anyway. Below 140 is being a pleb I've read? Lol? 140 isn't even a sigma score. 145 would be the next logical score to mention not 140 as some magical numer - for all the real retards on this board apart from their "score" lmfao

>> No.5862344

Langan took a Mega test, which isn't even a valid IQ test, for as far as IQ tests are valid. 160 is max on WAIS. He didn't take WAIS. You can't measure above 160 when you're an adult so, his score is bullshit. Also his 195 score is ratio, so even if were true he has that IQ it roughly translates into an 167 IQ, which isn't that special. Personally, since he's a fraud and really really stupid, I mean take a look at his interview and "accomplishments" would put him at full scale IQ 130, so prob 115 fluid. Average sci kid scores higher on these fluid tests. So I'd say the majority on this board is more intelligent than that christfag. But you're not kid, loosely quoting his IQ at 200, without even researching it for a min on the web. Jesus, people are stupid :D OH and this isn'tdickwaving, it's the painful truth.

>> No.5862350

~<span class="math">e^{-x^2}[/spoiler]

>> No.5862387

I used to have a friend in elementary school with an IQ of 137, he'd boast about it and even though I wasnt tested we knew he was slightly smarter than me.
We went to the same high school, a 'gymnasium' the highest level of secondary education in my country, after a couple of years he couldnt handle the workload anymore and had to go to a lower level. Apparently he had given up because a year later he got demoted again. I hadnt seen him since he left our old highschool but I heard via people that he had ran away from home and was found 100km away, completely demented, and hes only 18 years old.
It goes to show that IQ isnt everything

>> No.5862398

Nearly half the population is below average intelligence. Once you understand the math, that statement isn't all that amazing. Also, I'm guessing you scored lower on the math section.

>> No.5862784

>also forgot to note
>not exponential

>> No.5862810

Surprisingly the wikipedia doesn't mention the distribution. I mean I know its pseudoscience but they could at least try. As to how much smarter you are than your lover, its not possible to say - certainly IQ will not help you judge.

>> No.5862834

>the distribution
it's Gamma, but I don't know the parameters

>> No.5862849

if you are too retarded to figure this out then you don't have any intelligence worth mentioning.
that's not an exaggeration.
please go to another board because I'm afraid you'll shit this one up.

also, quit spamming /sci/ with IQ threads.

>> No.5862859
File: 85 KB, 570x533, 133541189718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

babby's first math

>> No.5862879
File: 181 KB, 422x392, 1372222554788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, depends entirely on the context i believe. But if its pertaining to modal calculations then yes, i think.

>The arguments that follow.
I have an IQ of 177 and i was 7 before i learned to tie my shoes.

My brain is practically incapable of anything other than lateral logic. Though i was heavily abused as a child so that probably skewed my thought processes.

Life is awful.

>> No.5862885

>I have an IQ of 177 and i was 7 before i learned to tie my shoes.

lmfao gtfo

>> No.5862887

I was not born gifted with high intelligence it developed out of necessity

>> No.5862971

How did it develop?

>> No.5862988

I copied because I couldn't do anything else, then eventually I excelled over everyone I knew and anyone I came into contact with. I copy then I become very proficient after a while that's the only way I can describe it.

>> No.5862989

IQ is a horrible measure of how smart someone is.

>> No.5862997

define what it means to be intelligent, if it means reproducing and finding abundance in needed resources within your life, a high IQ does not represent anything, merely a score you received from a calculated test online.

rather if you cling onto the notion that you are truly intelligent based on your IQ score, It is more than likely that you are just vying for a way in which to feel superior to others.

>> No.5863003

mfw op is trolling the shit out of everyone

>> No.5863029

Can we stop with these threads already?

>> No.5864144

So are you Chinese?
Sounds almost rote.

>> No.5864153


The margin of error for an IQ test is somewhere around 10 points.

You are of the same intelligence as your boyfriend.

>> No.5864301

fuck you

>> No.5864818

The ability to use the copy command on a computer is not a sign of intelligence.

>> No.5865381

Yay!!! Another IQ question! I loooooooove IQ question. Me so smart. I got IQ 188!!!!!!!

>> No.5865743


>> No.5866016

>The margin of error for an IQ test is somewhere around 10 points.

