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5853124 No.5853124[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

100% of people die during their life.
0% of people die during their lifetime.

which is true?

>> No.5853129

Why is 12:00 noon 12:00pm?
Shouldn't it be 12:00am?

>> No.5853127

I think 100% of people die during their life.

>> No.5853134

Clearly 0% of people cant die during their lifetime, what about people that died and were resuscitated?

>> No.5853135

You cant say 100% or 0% with 100% certainty, all you can be certain of is that 100% or 0% of 100% of the people that have died have died during their lifetime.

>> No.5853136

the real question is what percentage of people live during their lifetime

>> No.5853133

50% die. Either you do or you don't.

>> No.5853140

It's 12:00M. This is the only correct answer.

>> No.5853150


No, 12pm makes more sense. Because time is measured in finite intervals. Whenever your counter says 12:00, it must be after noon. The exact instant it BECOMES 12:00 is neither morning nor afternoon, but observing at that time has probability zero.

>> No.5853153

I'd put musician way under athlete and actors.
Any hobo can (and does) learn to play the guitar

>> No.5853170

therefore, observing anytime has probability zero so time isn't real/does not exist.

>> No.5853171


maybe but going "pro" in music, aside from top 40 pop acts, requires much more skill than being an athlete or actor and generally pays less.

>> No.5853175

>less than a scientist

top lel

>> No.5853194

In this case, athlete means someone who exercises regularly. It could be someone who joined a soccer club or the like. Actors get more fame than them, though.

>> No.5853195

there are plenty of ameture musicians that are just as skilled as the famous ones however.
skill isn't necessary as much as network, sex-tapes, right demographic, etc.

Beyonce doesn't have a musical bone in her body, yet there she is.

>> No.5853202

what do you mean by going pro? just making a living off it? Because you dont need to be an exceptionally skilled to do that (a la The Flaming Lips.. great band, but their 'skill level' is less than questionable).

Of course you need skill to be a world famous viola concerto. but arguable the same amount of skill (natural ability and countless hours of practice applying the right techniques) is needed to be a world famous athlete

>> No.5853203

That graph is bullshit. What is it supposed to represent? the skill required to be famous in those professions?

>> No.5853204

nobody has a musical bone. Learn to anatomy, faggot.

>> No.5853216


very true but regardless, those that do make it, aside from a select few, do have a considerable amount of talent. which was really the only point i was trying to make.

by skill i mean knowing what people will enjoy i guess. i agree there is nothing technically difficult about the lips' music but people like them because they know how to hit that spot that gets people's feels going. i would call that a skill.

>> No.5853215

Its typical musician bs. "we're skilled AND famous". they're trying to show the sweet spot to go for because "science hard" and "acting easy".

Fuck I hate musicians (and this is coming from a musician)

>> No.5853218

Guys, what about the people who died at the end of their lifetime?

>> No.5853225

I'd call it making what they like and it happening to appeal to a wide audience.

>100% of people die during their life.
>0% of people die during their lifetime.
both statements are pretty true, assuming that your life time is non-inclusive of the moment you pass away and life is inclusive of that moment.

>> No.5853240

No. He's talking about making an observation of an event (the clock displaying 12:00 noon, 0 seconds) that occurs for a finite amount of time. Because the clock begins displaying that at exactly noon, the real time of observation must be noon + t seconds, where t is a real number in the interval [0,1). Every t except 0 makes the noon observation occur after noon, and the probability of t being exactly 0 is infinitesimal because of the infinite other values it could take on.

It's this way because the clock has a forward bias. Times that are before noon by an infinitely small amount are 11:59, while times an infinitely small amount after are 12:00