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File: 1.90 MB, 180x180, brain develop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5850477 No.5850477 [Reply] [Original]

It's happening.


>> No.5850480


>> No.5850486

I would watch the whole thing, but the presenter guy just irritates me too much.

>> No.5850490

me too, and I'm OP, but I didn't bother looking for an article before posting it here.

>> No.5850505

"the brain is a computer...blabalbalblalb"

What an idiot regurgitating shit he heard other idiots say.

>> No.5850510


oh wow this is so underwhelming i think i just shit myself

how is this even an issue, why don't we have <1 micron scans, what the fuck kind of technicul difficalties are they having over there

>> No.5850517

>technicul difficalties

>> No.5850534

personally i would have said 'processor' rather than 'computer', but it's still a decent analogy in my opinion. no need to get upset.

>> No.5850590

It's easy to go below 1µ for pixels, but here it's voxels. If my calculation are correct their IRM already takes 112TB... With 1µ precision it would be 226PB and that becomes a serious technicul difficalty.

>> No.5850599

>Open the video
>artificial and obnoxious acting host

every fucking time.

>> No.5850604

He never said it was an analogy, that's what most of these idiots are missing.

>> No.5850605


yeah, maybe in 1966

also bullshit voxels. you just have a list of pixels size ^3. but same thing whatever.

pb microservers exist commercially already.

also, compression. all these fucking cells look more or less identical.

everybody's completely retarded.

>> No.5850654

Storage isn't the problem. Like on a camera, the main difficulty is the transfer. Transferring 112TB at 10Gbit/s take 1 day and an hour. That's a long time for the brain not to move of more than 20µm.

Also, the fact that its voxels has more impact than just size^3. You don't get the values for the voxels inside opaque things with an electronic microscope. You have to go with CT or, like in this case, MRI. Reaching a 20µm resolution with MRI is not obvious.

But of course, since you think everybody's retarded, you probably already have achieved better resolution brain fMRIs.

>> No.5850660


they didn't fucking use mri

they sliced it up and scanned it.

i don't see why you can't scan it with a microscope

yes, there are many fucking slices

yes, it takes fucking time

so what's your point, most of it is mechanical delay anyways.

>> No.5850681

Then of course the precision of the slicing machine is the obstacle. This and the volume of data. Don't think the expert biologists are also experts at setting up microservers.

>> No.5851853


>> No.5853108

Any moron could do this. Slice. Take a picture. Save picture. Repeat.

>> No.5853119

muh HIPAA violation