[citation needed]

>> No.5866025

>implying IQ tests are good metrics of anything

>> No.5866033

They are

>> No.5866074

1) IQ is primarily genetic (40%-50%)
2) IQ is a major factor in intelligence, innate mathematical ability and scientific reasoning
these are two facts I'll have to endure through my life; bound to lesser intelligence, perhaps, but at least I accept it.

>> No.5866082

I guess you had to consider that, while Richard Feynman's score was significantly lowered by his weakness in spelling and grammar, he scored 125- much lower than the monumental geniuses he was ranked in by many.

>> No.5866105

>Is IQ a logarithmic scale?
>How much smarter than him am I? Twice as smart? Thrice? Ten times? Intuitively I'd say at least twice.

You really have no idea what a logarithmic scale is, do you.

>> No.5866112

These threads are the reason I don't come on this fucking board. Every single goddamn time I open up the front page of /sci/ there's some dumb fucking pissing contest over who can score the highest on the *OFFICIAL* *MENSA* IQ test, or some dumb cunt is asking if intelligence quotients are fucking logarithmic because she wants to be able to hold her *GENIUS LEVEL* IQ over her boyfriend in arguments or some shit.

Even if IQ were a perfect metric with which to gauge intelligence (it isn't), it doesn't count for dogshit unless you do something with it. Unless, of course, you're a raging bitch who wants to emasculate her boyfriend or a faggot who likes to show off how large a brain boner he can get.

>> No.5866459

>These threads are the reason I don't come on this fucking board
and yet here you are

Please do the less intelligent but smarter thing and leave post haste

>> No.5866488

Natural log, base2 log, or base10 log?

>> No.5866738

>because she wants to be able to hold her *GENIUS LEVEL* IQ over her boyfriend in arguments or some shit
You do not know the truthfulness of this assertion at all. If for emotional reasons you do not like psychology threads, feel free to hide them.

>> No.5867529

wtf is base 2 log?

>> No.5867547

IQ is intended as a metric for intelligence, but is not definitive. It's generally not a good metric, because intelligence doesn't exist on a linear scale, and any attempt to measure it as such must necessarily assign arbitrary weights to the various aspects of intelligence being measured (and almost certainly misses out on some aspects of intelligence altogether).

>> No.5867552

> http://www.iqcomparisonsite.com/IQtable.aspx
> 130: 97.7%
> 140: 99.6%
So ~1.9% of the population who took this test scored higher than he did but lower than you did. Not exactly a staggering difference. If you really want to stroke your ego, I guess you could go by the rarity chart, but keep in mind that the result only applies to the specific test you took.

>> No.5867559

pretty much exactly what it sounds like?

if natural log is a logarithm with base e, and base 10 log is a logarithm with base 10, what would that make base 2 log?

>> No.5867561

A logarithm to base 5. What the hell do you think?

>> No.5867584

You all give the awful impression of children arguing in the back seat about who can spot more VW beetles.

Just shut up you fucking imbeciles. IQ is as important as it is not, so get over it and stimulate yourselves over something of value.

>> No.5867730

>Feynman's iq was 125

Ok, I was almost believing in the IQ system for a while there, but this is indefensible.

>> No.5867736

Wasn't it 125 because he was really bad at grammar and spelling?

>> No.5867739

I read that somewhere else in the thread, but I can't find any information about it online. The only IQ test that I recall taking didn't give me any grammar questions at all, but it was an online test. I guess that's why they're so panned.

>> No.5867753

> IQ tests

> Actually measuring anything

If you wanna measure intelligence see how balanced the person is. If your judgement adapts to reality, your logic works well enough and your emotions are balanced (aka you aren't an autist living in his mom's basement) then you can more or less assume you are intelligent.

>> No.5867781

Well, while looking for "feynman's iq 125" you get some post about his grammar and spelling being shit, but I don't know if this is or not true. Also, I think great people doing their IQ test is the reason people think IQ matters.

>> No.5867789

So why do we all hate IQ again?

Sure, it's a shit measurement, but it's the best we have as of right now. Short of a qualitative judgement of a person's intelligence, which requires a very familiar relationship with the subject, we don't have a better way of gauging intelligence, and knowing the approximate intellect of another person is still useful.

>> No.5867910

>still useful

With what? Achieving things and being successful is due to hard work. An idiot with a 90 IQ can discover and accomplish equal or more to someone with a 150IQ.

