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5855315 No.5855315 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't you become a paleontologist /sci/?

Didn't you always want to be one when you were a kid?

>> No.5855320

How the fuck do you even become one of those? I never got it.
I'd probably enjoy it more than being a shitty lab technitian

>> No.5855330
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It's really just a sub-section of geology

>> No.5855335

/fit/ pick up lines incoming

>> No.5855341



>> No.5855346

Are you a palentologist?

>> No.5855349


>> No.5855350


I would have loved to be one?

>> No.5855347

There wasn't any money in it, I wish there was.

>> No.5855351
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Fuck, I wish

>> No.5855352

There's not any money in science.

>> No.5855354

No, dinosaurs are dumb.

>> No.5855357
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>> No.5855364
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>> No.5855365

Of all of biology, I always consider Paleontology the most fascinating aspect.

For obvious fucking reasons.

These animals are no longer here.

>> No.5855394
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Almost forgot about this thread, find the line in here.

>> No.5855584

actually you need to know a great deal of biology, then some strong basics on geology
it is all sort of messed up, i remember growing up reading a weekly paleo magazine, in interview all the paleontologist said quite different things about what was needed to become one, most went to Bio school up to PhD while learning some geology on the side, a few had chemistry degrees as well
it is considered useless by most people, regardless of how interesting it may be, and the fact is most unis will laugh at you if you say you want to go gown that path, which i think is a great pile of dung coming from them

>> No.5855614

I am going into paleo. Just got my Geo BS/Bio BA from UChicago.

>> No.5855621
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Because they told me to grow up

>> No.5855654

Jurassic Park was made me want to be a paleontologist during my early years. Then I saw Ghost in the shell s and decided computer engineering was cooler.

>> No.5855659
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I am a paleontologist.

>> No.5856542


Anon, there's still time

You can still make Dr. Grant proud anon...right?

>> No.5856568
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>> No.5856578

I wanted to be one for a period.

I wanted to be many things as a child.

Later er learned the mathematics was the way to go for me.

>> No.5856580


Don't know if you're still here, but what's your opinion on merging several different organisms into another?

As in, a genus, into a species or sub-species?

It's become a focus on modern paleontology, and I'm wondering, what's your opinion as to the validity of naming a whole bunch of different genera that are similar, to classifying them as a species of another genera.

This was somewhat prevalent in the late 80's where Achillobator giganticus was considered another species of Velociraptor, a V. "giganticus".

Also the fiasco of Tyrannosaurus Bataar as opposed to Tarbosaurus.

I know classification is constantly in flux, I was just wondering what your opinion is on the resurgence of popularity in this practice?

Valid? Not Valid? Better than a bunch of nomen dubium fiascoes in nomenclature.

>> No.5856596

I'm not that guy, but I don't see how just about any fossil can be classified as the same species as another fossil. Maybe if you have two almost complete fossils and they're almost identical in every respect. But if they are two different partial fossils that have some differences, why not classify them as separate species, or just give a genus name and leave it at that? The chance of anything getting fossilized is so slim that they are probably different species anyway.

>> No.5856597

No. Paleontology doesn't interest me.

>> No.5856600


I just got my degree as a Biologist with a thesis about Pleistocene horses, them I am in way to become in a Paleontologist

>> No.5856654

True, I wanted to when I was a child. But by the time I discovered how bad geology sucked I had already lost interest in dinosaurs

>> No.5856815


It's not really, geology, it's a cluster fuck of things you have to learn, even in some cases a form of engineering, given the gigantic nature of the animals, some even have suspension bridge style spines to support their gigantic bodies, at least in Sauropod dinosaurs.

You have to learn a bunch of seemingly unrelated, but related, shit, it's almost like getting into some exclusive club.

>> No.5858542

Saving thread