>> No.5868700

I think you're confusing intelligence and success.

>> No.5868721

So if intelligence doesn't bring success or happiness, or improved quality of life... Why brag about it?

>> No.5868734

So that even if they are a failure, they can tell "at least my IQ is over 120".

>> No.5868756
File: 6 KB, 250x243, 1339720997504s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQfag is destroying /sci/

>> No.5868770

IQ is to intelligence is what strength is to skill at sports.

>> No.5868772


how do you destroy something thats already shit?

>> No.5868870

buttfrustrated girlfag detected

>> No.5868871

I'd say that IQ is an alright test to use to roughly approximate intelligence, but it should not be thought as a definite measure of intelligence. Someone with an unimpressive IQ test score such as Feynman might actually be able to perform very well in tasks requiring intelligence, though this could also be a result of the test environment applying some restrictions on one's use of intelligence.

That said, what's the most reliable IQ test you can do online? I've always been under the impression that online tests are rigged to give you a higher score than you actually should get, since I've never heard of anyone getting a score below 110 from those tests. This is just an impression however and there are a few other reasonable explanations for those scores as well so I don't want to make any claims here.

>> No.5868939

is iqtest.dk a reliable or at least the most reliable IQ test online?

>> No.5869160

It is reliable.

>> No.5869173


it says my IQ is 120. it's not the 130 that i'd hope for but it works for me.

>> No.5870704

Isn't the average score on iqtest.dk 150?

>> No.5870776

>You couldn't discuss eigenvectors with me.

eigenvectors are highschool stuff

>> No.5870795

>I've make a B/C by literally studying the 15 mins before class starts back in Calc classes

1. "I've make"
2. B or C is nothing to be proud of.

>> No.5870801

IQ threads are mostly trolls, this was just necrobumped.

>> No.5870808

why the fuck does biology keep coming up as a disrespected major fuck

>> No.5870810
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>> No.5870814

The same way essentially all memes came about -- one person spamming it for a while and then other people occasionally repeating it.

>> No.5871167


>> No.5871169

>missed the point
All thanks to autism!

>> No.5871198
File: 26 KB, 460x288, bertrand-russell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IQ 140
>thinking IQ means something

This has to be a troll. Anyone who has half a brain should be able to take 5 minutes to deduce why the IQ exam is pathetic.

>> No.5871227

>obvious troll thread
>this many replies

Fuck you all.

>> No.5871228

It's the closest thing we got for measuring intelligence.

If there's a better metric, then put one forward. That's what Science is about. It's about progress.

>> No.5871230

Best measure we got for intelligence. It's better than nothing.

>> No.5871241

/sci/ is so easy to troll i love you guys

>> No.5871244

>140 IQ
>Can't figure this out

>> No.5871256
File: 7 KB, 201x251, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That isn't even true. First off, it is arguable that nothing is better than something in this situation:

a) Having no measure for intelligence forces individuals to have to try and actually accomplish something intellectual in order to show their intelligence.
b) I know /pol/ would hate me for saying this, but it removes another facet of prejudice against individuals or groups of individuals.
c) Having no measure for intelligence prevents over inflation of individual ego and supports making those who might register on a single exam (a singular, snapshot, exam. See "One World Schoolhouse" by Salman Khan) actually have to defend themselves in a realistic and intellectual way in an intellectual argument. Ergo, you cannot simply state that you are "correct" in an argument or any situation because your "IQ is higher" than your opponent.

As well, it is not the best measure for intelligence. Do you know the IQ of Isaac Newton? No? Well, clearly we have nothing to measure his intelligence.

Oh wait, we have:
1) Social and societal contributions: Advancements in mathematics, science, logic, philosophy. Hell, even art, literature, and linguistics.
2) A physical manifestation of their thinking. In the example of Newton, "Philosophae Naturalis Principia Mathematica." We have books by the hundreds, filled with geometry, mathematics, and science from generations. Yet you cannot claim that any of these people are intelligent if the only measure you have is a test that didn't exist then.
3) Social impact. The best example would be Bertrand Russell and Albert Einstein. Both of which might be classified under the broad category of "public intellectual." They became famous outside of the scientific and philosophic communities because of their championing human right, limiting of nuclear proliferation, and speaking out against the pathetic nature of general education which involves rote memorization into meaningless snapshot examinations.

>> No.5871267

What is "intelligence"?

>> No.5871309

The only genuine way to create a test for genuine intelligence is to have a person with infinite and infallible intelligence and knowledge write the questions.

>> No.5871387

Maybe this is why the site is so good. Only the intelligent people use it.

>> No.5873200

>What is "intelligence"?

The quantity measured by IQ.

>> No.5873776

That is simply untrue.

>> No.5875391

Have you tried the entry test of the Mega Society? Low IQ mensa plebs are not allowed.

>> No.5875438

He's also a fucking moron who can't into basic scientific method.

Hurr hurr I'll make my conjectures based on biblical passage. Who needs evidence? It works in my fucked up schizo brain!

>> No.5875445

>Isn't the average score on iqtest.dk 150?

>> No.5875461

Please stop periodically bumping this thread.

>> No.5875465

what is the standard deviation on that site?

>> No.5875630


>> No.5876204

Where am I able to find it?

>> No.5876301
File: 1.98 MB, 320x240, 1372488191779.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still bumping this shitty thread

>> No.5877655

Some anon posted a link earlier on /sci/. I'll try to find it in the archive.

>> No.5877706

Holy fuck, this thread still exist?

>> No.5878861

Here you go.


>> No.5878872

First lets agree on the unit of IQ. Without units any numerical quantity is obviously nonsense.

>> No.5878899

OP its linear and comparative.

>> No.5878902

its comparative, no units needed. they base it off a relative bell curve of marks on the test.

>> No.5878912

is IQ a logarithmic scale...
i think you mean exponential

>> No.5879018



>> No.5879060


> ctrl+f 'bell curve'
> 1 match

It's something...

>> No.5879068

Colloquialism, lass.

Verbarian affluence is shit nowadays; anyhoo. Never use "Yeah, but I'm smarter than you..." in the case of arguing. Virtue and product should speak for you.

140, c. 2003, I believe was in the top 99.990 percentile, 149 being in the top 99.995. Still just a number, and people with millions of dollars do make bad investments sometimes.

>> No.5879220

Any girl who has a boyfriend has a negative IQ.

>> No.5880114

Why do you think so?

>> No.5880322


>> No.5880344


>> No.5880363


Sages aren't downvotes, this isn't rediit

>> No.5880373


Also, I haven't really read the thread other than below that post, but here's your answer OP:
basically, your learning speed doubles for every 8 IQ ponts--the standard deviation of IQ. Additionally, IQ tests don't measure intelligence well at all, and should be only used to get an extremely general and inaccurate idea of your logical intelligence.

>> No.5880380

Oops, forgot to sage. Oh well.
Become an hero, OP.

>> No.5880691

What "IQfag"? Are you talking about the permanently banned dualism troll "IQ fundie"?

>> No.5880706

She's been at it for about a year now, you think she's going to quit because you ask nicely?

You can help is by emailing moot and asking him to block this spam. The more people speak up, the better.

>> No.5882109

>for every 8 IQ ponts--the standard deviation of IQ

I've never seen 8 used as the standard deviation. Most tests use 15.

>> No.5882129

He is also a self righteous faggot, who claims he has a "deeper understanding of the universe than anyone who ever lived." Despite never having published a scientific paper, or putting forth any scientific contribution.

>> No.5882157


>> No.5882717

Thank you.

>> No.5884204

You're welcome. I'd love to hear you report back after taking the test.

>> No.5884492

oh god, I just realized these IQ threads are exactly the same as /r9k/ dick size threads.

>> No.5884507


you must have a low IQ if it took you this long to figure that out

>> No.5884568

Sage please

>> No.5884800

>Scoring fee increased to $50.
What a blatant rip-off.

>> No.5885389


>> No.5885513

It's better than an IQ test, which can run you a couple hundred dollars.

>> No.5885716

Stop shitposting.

>> No.5885781

It's still better than homework threads.

>> No.5885825

its still shitposting
>implying you are not op

>> No.5886000

I feel bad for any man unlucky enough to date you.

>> No.5886116

fuck your personal experience.

>> No.5886118

Yes it is.

>> No.5886121

Nah ur wrong tho lol

>> No.5886131

So much blank slate butthurt ITT.

IQ on average is a very good predictor for life success. You will not find professors with IQs below 120.

>> No.5886134

>my personal experience

Only low IQ retards dislike IQ and this proves it.

Smart people realize that anecdotes > data.


>> No.5886137

Ask a successful guy with 146 IQ anything.

>> No.5886151

>IQ on average is a very good predictor for life success.
Top lel m8
>You will not find professors with IQs below 120.
True, but that doesn't imply anyone with IQ>120 can be a professor.

>> No.5886155

Ask a highschool drop out with 155 IQ anything.

>> No.5886161

wanna zuk my dik

>> No.5886163

>top lel m8

Stay mad redditurd.

>True, but that doesn't imply anyone with IQ>120 can be a professor.

Yes it does. You're obviously not very smart.

>> No.5886169

>Yes it does. You're obviously not very smart.

>Lemme just apply for a position at my state university.
If I make sure to write down that I have 132 IQ I'll definitely get the position.

>> No.5886173

how does it feel that your life is a joke and you're a failure among failures

>> No.5886177

Sure is low IQ manbaby that can't think in abstracts.

>> No.5886180


Stay butthurt.

>IQ single best predictor for job performance.

>> No.5886231

>Intelligence Linked to Bipolar Disorder

>Scientists Find Truth in "Mad Scientist" Stereotype: There Is a Link between Genius and Insanity

>> No.5886242


>> No.5886270

Wheres the one that links high IQ to autism?

>> No.5886299

It's a fact there are no difference in intelligence among people around the world

So we must find a way of measuring intelligence where everybody is equal, because that'd be the one true and impartial way of measuring intelligence

>> No.5886302

bro, do you even into statistics?

>> No.5886305


Most autists have low IQ.

>> No.5886310
File: 115 KB, 800x364, IQ map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a fact there are no difference in intelligence among people around the world

>> No.5886312


That's IQ, not intelligence
IQ is flawed, a non-flawed intelligence test would show no differences among nations

>> No.5886322
File: 15 KB, 288x392, 1338503181112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a non-flawed intelligence test would show no differences among nations


>> No.5886324

le racial tolerance face

>> No.5886327

Spoken like a true brainwashed libtard.

>> No.5886339
File: 59 KB, 720x556, hlwQyKH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because evolution stops at the neck up right, because evolution wouldn't be so unfair as to grant certain ethnic groups with various cognitive and problem solving advantages? We're all the same guys, implying theres differences is racist right

>> No.5886343

and i suppose a non-flawed penis length test would show no differences among nations either

>> No.5886349


That's true though, the difference between the smallest(korea) and biggest(some south american spaniard countries) penises was like 1 inch

>> No.5886354


Sup /pol/


Find me a single serious and non-racist scientist who claims different "races" have different levels of intelligence

>> No.5886357

And the difference between the most intelligent (Singapore) and least intelligent (Equatorial Guinea) is 49 IQ points.

>> No.5886358
File: 55 KB, 498x744, world_penis_sizes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think this was it, it's one of those charts posted all the time on /sp/

>> No.5886360


Once again, IQ does not measure intelligence

>> No.5886362

Genetics has plenty to do with intelligence.
However, upbringing and health have more.
The kind of people whose greatest achievement was being born part of some race are certainly not smarter than those "lesser" races.

>> No.5886363

>not realizing that's a 20% difference
kill yourself

>> No.5886364


>> No.5886368


Both of these are racist and have been disproven by actual scientists

>> No.5886369

still a difference, despite the idiots claiming that we all have the same dick size and intelligence and other feel good sheltered white liberal shit

>> No.5886367

>sourceless claims

le everyone is le equal

>> No.5886370

show me. Anyone can call anyone a racist.

>> No.5886371


Yes, we're all equal
Didn't they taught you that at school, or is the UN seen as the devil itself at your country?


>> No.5886372


It's racist because it shows differences among races.

>> No.5886373

>IQ and global inequality. National Policy Institute book.

>International Handbook of Intelligence

>Negro intelligence and selective migration.

>> No.5886377

Nice circular logic and assuming the conclusion there buddy.

>> No.5886379



Entire post invalidated, go back to /pol/

>> No.5886381


It's not circular logic, it's an axiom

>> No.5886383 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5886387

That's because the number for Equatorial Guinea wasn't actually *from* Equatorial Guinea. It was from a home for retards in Spain.

Richard Lynn's data is heavily massaged, and shouldn't be relied on.

>> No.5886388

Holy shit you are so braindead it makes me infuriated. Negro is an old and scientific term and doesnt have racist origins. Its based on antiquated concepts of ethnicity such as Caucasoid (northern europe to arabs) mongoloids (south asian/ east asian to polynesian etc) and negroids (sub-saharan africa)

Fuck off uneducated fool

>> No.5886390


>negro isn't a racist term

Yes it is, you ought to be ashamed of yourself for using it

>> No.5886393

You probably could have kept up the act a bit longer, but you blew it on this post.

I'd give you a 6/10, low points for creativity, but your execution was fairly good.

>> No.5886397

I scored the same IQ as you, and I can assure you that IQ is nothing but pattern recognition and obscure logic. It isn't a measure of how functionally intelligent you are, how likely you are to succeed in society, or how well your brain functions. It's just a test of your ability to recognize patterns and logic.

Therefore, just because you score higher than someone on an IQ test doesn't make you smarter than them. 'Smart' isn't really something you can quantitatively measure, but what I can tell you is that intelligence isn't strictly defined by pattern recognition ability. There are multiple intelligences and pattern recognition is only one of them.

>> No.5886398

Racist is whatever you want to fucking define it. So in your context it means means fuck all.

Racist as a word is conflated and scandalized to the point where it fails to say anything meaningful

>> No.5886404

Racism is defined as anything that could be considered offensive to a member of an ethnic minority.

>> No.5886405

>oh look, it's this thread again

>> No.5886407


Wrong, it's a well defined term, with millions of studies regarding racism done


>> No.5886408

Nigger, are you retarded?

Racism is the belief that one race is superior to another. See: Ethnocentrism

By your logic:
>black guy likes Terminator 2
>I tell black guy that Terminator 2 sucks
>black guy is offended
>insulting Terminator 2 is racist

>> No.5886410

Sounds about right.

>> No.5886412


While we're at it, is there such thing as a genuine and accurate IQ test?

Not those retarded things where you tell triangles apart from circles, but actual intelligence testing

I've heard of a few ones done by Harvard, which include a myriad of subjects beyond calculus and geometry, like psychology and philosophy and music

>> No.5886415


But insulting Terminator 2 can indeed be racist if the majority of black people like it.

>> No.5886419
File: 73 KB, 575x572, youre_fucking_retarded_meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5886423

I hope you're joking for the sake of the genepool

>> No.5886424
File: 32 KB, 558x382, Das raycis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5886426

No, there's not.

This shouldn't be an issue though because our society would run a lot better if we stopped gauging intelligence on tests and more on people's accomplishments.

>> No.5886429

>insulting Terminator 2 is racist
read my lips, nigger

>> No.5886445

That's the sensible definition. But there are plenty of dumb definitions, like "prejudice + privilege" (implying that poor people can't be racist).

The point of the geometry-based tests like Raven's Progressive Matrices is to try to find intelligence without education being a confounding variable. What you're thinking of would just be a broad test of what you know. In which case, maybe the IB test?

>> No.5886447

this isn't funny. that's some nazi shit

>> No.5886449

call him a "victim."

>> No.5886455

>Racism is the belief that one race is superior to another. See: Ethnocentrism
The problem is that this definition implies any and all racism is inherently bad, wrong, or evil. There is scientific studies showing that some ethnic groups have superior traits in certain areas, however we must just ignore all this data because 'das raysis'.

>> No.5886459

Certainly, but the most obvious differences don't really matter (lactose tolerance, risk of vitamin D deficiency), and the differences that do matter (intelligence, strength) look like they're mostly environmental. (That is, the average African is dumber than the average Asian, but Cambodians and other Asians who live in equally bad conditions as average Africans have similar IQs).

>> No.5886461

>There is scientific studies showing that some ethnic groups have superior traits in certain areas

It's mostly cultural, and physiological differences like a predisposition to glaucoma aren't inherently superior or inferior. The issue here is grouping a very large number of people by traits that plenty of them do not have.

>> No.5886463

Iq tests are specifically designed so that the scores are not influenced by environmental factors. The whole point of it is to see how effectively your brain functions, not how much you know, or how well you can read.

>> No.5886464 [DELETED] 
File: 247 KB, 1444x1172, 1372269183810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


a butthurt black person defends racial equality

>> No.5886467

when you say shit like that, you're no better than those conspiracy theorists who accuse people of being corporate shills

>> No.5886474

Cambodians and southeast Asians are almost as genetically different from Han Asians and other east Asian sub-groups as a northern European would be from a latino.

>> No.5886483


Why do you even have that disgusting racist cartoon saved on your HD?

That's a crime, in case you aren't aware

>> No.5886484
File: 415 KB, 321x640, 6V65mzb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crime is for niggers

>> No.5886486
File: 327 KB, 1600x1200, Walter_Bruce_Willis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody's mad

>> No.5886489

Nah, he's clearly the poster samefagging.

I think this thread has about run its course, don't you?

>> No.5886495

>dictionaries define words and serve as anything other than a catalogue of words.

>> No.5886503


Certainly not and no one claimed that you idiot, it's the massive amount of racism studies that define what racism is

>> No.5886505

if you can't figure how iq works, you probably don't have 140. More in the area of 90-80

>> No.5886507

IQ is a very good measure of those things. IQ measures g, the general factor of intelligence, which underlies all sorts of problem solving (for example, math and musical ability). Basically, all skills utilizing what we generally conceive as intelligence correlate. If one is good at one sort of problem solving, they tend to be similarly adept in another sort.

>> No.5886513

Try 80% heritable.

>> No.5886518

but the online test said so!

>> No.5886521

Do you have a citation for that figure?

>> No.5886523

Isn't racism more of a sociopolitical term?

>> No.5886524
File: 50 KB, 339x517, 1362986231007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you have an addiction to be smarter than other people? Just enjoy what you want to do.

But I can't blame you, this is what society has developed into.

>> No.5886526

I don't see any trolling, just IQ discussion.

>> No.5886527

These are not things you can deduce from pure reason.

>> No.5886529

That's a shitty definition.

>> No.5886531

Are you comparing bragging to heroin?

>> No.5886532


>that image

Finland has "stopped being dicks" to others, and what was their reward other than muslim rape?

>> No.5886534

>implying anyone in this thread is bragging.

>> No.5886533

Maybe if you didn't steal their labor for centuries, they wouldn't have to steal your bike.

>> No.5886535

It's about 20% heritable.

>> No.5886539

I'm bragging, I have an IQ of 180.

>> No.5886537

>muh great grandpa was a slave show me some respect!

>> No.5886543

The segregated South was almost as bad as slavery.

>> No.5886544

Bouchard, 1990.

>> No.5886547

Well, mine is 249.

>> No.5886542

my IQ is 201

>> No.5886548

Free speech isn't a crime.

>> No.5886549

>bad as slavery
>food, health care, shelter provided
>minimum wage
>food, healh care, shelter provided
pick one

>> No.5886551

Imagine how interesting it would be to actually see real data of /sci/entist IQ

>> No.5886553

>not a crime
>criticize a police officer
get with 2013

>> No.5886554


Hate speech is not the same as free speech

>> No.5886550

Is there any reason to hate people with low IQ?

The lower the average IQ, the higher yours will be.

>> No.5886557

I don't think so, when I try to shelter under the bus stop the cops always come and kick me out.

>> No.5886558

>The lower the average IQ, the higher yours will be.
I would rather everyone was as intelligent as me, it would make my life much easier.

>> No.5886559

Hate speech is the purest form of free speech.

>> No.5886560

Give me a solid and exact definition which can determine exactly what is and isn't hate speech.

>> No.5886563


But could you live with the torment of having a IQ of 100 and no one less intelligent than yourself?

>> No.5886564

Isn't the average fixed at 100 or something?

>> No.5886565

>General cognitive ability yielded a heritability estimate of about .80

>> No.5886566

Yes, people would stop believing in stupid things like biology.

>> No.5886568

Good to see some real facts in here.

>> No.5886569

I prefer advancement of the human race over advancement of my ego.

>> No.5886571


Poorly phrased, i mean what's currenty a IQ of 50 turn into the average of 100

>> No.5886572

Hate speech is speech by the privileged to attack the underprivileged.

>> No.5886574

And who decides what's good for the human race?

>> No.5886577

Are you confusing hate speech with straight shota?

>> No.5886579

Surely this is an exaggeration of the law.

>> No.5886580

I'm fairly certain we don't need someone to decide that intelligence is good for the human race.

>> No.5886581

Mine is 287.

>> No.5886584

What does good even mean if it's not a subjective judgement?

>> No.5886586


325 here

>> No.5886589

I scored 337.

>> No.5886593

Infinity here, I comprehend a plane of existence which you mortals can't even dream of.

>> No.5886594

Philosophy major detected.

>> No.5886596


Same test but the outcome is compared around each persons unique population. He actually scored better than you but his population (Men) score better in general.

>> No.5886598
File: 437 KB, 1000x1500, islam_means____by_nayzak-d4jx56f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you need to hate on Islam?

>> No.5886602

If I am, does that detract from Hume having a point?

>> No.5886606

I'm not a philosophy major, you need to get more well-rounded if you think these are obscure topics.

>> No.5886611

In theory, 4chan is supposed to prevent ad hominem attacks, but somehow it never works.

>> No.5886615

<span class="math">\omega[/spoiler]? Mine's <span class="math">\omega^2[/spoiler].

>> No.5886619

the greatest total happiness

>> No.5886621

Wait, are you telling me multiculturalism isn't the path towards a greater human race?

>> No.5886622













>> No.5886626


>> No.5886629


Stormfaggotry in ALL CAPS is still stormfaggotry

>> No.5886630

The new is strong with this one.

>> No.5886633

Don't you mean the /new/?

>> No.5886636

It's not, merely calling a police officer a poopy pants is enough to land you in federal prison.

>> No.5886642

Obviously you know nothing about the SAT
It measures your success in college

>> No.5886639

And 'das raysis' is still not a viable argument.

>> No.5886644

Islam tells man to submit,
Mankind must never submit for submission is the life of lesser animals, it allows them to be used as tools for their superiors designs

>> No.5886648

>Jews and Gooks having the highest IQ

>> No.5886702


Honestly i have no problem with the general concept of G factor but IQ is hyped up shit too the maxed.

Anything it tries to claim for besides the ability to pattern find and natural ability to into math is a stretch at best.

IQ's ability for it to determine education,economic and social outcomes are a joke since social connections, time, memory and hardwork can and will easily trump it every time.

>Can't pass a test from school?
Brute force that shit through rote learning.
>Can't get that particular job you had your eyes on but can't quite reach it?
Make connections with the right people and soon you will get it.
>Want to be economically strong?
Save money constantly and let interest and time do the work for you.
>Want to be economically wealthy?
Make connections with people who know money/ business and have them help you invest.

Yeah it's not fool proof, since you do need some common sense but people need to stop acting like IQ can predict everything you do now and in the future.

It can't and it won't and if you think it does then you are no better than the people who believe in fucking astrology.

>> No.5886705

>Brute force that shit through rote learning.
Wouldn't be necessary if you had a high IQ.
>Make connections with the right people and soon you will get it.
Wouldn't be necessary if you had a high IQ.
>Save money constantly and let interest and time do the work for you.
Wouldn't be necessary if you had gotten that job by having a high IQ.
>Make connections with people who know money/ business and have them help you invest.
Wouldn't be necessary, if you had a high IQ you could just invest it yourself.

>> No.5886713


>b..but muh high IQ

But you don't need a high IQ to achieve those now do you?

So whats your argument now?

>> No.5886716

>But you don't need a high IQ to achieve those now do you?
Exactly. But it does make it easier, which is all anyone in this thread has been claiming.

>> No.5886768

>IQ's ability for it to determine education,economic and social outcomes are a joke since social connections, time, memory and hardwork can and will easily trump it every time.

Empirical studies show it to be the best metric.

>Yeah it's not fool proof, since you do need some common sense but people need to stop acting like IQ can predict everything you do now and in the future.

>It can't and it won't and if you think it does then you are no better than the people who believe in fucking astrology.

You're strawmanning what people claim about IQ. Nobody claims it to be infallible.

>> No.5886773

Funny because doing all those things tends to correspond with an IQ above the mean.

>> No.5887293

I initially thought the same. However, after reading -
>Ronald K. Hoeflin is an amateur self-taught psychometrician with a 15 year background in library science. His academic background includes two bachelor's degrees, two master's degrees, and a Ph.D. in philosophy
- my opinion has changed. Why would anyone trust the accuracy of a test designed by a philosofag?